.-A p, ;Woni^'* Ciiuph, Ciyie and Social'’Activities • Preview of ■ Coining Even^ MISS MAMIE aOCKWEl^ EDITOR • TELEPHONE 21B A% Baptists Obse^e State Mission Program Tuesday Much interest was shown here Tuesday in the program of SUte Missions sponsored by the two Baptdst churches of the Wllhes- boros. Miss Bonny Jean Ray, a returned missionary from China and who is now serving in the de fense area at , Wilmington, was guest speaker at the North Wilkeeboro First Baptist church nt three o’clock, in the afternoon, and at the Wilkesboro Baptist church at edght o’clock in the evening. At each meeting a num ber of people heard Miss Ray in cluding representatives from oth er nearby Baptist churches. At the North Wllkeboro church Mrs. C. S. Sink was in charge of the program, Mrs. W. F. Jones gave the devotionals, Mrs. W. K. Sturdivant gave an article on state work,- Mrs. C. E. Jenkins, presi dent of the W. M. U., presided and presented the speaker. At the Wilkesboro church Mrs. H. H. Dotson was in charge of program and .gave the devotionals. and was assisted by Mrs. Arthur Lowe and Mrs. Arlie Foster. Mrs. George Johnson introduced Miss Ray. While here Miss Ray was entertained in the homes of Mrs. Jenkins und Mrs. John.son. Fary At St. Snadky, Sept^hw ISth, Is Fulah Day «t -Bt. Pattrs Epis copal cbnreh. Tfata day has been obsarvad aach year since 1986 un til now it has become a red letter day la the naxlai calendar. Not only do the present membera bat many friends and members ^ho have moved away, look forward to It with Intereet. At eleven o’clock there will Ite a celebration and sermon.. ’The Right Reverend Robert K.,Orlh- I ben. Bishop of the Diocese, will be present again this year - and will administer the Rite of Confirma tion’. " At one o’clock, picnic dinner will be served on the lawn at the home of Miss Elizabeth Barber. All members of St. Paul’s, friendk and visitors are given a special Invitation to attend and partici pate in all activities of the day. vV 'W«* CHDRCHIS MR. .AND MRS. JOHN HENRY LECKIE MR. AND MRS. JOHN HENRY LECKIE CELEBRATE FIFTIETH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY TUESDAY EVENING and Mrs. John Henr.v* Mr. Leckie celebrated their fiftieth wedding annlvers.iry by holding ’’open house” at thedr home in Wilkesboro Tuesday evening. A large number of friends called during the hours from 7:30 until ten o’clock to offer congratula tions and best wishes, and were greeted at the door by Mrs. C. Y. Miller. Receiving with Mr. and Mrs. Leckie were their daughter and young granddaughter, Mrs. Kenneth Lowrance and Miss Mary Miller Lowrance, of Mooresville. Mrs. R. B. Pharr presided at the guest register, Miss Virginia Mil ler was in charge of the gift room, and punch and cookies were serv ed by Mrs. Joe Barber and Mrs. Flpps Leckie, of Taylorsville. The home throughout was attrvrctively decorated in autnmn blossoms. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Leckie are Mrs. Grace Terrell and Mr. Henry Leckie, both of Lum- berton. Water-tender Second Cla.ss Charles Leckie, who is at sea, Mr. Fipps Leckie. of Baltimore, .Md., and Mrs. Lowrance. the latter two being the only ones able to be present for the occasion. Wilkesboro Brownie Scouts MetJVIonday Afternoon meeting of the Brownie Scouts was held aj the Wilkesboro school Monday afternoon and was featured by promoting four brownies, Anne Sturdivant, Jo .