^m«rt miidJGoer»?f. Tk>» i^^?Ie,Yw'ICnow Who.Mote Abcait dnot. of lUOk «M a,.. ptroftnloBal '1a1iho ,W!lk«ril>orM FrMfje. Mr, Jm "oo of ft». Wk. P. Kelly, eatored State today. ’ * : llr. IMek W. Brown, of the hraptitU eomaianHy, waa a busk vWItOr to tke' city today. HlHft Jmo Moore id ataying ivklle 'ttt Myrtle Beach trying to^Kot «ome relief from asthma, ■flllaa Roth Wyatt, jlajaghter of mt.. and Mrs. Bagrae Wyatt, of IWa «lty.;-o»tered Mitchell Col- -1* StateeTlIle, ^ptember 16. r. aubeft Canter, manager of artHBllnson’s Department Store, Saturday on a buying trip to fit, Mo. r». Leyshon is able to out again following a tonsillar speraUpn ladt week at the Wilkes hospital. Sgt. George W. Kizer, of Walla Wallas Wash., spent Friday night here with his brother, Mr. Vernon Kizer and family. Mr. J. D. Huffman, a well known citizen of the Chtanipion community. wKs a business visitor here today. Mrs. F. A. Michael and Mr. and Mrs. Charles McDermid, of .\she- Tllle, were guests of Mrs. J. H. Carrlgan last week. Mrs. Cecil Wiles has been con fined to her home by illness for the past few days. Friends wish for her a speedy recovery. Mr. Ross Robinson, who has been employed at Baltimore, Md.. Mr. Fred Miller, son of Mr. and Krt. J. C. Miller, was enrolled at State College today. ■■ Mr^ Jimmie Moore entered Wloke Forest College today. Jimmie, son of Mrs. Ethel "V. Moore, of this city, plans to* study law, ■ . . Midshipman Pete Kulynych, a student of the U. S. Merchant Marine Academy on Long Island, New York, is spending a week with- friends in Wllkeahoro. Mr, Odell Parsons, who resides In the Puilear section of Wilkes, was among the many visitors spending several hours in the city Saturday. Mr. V. I. Minton, a citizen of the Wilkesboro route one com munity near .Millers Creek, was a business visitor in this city Sat urday. Helen Cwings, dr,lighter of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Owlngs, Is re covering from a tonsillar opera tion performed Saturday mornin.g at the Wilkes hospital. >Ir. and Mrs. R, E. Gibbs had as 'guests last week, Mrs. Gibbs’ brother and sister. Corporal M. Cl. Burke, Jr., of Denver, ^Colo.. Mabel Bui-ke, of Biir- 'PoiVi Knob community. . Mr. and Mrs. Starling Johnson have returned to their home in Lexington after a week end visit here in-the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph White. Mrs. Johnson is Mr. White’s daughter. and Miss lington. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Gaddy had as their guests last week Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Hudson and son, Ron ald .Mack, of Newport News, Va.. and Mr. D. A. Hudson. The formT er Mr. Hudson is a brother of "Mrs. I Gaddy and the latter Mr. Hudson is her father. Mrs. A. K. Pearson, Jr, of j Greensboro. is spending the week in the city with Mrs. A. K. Pearson, who. we regret to state, is ill at her home on Sixth Street. Mr. Pearso.n came up for the week-end but returned to Greens boro today. Ih'ALLEN Use Km- ^ Mtar Bht^oHondwmon tara«d -to Wln*toh-S«lWh oftw » wMlk^bBa vltlt with iMW RftWBti. Mr. .ghd Mm J, a Hendfwoii. MU»' Hendor^^ hold* • «l«rl^ poaition lo the Twin-City: ilm K. D, Key »nd daagh^ec*. Patay end” Sue, h*^ retnnwd to the city from » rtelt in Baltimore with Mrs. Key’* parOnti Mr. end Mrs. A. M. Handy. Mr*, andy returned with them' for * Ti*lt here. Mr. F. Q. Holman'end daughter, Mies Ila Holman, ot Relelgh, are, spending a few days In 'Wllkea boro. Mr. Ro’inan, for many yeanr a resident of Wilkesboro, ha* been making‘his home In Raleigh for sometime. Mr. T. V. Harris has returned to' his home In Jonesvllle after a visit in Wilkesboro and Mora vian Falla with relatives and friends. Mr. Harris is a brother of Mrs. G. M. N. _ Parker, of Wilkesboro. Mr. Floyd C. (Tom) Forester has returned to the city after under goin^ treatment at Davis Hospi tal in St^esville for several days. Friends will be glad to know that he is feeling much bet ter following hospital treatment. Mias Lina Turner, daughter of the late Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Tur ner, arrived Saturday from Wash ington. D. C„ and is spendln,r sev eral days In the city with friends. Miss Turner has a position in \\’a8hin,gton with the veterans’ bu reau. Mrs. Hoyt Hendren is able to be back at the office in Belk’s Department Store following re covery from a severe Illness. Mrs. Hendren is the former Miss Dot Hlx, and friends will be pleas ed .to learn that she has al most recovered from her recent illness. Mr. Fred B. Hethcock has re turned to his home in the city af ter undergoing a week’s treatment at the Baptist Hospital in Win ston Salem. Mr. Hethcock ex pects to be able to return to his work as foreman at the Home Chair company plan^ this week. The first frost of the fall sea son made its appearance in vari oils sections of the county Satur day morning. Among those re porting frost was Mr. Wilson Transeau. who resides on the North Wilkesboro - Statesville hi.ghway, six miles east of the city. Tie reported much frost bn his sov bean cro)). V THURSDAY-FRIDAY. Johnson Sanders Is Elected S. S. Head With guns and courage and love —they bring you the biggest thrills you ever I Now Showing — QinoiMir ir Ditmd Htmpsuad HTI UiUiNEMY .0MB j^ST-MINUTE WAR NEWS DAILY At the quarterly conference held last night for Wilkesboro und Union Methodist churches, Johnson Sanders was elected Sun- ,day.j#chooJ auperintendent,,,sac- ceedlng F. J. McDuffie, who re signed on account of ill health. Mr. McDuffie, who has been sup erintendent tor the past several years, was named assistant super intendent of the Sunday school. Wilkes Quartet Now Facing Liquor Count .Alleged manufacture of non- taxpai'i whisky in violation of in ternal revenue regulations hag re sulted in the arrest of Gail Ander son, Ivy Waddell, Monroe Clark and Armps Clark, all of Wilkes ounty, the office of United States M.arshal Edney Ridge reported. The four were arrested by Dep uty Marshal Walter M. Irwin at Wilkesboro, where they were ar raigned before United States Com missioner J. W. Dula. Each is at liiierty under $500 ,bond pending trial at the November term of U. S. District Court in ''Vilkesboro. SALE OP VAIiUABLR REAL EST.ATE By virtue of authority contain ed in a certain deed of trust ex ecuted by M. D. Lowe and wife, L. E. Lowe, to A. H. Casey, Trustee, which deed of trust is dated June 1, 1939, and duly re- lorded in the ofUce of the Regis ter of Deeds of Wilkes county in Book of .Mortgages 189 at page 181, and the undersigned having oeen substituted as trustee in the place and stead of A. H. Casey, deceased trustee, the undersigned substitute trustee having been duly appointed by Pvt. T&ottss Mi CfWl’ nntrsd Yhoms ISst week and Is tMUbs hl*i Mr. end Mni.^|^Cnrssl,fco In BniJPMbero. JP.O/ H«le Jone» Returo* . Plight Officer WUIlaar- HsI* Jones hss returned to B^doliih: Field, Sw Antonio, ,Tex«n; to re ceive farther orders, «ft«r spends 'ng-ten day* home r*lth his parents. Dr. and Mr*. W. P- Jones, Pvt. Riaph WfBiwn* Returns To Mw*. Pvt. Ralph Williams has re turned to Gulfport Pleld,, Miss., after a visit here with his wife, the former Miss Faye Wright, and his mother, Mrs. James. F. Wil liams. I m „ CpI. James Hemphill Home From Camp Sibert, Ala. Cpl. James Hemphill, a mem ber of a chemical warfare unit at Camp Sibert, Alabataa, returned Thursday after spending a brief furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Hemphill. IH|d other relsUve* liw'is getting Along flit;) In i9ia arjny, friends wUl be glad to Isitm F'Pvt. O, K. Wkl&ton. Jr., Home For^WowcElid* Pvt, 0. K. WiUttljigton, jK, he* return^ to Fort Jaekson, S. G., after .spending the week-end in WUh^MirQ-idth his parents, Mr. hsd. MM. 0. K, WblUingtpa. O. l^^tts-4!. rsem^o^igM^^wdi- 'f'ir Lt. Cop Ralph R. RMhs return ed yesterd iy afternoon' to Swan aitnoa attur’a brief visit In the olty with Mrs. Reins and oiUldren. LL Col. Reins Is stationed at the government hospital at. Swan annoa. Pvt. Harold Blankenship Home On Visit Pvt. Harold