ALtPATRIOTI WaHTH W1 .V'-w’H.*. * I&0T Charles Hukher' gjfj, a%S£Sh?ilSi£^i Preview of Coming Events TELEPHONE 21S i i Mias Joy Harris " Entertains Her Club ItiBS Joj Karris ma hostees to tlio memAters of th« Sans Soaoi olu'b at her home at Roarlne Rtrer f^day evening. A deaaert course was served at the begln- ning of the game, which was played at two tables. Prises vrpre awarded to Mra M. B. MeKelU'Ics top score, to Mrs. R. H. Shell fOr second high, and to Mrs. tv ^ Zlmmermian for honors. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND By virtue of an order of tiie Su perior c6urt executed to mie ba tim tth day of March, 1944, entitted, Mrs. R. L. Williams, R. G. Wright, Carlos Prevette, Mrs. Bessie Wright, Ruby Wrirtt, Charlie W^ht, and Elora Wright, vs. Flora Wright and Wilma Wright, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 4th day of April, 1944, at 12:00 Noon ;'.t the courthouse door in Wilkesboro, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash that certain tract or tracts of land lying and being in Somers Township, Wilkes County, N. C., and bounded as follows: First Tract: Beginning on a black gum and stone on the North side of the Salisbury road, Mathew Kern's corner, running North 4V6 degrees East 140 poles to a rock; thence North 86 degrees West 30 poles to two hickory sprouts; thence South 4 degrees West 70 poles to a stone; thence South 8^ degrees West 66 poles to a stone on the North side of the Salisbi^ road; thence Blast 34 poles with the road to the beginning, contain ing 28 acres, more or less. Tract No. Two: Beginning on a stone. James Chambers’ line, run- Social Caltadar nte Mrdes of tli« WUkesbwo MethocHst Church are meeting on Taegday as follows: The Klter Bower circle at three o’clocdc with Mn. O. H. Hnlcher. > The Pearl White circle at eight o’clock at the home of Mrs. A. R. Gray with Mrs. A. 8. Oassei, as associate hostess. Th«( Wesleyan Servloe Guild of the North Wilkesboro First Methodist cbnrch will meet Tuesday evening at 7:80 o’clodc with Mrs. Dot Hlz Uendren at her home at Moravian Falls. Thore will be four divisions of the ^iritaal Life Group of the North Wilkesboro First Methodist church meeting Tues day afternoon at three-thirty' o’clock at the homes of Mrs. Hunt Ekidaley, Mrs. Genio Card- well, Mn. K. d>. Hlnshaw, and Mrs. R. M. Brame, 8r. The Ha Holman Bible class of the Wilkesboro Baptist church will meet on Thursday evening at 7:30 o’clock at the home of Mrs. Ooley Parker. Lillian Dotson Given Birthday Party ing Southwest to W. H. Somers’ mill road 14 poles to a rock; thence with said road a northward course 49 poles to a stake, now a rock, thence East 10 poles to a pine. James Chamberline line; thence South to the beginning con taining 2 3-4 acres, more or less. There is excepted from 'Tract No. 2. 3-4 of an acre for Mt. Pisgah Church. See deed from J. R. Wright and Mary A. Wright to J. W. Wright, et al, deed book 209, page 68. Register of Deeds office in Wilkes county This 4th dav of March. 1944. F. J. McDUPFIE, 4-2"-4t.\I Commissionei Mrs. H. H. Dotson entertained at a children’s party at her home in Wilkesboro Friday afternoon honoring her little daughter, Lil lian, on her fourth birthday an niversary. Around twelve little boys and girls came to celebrate the occasion with Lillian and were directed in an Informal hour In doors by Mrs. Dotson, after which ice cream end cake were served The pink Mrthday cake was top ped with foiu miniature white candles. The honoree received lots of nice gifts and the children were presented with attractive favors. The Easter motif was carried out in the party appoint ments. $50.00 REWARD! 