\nn Prevette, Francej Johnson, and Johnnie Culler, to the Inter mediate Troop No. 6, of which .Mrs. G. T. Mitchell is leader. Troop leader for the Brownies this year is , Mrs. Phillips, the former Miss Ruby Jones, and as sistant leaders are Mrs. Fred Lof- ti.s and Mrs. Cluude Doughton. Mrs. Doughton being the leader last year. The new members were pre sented with couseiit blanks, and during the meeting games and songs were enjoyed, with apples 'iHing served at. the close. Around [went.v were present. The Brownies are to meet every .Monday afternoon at the school from two to three o’clock, •ind girls from the ages of seven to ten, who wish to join are urg ed to do so ut once. Dispersal Sale AtAuction at LOMBARDY FARM ON U. S. 21. 8 MILES North of Elkin Sat, Sept. 18 at 2 P. M. Cattle, Hogs Fanning Tools Work Team Thoroughbred Horses Saddles, Bridles Hammer Mill Grist Mill New Wire Fencing Horse Trailer Milk Cooling Equipment Nurses Aide Holds Monthly Meeting St. Cecelia Mustc Club In Initial Meets Both divisions of the St. Cecelia Music club held their initial meet ings of the club year in the mu sic studio of Wilkesboro high school Tuesday morning. The club counselor, Mrs. R. E. Pre vette. called the meetings and pre sided for the business sessions. Officers elected for the high school club are Miss Louise Ken- nedyy president; Miss Elizabeth Carlton, vice-president; .Miss Blanche Livingston, secretary; Miss Melicent Barlow, treasurer. Officers elected for the junior club are Lillie Dean Bryan, pre.si- dent; Clay Anderson, vice-presl dent; Doris Howard, secretary and treasurer. Both clubs voted to hold month ly meetings at the homes of the members. Picnic Given For the D. L. Crook Family Mr. and ?,lrs. D. L. Crook and daughter. Miss Mary Evelyn Crook, and son, Charles Lee Crook, all of Lumberton, were here for the week-end as gue.sts of Mr. and Mrs. M. B. McNeil. The Crooks, former residents of this city, were honored with a picnic supper, which was given by about fifteen couples, on the lawn of the McNeil home Satur day evening. It was o most en- joyab'le occasion for all those at tending. Woman’s Club to Have Dinner Meeting On Monday and other personal property located on Lombardy Farm. Property can be inspected at ^ farm any time prior to sale. ML l^TATE OP ^ Harwcjod An iiileresting meeting of the Nurses Aide was held Monday^ evening wirli Mrs. R. W. Eowards^ as hostess at tht; home of her mother. .Mrs. .\sa Green. Seven ,vo-e • ■esent and Mrs. Greene was a g-'f-'t at the meeting. Mrs. K. T. .McNeil presided for the business part of the tiieeting during which lime some reports were made per taining to the year’s work. The Nurses .Aide was organized last year on October Sth, and it was stated that .Mrs. McNeil and Mrs. E. G. Finley had perfect at- ’endance for the year in the meeting held each month. Mrs. C. H. Wells. Mrs. 'V. K. Sturdi vant, and Mrs. Edwwrds have completed their 150 hour^ of Avork. Eight out of the thirteen members have finished their hours of service, two expect to finish soon, one is finishing her work in another town, and two have resigned due to other wor'ic. It was announced that during the showing of the Red Cross pic- ture”So Proudly We Hall”, at the Liberty Theatre, the Nurses Aide had a booth to give out publicity about the work on the Nurses Aide, At the close of the eve ning ■ refreshments were served during the social hour. Mrs. Fin ley Is. to be the hostess for the next meeting. Methodist Women I Fnjoy' Picnic at Smoot Park Tuesday Around forty five were present for the annual picnic of the Franklin circle end the Ladles I Wesley Bible class of the North j Wilkesboro First Methodist church r which was held at- Smoot Park [Tuesday evenilig at six o'clock. if^chM eli^ school, who bwhf'to t&de two gfroups, were ■peolal Snests at the outii^. The offered by Mrs. A. C. 'Waffoner, and words of ^ ,e. were spoken by Mrs. Jack |LoulBbnrf.