t^feifeSr - -.-I mi m Ceti PH* Wf f-‘ ■ A-. »¥' New Class^cation Of Fathers Explained To the Public The following statement was today issued by General J, Van B. Metts, State Di rector of Selective Service: “Recent directives from Nati onal Headquarters require the re- classifioation of pre-Pearl Harbor fathers without regard to their eligibility for a IIIA classifica tion. Such registrants who are esaeutial farmers or who are em ployed in war production or in support of the war effort are in no danger of reclassification. Such reglstpants whose induction would result in “extreme hardship and privation" to a wife, parent, or child, may be deferred tor depen dency in Class III-D. All other registrants now classified in Ill-A on account of their family status should not be surprised if they receive notice that they have been reclassified in Class I-A. “The fact that a pre-Pearl Har bor father finds himself in 1-A does not necessarily mean that be 11 be inducted immediately. :not» an dMM hgto. foar „ih 'gfonp 'wnrwranicisa^b- fore men are aelected from the next group. These groups are as follows: 1. Men with no dependents. 2. Men with colteteral de pendents, provided such status was acquired prior to December 8, 1941. 3. Mqn who have wives with whom they maintain bona fide family relationships in their homes, provided such relationship was acquired prior to Deceher S. 1941. 4. Men who have children with whom they maintain bona fide family relationship in their homes, provided such relationship was acquired prior to December S, 1941. (A child born on or bo- fore September 14. 1942. should be considered as having been con ceived prior to December 8. 1941. and a child born cn or after Sep tember 15. 1942. should he con sidered as having been conceived on or after December S. 1941, un less there is affirmative evidence of a medical character which clearly establishes that birth w.is delayed). "Group 4 is divided into two sub-groups. The first sub-group will be exhausted before any meu are called from the second sub group. These sub-groups are as follows: fa) Registrants classified in I-A because they left an agricul tural occupation or because they are engaged In a non-deferrable ectivity. (b) Other registrants who are reclassified from III-A to I-.A .is a result of the current directive. “This means that pre-Pearl Harbor fathers who continue to engage in non-deferrable activi ties will find themselves subject fb induction prior to registrants who are engaged in other employ ment. The list of non-deferable.s act!vies jConUins 118 separate oc cupatioss and Is on file in every local board office in the State. It is available for inspection by every registrant. It is considered that fair warning hes been given to fathers who have dependent children to remove themselves from non-deferrable activities or tace the prospect of early induc tion." 9 Egg Like a Bomb ,. There have been “V” eggs and other kind of freaks, but now It ■eems that hens are not content trtth producing food for victory but have gone Into the munitions bnslneM.-- ■ . ■ T. k^- RooP. ot Hays, on Sat nrday brought to The Journal-Pa triot oMco a ratan egg to the thape ot an aerial bomb. It Is a most wwaual freak. OS- Technical Sergewat Gwyn Mc Neil, son of Mr. and Sirs. R. H. McXell, of Winston-Salem, has recently been promoted to his present rating. He is station ed ac the U. S. .Army air Base, Carlsbad, New Mexico. He is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McNeil, of this city. City Sehools Here Today ClassesAreOrganized In All the Schcol Departments North Wilkeaboro echoola opened today. The achools opened at 8:30 and atnaaes in ,aU 'made ready for a full pro gram of claasrotHn work to morrow. Paul S. Cragan, superintendent, stated that enrollment was just about as anticipated, with slight decrease in some departments .is compared to a ye«r ago. Teachers held their pre-school meeting Saturday, The faculty Is complete and Includes a greater part of the teachers of last year. School equipment was placed ill good condition during the sum mer and the buildings wer> thoroughly cleaned end renovat ed. Some new equipment was added. A school cafeteria will be open this year and lunches will be seiz ed the children at cost. The work of organizing classes and registration was carried out efficiently today and prospects are good for a