Blankenship has returned to Fort Jackson, S. C., after a visit here with his family, end father, Mr. Beech Blanken ship. Don Melville Get* Navy Promotion Don Melville, .who is now over seas serving in a seabee uqlt, has recently been promoted from shlpfltter (second class) to boat- sv/ain’s mate (first-class). He Is the son of Mrs. D. S. Melville, c-i Wilkesboro, and his wife is the former Miss Hazel Horton, of this city. Apprentice Seaman Jhek El ler Getting Along Fine Apprentice Seaman Jack Eller, son of Mrs. Isaac Elleri of this city, is now taking his basic naval training at Bainbrid.ge, Md. A letter received several days ago by his mother stated that he was get ting along fine, and that he great ly enjoyed his home-town paper. The Journal-Patriot. Pvt. Carrigan Returns Pvt. Ed Carrlgan returned to Camp Lee. Va.. Thursday after spending a week in Wilkesboro with his mother, Mrs. J.' H. Car rlgan. Pvt. Carrlgan was accom panied for Hue wsefc’sHrtsit by hiaj wife, who holds a position in Ar lington, Va. Pvt. Robert L. Bowers Now In Texas Pvt. Robert L. Bowers. wU-i was inducted into the service a month ago, is now in basic train ing at Camp Barkeley, Texas, for service in the medical corps. Pvt. Bowers is a nephew of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Crow, with whom he made his home here. Prior to entering the service he wus em ployed at Smith ey’s store in Wilkesboro in the meat market department. EXECUTOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as execu tor of the estate of Mary L. Wand, late of Wilkes coifnty, N. C., this is to notify all persons having Maims against said estate to pre sent them to the undersiped, whose address is North (Wilkes boro, N. C., duly verified, on or before the 4th day of September, 1944, or this notice will be plead in bar of their right to i-ecover. All persons indebted to said es tate will please make immediate settlement. This 4th day of September, 1943 R. T. PARDUE, Executor of the estate of Mary L. Ward, dec’d. 10-ll-6tM • ORDINANCE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of the Town of North Wilkesboro, North Carolina, in regular session assembled; Section 1. That it shall be un lawful for any person. fii;m or _r,, the holder of j corporation, licensed to sell beer the note secured by said deed of land or wine in the Town of North trust and by the ClerK of the Su perior Court of Wilkes county, and default having been made in the payment of ttie note secured by the deed of trust and upon re quest of the holder of said note, the undersigned substitute trus tee, will on October 18, 1943, it being Monday, at 12 o’clock noon at the courthouse door in Wilkes boro. N. C., offer for sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, the fol lowing described real estate, to- wit: Beginning at a chestnut, R. Don Lawg and Bertie Broyhill corner; and running thence West 76 poles to a chestnut, R. Don Laws’ corner: thence South with R. Don Laws’ and Adam Treada- way’s line 104 poles to a locust, Adam Treadaway’s corner; thence East with Adam Treadaway and Sarah Laws (now Phillips) line to 1 stake, Phillips’ corner; thence North 76 poles, more or less, with Phillips’ and Bertie Broyhill's line to the beginning, containing 'Ifty acres, more or less. This- and is further identified as co|i tainlng 15 sd|«A of orehard la apple trees) ^ whtth Frank'and WRsB, teoKfitr Is .how living I-Tnis thftil7th day of Somber, «Wtember, 1943. D. C. DUNCAN, Sabstltnte Trustee. 