[^_ . To iiegin the fall season of the .North Wilkesboro Woman’s Club a dinner meeting will be held at the clubhouse on Trogdon Street Monday evi>ning, September 20. at 0:30 o’clock. Guests at the dinner will be the husbands of the club m-mnljers, and Judge John son J. Hayes is to l)e the speaker for the evening. •s--,;^i-jnent. tf B«r. HOWARD FORD. Fastor' ‘ A special serrlce in' honor of our boys, who are'rin the'armed forces, win be held at the Wilkesboro Baptist' church Snn- dey morning. The names of those, who appear on the chnrch Roll of Honor, will be read before' this' congregation. Patriotic 'Ibngs will be rendered by the choir. ^ The piestor will bring a message in keeping with th& spirit of the occasion -R EH trioC’. Jed 4*Rooat WAJfTR&HU 0»ce, A OmIc. one .S-rooai apartment slese in-' -Good iriiges. S# er write Mrl. Mrs. C. Gi.Poindwtter, 'phepe Aptmi- S, V- Lone. Noirth WUkeehero. H. C. -s: r-lf-Htp ium>ihswia i^nilwte a# to .vhe^t^iits ,df taaroon holor bleyM irioleo here nfght pleasa coataet ^ W A E TPSBlMl^ro poUee., Bl- T- cyelaheleng*\o Dwight PsTdne, serial iramhef Is KiiiH, It rooBU atMl bath-—: snttahje for oonple. Private es- „traDih' Street ftbor-W. A. Sjrfpor. ,-*i80-2tp .-1 WANTBli---laidnetxdoiu Man WHh workingjfainily to operate small- grade A dairy and high pro- dseing general^ farm. .Tkih Untdrinson, '8 mile# north-east at N^h Wilkesboro on high way 8.. 9-23-3tp The parents of service men are l Woman To Cook In urged fo. be present. Visitors are coi'diaily invited. In the evening Training Union will assemble at 7:00. Evening worship will be at 8:00. MOTION DENIED ON POSSESSION AND LARCENY COUNTS (Continued from page one) Tent Revival At Cricket Nightly revival is in progress at a tent, on highway 421 two miles west I ' this city near Cricket. Rev. Harvey Philtips. evangelist, is conducting the services, which are held each night. Rev. George W. Cooper, radio evi.;ngelist who conducted an eight-weeks revival in a tent here, Lentz and Scott were parked net.r the building from which the large amount of liquor was taken and put. on trucks, and that he saw flaps of what he described as card board liquor cases sticking up above the back windows of the tu- dor cars. Solicitor Hall had six cases of liquor from the seizure brought Into court, apparently to/ show that the cases which’ Ingle saw lUould not have been on the floornoard of the car and that the cases were on other cases or some other objects. Sgt. Ingle said he came to North Wilkesboro with the first two truck loads of the liquor and went back to Yates’ home about the .time a third truck went for the remainder. Second witness was C. T. Dough- ton, former Wilkes sheriff who drove the third truck loaded with liquor to town. His testimony was corroborative in that he stat ed that Sgt. Ingle told him that there was liquor in Lentz’s end Scott’s cars. Sgt. Guy Duncan, of the State Highway patrol, on the stand said he looked In Lentz’s car but did not see any liquor. Paul J. Vestal, chairman of the Wilkes board of commissioners, testified that on the morning af ter the seizure Sgt. Duncu,n asked him to give them a receipt for "approximately 650 cases of liquor’’ for the county and that he refused to sign a recipt until a count was made by the county ac countant, which showed 603 cases. He said the llqiifir was now stored in the basement of North Wilkes boro town hall. This morning the .state continu ed to place witnesses on the stand but little of importance was added to the case. Mrs. Phillip Yates, J. F. Byers and Doiib Powell, who were at the Yates home at the time of the raid, testified but their testimony was of a generil nature. At 11:30 when the state rested its case counsel for the defense entered a motion for direct verdict of acquittal and the motion wa.