List Men Sent For Induction Fathers Included In Group Sent By Board 2 Wilkes Selective Service Board number 2 on Tuesday seut a large group of men to the induction center for ex amination and induction in to the army, navy and ma rine corps, The list included several pre-war fathers. The cmiplete list, includ ing those acceptei and re jected, follows: Richard Caswell Martin. Tomer Roosevelt Adams. John McKlnleijr Ix>ve. John Anrter Bowlin. .Albert Elmore Byrd. inonuM ixUlesfiSe McLaughlin. John James Strike. Robert Calvin .Htueiart. IHaude .Absher. Charlie Monroe BUhags. James BaancI PiiveMn, Ivjr OomeUiMs Waddell. OoUle Royal. Charlie Elmer Harrold. Lionel Dexter Miller. W'Uliam Alarvin Teague. Lonnie Jack Maliaffey. WUliam Warren Battle) . Lankford Miiee Wagoner. Claode Vlnatoa Taylor. Stanley W. Ctmrch. mvid Bristol Usbome. Tparmon Royal. — Oscar Brown. George Washington Wood. CUftoB WardJMUanL Glean Bangnss. woodruff Robert Wallao‘. Roland Wttlard Transou. •fohn Hunter Roopo. Emory Koscoe Bowyer. Vonl^ Whit© Church. Wlillah Frank Sale. Joseph Herbert Hawkins. George W'ltUam Ble>vins. Cody Harrill Mopre. Ve.stal Everett Higgins. lx>nnie Bay Harrold. Robert Floyd Shoenmker. John Robert fhureh. Cliarlle I.iester Boyd. Jay Conlej- Graj-son. WUliam David Tharpe. Howard William Thompson. Dan Ray Gregory (vd.) Ralph Wesley .McCann. lioyA Matthew Ester. Stamie (klpU Bowers. .Aaron B« * Clear)-. WUlJe Hayes. James Stacey Money. Mancie Eldered Jordan. Jonlor Lee Adams. Clyde- Chester Lyon. Hobert Estel Waddn.s. Grover Edward Pendry. Joseph Leo Porter, tiene A. Brookshire. Herbert Howard Transoii. Johnie Kver«-t .Ahsher. Richard Montgomery Poteat. John IVank Plnniv. Herman ITareoce Darnell. Etnk-r Leo Doan Moncus. Rixle Gene Spicer. Ernest Fred Danc> . LAande Edgar Rhodes. Hpenoer Arnold Johnson. Clyde Dean Ix>vette. toster Bronard Long. Raymond James Reavls (voL) Jessie Freeman Long (vol.) Claude Calvin Bradley. W'alter Everette (Meaiy. Bonnie MeOoy Minton (vol.) Josd’h Robert Barrett. tiUmer Edwin PhllUps. John Vernon Martin. Paul Cottry. Ransom Ooolidge Brown. Ted Harold Wagoner. Joseph VlrgU Bowlin. AiOTtzo W. Clonch. Joaraal-Patriot’s New Press Is Here sr May Be Omitted On fonday While Press Is Being Inatnlled you don’t receive your J.our- atrlot Monday you will know ;he Issue is being omitted In to install the big new press. 5 press, delivery of which inavoidably held up for one because of transportation alties. Is here and is awalt- le grrlfal of a factory train in loe InstaUation. These sons of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Triplette, of Ronda, Are serving in the army and navy. Pvt. Russell J. Trip- lette.’left, entered the army in January, receiv^ his ba sic training at Camp Young, California, and is now at Camp Maxey, Texas. ArviIIe L. Triplett, right, U a sec ond class seaman. He entered the navy in September, received his “boot” training at Newport, R. I., and was recently home on furlough. Serving Overseas WffiSna /- Fowler, seaman fU-W class, is now overseas, ac cording to n*ws reccivtnl by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Fowler, of Ronda. He enter ed the iiatT in May and receiv- «d his basic training at Baln- bridg>‘, Md. Scout Rally On Friday Nlsht At City School Gym Boy Scout rally for the Wilkes district will be held Friday night. November .S, iit the North Wilke,-i- boro, school gymnasium. Gordon Finley, district Scout commissioner, ahnounced the dale of the annual rally and stated that a moat interesting and en tertaining program has been planned for the occasion. All Boy Scouts in the county are urged to attend the rally and participate in the activities. -V- Cripple Clinic Nov. 11 .November clinic for crippled' children will he held dt the- Wilkes hospital on Thursday. No vemher 11. Free examination will be given all crippled and de formed persons present on that date. Visits Home I’vi. Ronult 'Worth Bur- is s|>en(ling sonic lime at home at t'rtckct after four years in tiie army and stationed in Panama. Pvt. Bare bs a son of Mr. and Mt8. Sylvester Bare, whoM- home i.s at Cricket but who arc now working in Baltimore. Jufors Are Drawn Wllkesboro Term Of Federal Court Judge Hayes To Convene Session On Monday, ‘November 15 Judge Johnson J. Hayes will preside over the next term of Fed eral court which will convene in Wllkesboro Monday, Nov. 15, tor the trial of cases coming from Alleghany, Ashe, Watauga and Wilkes counties. . The following jury list has been drawn for the term: , Alleghany: Howard ■Bryaa. 