^^,000 Reported I Jnrationed Butter Training Session In; All Urged To For Girl Scouts’ Give All Possible Mothers Planned National War Fund con tributions in Wilkes county to date total approximately ^000, which is two-thirds of the $12,000 goal. Chair man T. E. Story said today. * The combined National War Fund, which includes many service men and war relief agencies, cat's for $9,- 500 from Wilkes and in order to eliminate a local drive for funds $2,500 was added for Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, making the total $12,000. Chairman Story said that some of the rural workers have made their reports to the central or ganization hut he urged that they continue to receive contributions and to contact any people who were missed in the first canvass. He also urged, that the workers who have not reported make every reasonable effort to call on every person who can make a contribu tion in order that the county may go over the top In this important wp:; effort. p. Pointing out that the National War fund eliminate many calls for contributions, Chairman Story said that the people may be assured that liberal contributions in this campaign will make it un necessary for them to be canvass ed often for funds for war relief and related agencies. In order that the quota may be reached, all workers are urgently requested to complete the canvass of their respective communities within the next few days. Attention is called to the fact that persons who are not contact ed by workers may send or mail their contributions to Chairman Story, or to W. D. Halfacre, treas urer of the fund, at North Wilkes- boro. Mn. C- M. Connell. Reading, Pa., saves bntier rauonmg points by chnming cream with a jig saw. Her hnsband devised the ingenions meth od. A can of cream is attached to the saw and the motion chums it into hotter. FEDERAL COURT NOWIHSEKION INWILKESBORO November term of federal court convened in Wllkesboro today and began work on a docket contain ing many cases. Judge Johnson J. Hayes is pre siding over the term. A great ma jority of the cases pending trial are for alleged violations of the federal liqiior tax laws. “Girl Power In the Wllkesboros” Is the topic of a special training session for all Girl Scout mothers to be held here next week, accord ing to the announcement made by Mrs. R. T. McNiel, training chair man of the Girl Scout Council. The North Wllkesboro mothers of Brownies and Girl Scouts will hold their meeting on Wednesday afternoon, November 17, from 2 to 3:20 p. m. in the City Hell. The Wllkesboro mothers of Brownies, Girl Scouts and Senior Icouts will hold their meeting on Friday afternoon, November 19, Tom 2 to 3:20 p. m. “Girl Scouting Is so closely ai led with the home”, Mrs. T. A. i'inley, commissioner for the local llrl Scouts said, “that we ar.a 'ager to have all our mothers now more about the troop or- -anizatlon. There are places for everybody to serve the girl-youth ■f our town so that the activities >ffered th4m through the Scout 'rogram of character development vill be the vital forces In their lives”. Miss Robertine McClendon, traveling Girl Scout executive secretary, will conduct these two training sessions. More than a hundred Girl £cout»Tr«d4lta and chlldTest-r-at- tended the Girl Scout Week rally in Smoot Park and each troop hod fine attendance at the dinner cook-out held at Mrs. Carl Van- Deman’s on Saturday. V Mike Shows Up Well In Football Picture I Thomas Whicker \f, Now Eagle Scout In a rfecent meeting of the Boy Scout Court of Honor for the Wilkes district, the Eagle Scout award was presented to Thomas Austin Whicker, son of Attorney and Mrs. J. H. Whicker, Sr. The program opened with the impressiv'e flag and Bible ceremo ny by young Whicker, Pat Hunt and Tom Nelson. This was fol lowed by the Investiture Board ceremony in which 12 Scouts light ed candles representing the parts of the Scout law as follows: Trust- ,-^worthy; loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave clean and reverent. Three Scouts represented the three parts of the Scout oath as duty to God, country and self. Eagle Scout Whicker’s father read a letter from national Boy Scout