S'" > Surrender of Italy ycrterday wa» bi^newt. But the war it l>y no meaiii over. Still bigger newt than the tuir* render of the .weaker member of a»it unholy alliance it in the making. Allied forcet are poised for invasion of the continent of Europe, to carry the war to Germany’s homeland. ‘This may be the biggest military op eration in the hittoi^.of ^ wpri^^ ^ ^Su^ campaigns reqiure MONEY. *■ it why it it necessary to haW^ war loan campaigns. The third cwnpaign opens today. People of Wilkes are askisd to loai^ not give—one million,, one hundkcd and sixty-nine thousand dollars as tl^ psMrt n g|al. Men frooi Wilkes hinre givm and wilt lives for Aafesnea/the land of the free. ^ ^ ^ • i^^The l^t die people are home in ccwiifort and teemri^ cim do is Imid their moic^ and back up the athidk by dw 10^5 brothere, husbands and dear friends across the seas. ^ -ii, SeS^ ynpr Ipok or postefBos Bi^ idl the boA^ you can and hasten the dswapj^die men in the anpy and navy aah fetura td die laauinf freedom and opporinii^ fOr whidi they af« pr^Mumd to give theiri aH. It’s Ihe safest investment you can make, backed up by your own govern ment, and pays you Interest, too. k.; For mutual’ advantag* do your buying in Norti Wilkesboro, the growing trading center of North western North Carolina Mr. Advertiser: aofooo People RMd T«|v MeaMg* la The Journal-Patriot VOL. XXXVIII, No. 36 Publiohed Monday! and ThursJayo. WORTH WIUCESBORO, N. |pn 'n^UgSDAY, SEPT. 9, 19^ St.80 In tba Sfata — S2.00 Ovr aS State Sale Beer Wine On County Board Orders The Sunday Beer, Wine Ban J Wilkes county board of commissioners in session Wednesday passed an order to prohibit the sale of beer and wine in Wilkes county frdn 11:30 on Saturday ‘tlfht ta seven o dock Moor This order was in vtceordance' with an act of the legislature which enables counties and towns to prohibit Sunday sales of, beer and wine. The proposal was placed before the commissioners last month by a committee representating churches of the Wilkesboros and many ruml churches. The mat ter was postponed for action until u edueoUay luurniug aud a hear ing was held before the board. Present at the hearing were mauy Uom .North Wilkesboro aiiii Wilkesboro and also in the crowd were persons from a number of rural communities. P«ul J. Vestal, chairman of the board of commissioners, opened I the session and stated the pur pose of the hearing. Rev. A. C. Waggoner, pastor of the f'irst Methodist church of. North Wilkesboro. spoke briefly, j saying that the argument for the proposal tc ban sales of beer anil | wine from 11:30 Saturday nights' until seven a. m. Monday morn-[ ings had already been presented to the toard. Others who spoke briefly for the ' proposal were .\ttorney J. H. I Whicker, of this city: Rev. A. W. | Eller, pastor of a number of ru ral Baptist churches; Ex-Sheriff J. H. Johnson, of Wilkesfioro; i Rev. J. L. A. Bumgarner, pastor | of Millers Creek Methodist charge. ! On motion of F. D. Forester. i seconded by M. F. Ahsher. the or- j der was passed. Chairman Vest?! ! Joining with the other commts sioners on the vote. Fierce Battle For Naples Under Way September IS Peadlwip Regietorjhftg Witk .1^' Italy surrendered ditionaliy yesterday. Today American and troops in Itely 'tist and iPVdJibyterianr Sutiday sc^^Is 5 9:45 o’clock, at the First Methodist church^ FORMER GOVERNOR GLYOE R. HOEY TO SPEAK HERE SUNDAY Outstanding Methodist Lajrman Will Addi'ess Mep’s Bible Classes Of City; Large Number Expected To Hear Him V Former Governor Clyde R. ,L. Carpenter and J. R. Hix; ush- Hoey, of Shelby, one of the out-lers: R. M. Brame, Jr.. Jack Swot standing Methodist laymen of, ford. Hill Shell, Frank Crow; in- governor North Carolina, will come to theivltation committee: R. E. Gibbs.'ing the special term on clu'rges of Mo^ay |£omteg, Sept^ker 13, ten o’clock, Governor J. M. Broughton call ed the special term of courtAfor trial of the Officials after _^^he gn.nd jury in the August termwof Wilkes court had Indicted them, charging Lentz and Scott with larceny and receiving In connec tion with the alleged disappear ance of 90 cases of liquor in a seizure of 697 cases at the home of Phillip Yates near Purlear on June 1. According to the order of the Yates will be tried dur- Genio Cardwell, J. B. Carter. city Sunday to address members ^ Jr. of the -Men’s Bible classes of the : Governor Hoey's address will be city in the auditorium of the Firsi concluded in ample time for all Methodist church at 9:45 a. m. {visitors to attend their regular Governor rioey is coming to the ;services.