WTESGETS SENTENCE IN COURT rX' Six Months, $7,000 Fine and Costs, 4 Years Suspended Phintp Yates, Purlear man who heavy fines and a road jtence In Wilkes court Friday he entered a plea to pos-; lion of over 600 cases of tax- j lid whisky which was seized ; from his premises June 1, stated that he Is through with the liquor business. Judge J. Will Pless, Jr., who passed sentence, reprimanded Yates lor his attitude toward the courts and told him that he had been a "one-man revolution" in Wilkes. Yates was fined $5,000, taxed with $2,000 court costs which in eluded $1,800 for the September special term, given an active sen tence of six months on the roads. « received a total of four years d sentences suspended on con dition he not violate the law, that he not engage In liquor business and on one two-year suspended sentence a condition was placed whereby he must. If summoned, appear In court to testify in any case Involving any of his asso ciates In the liquor business or any case relative to his liquor dealings. He must appear at every December term of court and show good behavior and that he has not engaged In the liquor business for ;. a period of five years. Trial of Yates was scheduled tor the September special term, ;h was called by Governor J. Ifoughton to try Yates and to try W. B. Lentz, of the State ^Ifhn;^ Patrol, and Agent Guy of the State Bureau of In- on eharges of larceny about #0 cases of more than (Continued on page eight) RATION NEWS ATTENTION Gasoline Deal ers!—B2 and Cc coupons is sued by the War Price and Ra tioning Boards beginning De cember 1st are valid for 5 gal lons of gasoline. B, Bl. C and Cl coupons are still valid but are only good for two gallons of gas. 'IE All motor vehicle dealers must register on Inventory form R 578 between January 1 and January 11th, 1944. If the dealer is registered with O.P.A. a letter of instructions and a copy of form R-578 will be sent iirect. If a copy is not recelv- fed they can be obtained from the local rationing office as the local boards have a supply of these forms. /, I Limited eligibility for auto mobiles — Due to dwindling supply of cars In dealers’ hands the following steps have been taken to tighten eligibility. 1. Eligibility of salesmen has been revoked. 8. Mileage test on present has been raised from 40,000 «,000 miles. Applicant Is required to Show immediate need for a car. Due to the Increase In the county stove quotas, those per sons who were rejected for stoves during the early fall may apply If they are still In need of a stove. 29, ex- SUGAR—Book 4. stamp good for five pounds, will plre January 16. GASOLINE—Coupons No. 8 in A book good for three gal lons became effective Nov. 9 and will expire February 8. SHOES — Coupon 18 In the sughr and coffee ration book valid for one pair of shoes has no expiration date. No. 1 air plane stamp In book three be came valid November 1 for one pair shoes. . p^OD—Brown stamps. Book 8, meats and fats, U, M, N, and p, mlr» Jan. 1. Green sUmos Stook 4, processed foods. A, B, •xpire December 20. D, B, T valid December 1, expire Isajaary 80. - JPU»L OIL—^New No. 1 cou- 4 sheet, good for W -il unit), expires Jan ‘ No. 1 coupon, Class 5 for 60 gallons (8 ’Balts), expires Janusry 3; uew No. 1 oOBpoa. good for *60 fslloBS (36 «Uts)« .sxplre *• ■ , -I. . hsar .‘Vrthup Howard Osborne, Navy boatswain's mate second class, recently received a com mendation from Navy Secretary Frank Knox, citing him for un selfish courage and endurance when the merchant ship on which he was serving was tor pedoed and sunk without warn ing by an enemy submarine. Os borne and other men In the gun crew did not desert their posts despite the fact tliat one mem ber was blown overboard and another injured, hoping to fire on the sub in the event it sur faced. At the last minute after the captain had ordered all hands off the rapidly sinking ship Osborne and a shipmate made, a search for wounded and rescued a merchant seaman suffering