'CHaSs it«r woodruff, Chetry'GmerP- O. Richardson, Laurel Springs; P. C. Edwards. Plney Creek; Carl Hampton, Stratford. Ashe: Fred Houck, Todd; T. C. Camp bell. West Jefferson; C. H. Eld- reth. Bldreth: W. M.Jliller, Mi lam: Paul Southertanti, Fig; Geo. Bowden, (col.), Clifton; J. M. Burkett, Warrensvllle; Howard Stanberry. Lansing; A. E. Jones. Fig: T. F, Miller. Wagner. Fre.i Cook. West Jefferson; Paul Bow ers, West Jefferson. Watauga; Ned Glenn, Sugar Grove; Chas. Simmons, Triplett: Clay Perry, ZionvlUe;' O. L. Coffey. ShuHs Mills; S. C. Ford, Blowing Rock: Eamie Triplett, Maney; Lloyd Wilcox, Deep Gap; Lesley Lyon, Boone: Wade Clawson., Boone; Shuford Edminsten, Blowing Rock: Miss Mabel Bingham. Boone; Fred Critcher. Boone. Wilkee: D. L. Minton, North Wilkes- ^.•oro: W. E. Colvard, North Wllkesboro: Sherman Elledge, North Wilkeshoro. route one: R. L. Hickerson. Ronda: Treely Ha:’- old. North Wllkesboro; M. J. Roberson. Gllreath; T. N.,hayes, North Wllkesboro route two; J. W. McBride, Tnsphill; W. W. Bar ber. Wllkesboro: W. M. Eller. Congo; J. A. Hall, North Wilkes- boro: M. L. Gray. Cycle: Glenn Willianis, Goshen:^,^U.J- Wadkina, (col.). North Wii^e'sfctiro; R. L. Profflt. WilkeslKH-o: J ‘A. Hollo way, Traphill: W. A. Hayes. Pur- lear: Walter Brew-er, North Wllkesboro route; Clarence Shephard, McGrady: T. J. Brook^ shire. Boomer route: Sam Trlp- 'ett. Purlear: J.ohn Higgins, Wllkesboro; Landreth Blevins, Hays; Monroe Eller. North Wllkesboro; Myrtle McBride, Traphill; Clarence Hendren, G'l- rcath; D. C. Castevens. Traphill. RABADL RAID COSTS EHEklY 67 FLAMES Rutired StifcMiolder of Loan Association Reoel General Douglaa MacAr- thur’a air arm inflicted the worst defeat yet administer ed to Japan's sea home pow er at the New Britain strong hold of Rabau! Tuesday, sending three memy de stroyers and eight large mer chant vessels to the bottom of Simpson Harbor. The devastating attack account ed for 94,000 tons of enemy ship ping—50,000 tons sunk outright and 44,000 severely damaged— and, in brushing off frantic en emy interference in the air, the Allied bombers shot down 67 Japanese planes. Nineteen of the raiders were lost. Journal-Patriot Ig Highly Praised At Pulpwood Meet As in every home front cam paign to liasten victory over tlie * axis. The Journal-Patriot ha« been active in the campaign to encourage cutting and market ing of vast quantities of palp- wood, a vlbil war material. And it was gratifying to the etUtor to receive the following message from Shep Brinkley, of the North I'iaroUna l*Wp, Com pany, as he was atteoding a meeting in New A'ork CltJ'! “Wish )oa mlfdit have been here at tlie U. S. Victory Fnlp- wood. Campaign Headqanrtoos. 4rorkyou ' ntje doing. in this drive’. t V- SgL Clark Beglis Patrolman Doties Succeeds Carlyle Ingle As Highway Patrol Officer For The Wilkes Area Left to right: O. H. Bracey, secretary-lVeasiirer of North Wllkesboro National Fsurm Loan Association; P. E. Dancy, presidMit of the Association,'R. L. Church, retired member. In tbe^ above “picture, Mr. jjner shareholdera of tbe consoli Bracey secretary-treasurer of the dated assocbslions wbo have paid North Wllkesboro National Farm 1 their loans In full to The Federal Loan Association, is seen handing Land Bank of Columbia. Our new association has assets of more check to Mr. Church, represent-1 (i,an $68,000, including a suV Ing the par value of his stock in ^stantlal surplus and reserve, es- the Association, in the presence I tablished through aii agreement of Mr. Dancy, president of the as- between the directors of the as sociation. Mr. Church was the gociatlon and the land bank. Ou>- first retired stockholder to re ceive payment in full for his stock investment in the association af ter It was organized as a result of consolidation of several iMSOcia- tions in the North Wllksk^ro territory. !Hils.