**DMtiiiatioii Tdb^-* CNiHan^ To t¥nf^ TIM %4«' Mwine Mmrarn MIm Alice Brown r -A recent uuriege wm .that rf Ifurlne lAwresctt Cbarch, son ot )■ !MS FaR SALE TOR SAliK—Or WUl Trade - Ford pieknp tor late model car. H. T. Ashley at 8. V. Tomlin son's Feed Store. V-3-2tp WOOD FOR «AI..ia — Heater wood, store wood, fireplace wood, itr or green; also slabs. Delirer six days a week. Hlght’s Wood Yard, Boomer N. C. 'Phone 28#-W. 12-23-tf FOR SAIiB — 55-Oallon Steel drum. Wilkes Auto Sales 'phone 51. 12-23-tf FOR SAIiB—Orchard of Six or eeren acres with bearing age trees, also woodland. Mile from Oakwoods on Brushy Mountain road. M. C. Jones, Oakwoods. l-3-4tp iriAno SfisAAiAij—oma'i siuoio piano In beautiful matched wal nut veneering, only 3 feet and 10 inches. Uke new. Gar wood Plano Co., Wllkeeboro, N. C. l-13-4t FOR SALE—Pino Boundary Tim ber. If Interested see Floyd M. Jennings, Pores Knob, N. C. It FOR SALE—1936 Chevrolet Stan dard coach; good condition. Ed Fnw, Near Millers Creek. Itpd FOR SALE—2 Estate Heatroias; one large and one medium size: first-class condition. Mrs. C. T. Wagoner at Smoak Furniture Co. Itpd FOR SALE! 1 MULE, 12 YEARS, 1100 LBS. 1 BRIDLE, 1 COLLAR 1 BET PLOW GRABS All FojJ125.00 1 Pickup Trailer with three good tires $20.00 MUST SELL QUICK W. iHoali Care State Highway Shop NORTH WILKBSBORO, N. C. Telephone 528M, or Roaring River, Route 2 (on Berry’s Lane) WANTED WANTED — Small Pair Good mules, wagon • and harness. Floyd M. Jennings. It WANTED — 1000 Used -Alarm clocks. Bring ’em in regard less of condition. They are needed In defense areas. Will pay highest cash prices. Burke's Jew^ry Store, Ninth street. l-17-6t • FOR RENT FOR RENT — Five Rooms for housekeeping. On Boone Trail three miles out. Garden. Laura E. Pennell. l-3-2tp FOR RKN'T—'Two 8-Room Apart ments, one furnished and one unfurnished. No children. Mrs. Zollle Eller, Phone 451M. 12-30-tf FOR RENT—One 4-Room Steam heated apartment with porch, hall, private bath and entrance. Also concrete garage. 733 Ken sington Ave. Phone 228. It BOR RENT — Six-Room House, has basement, running water, cook stove with hot water tank. Mrs. W. E. Reins, Phone 172M. l-6-2tp BOB RENT—l^ropm dweUlng on Willard .Street, recently redec orated. j # Miscellaneous lAXrr—Browir and White, Long- kalred, female flste;,answers to name of “Nootsle”.' last seen At Forester’s Nu-Way Dec. 26. Win pay tor keep, and reward. Motl^ Mre. H. O. Martin, route 'three. North Wfikesboro. ■ l-3-2tp t. Week, Bhie^P^«l hoaaA Reward tor re- '^tra or taforraatJoa. Scott A^'^er paetegee. ttva- troMere by IS ivtaf tor thl» m Mr. aM T. bmtta and SOD. Larry, of Morth wnaeaboro, spent the holiday aeaaon with Mn. Lovette’e' parente, Mr. and Mrs. 0. B. HaU. Misa Lneille ^11 spent Christ mas holidays with hw parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. HsU. Mrs. Boy C. Lowo aBd^i sons. Ca.y Grant is featured in the exciting Wanier Bros, screen attka> tion, “Destination Tokyo”, which comes to the Allen 'Thiirrfay a two-day showing. Many of the scenes were made on the U. 8. Sub marine “Copperfin”. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Church, of Buck poatoffice, and Miss Annie Brown, granddaughter of Mr, and Mis, W. A. Brown, of Cricket. M M IM Pfc. Willard MaHaffey Horie For Christinas Pfc. Willard Mahaffey has re turned to Camp Gordon, Ga., after spending a part of the Christmas season in Wilkes with his uncle, Guy Mahaffey. ^ Pvt. Roby Rhoades Home On Visit Pvt. Roby Rhoades has returned to his post of duty at Camp Gor don, Ga.,following a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. H Rhoades, re.sidents of the Hays community. fe ^ . Cpl. James Hemphill Home From Camp Sibert Cpl. James Hemphill has re turned to Camp Sibert, Alabama, after a short visit with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Hemp hill. He Is a member of a chemi cal warfare unit at Camp Sibert. M M ^ Cpl. Brown Has Returned To Fort Bragg Cpl. C. M. Brown has returned to Fort Bragg after a brief