from severe shock, placing him In the last remain ing Uft boat. He was also dtetl for courage and endurance dur ing the ten exhausting days on the open sea. Oebom j Is the hnsband of Mrs. Helen Riggs- bee Osborne, of Wllkesboro, nephew of Bx-Sherlff P. E. Brown, and brother of Paul, James and Archie Lee Osborne, all of Wllkesboro. He graduat ed from North WUkesboiw-hlgh school, attended the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill for two years. Ho was as sociated with his nncle, P. E. Brown, and brothers In opera tion of the P. E. Brown lumber Industry here before he volun teered for service In the navy. Christmas Seal Sale Receipts Over $500 Now All Urged To Send In Con tributions; Excellent Co operation Commended Receipts from the sale of Christmas Seals to finance the fight against tuberculosis have passed the $500 mark in Wilkes and many reports are yet to be received, Mrs. C. J. Swofford, Wilkes chairman, said today. Response to th5 mailed out ap peals has been excellent, Mrs. Swofford stated, and any who have not returned their contribu tions are urged to do so as early as possible In order that the re port may be completed. Some school reports nave been received. Girl Scouts sold bangles on the streets here Saturday and added materially to the fund. . Mrs. Swofford said that the organiza tion promoting the sale of seals Is appreciative of the cooperation received from merchants and from other business men who have aided greatly in the cam paign. V Cycle Man Held On Liquor Count Winston-Salem.—Fred Turner, Jr., of Cycle, was given a hearing before U. S. Commissioner Charles E. Ader and bound over to the spring term of Federal Court on charges o* violating the Intenial revenue act Thursday night. Turner was spotted by local po lice on Underwood and Glenn Avenue and the chase led them to Walkertown. Turner attempted to make a right turn and over turned his car. Officers estimat ed that the car at several times during the chase was making 80 miles an hour, Atout 80-gallons of nontaxpald liquor were found In the oar. Tur ner’s bond was set at $750. The car, a 1939 Ford coupe, was .al most a total loss. V LICENSE BUREAU TO CLOSE JBIDAY NOQN office Carolina Motor Club here, which" sells auto, license tags, win bo closed Friday after- BOok and Satiifihor this-week, “V” NickeU Used ftxt $25 U. S. WaT Bond J. Robert OyMl, of Wtikesh boro route one, Interperte the “V” on (rid nkricels to mean “V lor Victory". He saved all the “V'’ nickels which he found in the conrse of trade at Foree- ter’s Nn-Way Service during a period of a few months and used toem for the porchase of a 9135 war bond, wfai(di he bou|d>t at the North Wllkesboro postof- flce. Now be Is ^saving “V” nickels tor another bond. V 20,000 Na2is An RejwrtMl NHIed Navy Recruiters Render Program At Club Meeting ■ ,Tw6 Reach Eagle Rank hi Boy WAVE Msury Blackwell and Specialist J. E. Huffman Address Kiwanis Club North Wilkesboic Kiwanis duo Friday noon had an enjoyable meeting, which featured addresses by Specialist First Class J. E. Huffman and Yeoman Mary Blackwell, navy recruiters. Prior to the program Secretary T. E. Story read a report recently made by Bid Williams, sponsor of Underprivileged Child Committee, on the matter of providing proper recreation and places of employ ment for the negro people of the community. President J. R. Hlx asked the members to consider the suggestions In the report and stat ed that further time for consider ing It would be given at a later date. Secretary Story, at the sugges tion of the president, read an edi torial that appeared In Friday morning's Winston-Salem Jour nal concerning the North WUkeq; boro Kiwanis club. Program Chairman L. M. Nel son introduced Joe E. Huffman, of the U. S. Navy, who spoke In com plimentary terms of the support the Club members has given him In his work of recruiting reserves for the Navy. He came here In April of this year and has recruit ed more than one hundred 