XXXVIll. No. 46 Published Mottdays and rhuraday*. ft-'.’- Book4To Young Bond Buyer Be Issued biScbools Implicit Instructions I Given By Ration Officials 1 Claude Doughton Sells Home To W. Alonzd McNiel Claude T. Doughton has soid his attractive home in Wilkesboro to \V. A. McN’iel, of this city, the transaction taking place Tuesday. Mr. McNiel, who Is president and general manager of the Coca- Cola Bottling Company, plans to move to Wilkesboro about No vember 1st to occupy the Dough ton home. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Emerson, the latter being Mr. McNiel’s sister, will move to ■Wilkesboro with him. -V Boys and Girls Win Prizes With Calves 4-H Club Members Make Ex cellent Showing At Calf Shows; Win Prizes K county the ■iBMICh Six 4-H club members from ■Wilkes made excellent showing this fall in dairy calf shows. C. Colvard, assisUmt agent, said today. This was the first time that club members Iwnn Wilkes^ have participated ltt:^^owa and boys and deserve credit, Mr. ColviMeaid. r - „ Six clnb members showed calves in the show et Winston- Salem. which was sponsored by Coble Dairy Products company. Three placed calves in the show which was held at Statesville un der sponsorship of Belk stores. Those showing and the amount of prizes won follow: Clifford Jordan, J6.75; Thaddens Darnell. $6.25; Irene Pardue. $12.50: Mery Mathis, $6.75; Buddy Mathis. $7.25; Lucille Mathis, $7.25. The three Mathis children placed calves In both shows and the others participated only in the Winston-Salem show. all of CENTRAL SOLOMONS NOW IN ALLIES’ HANDS TTie c6ntr&l Solomons esmpsisn is at end—a complete Allied vlc- Zealanders taace ha« ceeaed f«iw>rted todny,. hundred dead were found ' la the uorUiwei^ eoasUl eoctor. War Ration Book 4 will be issued at all schools in Wilkes county between Oc* tober 20 and October 30th. On Saturday, October 22, teachers will give an appli cation blank for War Ration Book 4 to the oldest pupil in. each family represented in the school. The pupil'will take the application htnne. The head of the family will ^ fill out and sign the appli cation. On Monday, October 25, the pu pil will return the application .ALONG WITH THE FAMILY’S WAR RATION BOOKS 2 to the teacher. During Oct. 25’ and 26 the teacher will issue Book 4 to ell families who apply through the pupils. No Book 4 will be Is sued to anyone other than the school pupils during Oct. 25 and 26. No Book 4 will be issued to anyone who does not present Book 3 to the registrar. Persons who do not have chidren in school may request a neighbor’s child to register for them. During October 27 and 28 each scljool will hold an open registra- "tiiCh for all persons who do not have children in school. Remember that no Book 4 will be Issued to any person at any time who does not present a Book Susan Newman celebrated her first birthday Monday b.v buy ing a war bond with pennie.s. She resides at Haj's with her mother, the former Miss Hazel Pelts, and her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. X. Felts. Her father, Pfe, Nathan- Newman, is in fhe ar-med forces. Achievement Day For 4-H Clubs Oct. 29 Plan Special Edition In Recognition Of Good Work Annual Achievement Day for 4-H club boys and girls will be on Friday, October 29, J. B. Snipes, Wilkes county agent, today. Achieveme-nf Day this year will be of added signi- ficence because of the won derful results achieved by the boys and girls in, the “food for Freedom’’ farm program this year. Although the orogram has mil been perfected, a full day has been set aside to give recogni tion'to the club members for a year’s work well done ond every effort will he made to provide an enjoyable day for them. The morning program will be carried out at the Wilkes court house and the afternoon will be devoted to games on the athletic field. One feature will be the award ing of prizes totaling $275 in wer bonds for the best Victory gard ens. Money for these prizes was do nated by the Occidental Life Iii- luiymce company, which is rep resented locally by J. Roby Me- .Neill, Re.