^ city under the auspices of the | V -Men's Bible Class of the First • AfC BaptlScd At the state prohibition Has Meeting On Tuesday Order Traffic Lighta Turned On; Cut Shrubbery .Methodist church, of which R. E. j Gibbs. Jr., is president. Men’s! Bible classes of the Baptist church i and Presbyterian church will ; Lewis Fork Church Forty-seven ' were Baptised attend in a body, aud a cordial in-1 Sunday at the close of a very suc- vitation is extended to all men of jcessful revival held at Lewis Fork the county to be present. Committees serving are as fol lows: M’elcomlng: S. V. Tomlin son. J. B. Carter. W. E. Jones, L. Baptist church. Rev. A. W. El ler, pastor, was assisted in the two-week’s revival by Rev. Glenn Huffman. Stone Mountain Lester Billings Killed Monday Baptists To Meet violating laws. Governor Broughton not only ordered the special term of court hut ordered that the .State High way Patrol, the office of the At torney General and the State Bu reau of Investigation carry out seperate Investigation of the charges, and also ordered that a grand jury be summoned to serve during the special term for fur ther investigation. Judge R. Hunt Parker, of Roa noke Rapids, was named by Gov ernor Broughton to preside over the term. I.t. Leiilz. whose headquarters are in Asheville ami who is in charge of the patrol In the west ern part of the state, has reb ined -Attorney Eugene Trivette. of this city. Attorney J. E. Holshoiiser. of Boone, and Attorney .Marion Allen, of Elkin, as his legal coun sel. Explosion At Elkton, Md., Results In Death Of Wilkes Man Lester Billings, 1§, son rf Mr- and Mrs- Rotnulus Billings, of Dockery, was instantly killed Monday morning at 10:15 by an explosion at the plant of Triumph Explosives, Inc., located, at Elkton, Md. Bill ings had been working at the plant only two weeks. The body arrived yes terday i.iand funeral and burial took place this af ternoon at Christian Home church. In addition to his oar- ents, L»ter is survived by nine hr«>tlie»^*»d suters. Notklag can be bought In bottles ta SOtttk Africa.’♦unless aa ssspty bottle Is supplied. The Stone Mountain Bap tist Association will convene with Stony Ridge Baptist church, located about six miles noith of Ronda on the Ronda-Traphill road on Fri day, September 24th, 1943, at 10:00 a. m. The program for the associa tion will be as follows: Praise and Worship led by Rev. L. E. Sparks. 10:15 a. m.—Adoption of pro- gi\;m. 10:20.e. m.—Introductory Ser- man by Rev. Grant Cothren, Rev. S. L. Blevins, alternate. 10:45 a. m.—Roll call of the churches. 11:00—Organisation and recog nition of visitors; also . appoint ment of Committee.s. 12:00'*—Lunch. 1:00 ‘ p. in. — Discussions: Periodicals. Rev. A. B. Hayes; Christian Education, Miss Beatrice Holbrook; Temperance, ^C. C. Gambill. ' ' . Saturday, Septi*’ 3Hkh . - ' 9:45 a. m.—PraUa and Wor ship, led by Rev. Hilllary Blevins. 10:00 a. ra. — Ministerial Re lief, Grady Miller. \ 10:15 a. m.—W. M. II. reports, Mrs. V. W. Luffman and Mrs. E, R. Fox. 10:45 a. m.-—Baptist Hospital. John R. Jones. . 1:00 p. m.—Missions. Rev. Carl C. Cockerham. 1:30 p. m.—Orphanage, Minter Blevins. 2:00 p. m.—Pastor and Church Relationship, Uriah M. Myers. 2:10 p. m.—Financial report. 2:15 p. m.—Time, place and preacher. 2:20—^Instruct the Clerk. 2:25—Resolutions. 2:30—jmscellanepus, Bnnda}', Sept- 26th 10:00 a. m.—Devotional. 10:15 a. m.—Sunday school re port, Mrs. J. L. Gregory. .. 10:30 a. m.—The Church in Time of War, Rev. J. Z. Adams. 11:00 a., m.—Sermon. J. A. Gilliam, of Hays' ia mhd- North Wilkesboro board of commissioners in sedsion Tuesday night passed on a number of matters of pub lic interest. The board ordered that all traffic lights with the exception of the one at the intersection of Trogdon and Hinshaw Streets be turned on again in the interest of safety. Several months ago the traffic signal lights were discontinued except on Saturdays as a measure to 'save gasoline and tires. The board ordered that shriii. bery on street corners, which im- >air vision of drivers, be trimmed or removed and Cecil Hayes, street ;upcrinfendent. was ordered to proceed with the work. Taxi permits were granted to Fletcher William Lovette, Austin ’ienry Lovette and John Solomon Swift. J. P. McCurdy, colored, piircl'ased peddler's license. All members of the board were present with R. T. McNlel. may or, and W. P.Kelly, clerk, for the