.jPA^ ’ ^ 'Wra«'« ChwA, c 'wniU^'j -—^ -Preview^o£ Coming telephone 21ft ■>. i«4'-==^, j;t^7iirm-- :tri!( »v pronoa»DMll [by ifol. wuich &«$») lity House. Mr«. Payne:: ■ 'of'i^ay:| ■Ml .'SO'. Itoiiiw: on youio^. -ta a^ane, * froujT TiM ,»ex^ will t^lield ^ AtttSUaxf^ t|Se#iW itt Wd^btee, >ert wltb Mis» Ndra.^war ^ AsMnl^ fkMSB.. to Mt9. ftn. HAmt PfiAnon ms alfv. ■ " •" * ii'*' raar^j tet j^pared; iil S^inar Md In Wilkesboro ^ Church; A »«mb«r of mstrttettro as won , Jf talks wore jlTon ta* Sdnaational Sendiiay for J^WoBMa'a .Society of Christiaa BMVIce of the Mkln' dlstiaot. WkWi was hold ta the Wllkeaboro ••thodlat Aurch oa Friday, the irm. ^ Mrs. H, H. Cobb, df Wilkee- •Wo,. aad district ylce-prealdaBt, nrealded for the meetins. - Preaentln^ different phases of f ttovrork were Mrs. J, W. Payne, j Of Cherry ville, Conference Secre tary of Christtan Education; Mrs. — I 1^’ I. Pitts, of Lenoir, StatesrlUe district secretary of Christy So- — Want Ads Rates: Ic A Word 'Bach Insertion; Mininani 2Sc FOR SALE, BURROUGHS Adding Machine, 7- column, perfect condition, at sacrifice.. Portable model, good appearance. See H. G. Nichols, at Journal-Patriot. FOR SALE OR RENT—Small farm, 9-room house with out buildings. Spring and creek. Ideal chicken farm. Also pas ture. Near Millers Creek high school. R. I. McNeil,. Millers Creek, N. C . Postotfice ad dress, Box 287, Wllkesboro, N. C. 2-23-2tp FOR SALE OR RENT—Ten-room house on "D” street; five-rooms and bath on each floor. BEECH BLANKENSHIP, City 9-20-ti l'X>R .S.tLE—Good Roadmaster Bi cycle. J. D. McLain, Wilkesboro route two. It FOR S.^LE—Very Choice Gue«ui- sey dairy heifers $25 each and up. Non-related bull free with five head. Sayre Dairy Cattle Co., Sayre, Pa. 9-30-5t FOB SALE—Seven Room Houv: located at Mountain View; known as E. R. Settle place, in cludes 1 1-2 acres land, on bus line. Call 21F11 or write Box "T", Hays, X. C. 10-7-3t GOOD REBUILT Used Upright Pianos.—Garwood Plano Co., Wllkeaboro, N. C. 5-S-tf FOR SALE — 1040 Ford Tndor deluxe. In good condition. Call at Insurance Service & Credit Corporation office. 8-19-tt eMr'R€bea6»a%iUl IioiMl>>t%un:h AetiViUes; Mrr. J. L. Hall.^if Elk in, diatriet aeeratary of Spiritual Life; and Mra. C. B. Dawaey, Jr., of Boone, confereaea rural workr eF,'Who spoke on the young wom- en’e and girls’ work. lira. IvSy ‘ Moore, of North Wllkeaboro. led the openloi; devo tional period. Mrs. A. C. W)ag- goner, of North Wllkeaboro, ex plained the purpose of the meet ing, after which the women as sembled in fonr discussion groups led by Mrs. Payne, Mrs. Pitts, Mrs. Hall, and Mrs. Dawsey. Mrs. Waggoner also presented the China Emergency Fund and ‘The Week of Prayer’’. This emergen cy fund is to take care of the in creased living expenses of the missionaries, who have made every sacrifice that they may have even the bare necessities of life. Miscellaneous POUNl>->-keUowl8h Brc-wn Large hound dog, came to our house about two months ago. Owner may have same by describing and paying for keep. Mack Hayes, near Gilreath Pastoffice. Up LOBT—Two h'emale Dogs. One Is a black and white fiste. ,Thc other is a black and tan hound. Notify Vaughn ^ Church, Pur- lear, N. O. 9-2S-2tp PERMANENT WAVE, 59c! Do your own permanent writh Charm-Kurl Kit. Complete equipment, including 40 curlers and shampoo. Easy, to do, ab solutely harmless. Praised by thousands including June Lang, glamorous movie star. Money refunded if not satisfied. Hor ton Drug Co. 11-8-lOtpm Methodist Miksiott- ' in concentration ’There ' are' 38 ary women camps. Mrs. Pitts explained, the seven areas of Christian Social ReUtlons and local church activities, pMce, alcohol,' interracial