Fifth Army Rallies to Beat Back Nazi Attacks Buy An Ext^a War Bond Friday to Back Up Men Lock^'In Mighty Battles In Italy; Third War Loan Campaign Now On Latest reports: American troops near Salerno today gain^ eeveral miles and have hurled the Germans back in a mighty attack sup ported by heavy aerial bombardment. ‘Back Salerno Day” in I In one of the greatest stands ever made by an American Army, U. S. Fifth Army troops have thrown back the supreme Nazi ef fort to cast them into the sea from their Salerno bridge head and last night were be lieved slowly turning the tide in their favor on the seventh day of the bloody struggle. Just as at Kasserine Pass tn Tunisia when Marahtal Erwin Rommel threatened to blast the Americans back to Algiers, the air forces came to the rescue around Salerno Tuesday in a record dis play of might which found Flying Fortresses hedge-hopping over the troopsr to-'Plaat their bombs. Standing close inshore, Ameri can and British warships joined in the terrific bormbardment of German positions and as the bat tle '■eacbed a climax Lieut. Gen. Mark W. Clark again visited a front line command post where shells were bursting all about and told his men ‘‘There must be no Sailing back.” V Softball Game In a well-played, and cleanly-1 contested softball game played Tuesday evening in Wilkesboro. J. B. Henderson’s Wilkesboro churches’ team defeated Boyci Stout's All-Star team representing the three churches’ teams from this city, by the close score of 7 to 5. It was a good game, with each player playing a fine game which was featured by hard-hitting. The game was largely attended. Mack Reavis did the pitchine for Wilkesboro with Culler catching. Gordon Finley threw them in tor the All-Stars with Boyles doing the catching. The second of a series of three games will he played today at 6:30 p. m. on the Wilkes.loro field. The final game of the se ries will be played next Tuesday afternoon—same place and hour. V Friday of this week will be the third War Loan campaign. People of Wilkes county, whose sons, brothers and friends are locked in fierce battle on the Salerno front >n Italy, surely want to back up their attack. One of the best ways on the home-front to back up the attack on the fighting front is to buy war bonds, and more bonds. The Third War Loan campaign here is progressing, but the amount of bonds sold is far short of the quota of $1,169,000 set for the county. The help of every person who can buy any denomina tion bond is needed now in order for the county to con tinue its glorious record in financial backing of the war effort. The following telegram has been received by W. D. Halfacre, chairman of the Third War Loan campaign in Wilkes: CF75 167-166 LD G. VT 1 EXTRA WINSTON-SALEM, N. CAR. SEPT. IS 258P W. D. HALFACRE, CHAIRMAN WILKES COUNTY . WAR FINANCE CAMPAIGN. NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C. ING ONE OF THE?BLOODIEST BjmtES OF THE WAR. SALERNO MAY BE ANOTHER CHATEAU THIERRY. THE ENTIRE NATION HAS ITS EYES, EARS, AND HEARTS GLUED ON THOSE BRAVE AMERICANS IN THE CRITICAL SALERNO SECTOR. IT HAS BEEN SUGGESTED THAT FRIDAY, THE 17TH, BE PROCLAIMED ‘BACK SALERNO DAY’ IN THE THIRD WAR LOAN DRIVE, TO GIVE MIL LIONS OF AMERICANS A SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY TO BUY EXTRA WAR BONDS IN TRIBUTE TO THEIR BOYS NOW LOCKED IN BATTLE WITH THE GERMANS. MANY OF THOSE BOYS ARE UN DOUBTEDLY FROM WILKES COUNTY. LET’S MAKE “BACK SALERNO—PUSH BACK THE GER MANS,” FRIDAY’S BATTLE CRY ON THE WAR BOND FRONT.” CARRIGAN BROTHERS IN THE ARMY In Naval Action Lt. G. W. Biunganier recent ly completed his training in the navy’s chaplain school and has now begun his duties at a naval ’station on the west coast. Lt. Biuii^ai-ner Ls a son of Rev. and Mrs. J. L. A. Bumgarner, of Millers Creek, and was Metho dist |>astor at Cantos before en listing. He has two brothers in service: Oapt. .Tohn R. Bum garner, who is a prisoner on the I’lillippine-s; and I.t. James I. Bumgarner, who is in tlie navy and is in service with units of tlie fleet on the .Atlantic. Boy Scouts Advance In Rank Here Scout Court of Honor To Meet Again Tonight Many Boy Scouts advanc ed in rank in the monthly qteeting of the Scout Court of Honor. Also many merit badges were passed and will be presented in the Court of Honor meeting this evening, 7:30, In the religious education building of the Presby terian church. All Scouts, their parents and friends are invited to attend. In the August meeting the fol lowing Scouts advanced in rank: Billy Bason to second class; S. P. Mitchell, Jr.. Gordon Finley, Jr., and Gerald Miller to first class; Dick Underw'ood and Julius Rous- seHii to star: Tom Nelson was aw'arded the bronze palm on eagle. The following qualified for first aid merit badges: S. P. Mitchell, Jr.. Gerald Miller. George Foster, Billy Bason and Lewis Mann No! son, Jr. .Other awards were as follows: S. P. Mitchell. Jr.. Gerald Miller and Gordon Finley, Jr., h-ook binding; T. C. Plexico. leather work; Gordon Finley, Jr., wood work end music. The Court of Honor is headed by L. M. Nelson as chairman ami Gordon Forester as commissioner. The other members are P. E. Eshelraan, T E. Story, Cyras Mc Neill, E., G. Finley, J. B. Mc Coy, R. T. McNiel .and Jack Swotford. -■■■■■■■III.. I II ■ II.M-— TO LEAVE NORTH WILKESBORO % A - ■ '-ar- L. L. CARPENTER -V- *-» • > * Motion Denied On Possession And' Larceny Counts CARPENTER BUYS CHEVROLET AGENCY IN TOWN OF NEWTON Now Overseas —BUY WAR BnMnc_ Pvt. Ed Carrigan, left, is spending a few days fur lough, at home after completing his technical training with the quartermaster corps at Camp Lee, Va. He en tered the army on May 7. Pvt. William Carrigan, right, is in the army air corps and is stationed at Gowen Field, Boise, Idaho. He began service on'January 8. They are sons of Mrs. J. H, Carrigan, of Wilkesboro. Miss Margaret Faw Sworn In As Member Wilkes Bar First Cl®-**® Osiroll CYAiior retarned Saturday to post of duty after having sprat » 90-day furlough with his parints. Mayor and Mrs. H. A. of Wlltesboro. Seu- : fltatwd to tbe navy tTAusuat, and recelvesl Sa hmde tratalag »* Great ' —■ Nayal Training Station. aerii Bineli a!t*on, hav- ggjaapjKed'fa tfil' AiMcaa Miss Margaret Faw be came the first lady member of the Wilkes Bar Wednes day when she was sworn in as an attorney in Wilkes court. ‘ Miss Faw, a graduate df ,]^e University of North Caroline school of law. end who was re cently licensed by the state, was presented to the court by Attor ney J. Allle Hayes-W»‘aiSr'*datB'Ml? and Mni. C. «: Paw," of AliIs was administered b' 'A:' I by Jndge'B. Hunt Parker, now presiding over the special 'term of Wilkes su perior court. Miss Faw was highly con gratulated by the court and by the members of the Wilkes Bar in attendunce. She stated that she bad; not^^ deBpitely^ decided oa plans for' the practice of law tc6A will probably make an announce-' ment in the near future. Attorney Faw is a daughter-of — . Associated With Gaddy Mo { tor Company Eight Years As Sales Manager Pvt. H. T. Anderson Is now at some undisclosed overseas loca tion. I’vt. .Anderson is the son of Mrs. Amy .Anderson, of ■Vorth Wilkesboro route three, and lia-s been in service witli field artlllerj units of tlie ar my since .April S. tl>4L Chicken Supper At Union Church ciyr. .Miss Helen Blankenship, daughter of Beech BlankenshliK of this city, is tlie regular school bus driver on the foiite to MB- WOkeshtAb. 1' Miss who qualified as a driver. last yeur., WM oae of Brit adiaal bus Mveifs la this part of tba i'stato'and sha has aa exeoBnM^ record as a s^deat dtlrar.«Ai«. A chicken supper will be served at Union Methodist church near Cricket on Friday evening, be ginning at 6:30 and continuing rs long as necessary. Price of sup per will be 60 cents per plate. In dnition, two quilts and mis •ellt neous articles will be sold at auction end all funds will ’be for J the benefit of the church. Wom an’s Society of Christian Service of the church is sponsoring the event and all who are present are ftseured of an enloyable occasion, a V; ■ ’ Private sales ot'’fi4od'jeatS"baTe been 'placed' nndw' government opatrol la Haiti, ' PropeUers on a Liberty abip weigb about 2«,«oe ponads. L. L. O-.rpenter, for the past eight years sales manager of the Gaddy .Motor Company, this city, is terminating his connection with the local automobile firm this week, to take the Chevrolet agency in Newton, Catawba coun- ?