successful term in spite ot all war time hand caps. V Wilkes Man Self On Thursday Hangs R. C. Johnson Takes Own Life; Health Was Bad R. C. Johnson, 63, ended his life by hanging himself Thursday in the barn at his home in Somers township. Coroner I. M. Myers, who in vestigated the death, said it was suicide and deemed an Inquest unnecessory. Ill health was the only cause advanced for taking his own life. Mrs. Johnson told Coroner Myers that hey husband ate break fast that morning, assisted In do ing the chores and left about 9:30, presumably to visit the home of a son nearby. About four o’clock Thursday efternoon his body was found by one of the children. He had used two ropes, both of which were around his neck and tied to a joist in the barn. He had been dead several hours when found. Surviving Mr. Johnson are his wife and several children. Stewards to Meet The monthly meeting > of the Board of Stewards of the rirst Methodist church will he held Tuesday erentog at St 15, with Uf. R. M. Bmme, Sr. ■■■ •v;y. - 'I Brushy Mountain As sociation Event Sept. 22 Annual session of the Brushy Mountain Baptist Aat sociation, which includes 4^ churches in this vicinity, will be held at Elk Baptist church at Denny on Wednesday, September 22. Program for the association, as. announced by T. K. Story, mod erator, and J. F. Jordan, clerk, will be as follows: General Theme—‘“The Church In Wer Time". 9:30—Devotional, Rev. A. J. Foster. 9:45—Adoption of program. 9:60—Local Christian Educa tion—W. M. U. report, Mrs. Geo. Johnson: Training Union report, Edlyn Freerks: Sunday Schsert and Vacation Blbje School, D. B. Elledge. 10:30—Music. 10:34—Report on Wilkes Pas tor's Conference, Rev. Isaac Watts. 10:50—Hospital and mphan- age. Rev. E. ,Y. PeC-? » A during Heart AfrwiA-:^ is Seami a naval Mrs. Row, Unteers iiC^ campaign ai*tf^ received ihd PwrfMe received woCnds in his shoulder and mgarner, iilsb parlrcipated in Nor^'^ or^to ifte invasion of Siciy.'' 'At kff^ * »nn Bnmgaitiwr^ who is staiicMed tA fomia. TWiy aie sons, of Mr. a^ _ kmer, of Wilkesboro, And were'vM- ^ipesp^v* service. 'V V ■: Work AiuL m . Rie^; A ac 1 s Geiman withdAwing tlih eU basm^ the RnMiiMk4kil|jlar Mdr /Bh cealiMiEs Mdemiem WRh Atya^ Mneled firam PcoMlitm Eundngt - Rnsslm news agencies vn> pofteJ that ^QOOsmuu troop* were slam faiibaltlu yee^« ^day.' -i ■yl.siiA i . theiOennsns withdraw from the Donets basin area m reported, it ^ expected that the,Rnssto,;it®Ll*“ 2! drive will cahy to ths' DIwlper' to a short fi a{, ahd Itoto- rtijeettres' to BSd tv tits OOffl- td tohmeo^ iIrtiil^SP*'’' iit-RoMwag' ttaes coh tGpSf sMss of ^ «pa» amaJM' to *% i»Mf e linilw*;y5armeni .,may lime now Ip^.ms iw tall etoPfk 8. h. Tmnihr. 'Trlpld'A exeedtlm aoqiretofy, said'todSyx. od . ^ ,|taM ^ fcM^ for .jell dedhctibns from' 1943 or 194 soil program earnings he ,Oiled,.w4tJjoat.;Waer,sad.. Bine will doim^ to- tn tormeto Who ordme H, Mr. Tnr- hir pakC''^* s le^jwarvWHltoa W»« secopg Jto On.stato l* anKHutt of Jims assd. them itotog ll.li* tons soM to fmiiM deAaff tbs-‘pear. Bea- eomhe was-ths dtlly Sosatg fisiac « greater aamaot, , | T 'W' Ir.i "M watort" visitors; Introduction of new pas tors; Appointment of committees. 11:30—Music. 11:35—Annual sermon by Rev. Howard J. Ford. 12:10—Noon recess. 1:15—Devotional, Rev. E. C. Hodges. 1:25-—^Baptist literature, Mrs. C. E. Jenkins. 1:35—“The Church and Its Men In Military Service”, Rev. John Wells. 1:50—Temperance and Morals, npv. E. C. Shoe. 2:10—Boptist Missions In War Times. M. A. Huggins. 2:35—Report of committee.® nnd miscellaneous business. 2:45—“The Church In War Times”.Dr. John W. Kincheloe, Jr. 3:15—Adjournment. V S300.90 to Be Given OxfordOrphanage This Splendid Sum of Mon ey Raised Here By Lo cal Committee ) The Oxford Orphanage Singing f’lass will not make Its annual ap pearance in Wilkes county this ■ ear on account of scarcity of gasoline end tires, it has been an nounced by local Masons, but the min-appearance of the class did MOt keep the class and the orphan- ge they have represented for so •latiy years from receiving a nice i|im of money wjilch has been ■aised by local Masons through the means of a page advertise ment that appears today on page eight of the Journal-Patriot. During the past week, member. of the committee for North Wilkesboro Lodge No. 407, A. F. & A. M., have been working on nehalf of Oxford