17 year old boys from Wilkes for the Navy Reserves. They belong to the V-6 department of the Navy and will be in the service through the duration. They are given splendid training in tbeir choice of 55 trade schools. Mr. Huff man stated that now about one fourth of the boys In the service are in the Navy In some branch or other. At this point Mr. Huffman in troduced WAVE Mary Blackwell, who is here for the purpose of en listing girls In the service of the Navy. She stated that there ar^ now only six girls from Wilkes In the WA"VES and that there is a great need for many more girls to Join. She says every time a WAVE Is enlisted that another man is released from some pres ent duty for active duty on ship. There are 16,000 naval trained men now on some sort of duty In the city of Washington doing Jobs that women could do. Many of these were trained at the Naval Academy. She says every girl Joining Is given a $1500 education in Hunter College, New York, where they may train for any service they may choose. They are given the closest supervision and training. Only those young women of high character are ell glble to Join. Miss Blackwell’g talk was well made and appre ciated. At the meeting Friday Rev. A. C. Waggoner was a guest of J. B. Garter. The program speakers were guests of L. M. Nelson. •V. Russia’s first Baltic front army has cracked German positions on a 60-mlle front to a depth of near ly 20 miles, killing 20,000 Ger mans in a powerful five-day surge toward Polotsk, key rail Junction near ;he Old Polish and Latvian frontiers, Moscow announced last night The Red Army troops under General Ivan Bagramian were be lieved to be within 40 miles of Polotsk hacking their way for ward over frozen land In a trian gular area formed by Polotsk, Nevel and Vitebsk. They were less than 70 miles from the Latvian frontier when they began this of fensive which has netted them gains of 18.6 miles, the bulletin disclosed. Five hundred villages and ham lets fell to the Russians who also captured 2,000 prisoners and In flicted staggering losses- on the enemy In men and equipment, said the communique recorded by the Soviet Monitor from a broadcast. V- White Christmas Service Is Held The annual White Christmas service was held Sunday evening at the First Methodist church. Many generous gifts were given by members of the church for needy families. The gifts Includ ed food, clothing and liberal con tributions In cash. The service was held under sponsorship of the Youth Fellowship, of which Shoun Kerbaugh Is counselor. This- organization will deliver the gifts to the families to be provid ed for at Christmas time. Also at the service was observ ance of the holy communion. Rev. A. C. Waggoner, pastor, ^s as sisted in the service Fred H. Shinn, pastor of ,'Wllkesborb and Union Methodist churches. •V. Cold Wave Passes During the week-end the cold wave, which had kept people in this section of the country shiver ing for several days, moderated Into milder winter weather. On Wednesday of the past week the mercury sank to about 10 to 12 and on the following morning temperatures were reported from zero up to six above. Since that time the mercury has been grad ually rising to normalcy. This morning It was 40 degrees above zero. .V Now In North Africa riRKS TARE SAN PffTRO Latest additions to the Eagle Scout ranks in North Wilkesboro are Ralph Church, left, suid Pat Hunt, right, who received their Eagle Scout certificates and badges in a special service at the North Wilkesboro Presby terian (diurch, sponsor of troop 36, of whidi Church and Hunt are members. Ralph is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Chuixh and Pat is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Mur phy Hunt. Rev. Sidney Crane, pastor, was in charge of the service in which the awards were made. tot/^riosn troops btoks through to Hw Roman VaUsys ysaterdsy OBptuiiDg San netro and driving o& tl;res miles beyond that last' Nasi monnt^ stronghold to with in five miles of CasslnOr,which is., only 7(1. miles from the Eternal City,i^ Saa^Pietro, a Iriazlng shell of a - tq-wn,' fell to Lieut. Oen. Mark W. Clark’s American vanguard late yesterday after a bloody, three- day struggle in Its streets and on the surrounding slopes that culmi nated la' one of the most singnl(i- eant Allied victories in Italy. Swiftly following up their i triumph the Americans cleared away the mines and booby-traps ^that the Nazis planted In tbeir re treat, and today drove on along the Appian Way northwest of the town to the area of San Vittore, three miles from San Pietro. V- Lions Providing Christmas Cheer Underprivileged Members of Club At Meeting Priday Evening Agree To Treat One Family Each Members'-of the North Wilk#e-|-| boro Lions. Club will provide Christmas cheer for approximate ly 26 famlllee In North Wllkes boro. At the meeting of the club Fri day evening the members present were given names of needy fami lies as furnished by Mrs. J. L. Clements, city welfare worker, and each member agreqd to pro vide for one family. 'The club enjoyed an Interesting program Friday evening, which waa given under direction of M. B. Bryan, program chairman for the meeting. He. presented the Damascus choral club. Which ren dered several numbers In a most entertaining way. _V Truck Operators To Call For Their Gasoline Coupoas Truck operatofs in Wilkes coun ty will not. receive their first quarter gasoline coupons by mall, rationing officials said today. The coupons for the first three months of 1944 will be issued from the rationing board office In Wilkesboro and truck owners may call for their coupons there In per- I son any time after December 31 V 1st Baptist Christmas Program Wednesday Mrs. M. D. Phillips, of Dalton, Is here visiting her daughter, Mrs. O. T. Mitchell. Fvt. John A. Bangnse, son o, Mr. and Mrs. Newton Bauguss, of North Wflkesboro route two, is now in North Africa. He re ceived his basic training at Aberdeen, Md. He entered the army April 22nd, 1048, and went overseas after six months training. He says tell all his friends "he’do” and write him. The annual Christmas program at the First Baptist church will be presented this Wednesday evening at 7:30 o’clock. Representatives of the Sunday school and Training Union are planning a program of Christmas carols, music and reci tations. At the close of the pro gram the annual Christmas “treat” will be given' to the children of the Sunday school. RENEWAL SUBStWnONS COMING IN RAPIDLY; JANUARY 1 DEADLINE During the past week hundreds of Journal-Pa triot subscribers have paid their subsciptions in ad vance in order that &oy may continue to receive The Journal-Patriot after January 1. Due to increasing circu lation Mid the necessity of keeping the amount of newsprint used down to a nJiumuita, it b mandatory that a strict paid-in-ad- vsuice policy bo followed on subscriptions. During tha past s^^wl days statements have mailed to all subscribers ynhue, sulpaaiptions have expired or ^hich wiH ex- pjare in' haSfurf, ‘ Tonr prompt '^klentifm to the matter will apprariati^ and it that ’ youir WnatiiNi'' this office before January 1. Due to the fact that posting the records on many rmieWab entaQs much worit hud thid^ tibe liniitad'tffic« force b an ticipating a larga number of renewab-^dbrinf the closing days u# tha month, we mge that.yon brfaig or ■d your renewal ai ear> Six-Pound Turnip If yon want to see a really big turnip, visit the Journal-Pa triot offiM. Here we have one which tips the scales at six pounds. It was grown im Joe Hayes’ farm at Purlear. It was not the biggest one he could find, but one of many Urge tni^ nips. V- Mrs- A. M. dtureli, Sr., Dies Saturday Many Scouts Are Advanced By The Court Of Honor Much Interest In Boy Su>ut Work Evidenced By Num ber Before The Court Funeral service was held today for Mrs. LlUle Cornelia Staley Church, age 70, who died Satur day night at the home of a daugb ter, Mrs. M. P. Hunt, in