headquarters and presented the membership card as Eagle Scout to his son. The program closed with an in spiring' talk by W. E. Vaughn- Lloyd, and the presentation of the Eagle badge to Eagle Scout Whkker by his mother. Saturday’s Charlotte Ob server carried on its sports page a large picture of Mike Williams, one of Pa- vidson’s football players of the 1943 season. Mike plays end at Davidson, and although not as heavy as the usuaf gridiron war rior, he has played a good game for Davidson this season. Mike’s friends here were happy to see The Obser ver give his picture so much space on its Satur day spo^ page, Mike is the son of Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Williams, of this city. State Baptists To Meet Nov. 16-18th Annual Convention Will Be Held At First Church, Winston-Salem Warren Speaker Friday Noon At Kiwanis Meeting Charlie McNeill Buys W. B. Somers Home Kx-Sherlff W. B. Somers last Satarday sold hta property locat ed near the Wllkesboro school bnildlng to Charlie C. McNeill. Bx-Sherlff Somera and family formerly occupied the residence R which Is now occupied by Prof. W. T. Long and family. Mr. McNeill recently sold his home near the Wllkesboro Meth- odtot church to BX-Sherlff C. T. t Donghton, who hed prevlonsly Us nttmetlve home In east F 'Wllkeshoiti McNleJ. V" lost whe® “fruit basket r. uins F boro «WI«ntry depends on bow warn Ihrpt hmit fhids a suiteblo home .fcmlly. 'Business In Government’ Topic of Instructive Ad dress Before The Club North Wllkesboro Klwanls club L heard a most interesting address Friday noon on the subject of government. Program Chairman Paul Cra- gan presented Mias Sue Landon who played two numbers, “Rustle 01 Spring’,, by Finding, and “Ve netian Love Song,” by Neuln. He then introduced Jule B. Warren, of Raleigh, who made an excellent talk on the subject, “Bnsiness In Goremment”. lie stated we hare come to the time In our government that every citi zen ought to have a sane interest in it. Our public debt la stupen dous and growing by leaps and bounds. He said our people bed become much like the "Lotos Eat ers” in the old Greek story. They ste of the herbs on the island to which they came and then for go! all their former heritage and (Contiiwed on page eifht) Baptists of North Carolina are looking forward to the annual Baptist State convention to be held in Winston Salem November 16-18. Between 500 and 1,000 ministers end laymen are expect ed to attend the convention, which meets in First Baptist church in that city. A number of Wilkes county pastors and laymen are planning to attend, and Dr. J. Clyde Turner, pastor of First Baptist church, Greensboro, Is to conduct the de- votlonals at the opening session. The convention theme will be “Christianity and the New World Order.’’ Five special messages by outstanding ministers on topics in iline with the theme will be de livered. The afternoon of Novem ber 16, Dr. J. B. Weatherspoon, of 1 Southern Baptist Theological sem- I inary, Louisville, Ky., will speak 'on “The Christian Message and the New World Order.” That evening Dr. George W. Sadler, Richmond, Va., will speak on "Christianity Permeating the New World Order”. At the morning session Novem ber 17 “Christian Youth and the New World Order” will be the subect of Dr. J. W. Marshall, Richmond, Va., while at the eve ning session Rev. Zeno Wall, Shelby, will speak on “Christian Education In North Carolina”. The concluding message will be by Rev. Broodue B. Jones, Raleigh, on “Spiritual Foundations for the New World Order". Dr. I. O. Greer, Thomasvllle is president of the convention and will preside at the bnslnees ses sions. Mach of the time will be given to presentation of reports from various associations and from organisations within the convention, including the women’s missionary nnion and workers in home and foreign mission fields. Of especial Interest wiU.bs the report of the edncatlon commis sion, appointed at the last conven tion to study the work in the Bap tist educational institutions and to make recommendations looking to a more nnlfled program of ed ucation. ‘ Daring the convention a anm- ber of Baptists are expected to attend the