850,00 Reward of fered for sufficient evidence for convic tion of parties re sponsible for cutting my wire fence on my farm at Oakwoods, Saturday Night March 4th Archie Lee Osborne Idlewise Club Met With Mrs. Ray Barnes The members of the Idlewise Club and three additional guests were delightfully entertained by Mrs. Ray Barnes at her home on E street on last Friday evening. A two course dinner was served at seven o’clock, the hostess being assisted by her niece, Miss Doris Foster. Following dinner, bridge was played at three tables wtth the high and low scoro awards be ing won by Mrs. Boyd Stout and Mrs. J. B. Snipes. Visitors of the club were Mrs. J. S. Zimmerman, Mrs. Ray Hoovei, and Mrs. Snipes. IF YOUR FILLS UP TONIUHT liy; . It (1) shrinks swollen membranes, (2) soothes irritation, (3) relieves transient nasal congetion . .. And brings greater breathing comfort. You’ll like viCKS V it. Follow directions in folder. VA-TRO'IIOl Local People Attend W. M. U. Meeting In Charlotte Last Week A number of the women from the North Wllkeaiboro and Wllkes- boro Baptist churches were in Chierlotte last week attending part or all of the 64 th annual sesshm of the Woman’s Missionary Union of North Carolina, auxiliary to the SUte Baptist Convention. The meeting was in session Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Those going over for lall of the meeting from North Wilkesboro were Meedames C. B. Jenkins, W. K. Sturdivant, R. P. Casey. Tal Barnes, J. Q. Adams, Rufus Church, and from Wilkesboro, Mrs. Howard Ford. Attending for one day, Wednes day, from the Wilkesboro church were Mesdames Howard Colvard. Qeorge Johnson, O. T. Mitchell, and Miss Louise Wright. Rev. Howard Ford, pastor of the church, laccompanied these women oyer and was present for the Wed nesday sessions. Mrs. H. B. Smith Is Bridge Club Hostess Mrs. H. B. Smith entertained the members of the Friday Bridge club at her home on D street Fri day afternoon. Table prizes In the*giame, which were War Stamps, were won by Mrs. L. M. Nelson and Mrs W. F. Blal''. Light re freshments were served. Wednesday Sewing Club Met With Mrs. Dan Carter The memitners of the Wednes day Sewing club were entertained In a delightful meeting by Mrs. Dan Carter at her home'on Ken sington Drive Thursday afternoon. Following an Informal hour to gether, during which time the guests engaged in handwork and conversation, Mrs. Carter served refreshments. First Baptist W. M. U. Is Observing Week Of Prayer The Woman’s Missionary So ciety of the North Wilkesboro First Baptist church Is observing this week as the ‘‘Week of Pray- for home missions. To begin er the obseiwance Dr. John W. Kincheloe, Jr., pa.stor of the church, preached a sermon Sun day morning In keeping with the theme of the program, which is, “The Prince of Peace—the Way, the Truth, and the Life”. Mrs. R. P. Casey is chairman of these soeclal meetings. On Tuesday afternoon the gen eral meeting of the Society for March will be held at the home of Mrs. W. K. Sturdivant at three o’clock. This meeting will be a combination with tbe week of prayer. For Wednesday one of the circles will give a pftgeant at the regular midweek prayer service at the church at 7:30 o’clock. Other meetings scheduled for the week are Thursday afternoon at three o’clock at , the home of Mrs. C. S. Sink and Friday eve ning at 7:30 o’clock at the home of Mrs. H. G. Nichols. AT YOUR DISPOSAL WITH A COMPLETE ELECTRICAL... AND Plvimbing