^ argued until court recessed for lunch. Phillip Yates, from whom the liquor was seized and whose case is calendared tor this special term, has not appetired in court, al though he has tieen called out ond officers have been ordered to ntake a diligent search for him. He is not only the defendant in his own case, but a principal wit ness ill the case against Lentz and Scott. FIVE -ARE INUUJTED— Grand jury in session for the special term indicted five Wilkes men on charge of violotlon of the state prohibition laws. Chester Jolly and Shirley John son were indicted on separate hills. It is alleged that they have liquor license from the U. S. Gov ernment. Internal revenue records brought into court showed that one liquor company In Baltimore during the month of July billed $24,000 worth of liquor to Turner Marley, age 18. First Baptist.Church Dr. JOHN w. KINCHKLOE, Jr., Pastor Worship services In the First Baptist church this Sunday will begin at 11:00 a. m. and 8:00 p. m. The pastor will preach at both, services. Sunday school begins at 9;45 a. m., and the Training Union at 7:00 p. m. The public is cordially Invited to attend, all services. a small botel. Sene only two meale a day. Will pay from f70 to |8P.,aj month and fur nish rooU, board, and laundry. Write M«. J. H. Hopkins, Jr., The Anchorage, Brunsv^k, Georgia..^ 9-20 3t i WanteJ! SEVERAL MEN to work on ^ Poultry Farm nUERt H Ekeeas. Add OUwee Tea pahi* of' Stomaei Ukers, Indl' gesttrih Beartbom,^^:'Betah^ Bteatisr, Nansea, Gaa Bataa, itet free sample, TTdge, at Hor ton’s Dmg Store. o-7-16tp-t ..‘.>2 LOtiT—Ladies’ Cdlaldd IObi glassee in brown Imther case, lost on Main street. Finder re turn to Kathleen Hayee, 1201 Hinsbaw Street, or phone 295W. Reward. 9-16-2tp Presb3rterian Church Rev. SIDNEY CRANE, Pastor As we approach ‘‘Religious Edu cation Week” September 26 i through October 3, by all the de nominations participuting In the United Christian Education Ad vance, the theme of the momln? service will he the religious life of the Christian home, and this will be followed up In the adult study c.iass in the evening, at 7:15, by a discussion of family prayers and religious instruction in the home. All the members of the church are urged to be pres ent for both services, and others are invited to attend who have not found a church home and who feel the need of making their own home and family thoroughly Christian. Young parents es pecially who are wonderng how to begin or to Improve their in struction of religion are urged to come and participate In both these services. ® The officers and teachers will meet on Thursday evening at 8:00 o’clock for a workers’ con ference in the Ladles’ Parlor. CHAMPION POULTRY FARM CHAMPION, N. C. WANTED—^yV’lilte Girl for Llgl»t housework in North Wilkes- i boro hom§, $35 per month I with one day each week and one week end each month off. Apply immediately by letter I TURN YOUR LAND INTO MON- ET. It can be done. Auction is ■ Action. There is no quicker or better way to let the world know you have' something to sell than thru the auction method. For over twenty years we have been conducting successful land sales for property owners throughout the south. We have a complete auction force of ex perienced men in that work. Write or phone us for our terms and we will send a representa tive to see you without any ob ligation on your part. We are now booking our fall sales. C. F. Williams & Alston Clerk Auc tion Co.. Phone 4953, High Point, N. C. 118% W, Wash ington, St., or see our local representative, Mr. P. E. Dancy, North Wilkesboro, N. C. 16p / Moravian Falls Baptist Church Rev, Leroy Rller Kill preach at Moravian Palls Baptist church on Sunday, Sept. 19th, at 11:00. The public is invited to attend