eonventlon. Dr. /olml (Oontinned-on pace eitlit)~ Cpl. O. D. (Dock) Wllee, who entered the army six months ago, is now stationed at Camp Shelby, Miss. Prior to enter ing the army he was a postal clerk at the North Wllkesboro postoffice. Ho received his basic training at Oamp Lee, Va., and was assigned to the postal school at West Chester, Pa., and after completing the course was transferred to Camp Shelby. Cpl. Wiles is a son of Mrs. D. O. Wiles, of this city. His wife and son, Clarence David, are making their home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gumej NoitIs, at Boone. T. C. Caudill Now Manager Carolina Motor Club Office Auto License Plates Will Go On Sale Here December 1st; Office On Ninth T. C. Caudill will be manager of open an office in the Coffiy build ing on Ninth street December 1. Mr. Caudill said today that the Carolina Motor Club branch here will sell 1944 automobile and truck license plates, which will go on sale December 1. The branch of fice managed by Mr. Caudill will render complete service as a unit of the Carolina Motor Club and as license agent for the state. Motorists will get brand new li cense plates for 1944 instead of the comer tabs as were sold last year. However, only, one plate will be issued and it will be dis played on the front of the vehicle. Colors will be reverse of the old plates and will have orange letters and numerals on a black back ground. Same prices 'will be in effect. U. S: TROOPS TAKE HEIGHTS; EIGHTH GAINS In the face of point-blank ar tillery flrei, Allied patrols were reported storming in force across both river-mouth extremities of the German line in Italy yesterday while American troops, routing two enemy battalions, won new key helghths above Venafro. Reflecting anxiety' over the steady weaning away of their “Winter line" outposts, the Ger mans put about 60 planes over the front yesterday, concentrating them against British troops who had crossed the Garigllano Estu ary and were threatening Mlntur- no on the Gulf of Gaeta. ■ V Bob McCoy’s Picture In Sports News Reel Local people were de lighted to see Bob Mc Coy’s picture in the sport news reel showing shots of the recent Army-Notre Dame football game at The Allen Theatre Satur day. Bob, the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. McCoy, of this city, is a cadet at West Point, and the news reel shdwing how anthusf&stic- ally he was supporting his army eleven. V- McNeill Child 1$ Burned To Death Extra Large Egg An egg with a weight of five and one-halt ounces and a cir cumference of over nine inches around the long way was found by Clinton Slier in his ben house at his home four miles west of this city. When broken the large egg was found to contain a normal size egg on the inside in addition to the regular yolk and a large quantity of egg white. Those who saw the egg said it was the largest hen egg they had ever seen. Bhineral service for Melba Jean McNeill, age two years and ten months, who died Thursday eve ning from burns received earlier in the day when she fell Into a tub of hot water at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard McNeill, at Millers Creek, was held Saturday, two o’clock, at Fleaaant Home Baptist church. The child was severely burned and was rushed to the 'Wilkes hos pital, where she died in a few hours. Surviving are the father and mother, Howard and Clara Besh- ears McNeil*, o®® sister.' At Potato Hill NAZIS REPORT LARGE SOVIET FORCES MOVE Ffc, Arvll R. Jphnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. FeUx Johnson, of the Goshen conunnnlty, was in the battle of Potato Hill on New Georgia Island in the Solomons, and at the end of the battle helped to bury 100 dead Japs. General Nikolai . F. Vatutin's Northern Ukraine Army drove to within 20 miles of the Korosten rail Junction yesterday, while Ber lin early today announced that nearly 500,000 Russians had broken through German Dnieper bend defenses In a new assault aimed at closing a giant trap on the huge Axis forces lB9tbe south. A Moscow communique and midnight supplement announced Uhe continuing Soviet drive to- Iward the old Polish border, less I than 60 miles away. In