>’• During the time he has lived in North Wilkesboro and Wilkes ronnty. Mr. Carpenter, and fami- y. have made many friends who regret to see them leave. Mr. Carpenter will be in Newton Mon day to take charge of his busi ness, while Mrs. Carpenter «nd children will join him at a later date. Following is the text of an open letter from Mr. Carpenter to the people of the city and county: To the people of North Wilkes boro and Wilkes county: It is with deep regret that after almost eight years with you good people. I must tell you my work is now taking me out of your splendid town and county. It has been a I real pleasure to deal with you through my association with Gad dy Motor Comp ny aa salesmanag er. Our relationship has been most pleaaunt and I shall always cherish the memories of everyone. No better people are found any- wliere than in 'Wilkes. I “I have looked forward to the time when I could become one of Chevrolet’s 8.000 dealers, and I appreciate the opportunity offer ed me at this time to become a dealer I sincerely thank you for your splendid support and'patron age at the Gaddy Motor Co. It gives me genuine pleasitre to. think of your encouragenieut and helpfulness while living among yon. ) ‘‘My family joins me. in an ex ] presslon of ftp{)reciatJMt:.for the fine fellowship and sriRMttUnoes' we have enjoyed - heNtjUittf^an always? think of tt> bome-v Mrs. Canj«»^. . diUdnOr BzAuQta and Brity, will.coatln^ lo m oitr liome tn FinUff 'v.;a •1 expect-to work as Chevrolet ’deAr- tn NePf- >: (doBttnaed Oh PafirFbnr) Judge R. Hunt. Parker in Wilkea court today denied motion for non-suit in the trial of Lt. W. B. Lentz, of the State Highway Patrol, and Guy Scott, agent of the State Bureau of Investiga tion, on the charge of lar ceny of liquor and also on the charge of possession of liquor. He allowed the defense motion on the other counts in the in dictments. After the motion was denied defense began calling witnesjes. Lentz and scott were indicted by the gfand jury at the Augist term of court. They are charged with larceny of 90 cases of liquor alleged to have been part of a large amount seized from Phillip Yates on June 1. 'The defendants were members of a raiding party . At» pall of . and SBl officers-who made the seizure. RARIJER RF.PORTS Carlyle Ingle, state highway- patrol sergeant, testified he saw what he described as liquor cases in cars of Lt. W. B. I.,entz. of the State Highway Patrol, and Guy Scott, special agent of the State Bureau of Investigation, on the ! premises of Phillip Yates. I Selection of a jury from a special venire of 7.t summoned from Yadkin county was complet ed by Solicitor Avalon E. Hall and [defense counsel at one o’clock Wednesday. Sgt. Ingle, highway patrol of ficer sbationed in Wilkes, who was the first witness presented by the state, was a member of the raid ing party of six highway patrol officers and two SBI agents who made the seizure. While on the stand a general order from Lt. Lentz tn Set. Inale was introduced into the court record. The order, dated July 10, 1939. said in part: “In the fu ture r.ny member of the state highway patrol who makes an ef- 'ort to stop or catch loads of li quor will be immediately sus pended from duty”. On cross examination defense counsel read into the record let ters written by Major Armstrong, of the highway patrol, and other officials pointing out that it was not the duty of the highwijy pa trol to make liquor seizures. Sgt. Ingle said that the cars of (Continued On Page Four) 1 Vi m K. U’ MUmtefton. of Reddiri^ edtevod 'tbm ctmkjiA ■ mbf fbrae kmI refMtd Aili bulb tMtfMteg at Mibik - Mabe!’-ipolMK tnwwIHiH^d^ ta C3kdaMta;Htld, fR-, ho hao 1 ■ r'^‘-

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