and minority groups, the Christian fiimlly, ccO' nomies, and local church activi ties. To function lu these areas means “Christianity In Action’ Mrs. Dawsey in relating the story of Moses and his rod, chal lenged the women that we too have something in our hands, and that we too should do something about It. Therefore we are af forded this opportunity by train ing our young women and girls in the great missionary program. Mrs. Hall stressed the need of deepening our spiritual lives, for we must be full of the spirit to meet the' many issues of life today. Prior to the closing of the morning session Mrs. J. B." Hen derson, of Wilkesboro, offered a prayer; Mrs. Dexter C. Chadwick. Btonary progrUm, -:A written by MTr», Payne on ary educktiVoV was given by Mr^r J, C, R^ns.;JfrS; J.: R. Snipesv.yml Mrs, Willlk«4bii'lcift. sU,.of ]i.om Wlilfesboro.' "?:l •. > Mrs.. Edd F. Gsrteer, of ‘WlUceslbbro, and district icor^' mmm- '■mmi ilihMA''’ pondi^sdoret^, outllni^.lwyfJ’ii phatsM of the work in thk' Musical I Stars. In First^ Meeting Of the Year ^ .All in 'time, a|wr-id|K>C of ' ■:«ectlii*. It l» . Taigo number ot jfuii (pemW 1 of the night clFelea. and the Wesleyan Ghlld''will attibd. Mm" ^Wlrs; J, B. " '[fjfe'HfoBfc-,; Ijh'. - Ec^^fdw of The Musical Stars met Tuesday, September 14, at 4 p. m., for the first meeting of the year. Four teen members were presnt. Re freshments were served by Mrs. Gibbs. The following officers were elected: President, John Gibbsi vice-president, Corinna FijileJ’: secretary, Mary Eamore Finley. The following committees were appointed:' Program committee, Mary Elmore Finley, chairman, Anne Smith and Gordon Forester; game committee, C. G. Plexico, chairman, J. C. Hayes, and Mick- ^ general meeting of the Wilkesboro Baptist Missionary. Society 4 will be held at. the chnrcta ’Tuesday evening at eight o’clock. ‘ ■ ' belle Gibbs, chairmali, Russell Car ter und Roberta .Gil^s. During the prb^m, piano so los were played by J. C. Hayes, Anne Smith, and Eric Duncan, and a violin diiet was played by John .G^bbs and Mary Elmore Finley. of North Wilkesboro. accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Geo. Parller, | ey Somers; social committee, of Wilkesboro. sang as an offer- Gene Somers, chairman, Nelle tary solo, “My Task”, after which Gwyn Brame, Eric Duncan, and Sans Souci Club Met With Mrs. Swofford IttS«mc« ,tbi WlllMs ■ .^urdAF after.' | ' w spec'tti Wririce U the r'&kx^heifsofthe Wed- ' " ' ' ’ ' I noon for Qife}j$ekil>ers oTtbe Wed- IWitlteshbro EMfUst^hureb yester- nmday Bewfng clnh.wnd some sd- j^htyi ,ganlng;,inM Ih the service dltlonal gne«s. .’The group spent ro& .fsfinles of the *nTOh wsre an informat-' h'onr together In hendwork end conversation, aftmt. whlrii refrieshments' wepe v^servedn by Mrs. McOjy. - .■ y >■ . ft*; honoT^. Patriotic hymns were 4«ug,*the' honor roll containing L’ St. Oakwoods A. Holds Monthly Meet V?^'war(J(-;f ^-Ford, preached a force- The Oakwoods Y. 'vSf. A, held Its' regular monthly meeting at'-the home of Mrs; Vernon Stroud Fri day, Stept. 3. The president, Mrs' Archie Anderson, bad charge of the business session and led .the , derotlonals. Mrs. Vernon Stroud The members ot the Sans Souci i had charge of the program. Misses tho.hames of those id the service ,wgs read, and the pastor. Rev. fnl sermon Rev. A. C. Gibbs, of Elkin, dis- Hyatt Gibbs; song committee, Isa-'club were delightfully entertained Wora Laws and Steelman “TImb Is the Army” '' At the Allen Soon The big ihdtion picture produc ed under the direction of Irving Berlin entitled, "This ir the Ar my", will be shown soon at The >ilen Theatre, The proceeds from the picture go to the army relief fund. Watch for shoiring dateg. REWARD Reward for information lead ing to recovery‘of 13 five-gallon cans of white^and red paint in Sears. & Roebuck containers. Stolen from apartment house on D street. J. D. HUFFMAN CTiampion, N. C. j»;-r PERMANENT POSITIONS Available FOR RENT FOR RE.NT — One Fumishel apartment with steam (teat; al so heated bedroom. 