- te a for both Mr. Dancy anil me. ’We are now ready to pay the full pa;- value of all retired stock to for- financiat position is stronger than it has been in 25 years and we are now able to render better farm mortgage credit service to tirm- ers than ever before in the history of the land bank system," Mr. Bracey stated. The North lyflkes- «*i5aiain«**-f*afrtfTwa entiOBB for , Federal land bank loans tn Wilkes, Ashe, Alleghany, Oildwell, and Watauga counties. PIUrDRIVER PRSH BREAKS GERMAR URES The Germans fled laat night to new defenses less than 70 miles from Roma, their “little Rommel” Una broken under 10 days of pile-driver assaults by Allied . troc^s who were advancing steadily despite fierce rear guard resistance from Nan tanhs* Over-running the entire Germsa Western flank, British end Ameri can troops of Lieut- Oen. Hark W. Clark’s Fifth Army mopped up Mt. Massico, captured Mt. Croce to the northeast and drove within two or three miles of the Garigiano River, 79 miles from Rome and outpost of the new enemy line. V regiment was wlpe^ out^and all iwA ....——A hounced. Sgt. A. H. Clark has assumed his dutlM here as highway patrol man for .this area. Sgt. Clark succeeds Sgt. Carlyle Ingle, who resigned on October 1. Sgt. Clark was formerly sta tioned at Asheboro, where he held the rank of corporal in the petrol, j bis assignment to' was a promo tion in rank. He has an excellent record in the patrol. Sgt. and Mrs. Clark have taken an apartment ir the Tevepauih residence on h nslngton Avenu *. -V Accompanying North Wllkesboro Mrs. J. A. Jones Taken By Death Now Oversea* Ratledge Jones, • morning at the Merger I s Formed Between Piedmont- Mountain - C. & $. C. & S. Motor Express, which has been openiting between North Wllkesboro and Winston-Salem for many years, has ’serged with Piedmont-Mountain F-elght Lines, which operate over a great part of western North Carolina. The same schedule of service between North Wllkesboro and Winston Salem will be followed na E. F. Caudill, owner of the C. S. lines. Is now part owner of Piedmont Mountain Freight Mnes with Ppul Billings and James Ed Caudill. 'The merger went Into effect 0)1 November 1. Mrs. Jo Anna 58, died Tuesday Wilkes HosplUjl ’Mrs. Jones was the wife of J. A. Johea. prominent loc i' citizen and who Ir proprietor of the Wilkes Laundry. She had been In ill heiiltli for some lime and cri tically ill during the past two weeks. She was born aiid reared in Davie county, a daughter of the late Philman and S.illie Casey Ratledge. Surviving are her husband three sons and one daughter: Norris Jones. Raleigh; Buford Jones, Wilmington: Mrs. Louella Craven, North Wllkesboro; and Odell Jones. Tampa, Fla; five brothers and three slsterj; George Ratledge. Woodleaf; John Rat- ledge: Elkin; Pink. Bill and Dee Ratledge, Mocksvllle; Mrs. Mae Oodby, Harmony; Miss Minnie Ratledge. Woodleaf; Mrs. Re becca Koontz, Mocksvllle. Funeral service was held at the home today, 12:30 p. m. and burial service was at Centec church cemetery n©.ir Mocksvllle Pvt. Robert I,. Holtoway, of the .Army Ain Corps JitatlonrtI at Homestead, Florida, w-rites his mother than lie will la- lioine for the 'Thanksgiving holi days. I’vt. Hollaw-ay has been 111 the army since January fi. I IMS, and Just recently received his silver wings. He i.s tlie .sou Mrs. Hesste Roberson, who lives near Cricket. Itet. J. R. Mathis, son of Mr. and .Mrs. TYank .Matliis, of Koiirin^ River, lias he«‘n seiil overseas. His sister, Mis.s MozcHe .MatIUs, and fiancee. Miss Mary- I’ardue, of Roaring River, i-isited him sit Greenrtlle. I’a., Iiefore _he sailed overta-as. Pvt. Nlatlite entered tlie army in May this year. GIRL SCOUT ACTIVITIES PLANNED;DIRECTOR HERE i V-12 Exam Tuesday I Navy V-12 examination for col- 'lege training and army V-12 exam- jination for specialized tralnlnf will be given Tuesday, Nov. 9th, ijt North Wllkesboro school, where application blanks and complete I information Is now pvallabls. BoTt 17. years of age or who will IT- ch 17 by March 1. 