Orphanage, and fine results have been obtained. The amount raised by canvassing^ among local Masons and friends of the orphanage amounted to $300.90, the second largest sum ever contributed by the North Wilkesboro lodge. The committee, on behalf of North Wilkesboro Lodge No. 407, is very appreciative for every con tribution made and for the fine co-operation shown. Every dollar contributed will be sent at once to the management of Jhe orphan age to be used for the benefit of the many children which'the or- r'^anage now numbers In its large family. The Oxford orphanage has sent many young men into the armed services of the eountry, and it to said that no boy or girl trained at the orphanage has ever been eoa- Ticted of a major crime. ' street* clear for “lyaffic, the officer gave aum^NHi* tick ets for doable parting. Po lice Chief Walker,Miid thi* will be ccmtinued and that double parking cannot be tolerated. In addition to almost incessunt work witn traffic, thei officers In vestigated three fights and made a total ot 17 arrests for drunkenness Saturday. The most serious of the fights was reported to have been between Atwell Smith, of Pores Knob, and Clyde Curry. Smith, who has no', been arrested, is alleged to have inflicted six knife wounds on Cur ry in an altercation which took place about eight o’clock Satur day evening on Mein street. None of the wounds were deep and Curry was released after hos pital treatment. Waggoner Assisting In Pfeiffer Revival Rev. A. C. Waggoner is at Pfeiffer College this week assist ing the pastor of the Methodist church, Rev. C. B. Ross, In a re vival meeting. Rev. Mr. Waggoner will return Saturday. BUH? MOSS WAR fiONQB Mr. S. R. Laws, who holds a position in Washington. D. C.. re cently spent a few days at Mora vian Falls with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Don Laws. CAroIina, wiu d«mon strate the uae of gas maaka at a meeting to be held at the town hall here on Friday night, September 3, 7:30 o’clock. A supply of gas masks has been received for all civilian de fense workers In Wilkes and for the members of the fire depart ments of North Wilkesboro and Wilkesboro. Mr. Nelson, who recently serv ed as an Instructor at a war gas school at Chapel Hill, will dem onstrate the use and care ot gas masks. All firemen, auxiliary firemen, police and auxiliary police, air raid wardens and others who must be on duty during blackouts and in case of air raids are asked to attend the meeting Friday night. Legal Advisor To Service Men Attorney J. F. Jordan, of Wilkesboro, has been appointed by Major Charles R. Jonas, Selec tive Service officer, as chairman of the legal eid sub-committee of the North Carolina bar associa tion for Wilkes county. This work Is to make it possi ble for service men and their fam ilies to secure advice on their rights . under the Soldiers and Sailors Civil Relief act and other legislation. 7»tovii*r the rnmtsdti^ 46 of their otoi navel ships at Copenhagen. Martial . law has failed to quell the revolts. GAIN IN SOLOMONS— American troops continue to make gains against desperate re sistance to the central Solomon islands. SWEDEN TENSE— Relations between Germany and Sweden are near the breaking point and Sweden, until recentW neutral, may soon Join the Allisd nations. V Ta) Pearson’s If th Street Store Open New Stock Of Merchandise; Invites Patronage Of The Public The TVa! J. Pearson Grocery Company is doing business again at the same old stand on Tenth street, the owner of the busines.s. Tal J. Pearson, announced to day. The store building, badly dam aged by the destructive fire which took place a month ago, has been re-built by T. H. Settle’s crew of workmen, end the interior has' been repainted. This work has placed the building in first-class condition, and in readiness foi serving the firm’s many patrons in this and adjoining counties. The stock of merchandise car rled by the firm is brand new AfNoonFri&j Club Support* Sunday Beer Sales Ban Proposal; Rev. J. C. Canipe Speaks North Wilkesboro Kiwanis club in meeting Friday noon heard an inspiring address by Rev. J. C. Canipe, of Boone. Also of inter est was the club’s endorsement ot the proposal to ban sales of wine and beer on Sundays, Rev. Howard J. Ford brought to the attention of the club the matter of recent consideration concerning the sale ot beer and wine on Saturday night