visit in the city with Mrs. Brown and friends. Mrs. Brown went to Fort Bragg before Christmas and visit ed there two weeks. M 1^ Pvt. Morse Duncan Home For Christmas Pvt. Morse M. Duncan, who spent Christmas In the county with his family at Boomer and with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Duncan, who reside near Wllkeeboro, has returned to Camp Pickett, Va. ^ ^ Lt. S. T. Colvard Promoted Lt. Sherman T. Colvard, who la stationed at Dyersburg, Tenn., has been promoted from second lieutenant to first lieutenant. Lt. Colvard, whose home is lu Wllkes- boro, was in business here before volunteering for service in the army. iki ^ Church Brothers Visit Home Cpl. Walcle H. Church has re turned to Tullahoma, Tenn., and Pvt. James Edward Church has returned to Port Bennlng, Ga., after visits here with t'lielr par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Church. UK Cpl. Green Returns To Homestead, Fla. Cpl. M. W. Green has returned to Homestead, Fla., where he is in the air corps, after spending a short while In the c-lty with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Green. V AMEEKJAN WEEKLY APPEARS m STREAMLINED SIZE Woman Soldier You’ll like the new sized Ameri can Weekly,, streamlined for war time reading. More features than ever before, more pictures in col or. For hours of refreshing read ing turn to The American Week ly, distributed regularly with The Baltimore Sunday American. Or der from your newsdealer. V Pvt. Alice M. Coone Is sta tioned in the WAO at Fort Des Moines, Iowa. Pvt. Coone Is a oaugnter of Eliza J. Barbep, well known colored resident of WUkesboro. Before entering the service In October, Pvt. Coone was employed at a hos pital in Lenoir. Letters From Readers “The Journal- Patriot, North Wilkesboro, N. C, Please find enclosed $1.60 to pay tor my nenewal to The Journal- Patriot. We enjoy reading it so much We don’t want to miss a single copy. RICHARD B.'JOHNSON, Graham, N. C., Dec. 31, 1943." SALE OP REAL ESTATE By virtue of authority contain ed in certain deed of trust execut ed to Clyde Hayes, Trustee, by Charlie Lemon Hawkins and wife, Ruby Mae Hawkins on August 4, 1943, to secure an indebtedness of 1250.OU and the stipulations with reference to the payment of said indebtedness not having been complied with and at the request of the holder of said indeltedness, the undersigned trustee will on Saturday, January 29, 1944, at 12 o’clock noon at the courthouse door offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the following de scribed real estate; BEGINNING on a stone in A^el- born Hawkins’ line and running South 88 degrees Bast 6 3-5 poles to a stake, hig comer; thence North 89 1-2 degrees East with his line 10 2-5 poles to a stake; his corner; thence South 86 1-2 degrees East 30 1-4 i>ole8 to a pine, the old agreed comer; thence South 75 degrees East with old agreed line 2 poles to a stone, his corner in the old line; thence South 87 degrees Bast with said Hawkins line 26 1-2 poles to a stone in the O. L. Hawkins spring branch; thence up and with the meanders of said branch and his line as follows: North 47 degrees West 7 1-2 poles North 21 degrees West 7 poles. North 27 degrees West 6 poles North 1 degree West 8 poles to a stake in said branch near the spring house; thence North 8 1-2 degrees West with agreed line and fence 32 poles to a pine near the top of the ridge, his comer; thence North 6 1-2 degrees East with his line 2 poles to a stake In N. G. Wheatley’s line; thence up the ridge with his line as follows Government crop reports on the ^South 80 degrees West 3 poles to li Miinn oron trill ho Tnfli>a nn Istone. his comer. SoDth 81 de- 1944 cotton crop will be made on the 8th of July, August, Septem ber, November and December. The October 1 condition and other in formation will be given on Octo ber 9. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of M. L. Hayea, deceased, late of Wilkes county, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate pf said deceased to ex hibit them to the undwsigiMd at Gilreath, N. C., op or batore the 3rd day of January, 1946, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persona indebt ed to said estate will please make immediate jHiyment ma 3rd day of January. 1944 JETER .• AdmlaMmtor of If. dsceaaed si ■ - ^ j.l- lOHiiriAiiMiii mm OfllitFist ear Ilmvtt^ 'ipeBt &9|Si|^. Aiev par. eBtaik Mf. aad Mm. L. 0. SUL Beniioe HaU, of^Bofton, apmit ^OlirlitiBaa'^ mitidaya vRIi her parentil, Mr. H$4, Mn. 1. W.:HaU. il^; aad Mm. AUaa Rithhle 4^ daughter, Nancy, of Lendls, spent the hoUdgy seliMm wltl^ Mm. Rltehe's paraota. Mr. and Mm. David Hart " Mi* Novella Handy, of North WRkosboro, spent Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mm. W. C. to Mm. D. BhB li eestlBed fad with «B Ktteeir of Ha. Ittondi bofe Mu will aooa he eat afSda. Mr. end Mm. Qflbert Handy and Yfsttsd Mr. aad ma.- w. 0. itMug end hM gModtobtlMir, M. Handy. ^ n;.'. Ml* Bersiee Ban, of AHlnctoa, Ye-. the gneet of M&b Babe Adams Snn^ eTentiit.- '' Mr.jaarden Chrehs, of Itolti- mor^-Md:, epent the bdfdsya with his parente, Mr. and Mm. O; aoweaa." 1^1 Board of stewards of Alnreb wUl Tahiday evenla*, aevea o’l th» home of J.. B, Hht. . .r . iwtlliser apimt to t eovsr mop has nrodneed *::! yield of eora followfhc'l?' erop, then when appUad, dir to ^e eofiT after turatsc the crop, report State CoUj speeiallata. stone, his comer. South 81 de grees West 10 poles to a stone, hJs comer. South 85 degrees West 4 poles to a stone, his comer. North 83 1-2 degrees West 12 poles to a stone. North 72 degreee West 13 poles to a hickory, his comer on top of a ridge; thence North 3 degrees East with his line 6 poles to his comer, a chestnut oak, down, now a stone and point ers marked, thence North 98 de grees West with old line 16 poles to a maple, G.’D. Combs' comer known as the Isaac Hawkins eor- ner; thence South 3 degrees West with bis line 62 1-4 poles to the -beginning. Contain!^ 2$ 1«3 acres. Said deed of trust recorded la Book 2-11 page 24 office d the Register of Deeds ofV \^hee county. This the 28fh day of DecenfW, 1948. CLYDE HAYIM. -^ .... and- "WE’RE ALL IN THE SAME BOAF Pulling toward Victory is our common aim—^from the little school child, regularly buying War Stamps, and helping in salvage collec tion—^to the housewife doing her best with rationing, taking on a war job and civilian defense duties, and cooperating with every wartime, government regulation! .... Backing her up—his hands strongly guiding his oars, is the storekeeper, making the best of manpower and merchandise shortages; firmly observing ceiling prices and rationing; just as the business man does his share by paying taxes in good spirit; running his office with a limited staff, and economizing at every turn of business operation. And right in the same boat is the war worker, whose grimy hands and toil-soil ed clothes are as symbolic of “gallantry in action” as the soldier’s mud-spattered uniform. He too, with all of us, is riding over the rough waves that war must bring, pulling h^rd and making straight for Victory—^whatever sacrifice may be necessary! WE ARE GRATEFUL TO EACH AND EVERY PATRON OF OOR FIRMS.... for his indulgence during the times when merchandise was short and stocks incomplete, but we have endeavored to main- tan as complete a variety as possible under war-time condi tions. We appreciate your loyalty and patronage, which Has made possible our business expansion during the past years, thus enabling us to sell a greater volume of merchandise and sharing the savings with each patron. ' In wishing you good luck and good fortune in 1944, may none of us overlook the importance of working even harder for VICTORY and a re turn of normal conditions, and the return of our boys who are giving their ALL for our liberty arid freedom. TWr New Year’s Message Is Sponsored By the Following N^th Wi&esboro .. . Fumitare Dealers! Rhodeslliy FiriHin 6o. . «Y>wpMi rf *ni9 , WaimfipitiKin£i^ Reto Hooms Fifrifare Cft, , Awy~WHirnil6^ oifef t.-V.''-’- “