0-ll-4t (nlr*—n) uiii- i-VB- t Wilkesboro, North Carolina, to sell or offer for sale any beer and or wine in the Town of North Wilkesboro, North Carolina, be tween the hours of 11:30 p. m. on Saturday night and 7:00 a. m. .Monday morning. Section 2. That it shall be un lawful for any person, firm or corporation, licensed to sell beer and or wine In the Town of North Wilkesboro, North Carolina, to permit or allow the consumption of any beer and or wine in any place in said town, under ^he con trol of or being operated by said licensee, between the hours of 12:00 midnight Saturday and 7:00 a. m. Monday. Section 3. Should any part or section of this Ordinance be de clared Invalid by any court of co|Bipetent jurisdiction, the re mainder thereof shall not be af fected thereby but shall remain in full force and effect. Section 4. That all ordinances In conflict herewith are repealed. Section 5. That thls^pwUnonce Ph^ll be in J Pvt. Ray^nd Pearson Visits Home Pvt. Raymond Pearson, ot Daniel Field, Augusta, 6a., visit ed relatives at Millers Creek dur ing the week-end. Pvt. Pearson wais accompanied by his wife. Heme'f'er' •Sgt. Henry U. Ptttnon, member Oalfport Miaa. Pft of marine corps at^qiiMtl- tm CO, Vn., visUed his mother, Mrs. Jtgifll Pwrsoh Holcomb, and’other Sixset, North I CirollAa.’ ha* weritg/fj^ Odlfp^v leigUfm in the Miller* Cress! srrtv*^ . oonijktAiil’ daring the week end. ^ria. Arm^ Alf~ Foxx^ I'Tschirlsisl Training Command alP- Lodiitiai Promoted '. For| N, G'—Hftr. Lomiie Moore of North WUhesImro toate three, has been promoted t6 the grtde ,0!^ tMhiidoliuL.JlUi gmdtf M the Fdiirth Reglmelit:^! (Elia |t>rt Bragg Field, - .Artillery Kj meat Training Center- . He Is. puV of the -regfp^tal psrhonnel .of the replacbment tnUnIng center. ; - - Lee W. Sattle J« Ndv: - Ensign In Navy ■ Ensign Lee W. Settle comple.t- ed hi* advance course, and was oommlssloned ah ensign in the navy at Fort Schuyler, New York. Lee was the fifth son of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Settle, of this city, to enter the service. He graduated from Wake Forest College In 1940, was a member of Ferguson school faculty and was later em ployed at Norfolk navy yard be- for volunteerng his services to the navy. planii ,m«*b*nfss settOot Sod baste tnlnkw'ahstor,'^ . Hers . ^11 nndsrgo s tar's - iMtsnslvs baste -tmbltttt. fdwns "ewsrtng driJi^. i^tsir «* ’hs'^dtissltlsl, fth- slItINMy ts^, * IpMtaA'ons of the TeehniSsrTrsin- " 'tag-Cdmiasad s^eeJnJiit'schools. ‘ ht elrtUaa Ufh Prt. Harvel was- ph0.tsrrsphsr >,snd was prop.rist nr' of Hsrvel's Stsdio in Noi^ ■^jlkseboro..'«'?‘..ii'V;ir, FPr«si«y L: • '?>''BI«win» Honw ’ Seao*n (sc) Prssisy Blevins arrived-Iwt -week and Is visiting his grandmother, Mrs. O. F. Blevins, and other relatives la WUktetero. Seaman Blevins is stsMoaed at th* Great Lakes, 111., Naval Training Station. —— V- • ysnr yayisl mi^ lags win please Hitler, BOrs- hito and pnppet MnaaoUnL jldopted Fine Furniture Will Grace Your Home With Quality And Beauty For Years to Coinae! Due to shortages of man power, materials and cover ing, livingroom suites, studio couches and other furniture is becoming very scarce. That*s why we urge you to buy now! We still have on hand a good assortment of living room suites and studio couches with spring con- rtruction. You’ll also fLd rugs, lamps, tables and oth- er furniture you will need at our always reasonable pri^'es.’' Velour LIVING ROOM SUITES 3 Comfortable Pieces $34-50 up Soft, commodious couch . . . deep roomy chairs . . . solidly and sub stantially built and upholstered in velour . . . one of the finest, long est-wearing fabrics known to dec orating. With Spring- Construction Discount For Cash LIBERAL TERMS IF DESIRED 6950 Modern Design Bed Room Suite ^— THREE PIECES Panel or poster bed, chest, and vanity. , Solid hardwoods and veneers. Studio Couch Widi Sprites A STUDIO COUGH gd.50 As Low As — up Provides an extra bed room. With a handsome new Studio Coiich you can instantly change a living room into a spare bedroom. Why not come in today and select one for your home? JUST RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OF GENUINE GOLD SEAL :nlaid IlOLEUM — IN — Be^Aitiful Patterns Give ug -your room size and we’ll be glad to es timate your job. R. C. Goodwin is with us with over six years floor cov ering experimtee. r Hoines iiMiyk TOWN OF BORO, NOR’TH CAROLINA. R. T. McNOtL. Mspor, W. P. KWjLT,' Town CIsA- ’' *4 - • -J J- N. a ih "■■■ ^ jir

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