733 Ken sington Ave., ’phone 228. 9-20-tC FOR RENT—One 4-Room and one 3-rbom apartment close in. Mrs. C. G. Poindexter, ’phone 635. 9-6-tf Kc;.>'l—furnished .tipart- ment, three rooms and bath— suitable for couple. Private en trance. Street floor. Mrs, W. A. Sydnor. 9-20-2tp WANTED W-ANTED—-lndustriou.s Man With working family to op.grate small grade A dairy and high pro ducing general farm. Tam Hutchinson. 3 miles north-oast of North Wilkesboro on high way 268. 9-23-3tp ED A Woman To Cook In all hotel. Serve only two 9 a day. Will pay from to $80 a month and fur- room, board, and laundry. B Mrs. J. H. Hopkins. dr.. Anchorage, Brunswick, rts “ 9-20 3t Ranted! :VERAL MEN to work on Sultry Farm champion jltry farm :hampion, n. c. Ak end e«45h month off cftro Joh?m1‘!*» AT ONCE FOR Male and Female Workers WHITE—OVER 16 -your countiy looks to you to back the invasion f Sales Clerks, Store Managers and Assistant Managers IN POST EXCHANGE Experience desired but not required, as short training pe riod will be given. Salary, $1080 to $2160 per annum, plus time and half for over 40 hours per week. Comfortable living quarters available. Chance for rapid advancement. REPRESENTATIVES OF PCST EXCHANGE 'Will Interview Applicant? At U. S. Employment Service Cffice 309 NINTH STREET NORTH WILKESBORO On SEPT. 24 AND 25 8:30 TO 5:30 Report tc Your Nearest U. S. Employment Service Cffiee >_rwbit« GW LI|^t rork In North Wllke^ home. $35 for referral to these representa- d*y .tives. 15 BILLION DOLLARS (NON-BANKING QUOTA) 1HE big drive is on I As the ___ tempo of the war increases ... as our fighting forces go all- out for K4VASION, we folks back home must mobiliM in their support And that's what the 3rd Loan Drive is fori ‘ To reach our national quota everyone who posaihly can most invest in at least one EXTRA $100 War Bond during Ae drive. AT IMST $100, More if. you can. That’s in addition to yoqr regnkr War Bond subscription. Invest; out of your income.. • invest out of accumu-'- lat^ funds.' Invent every dollar you ca^ ' This is total war and everyone must do Im full share I , . , You know all about War Bonds. Yo* with generous interest. That War Bonds are the safest investment in the world. That they help secure .your future ... hasten Victory. So now—t^ay-4>ack die attack—with War Bonds. Sofast Investments in the World know that every penny comes back to ym BACK THE ATTACK-WITH • United Sntet W*r SsTtngt Bonds Seriei "E”; give? yoo back $4 lot every $3 when the bond auturet. Inteyest 2.9% • ytwr, compoonded lemianoualiy, if held to nurariiy. DfpominadonK $2i. #50, $100, $500, $1,000. Redemp tion Apytiine 60 dayi'after issue date. Price: 75% of lUfsii^iy mine; -- jAt%Ti«asi>ry Bonds of J964-1969; readily marketable, aocf^ble^M bank collateral. Redeemable at par .and ■CBmad iiiMretcfor the purposa of aatiaiyiax Federal csuce Somber 15,1943: due December 13, 1969. iM^n^fSOd, $1,000, $5,000, $10,000, $100,000 ^0e,0(KK Pii^'pnr and acenad intarest. ■ >»; Sdefcs “C’'Savings Notes; %% Certifi- I Traasory Bonda bf 1951-1953; Is series "F*;United States Savings • >- -States StvincaJ sSerief"0’V-r;.- persoins now engaged WAR: Wpi^ cJBTILL ll NOT'BE iCONSlDEBEtr. NOT BBCC b*. -i ■ ‘ ' ' 'V'", -rT .J'' • ' ■ - .-b?'- BONDS

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