the service. Wilkesboro And Union Methodist Rev. FRED H. SHINN, Pastor Morning worship at Union, 11 a. m. Quarterly Conference at Wilkes boro Sunday .nt»ber'8 p. m. Church school at both Wilkes boro and Union at 10 a. m. Want Ads Rates: Ic A Word Each Insertion: Minimum 25c S FOR SALE FOR SALE — Beautiful Let in Finley Park, 100x250 feet. G. O. McNiel, North Wilkesboro, N. C. 9-16-21 FX)R .S.ALE—Very Choice Guern sey dairy heifers $25 each and up. Non-related bull free with five head. Sayre Dairy Cattle Co., Sayre, Pa. 9-30-5t 1 Turner Marley was indicted in will pi each on Friday night. On game bill with Coy Marley and Saturday night will be two serv- Tea, the first being conducted Rev. Mr. PhilUp.s and the second, a layman's service, under direc tion of Clate Brown. The public is invited to all services. V—; Squirrel Hunting / Dates Announced Raleigh, Sept. 14. — The game committee of the state department of conservation and development has set October 1 to January 1 for squirrel hunting In most of the state. For Alleghany, Wilkes, Caldwell, Burke and Rutherford, and counties west of those, the season will be September 15 to December 15. Webb Byers. Bond for Turner Marley Was set at $3,000 and 'or Webb Byers at $1,000. A manslaughter Indictment was returned charging R. C. Wood with manslaughter in the death qf ^vrar^ McDowell In a truck- picICQp collision near this cicy several days ago. ■V' Carpenter Buys Chevrolet Agency In Town of Newton (Continued trom page one) Mother Mrs. Miller Dies Near Louisburg,- Mif, Sarah Stallings, mother oftj ton. N. C., at once. I would like to fiay further that my associa- tiqn with Cuddy Motor Co. has been most pleasant and It Is with deep regret I leave tuolr employ. 1 hope that you will continue to patronize them in that they are rendering an invaluable Service to our system of transportation In this section, ' - fUK fi.ALil!;—l«'oiU’-Koom ilou.se, 5 1-2 acres of land on highway 18 (Boomer road), house has electric lights. Mrs. J. A. Mil ler, Moravian Falls. 2-16-2tp Bb|o7 tli« Comfort aad Indivldnaillty of aa Ed. V. Price A Co. Custom-Tailored Suit Their expert custom tailoring, backed by 50 years expe rience, is your guarantee of an exact fit, advanced styling and fine woolens that afford you many seasons of distinc tive, economical wear Be sure to visit our Semi-Annual Tailoring Display WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 29 A representative from the house will assist us in offering for your selection ip full lengths the new woolens for suits and coats for both men and women. MARLOW’S MEN’S SHOP ■NEW AND CORRECT MEN’S WEAR” vy MONDAY TUESDAY PX)R SALE—.Seven Room House located at Mountain View; known as E. R. Settle place, in cludes 112 acres land, on bus line. Call 21F11 or write Box “T”, Hays, N. C. 10-7-8t FOR SALE—ld41 Plj-mouth Se dan, good condition, two new tires. See F. C. Holder at Holder’s Garage, Moravian Palls. , 9-16 2tp FOR SALE—Cane Mill In Good condition Call at Prances Sale place, 11 miles east on highway 421, near Segraves Service Sta tion. , * Itp GOOD Fpscn/T Used Upriiclu Pianos.—Garwood Plano Co Wilkesboro, N. C. 6-l-tf Mrs. Lawi'ente Miller, of Wllkes- atr anytime l.'.may be of sf,fv- ree dr help to'janyhhe of ytrtHt' j'-ist and Other 8, ' If te- borO( now making her home at, call on me. Camp Da^^jliUli'^ihefri huslxtfdi died Fridi^'at her home near Bit Of Bible! . ,, l\Y6dr friend always,' . ' ' "L. L. CARPENTER.'' FOR SALE—Plano houBehold^.jnmli terested,. ^wae Tla Holmani.- .*-1.,, 9-16-2t Rim ARLEN * Wmiiy RARRIE ‘ with NILS ASTHiR' • ROQIR PRYOR RIARC LAWRtNCE • RALPH SANFORD h, MAXtMU MUM X.TB A * RL E A S.UJR E • t

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