1944. and who are high school graduste* iiiHv take the examination. -V- With the arrival of Rohertlne toast marshmallows or roast McClendon, traveling executive welners, campfires will be bull*, secretary for the Girl Scouts, to be the,full time worker for the North Wllkesboro and Wilkes- boro Girl Scouts for six weeks, the local Girl Scouts are planning a period of Intensive activltjr tha* will follow through the year in program activity for all G|vl Scouts, both adult workers and girl members. The local Girl Scouts will offi cially close Girl Scout week on November 6 with a rally In Smoot Special flag ceremonies w-ill close the meeting at 6 o’clock. All national dues of fifty cec per member are due at this tlm and the local cooncil wants to s this time asfle as en annual ots- tom in each tpooo for city-wide j registration. All Scouts not ye* registered with their trpop leade’s are asked to bring* their dues at this time. ’ Troop 2, the Senior troop -rt, Over 100 Home Demonstration Club members attended the «n- nual Federation meeting held Wednesday night at the Woman s Club house in this city. A splendid program w>is ren- Wilkesboro with •• Miss Mary dered and the victory garden Charles Alexander as leader,,,wlll prise was awarded to Mrs. P»lph staff the first aid station at'the Swanson, of Boomer. Millers rally. -- N. ' y, ,» .Creek club'won the prise lor larg- Brownie Scout leaders aW'Mte-s. est sttendanc^d Tbe Champion TiiU Hinton Mrs BllT (for p«bllcUy record. m«mijci9 — LfUia riiDio . • ’ ' M r’lfta—iit Ridffe club monibdrt V 'James, contests of all kinds Wlih T. Mitchell. Mlsa Marte «slgMebd. tp^ at 3 o’clock. Rev. A. C.-Waggon-‘park from 3 to 6 o’clock. Each er. pastor of the North Wllkesboro troop Is to attend with entu-t First Methodist church of which imembership of leaders, girls. Mrs. Jones was a member, con-1 troop mothers and committee ducted the service, assisted by | members plus the local council Russian Army Moves Ten Miles In A Day Russian forces swept yesterday to within 21 miles of Kherson, Black Sea port at the month of the Dnieper River, as the retreat ing Germans poured back across the stream abandoning thousanoa of dead and piles of stores and machines, Moscow announced to day. Advancing at the rate of 10 miles a day, the Russians charged through 80 towns and hamlets la the vast steppes between the Dnieper and Karklnit Bay on the Black Sea. More than 3,000 Ger mans were killed in this area, alorle and In one sector an entire Boone Lions To Render Program Delegation From Boone Club To Put On Program At Lions Meeting Friday A delegation from the Boone Lions Club will give the program at the meeting of the North Wllkesboro Lions Club on Friday evening, seven o'clock, at Hotel Wilkes. The program will be one of a .number of program exchanges by 'clubs in this section of the state. On Monday night Rev. Fred H. Shipp. Rev. A. C. Waggoner and B. B. Broome put on a program before the Lenoir Lions Club. “Llonism’’ was the theme of the program and was well handled by those taking port. The three Lions giving the pro gram were accompanied to I,enoir by James M. Anderson, presi dent. and Bill Marlow, secretary, of the North Wilkeshoro club. In the program exchange the num ber of visiting Lions who put on the programs is limited to five ‘U order to save transportation. V- Federation Of Home Clubs In Annual Mestlng .Green®, hom« Santa Crud area of year. Bolivia the the program, jsacn penmu m auu --—t.- -.: this I bring Jier own ‘’noseber" supper. - SpehVil course* in aU phases d ( l ln rttse of some Scouts wanting to.^ (Continued dh paff •fkt- t Ion Is pre^iarihg ‘3 ^unt of the occaidoa. fir M published later. ' S U-1 •■-i- , ,4t vV.