and Sun day. He stated that resolutions had recently been submitted to the boards of commissioners of the towns and the county, repre senting about 7,000 people. He made a forceful talk supporting the move to stop the sale of beer and wine over the week-ends and made a motion that the club sup port the idea. The motion was seconded by J. R. Finley and dis cussed by Pat Williams, C. B. ■ Eller, H. H. Morehouse and Rev. A. C. Waggoner. There was an al most unanimous vote for the mo tion and none against it. Program Chairman H. H. More house, who Is chairman of the Committee on Support of Churches, stated his ' committee had already put on two programs this year and that today’s pro gram would be the third. He ask ed Dr. John W. Kincheloe, Jr., to present the speaker. Rev. J. G Scouts Enjoy Camp The Boy Scouts of North Moore. Buddy McGhlnnls and Gene Wilkeaboro were out of town Troop 36 was in camp at Mortl- all last week, enjoying camp | mer with Mr. Gordon Forester. I'x- WSnlcW* Creek near,Scoutmaster, In charge. Asslst- hfe at Winkler *^reeK nef*" Forester were C. D. Cof- Boone and at Mortuner m Robert M. Johnson. Caldwell county. | others who spent some time with Troop mimner 35 was at the Scouts were L. M. Nelson, Gor- Wlnkler’s Creek for a week. Those don Finley and Boyd Stout. . , . Scouts In the party were Bill who alternated In spending part j Gardner, Tom Nelson. of the week with the ScouU were i Coffey, Phil Mitchell, Scoutmaster and Mrs. H. T. Clark., rfigrley Wagner. Gordon Finley. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Absher. Rev. ljr., John Gibbs, Lloyd Turner A. C. Waggoner. Ed Caudill. Dr.' Andy Johnson, Lewis Mann Nel John W-. Kincheloe, Jr., Harvel gon. Jr., Eddie Shook, John A. Howell, J. B. Carter. ' ijohnaon and Gordon Forester, Jr. SconU enjoying the camping | Scouts of both troops enjoyed trip were BUI Absher, Jr.. Eddie swimming, hiking, fishing, out- Csudill, Bob Foster,-George-Eos- door games and many other acH. ter Walter Foster, George Fores- vltles. Many ot the Seoutf made ter! Jr., Fred Gaddy. Jack Gaddy, rapid advancement to Scouting Cecil Grayson. Cowles Hayes, Dan during the week. . ^dson. Ralph Key, Edwin | At Winkler’s Creek troop 35 e^- merchandise, made possible by the, arrival of goods bought before the , fire. The Tel J. Pearson Grocery Company Is well stocked with fresh groceries, fTburs, feeds and meat, and merchants, as well as the general public, are cordial! v invited to call on the firm for their needs. All patronage will be aiftireciated by Mr. Pearson. . -V Business Class At City Schools Classes Of Out-Of-Schod Persons Will Open Wed nesday Afternoon Ion*. Gerald Miller, Dick McNeil, ’ joyed many vtolts SMuts from JatiPs Rousseau, Jr., Harold Ter-. On SondAF night they at- Commercial classes for out-of- school persons will open In North Wilkesboro school Wednesday af ternoon, three o'clock.-r - „ ’ These classes; which are car ried ont'to cooperation with the state departstent of vocattoah* ednoatloiefwlft hp touglit by Mtoa Aletamder, : ^merdlat temelwr to the hlgb school here, and ^re , will . be.^-nd' AUUSmWiUj mse* samaaesu . ■ T .1 mimmt Q^; IHck. ^4erwoo^v-t tiaded th« Warner, Tommy WWck*r, Dudley Baptist church In Boom most forceful talk on the subject, “Keeping Up The Home Front.’’ He stated he had had many letters from boys in every part of the world who are on the fight ing fields of a world war. In variably he said they expressed an Interest In things religious. He then said we on the home front are not going all the way In our zeal or effort In supporting the church liberties they are flighting to preserve. His talk was a challenge to every thoughtful man to make his church a dynamic place of religious activity ix> which our boys would be glad to come back to *t, the end of the confMct.' t He Mrfd theto «re five tostltn- tlotts that Aasrioan people cher ish. ’They at* bnstocBs, govern ment,' . *■ this • ’ -pi^llCeehdol. the ehnreh andihe bom*: ’The chns^ and toe boa** ara based to God. Th4 otoer .toiye«.^pf tostlt*- tions pro*per only insofar as we magnify-ti^a>toiirto tod tif* hom*. 'INI tMk erffuaek, enjoyed ky tite me'mfhers,^ _ , 'ir^rekin;;'" § 3 n charges, the only coat being snp-rderwent a tonfO.(|pe**M«t;Tk*r** piles and typeWlter ns* fat. day *t the Wilke* hospital. is

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