Service OPA Has Released Wire... FARMERS! We are getting a few Power Pumps for the farmer who can qualify for a priority rating. Any one of these brands will give you excellent service: MYERS D E M I N G BERKLEY burke Now Is the Time- to insull that Water Sys tem on your farm! For Houses Located Within 500 Feet Of the Power Line If your house can qualify for a wir ing job, let us estimate the cost. Prompt service, and experts to do a good job. We specialize in Plumbing Serv ice, and have on hand a fair stock of supplies. Be sure to get in touch with us for— Electrical and Plumbing Repairs tS-Ti. ELECTRIC COMPANY ling and Electrical Contractor Phone 630 Wilketboro, N. C. ANDERSON fekSge Club A daUfhtfat eitMb'Wty ot tbe WFWtf ths ooi glTW by itrii, dnriw Bniebor at the home ct, Mr. 4Lad Mn; Jbamt'Oa F atir^t Umiiiiiyr tere- hint eoitfltftlalac or Ow nenbeni ot theBridge dab. .^iTwo tab>ea/'.i»r6r aade op 'ter ejab memben and j one for Tidtorf, tables being arranged In a setting of early spring flowers. Visitor’s high score prise went to'^lUss Helm Hamrick while amoiig the dab members Miss Patty Sofners was the .winner. Miss ^Clyde Shephc^ received ' the Ungo award.' Refn^mmts followed play. Union Church Circle In Meetipg Thp BvjBlyn Stokes Circle of Union Methodist chnroh met with Mrs. Fred Miller Tuesday evening. “New Voices’’ was the theme af the program presented by Moselle Turner, assisted by Mrs. J. Y. Ervin, Mrs. E. R. Eller and Miss Laansi Pennell. Mrs. D. E. Turner directed prayer. Com ments on "The Women in the Church’’, were made by Mrs. Fred Miller and Mrs. J. W. Elliott. Mrs. Ervin, the president, oc cupied the chair' for the usual routine of huslnees. The hostess, assisted by Mrs. W. D. Miller and Mrs. B. R. Eller, served delicious refreshments. V Local Youth Tells Kiwaniana of Gr:tat Need For Y.M.C.A. (Continued from page one) where to go. They ore not whol ly to blame, for It has happened in thousands of American cities. To meet this problem many of the cities have established a Y. M. C. A. or the Youth Center, where good, wholesome, recreational and spiritual actlvltlee are oorrled on. The Y. M. C. A. Is not merely a building, but It is a hoard of dl rectors or trustees and a body of people behind them. "On Sunday, March 6th, a group of boys and girls got to- thsEHttoY^KlViSS: y^g people immedkktoly became ptotestoA.. This gtobif dMdded to MW A maw meeting of sQ tntor- eetod persons at the eity hall ^ 'BniMlay m Apr« at tsiXk, olpok, which wtti be of ituo* . JnsUee; Homer Moore with Dr. ' N. PhUltoe: Alex Biggs and C. Gariand with Bdd Gardner; G. B, Ashwell and W. F. Alisher f; 'If. w.m J. B. and •ftf’Dr, 5?Mr,-‘McHnjght dlio^ toW '^h^ ydhng people diat right something could be dohe to ter the conditions for our young people,, which are g^ing wo'nd every day. His main ilhoi^t was to, rcjrt a house or il^Wl!&g, where bowling alleys, i4ng-pong tables, and various other helpful games could be Install^. fAlso have a eupervlBor to dlrwt this work, a man whose entire life Is dedicated to the T. M. C. A. "This need is argent, and the appeal not only comes from the young people, themselves, but al so from the servicemen. You could never believe what a tremendous difference ’’Y’’ will make In a city. waa beld Frl* iAir^Cpi^kin. Drove ebnreh for ^nilr Abu R^mon, age 76, resl- danb/df-iAntloeh- township who died ^tluaeday. Her. H. Dob bins tonduoted the test rites. *4$ Wte-wuB the wife Of -^e late VanHedmon, and is survived by Reuben Redmon; one daughter, Nana Manltoby, of Dur ham: ' and one