\ West and T. C. Cau dill. 4-II ( LI B EDITIO.X— -As announced some time ago. The Journal Patriot will publish a special edition in recognition of the splendid -achievements by the several hundred boys and girls h. Wilkes county in 4-H club work. This edition,, which will give full details about the coming .Achievement Day, will he publish ed on Monday, October 25. V Large Me n Are Boards Send Groups For Examination And Induction Into Service; Fathers Going In Novemh^** ■V Both Selective Service boards in Wilkes county yester day sent groups of white men to the induction- center for examination and induction into the army, navy, marines and coast guard. Selective Service officials said that pre-Pearl Harbor fathers are now being called for physical examination and that some will be included in the numb^^r to be inducted in November. The liste of men sent to the induction center yesterday, which include those accepted and rejected, follow: Claude uenry Brooks. AVatson Henry Luffman. ..; More bonds for victory. At Fort Benning *®On Veils Lavella Island, wheie the Japanese fell prey to a pincers mevement of Amenca.s and New all organized resls- a communique Pfc. Edward Milam Is now stationed at Fort Benning, Oa. Prior to entering the army In .November, 1942, he was an-em ploye of Meadows Mill com pany. Pfc. Milam Is a son of Mrs. Mary' Milam, of Nortli Wilkesboro. BOARD number 1 AVamer Hayes Jarvis. Vaden Groenmore Eller. Lindsay Mansfield Jarvis, William S. Craft. John Dick Beamer. WiUlani Francis Steele. Troye Manious Green. Theodore Church. Allie Otto McGee. Lawrence Call. James K.'ol CryseL James GaPiier Vannoy. James Avery John-son. Chariie S. Church. Rom Carl Vannoy. Wnile Warren Kilby. Robert F’rank Oakley. Gamer Herman Hamby. Howard Baity Bussell. Boatman Stone. Grover Henry Allen. I). A. Church. Stacy Herman Carroll. William Vance Campbell, liconavd Lendman Jones. Gt&m Ttiouias ftoseoU. George Rumple. Raymond A. Taylor. Paul Revere Bumgarner. Kona Davis Rfatliis. Ralph Henry Hayes. James David McLean. Gtsirge Ba.vter Mltidiell. Harrison CarthvclL Otis liCe Cliambers. Hruee Hamilton Hayes. .Tames .tiatthew Staley. Paul Jones Shoemaker. Foi-d Walker. Claude Wesley Speaks. Koj Harley Parsons. Gilbeit .Audi-twv .Adams. Jame.s Ba.\ter Bumgarner. TR.ANSFER.S Coolidge Tales ReavLs. Thedford Benson Parker. Jr. BOARD MAIBEB 2 Tietclier Clyde Dillard. Willard Roy Porter (Vol.) Hermit Bolen Spieer. liannie Buel Kilby. Herman Frank Brewer (Vol.) Garvey .Alex Haynes. .Arthur Chester Harrold. Roy Ru.ssell Draughn. Harley Lee Ellis. Joe .Andrew Faw. AVilliam Reece Martin. Harlie Boliver Adams (Vol.) William Wesley 1‘egram. (Jiiincey Odell Adams. Claude James MlUer. .-Avery l-ineharger Hunter. tTiarllc William Johnson. Ralph Davis. Beldin Garfield .Adams. Charlie Elbert Brown. James Woodrow Johnson. .John Ijes Wagoner. John Robert McBride. Kobert i’ercy Stonestreet. James Cecil Absher. Howard Dean Broivn. WUUam R. Harrold. Keece Odell Wiles. ■Albert Tom .Anthnny. Gvovei’ Ra.'^ Sparks. Ia>yd Bruce Kilby. Xoali Jurvis Mathis. Shade Hauser Douglas. Don Ray Gregorj-. , Bun- A'ork Hutchison. Will Vaughn MetJrady. Millard Bare. A'ance Smoot. Junior A'auglin Byrd (A’ol.' AVilliam Clay .Alexander (A'ol.) Clay Shumate. William L.vnn .Toines. Mack Odell Wagoner. Johnnie Isaac .lohiison. .Tames Hoivard Canter (A’ol.) Dewey ItolHMt Royal. Charles Wilbur Brooks. Joel Grant Jolinson. Dalmiis elate Broxvn. Jevsie Janies .Absher. Gilmer Venion Blaekbuni. kobert Quentin Billings. Monroe I-Yeenian Shumate. Herb‘rt Eugene Walsh. (Continued Cn Puge Four) -5j Mr. Adveriliert pMfla itMi IfMlr Mmmii it like Jonnial-Fmtriot labaui VoHumo 8gt. Roy 8. Godfrey, who has lieen In the army since Pebm- Hiy, 1942, lias been selected for aviation cadet training and is now- stationed at Dickerson Col lege, Pa. Sgt. Godfrey Is a son of Mr. and .Tfrs. L. L. Godfrey, of Wilkesboro. First Baptist BuildingFund Being Raised American F^^vAnd the British^^Efghth Armies Move 51st Anniversary To Be Observed On Sunday In the observance of its fifty- first anniversary this Sunday, the First Baptist church of North Wilkesboro will give considera tion to a post-war enlargement of Its Sunday school faculties. A special appeal is being made to tfWf Sunday school to bring gifts this