this city. Mrs. Church was the wife of the late A. M. Church, Sr., who for many years was a prominent merchant In this city. The sur viving children are as follows: Mrs. M. P. Hunt, Mrs. J. Q. Adams, A. M. Church, Jr., Rufus B. Church and Mrs. Claude R- Johnson, all of North Wllkesboro. Also surviving are seven grand children and four sisters and one brother: Mrs. C. P. . Byrd, Mre. James Combs, Miss Mary Staley, Mrs. George Stone and W. G. Staley, all of North Wllkesboro. and Adam Staley, of Winston-Sa lem. Mrs. Church, who lived an un selfish and devoted Christian life, had numerous frimds, who are saddened at the nows of her death. •• The funeral s&rlce this after noon was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Hunt with Dr. John W. Klncheloe, Jr., and Rev. A. C. Waggoner In charge. Burial was In .the Baptist cemetery. Number of advancements pass ed by the Wilkes district Boy Scout Court of Honor and Review In December meeting Indicates the high interest being shown In Sconting among the n}ne troops now in operation. Prom troop 90 four were ad vanced to rank of second class They were Linville Jen nings, William Jennings, Jimmie Billings and James Lovette. Three others were advanced to rank of first class. They were T. C. Plexlco, of troob 36, Gene Mc- Niel and Dick McNlel, of troop 36. And three reached the rank of Star Scouts. They were Lewis Mann Nelson, Jr., and Gordon Finley, Jr., of troop 36, and Bud dy McGhlnnis, of troop 35. Merit badges were passed as follows: athletics, Phil MHchell and Buddy McGhinnis; cooking, Lewis Mann Nelson, Jr.; path finding, Buddy McGhinnis and T. C. Plexlco: personal health, Billy Bason and Lewis Mann Nelson, Jr.; poultry keeping, Lewis Mann Nelson, Jr., and Gordop Finley, Jr.; public health, T. C. Plexlco. Dlc^ McNlel, Lewis Mann Nelson, Jr., and Billy Bason; safety,, Phil Mitchell: stamp collection. T. C. Plexlco: woodworking. Bud dy McGhinnis. Wilkesboro B. & L In Annual Meeting Directors and Officers Re- Elected; Reports Shows $49,000 Bonds Bought Patrolman Ratcliff Is Stationed Here Wllkesboro Building & Loan Association purchased $49,000 In U. S. bonds during the year, the annual report of Wm. A. Stroud, secretary-treasurer, to the stock holders In annual meeting, show ed. The report further stated that the association had enjoyed a good year’s business, considering war time conditions, which have made It difficult for anyone to carry bn bnil'dlng construction. The 22nd series will open on January 1. The directors of the association were re-elected as follows: B: J. Kennedy^ J.. H. Johnson. Wm. A. Strand. R. B. Pharr, J. H. Leckle, 6. K. l^itltngton, George Kenne dy, Cbariie'Howard, Dr. M. G. BdFcords, Edward' Hdntyre. OharlisB O. McNeill and Wm.,. t. Long.>*■ ■■■■ ■ %■ ■ *1'' SifC Johnson, van' rerhleel^. pr^4ipt> xBd the other. who Vreta dtso re-«leef^ by tq* dUtotoM^gre as faUo.k(8: J)r.. li- G[^Sd4la|{lB,.'riqe prealdent; J. 'l^enderaoa, attorn^, and Wm. A. secretary treaimrer.^: V-9f A. Phifer wm' a bWi pjasa victor to Rglelcn -bat week.) BUY MORE Lamar S. Ratcliff, who recently received a medical discharge from the army and returned to his former position with the State Highway Patrol, Is now stationed In North Wllkesboro with Sgt. A. H. Clark, who assumed his duties here some time ago. Patrolman Ratcliff Ijad seven ydars experience with the patrol before entering the army. He was injured while on maneuvers and was discharged after several months hospitalization. V ■ Round Mountain Hotel Is Burned The 23-room frame structure, erected some 20 years ago on top of Round Mountain in Rock Creek to-wnahip, was destroyed by fire this morning about 9 o’clock. The. large struetare, erected by a atodc c»»- pahy of^Wtlkea citize^ WM .oorapied by tbrto... iamOie^'and WM farmter- propeirjiy of Ji^ Steamaii^of Statesvfiiii^. ^.v.The bola! properif^ 'now owned byji YVlasediie^,;| "Salem" . ■ .wbohe' ^ na^e eould netbe learndd hwe tpday. BONDa