which 50 towns were overrun, but did not mention the big push in the Dnieper bend. V JAPS’ GUINEA BASES HIT IN A MIGHTY RAID . .,,aAbatttoi5~and wUl dellyw^the n^emorlai ers. following up a strafing raid by* fighter planes, plastered Alex- Ishafen and Madang with 223 tons of bombs Saturday morning in the heaviest areial assault yet thrown against the Japanese on New Guinea. P-40 and P-39 fighters swept the airstrips at Alexishafen short- 1 yofter dawn, leaving fires at the expense of one craft shot down by Intense anti aircraft op position. ’Then came waves of Liberators at medium height, fol lowed by Mitchells at tree-top heights, to give the enemy a thorough going over. A strong force of P-47’s and P-40’8 was on hand as a protec tive cover, but not a Japanese plane was in the air. V Juniors to Have A Memorial Service Will Honor Dead Of Both World Wars; Rev. John Wells To Speak The local Junior order will hold a memorial service for the dead of ■'World War 1 and 2 at Its regular meeting tomorrow evening at 7:30 In the council hall. . Rev. John Wells, Jr., vice coun- addrras. There will be d patriotic song service, work In the first de gree, and refreshments will be served. All members of the coun cil are requested to be present. V- Candidate For Governor Here Flag days and appeals for war funds have been superseded in Norfolk, England, by the Norfolk War Charities fund, which bandies all fund drives. iljaVHIT II Attorney Gregg Cherry, of Gas tonia, an active candidate for the governorship of North Caroline, was a visitor to the city today. While here he conferred with friends relative to his candidacy in Wilkes county. Dr. Ralph McDonald, who nearly won the nomination for governor almost eight years ago, is also an active gubernatorial candidate. V Dr. and Mrs. Cooper At High Point Meet DGEYO CAR’S ENGINE!” VITAL TO CAR ECONOMY AND PBlFORMANa. ADVISABU EVBIY 10,000 MfIfSI RATION NEWS SUGAR—Book 4, stamp 2>, good for five pounds, will ex pire January 5. GASOLINE—Coupons No. ,S In A book good for three g(.l- lons became effective Nov. 9 and will expire February 8. SHOES —Coupon 1,8 In the engar and coffee ration book valid for one pair of shoes has no expiration date. No. 1 air plane stamp In book three be came valid November 1 for one pair shoes. FOOD — Book 2, blue stamps X, Y and Z valid thru Not. 20. Brown stamps, book 8, meats and fats, G, H, J, K. expire December 4. Green stamps, book 4, processed foods, A, B, 0, expire December 20. FUEL New No: 1 cou pon, Class 4 sheet, good for 10 g^lons (1 nnlt), expires Jan S; new No. 1 conpon, CUu» 5* sheet, good tor 60 gallons (5 aattSL expires Janaary 2; new .No. 1 coupon, (Bass C sheet, good tor 250 galloas (is A compfato th-$ludgkig lob wlU do ihoso ihbtg$ for you. • j 1* Bhreywi better gasoVnaecen- Dr, and Mrs. E. S. Cooper, of this city, attended the 28th semi annual session of the North Caro lina Chiropractors’ association on Wednesday rnd Thursday, Nov. 3 and 4 at Sheridan hotel in High Point, Mrs. Cooper, president of the Chiropractor’s Auxiliary, presided over the business session of the Auxiliary convention. The con vention was one of the most suc cessful in the history of the asso ciation, and was well attended. One of the principal speakers was Peyton Ennis, chairman of the Na tional Research Society, of Wash ington, D. C. V-^ 4« InorasM* oB aeonomy am many caaaa ailminafa Scout Court Of ' Honor to Meet to oil vHol piorti of your Smlooto ttfroftoo obmI 9* Inipfoifo yput wyw PMUt "Tl IHHWK Ttm 4MP WHB The Scout Oourt of Honor will meet in the educational bbilding of the Presbyterian church on ThursOTy evening, November 18, at 7:16 o’clock. Chairman L. M. a - ■ - — - ..Nelson announced today. All •• Wmoggfiiapfa*byw»rangi|jjjgjjj|jgr, of the court are request ed to attend. V- rmwsR MmMrnaum HddForTheHOf Five CiM Eggs Toipmy Uiaha liawa la qhargM llrtth tfte theft of ftre eaaee of firota Ifillar-Pharr eompany. I where he'^'Hit .employed, PoBee ;«{dte), explre> January 8,U J. B. Walkor aald today. r^tor Walker oaid. that Laws, a Oreek eoapaKmHy, yw iweeted oy po*,, an egiillAni tanjMSta-

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