Sunday whifeh can be added to the accumuhiting church building- fund. The church plans to con struct additional department and clas.s room space at such time af ter the war as building materials may become awailable and the Allied forces have secur ed a bridgehead on the north bank of the flooded Vohur- no River, it was indicated last night as tha ' F'ifth Army’s right flank sw^t IS miles up ,the rugged back bone of Italy and captured Riccia in a hard fight. Moving closely parallel and pos sibly already unlt^, the Fifth and Eighth armies had brought the full 40-mlle length of the Ter- moll-Vlnchiaturo lateral road under artillery fire es Gen. Sir. B. L. Montgomery’s troops ad- vaned nine to ten miles, entering St. Elia and Bonefro. (BBC .said the Allies were only cne mile from Vinchlaturo.) German broadcasts admitted that British and American troops had thrust strongly aowerd Viu- chiaturo from Jelsl, just to the east. The Allies were violently shelling; German positions in sector and also had shelled Cam- ponasso on the Termoli Road northeast of Vinchlaturo, where the Bishop was asserted to have been killed at mass. V 177 Enemy Planes Hit In Big Raid On Jap Base ‘This Is the Army’ IhosmJliisyiWAlLHeuiutini .-4k* All Pr^tx From Premieve Showing At $1.10 Each For Army Relief A huge air armada crush* ed Japan’s main Southwest Pacific fortress of Rabanl Tuesday, wrecking 60 per cent of its planes and 17,600 tons of its shipping, in a blow so titanic that the American air commander assessed it as “the turning point In the war” in that sector. Three of the vessels sunk were destroyers. Massing all available heavy bombers, medium bdmbers and fighters—making their deput over Rabaul—for the attack, Lieut. Gen. George C. Kenney’s airforce surprised the enemy so completo- ly that General MacArthur said said the raid broke RabauTs back. Having -already largely wiped out Japan’s Wewak, New Guinea, air base by destroying some 500 planes there, the destruction or damage to 177 planes at Rabanl now gives the Allies mastery of the air over the Salomons Sea and adjacent waters, MacArthur said. “It was a crushing and decisive defeat for the enemy at a most vital point,” the general said. “Almighty God blessed our necessary funds for the purpose are in hand. At the special Anniversa.-y service this Sunday, several mem- jbers of the church will mak. ! brief talks concerning the Sunday school and its needs, and the pas I tor will speak on the subject: , "When The Lights Come Or. I Again, All Over The World”. The .service is scheduled to begin at 10:50 a. m. V a Sponsors are expecting a full house for the premiere showin.g of “This Is The Army” Sund-jy afternoon for benefit of Army Emergency Relief. | The picture, which belongs to **• the United States Army, will be shown Sunday afternoon, three Quota For Wilkes County I* Three; Mrs. Kathryn Lott Heads WAC Committee Office of Civilian Defense has taken over the task of putting on recruiting campaign for the 'Women's -4rmy Corps. ! Judge J. A. Rousseau, chair- Jones—What nurse you’ve got. Smith—Is she? ticed. swell I looking o'clock, October 17, at the Allen j of Civilian Defense in W ilkes. the in I hadn’t no- Theatre, and all profits from the j has appointed .Mrs. Kathryn Lott, sale of tickets at $1.10 each will manager of the U. S. Employment go into the Army Emergency Re-. St^rvice office here, to head lief fund, which aids distressed' V^AC recruiting campaign soldiers and their families in Wilkes. emergencies. The organization is '^'h« quota for Wilkes is thiee spending e million dollars each i WAC’s and it is expected that the month for emergency relief. quota ran be filled if women tn- L. M. Nelson is chairman for terestea will file application. Army Emergency Relief in Wilkt.s I Mrs., Lott has complete infor- and has secured committees from mation on fhe 45omens .Army the Kiwanis Club, Lions Club, iGorps and will be glad to discuss Jones—Gee, I had no idea you American Legion and Auxiliary to Ihe matter with ony woman in- wi-re that sick. United War Relief And Scout Fund Drive To Open Monday charge of advance ticket Uerested in enlisting in the worn- len’R branch of the United