sistw,. Charity Wellborn, of WUkea •V S’’The young .people are asking yon to give them what Is needed very badly, not pnly for them but for the lives of our cdtlsens, also, and the boys and girls who will become the citizens of tomorrow in this community. They will be your doctors, lawyers, and busi ness men In the future. What kind of citizens can they he, If they aren't given the right background to live In now? This is a challenge to each and everyone of you to strengthen your young people and your community”. Program Chairman A . C. Cham berlain presented John Brown, of the Winston-Salem club, who en tertained the Cluib for the period with a lot of humor and home spun philosophy. Kiwanlan Brown told a number of Jokes on local members and made various appli cations ot the points made. He pointed out that the good fellowship that exists in a group such as Kiwanls is invaluable and through this sort of means we shall untertake to rebuild a torn world. Guests Friday were as follows: Bill Gabriel with Carl E. VanDe man; Gordon Forester with John MIm Ellen Robinson Will Present Pupils Miss Ellen Robinson will pre sent her music pupils in recital Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock in the h^h school aodltorlnm. The public is cordially invited to be present. MAI^I^NO'IR tg A rg W'Of Lodge Mo. «• e A. li. Yhdndltr n^, Mafrii 16th, at 7:1$ p. m. Will be work in ths third d« A. a: BTtTBDIVAMT, V 8. T. ANPBRSem, Ssetr,. ■ Guard onr secrets,, bold them tight, Keep Liberty's ■ brighti lamp sbinliig, Why Suffer.From ARTHRITIS? Yon can get quick and staa^ relief by using D. M. C. PR*'' SCRlPnON No. 49. A two-wstlaP treatment is guaaamted to show results. Users of this amazing new medicine are unstinting in their praise of its effideney. D. M C. No. 49 is sold ezdnsh^ in Nortii Wflkssboro'and vicinity by Ask for D. M. C. PBESCIHP- nON No. 49 by ame! For Sale By R. M. Brame & Sons ON NAVY PLANE CARRIERS they^ say: ^WiKO WAGOH'’' for airplane “0UU HORN" for the Cartier’s loud-speaker "CAMBL" for the £>vorite dgarette with men in the Navy for a small escort carrier ★ FIRST IN THE SERVICE ★ WiUi men in the Army, Navy, Marina Corpf. and Coait Guard, tha favorita cigaretta ig Carnal. (Baaad «m actual aalet rccorda.) 30 Used CARS and TRUCKS! • PLACED ON THE MARKET FOR P- We are offering the public 30 Used Cars and Trucks. Many of these are late models—but if you want a good Used Car in a lower price bracket we have these, too. Come in today and see what we have before somebody else takes advantage of the values we are offering, as follows: 1-1941 Buick Roadmaster 5-passenger Convertible 1-1940 Model Ford Coach 1-1941 Ford Fordor Sedan 1941 Buick 5-passenger Club Coupe 1-1942 Ford Tudor Coach 1-1941 Oldsmobile Six 4-door Hydromatic 1 -1940 Chevrolet Convertible 5-passenger 1-1940 Ford Convertible 1 -1940 Oldsmobile Club Coupe 5-passenger, (8 cylinders) 1-1935 Ford Phaeton 1-1941 Ford Club Coupe 5-passenger Plenty of ’36ii ’37, ’38 and ’39 I * Chei|rolei8 and Fords 1-1940 Model Ford Coach Several 3-4 Ton Pickups, and 1 1-2 Ton Trucks—Chevrolet, Ford and Inter national 1-1934 Ford Coach (clean) 1-1942 GMC 2y2-Ton Truck; big tires; dual rear end; ceiling price $2,145 1-1938 Buick Sedan PRACTICALLY EVERY ONE OF THE ABOVE CARS AND TRUCKS ARE IN GOOD MECHANICAL CONDITION ... AND HAVE GOOD TIRES We Are the Largest Used Car Dealers In Wilkes County. Come See Us When You Want to Buy, Sell*, or Trade! J Over Ten Years In Dnsiness—Selling, Trading, Servicing Cars - Trucks TeUpbone 3344 North Wilkesboro, N. C.