meeting. Board members lare J. R. Hixr R. G. Finley, H. M. ij Hutchens. A. F. Kilby and Ralph Men eiimped li> ii6A-dgfet«- blo occupations, regarrllcss of iie|>enieivc)’ Ntatns ur nuntber of clilldrra, who do not register with the V. 8. Emplo)-ment ser vice by September 13 will he placed in 1-A class for induc tion into military service, ac-' cording to orders received by lo- cal Selective Service boards. The list of non-deferable oc cupations is on file witli Sel«*c- tlvc .Service boartls and the em- ploynient service and does not include essential work. Those who are in doubt as to whether they are now engaged in non-deferable work should consult, their loc^l boards. The list of non-deferable oc cupations does not include work in which food or otlier essential products tor the inllitarj' forces or the clxilian occupation is manufactured. Many Learn Facts About Poison Gas Use of Gas Masks L Explained In Meeting Duncan. New Recapping Plant Will Op^ Dick’s Service Stetion Has Leased Part Coffey Bldg. ■’On Ninth Street - seaman sec ond ctafls, entered the ^vy. In May and is now statiMwd at Balnbridgs, Md., where he Is in eleetririans* school. He Is njion of itr. tmd M, OalcnMUi, itirator of the association and A.^, of 0««*ns6oro; *wrth-teo,^-wko C. Tale ia clerk. formerty ttved In WUken,' ■Dick’s Service Station, owned -and op.erated by A. A. (Dick) CaBhipti and son.^aai. will open a ihodern tire recapping and re- I pair plant in this city soon. ’■ , J A portion of the building oc- - copied by te: D, C0«ey A flohs, lo^! eited on Klnth Steet, haa, been I'lieaaed and will uied hy, .thn new plant tkS^TbealHon (Coat^ed 0%JMck About 100 Civilian Defense workers and members of fire de partments met at the town hail Monday night to hear a lecture or wMr gases and demonsjtratioiis on use of ga.s maskp as given by L M. Nelson, of this city, a.sslstant war gas consultant tor North Car olina. Gas masks for Civilian defense workers whose duties make i! necessary for- them to be out !’■ f se of raids hi ve arrived here and the meeting was held primarily to demonstrate their use. Mr. Nelson, who completed r war gas course at Loyola Univer sity at New Orleans, and was re cently instructor at a course at Ctopel Hill, most interesting!-' told of the different kind* of war gases and methods used to coiil-^ j bat them. pr6greM at Naples, vriiere units of an Amarican army had landed under cover of plane and naval bombard ment. Italy ceased resistance at noon Wednesday and General Dwight Eisenhower announced the'uncou- ditional surrender of the Italiaii government and armed forces. Although Italians have ceased hostilities, nazi troops in Italy re main to be exterminated and Ger mans are expected to make a strong stand in northern Italy. FRENCH COAST BATTERED— Allied planes from England have been hammering the coast of northern France constantly during the past 4 8 hours with tlie greatest fleets of bombers ever to cross the channel. Commentators speculate as to whether or not the unprecedented bombings are in preparation for invasion of northern France and 1 Germany by allied troops from ^England in the very near future. NAZI l’LA\E.S IKtWNEl)— In air fights over Italy during the pa.st 24 hours 50 German planes were shot down while the British and American air forces lost only six. 8TALIXO TAKK.N— RMss’ans continued their ad Vance with the oaptiire of the in southwestern Russia. - .iiii.flier major drive has been •t-'i-ted 'ly the Russians towarf giiii today waa reported to he making rapid progress. V John L. Wells, Jr. 1$ S. G- Chaplain Son of Mr. and Mr*. Well*, Tbi* City; Tvm In State Jobn L- Only . + V Leg Broken Today M. F. Bleving, weU kiiowil.'flltl- seu ot the Knbttrflle comnuiqft/ east of this pity, sustained*' a broken leg nnd bead Ittjnriec to* day when he was hlt:i|!y;* hua wwlktag on highyny tel nenr hh home. ' He? wan Bdbagbt John L. Wolla, Jr., of thia city, has been made chaplain of the North Carolina State Guard with the rank of captain. Capt, Wells, well known here, will have headquar ters in WaymaviDe, and as chaplain'(^7 hd rej^senta twepty-mie -coantini in ^he western,pate'of*tea state thr’ii-Aiora sfiite gnaipd^. only bteer state*’' ipHird ckwlaip in tee steto. is Rooart C.. Vaster, . pfLenIwdlle. " 4 , lAsssngslii now ftednos tlute gr«|^ t tsTsane (or fsUw^ys.sr g to the tetkes hosplUt by smbn-, Artendns, wkh ftete'Ani .. t tahlss next la ImpertiMoe.

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