States army. Campaign to raise the combined fund for the Unit ed War Fund and Boy and Girl Scout work in Wilkes county will open on Mon day, October 18. The combined goal for all the objectives is $12,000, of which $2,500 will be for- Scout work, T. E. Story, chairman, said today. Object of the campaign is to raise the necessary funds for carrying out war relief in the several countries end for the Scout work, in Wilkes without having to call on the public in several cam paigns. Mr. Story said tod-ay that an organization has beeh worked out with which it is hoped that all the. people -of the county can be con tacted and given an opportunity to help the many worthy causes included in the campaign. Community leaders have been > ppointed and each community leader will have a number of so licitors. It is hoped that thous ands of people In the county will contribute in order that the quota can be reached with ample funds. Included In the United War Re lief Imdget are funds for the United SeiTice Organisation, liie USO needs no introdaictlon and the'- fine yvork It is doing for members of the armed forces Is- In California I i^c. Roby yates is notv stationed^ ne^ Lo« Angeles. Calif. Pvt. Yates, eon of Mrs. ClHU-sio Yates Robinson and the late Cvmmd Yates, of Pur- tear, enteiM thO'anuy October 28, 1M2. • ;He waa tntnsfemd from NasbilY^, Tma-, to bio lireacfit loestltou- to, ?nly- well known. , Othery organizations which will share ik, the -funds from United ■War Relief follow: United Seaman’s Service. War Prisoners Aid. Belgian War Relief Societj British War Relief Society French Relief Fund. Friends of Luxembourg. Greek War Relief Association Norwelgan Relief. Polish War Relief. „ .Queen Wilhelmina Fund. Russian War Relief. United China Relief. United Czechoslovak Relief. United Yugoslav Relief Fund. Refugee Relief Trustees. United States Committee • for the Care of European Children. be in sale.s. A jeep with mounted machine gun and manned by several soldi-' —o o ers from Morris Field, Charlotte.! iVlIkCS M&Il DUyS ,5 will be in the Wilkesboros Sun ^ ~ day afternoon and will be at th.-* theatre during the cne and only showing Sunday afternoon, three o’clock. The picti re will also run Mon day and Tuesday at the Allen Theatre at regalay prices, but -only one-half the profits from the -regular showing will go Into the ■Army Emergency Relief Fund. •V. Purebred Guernseys J. W. Porter, of Millers Creek, purchased three Guernseys at the sale held Tuesday --I Elkin. Tho animals will be used as the be ginning of a dairy herd. Money can figkt, buy bonds. i Rations At Portsmouth, Va. Loaded Truck And , Garage Is Destroyed R. L. Woodle’s produce truck, fully loaded. Mid hte garage burned Monday night at bis farm four miles wartT of this city. The’truck oontBl|ied pro- dnoe, a Urge number of hams, eggs, a quantity of com ami other matwhUn. Total low of. the ffunge, and contents whe cstimatea at sereral thous and dollars and was not cover- ed by Insurance. - . , ^ . .'■-i-' - y ■ - WAR BONDSa^ Pvt. Edwnrd y;''stdey cently retnsned to Piwtphnniatti,* Vn., after spending’n ]»*•» bl» pairrats,- Mr. and H^ra. S. k'tteley, of North Wftketboro route three.,. Fft. Staley edter- fatlfwaaMv, tStt. SUGAR—Stamp 14, good for five pounds of sugar until af ter October 31. Stamps 15 and 16 now may be used to obtain sugar for canning, good for five pounds each, valM until October 31. GASOLINE—Coupons No. 6 in A Look good for three gal lons became effective July 22 and will expire November 8. SHOES — Coupon 18 in the sugar and f of fee ration book valid fpr one pair of shoes has no expiration date. No. 1 air plane stamp In took three be comes valid November 1 for one pair shoes. FOOD—Blue stamps U, \ and W valid through Oct. *20. X. Y. Z valid from Oct. 1 thru “ and E in book three now valid; expire October 30. F' will be valid October 17th to Oct. SOth. F^’BL OIL—New No. 1 con pon, Chm 4. sheetT good tor 10 gallons (1 dnit), expires Jsn 3; new No. 1 coupon. Otsss S sheet, good for 60 gsllons (6 units), npires Jnnmry 3; new i oonpan, Clsss Y-sheet, good «(ir 260 '■ ImHOBS (2% edJhe army; •«

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