■PtTRtQT^ north WILKESBORi ■ i- _ Oiuiam «»|v«d 8«n- gf.W te bmM ittm iVMks nrtth •w PRmts, Mr. ^*118 iMtt. t A. .fctoottUAiao «M the i®** o* Ohertotte. . y Dyacy. Mrs. Bm Smith, ^wer. Vee Bl^I f "** Roealle R«r. AnSnMrltie^ «od Mia tolaMMMtm MCl.|«aeMlMr VkfiA tor tttlo. to B^BOd dtSB vlth Bik ftaatm B)ei^l^{..« St. Set. Bs|Me lohosoD hM acK tlfled hia vareate, Mr. «ad Mn. A. 8. Johason, tttat he has errlred in B&sland. ^ Mrs. W. H. Bnsio, ot'Bparto, Is Tlattiac her sIstM-, Mn. Troy Pw- ry. . Misses Hssel Jeokiiu end Rosa* Ue Peadry.rMlted Mr. sad Mrs. Paul Price of Blkln, Snndsy. The Knitting Olnb irlll meet Monday night -with Mrs. P. W. Oreer. Mr. J. T. Adiams rUlted rela- tlTes in Viiginia during the week end. 4. «. «•«••«» ••.. tm» Hit of the Spring Fashion parade... Get a hat for your new spring outfit—and make it a Marathon for a SMART outfit! Not just for spring, either, but for SEASONS of proud service—they’re genuine fur felts! Conservative and youthful models to choose from, including bound and raw edges, stitched crowns, individualized bands. .g « « « ♦ g h to M»M«r wiftM Tm Pvt. Hinclier In EngUnd Pvt John W. Hlnoher has land ed In Bngland, (according to a let ter received by hls wife, Mrs. Ada Hlncher, of Hays. • in Bk 1ft Cpl. Triplett Home Cpl. Earl Triplett, of Napier Field, Alabama, arrived Tuesday to spend a 12-day furlough with hls parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Triplett, of this city. Ift Ift Ift Bill Cooper Writes Dear Editor: ‘ How's the newspaper business? Fine I hope. I anf stationed at the Naval Training Stiatlon here at Great Lakes, In “Ships Company". X have run Into several fellows from Wilkes and vicinity of late. I am at Fire Station No. 7 in Camp Green Bay, the largest boot damp on the training station. I would like to see any of the fellows from North Wllkesboro or the county of Wilkes who are coming up here /or training. I talk with them. I get the Journal-Patriot twice a week and enjoy reading It very much. Sincerely, BILL COOPER, S2-C Tommy Anderson Writes Boston, Mass. Dear Editor: Just a few lines to let you know what happened the other night. Two of my shipmates and I were sitting In a grill eating a ham burger. I was feeling pretty badly, being so far away from home. I guess I was a little homesick be cause it was so tar home and it is the first time that I have been so far. So we were talking and 1 was saying to them that I wish.I could see someone' from back home and about that tlmo two Marines walked in and sat down and ordered hamburgers and was I surprised, for one was a very good friend of mine, Joseph Lln- ney. We talked a good deal about home and I was very happy to see someone from back home. It was a strange coincidence. Joe Is sta tioned aboard the Wasp, and I am assigned to an L. C. I. I like the navy o. k. and it makes me very happy to see someone I know real well. I Yours truly, TOMMY ANDERSON Ift Ift ft Cpl. Everett Turner Writes Gentlemen: I have been re ceiving your paper since January and really don’t know what I would do without it now if It were to be stopped. It’s just like getting mail from home. It is being sent now through the goodness of my loving mother, Mrs. Bessie Tur ner, who could have thought of nothing better. You all have been doing a wonderful job back home. Just keep it up which I know you will and we won’t let you down here. I have been noticing, too, the Fourth War Loan drive you all have on there and It sure makes a fellow feel good to know that ho has someone behind him really working. You all are real ly putting old North Wllkesboro over the top with flying colors. I am happy to say that I just re cently won an expert medal for the sub-machine gun and also a good conduct medal, so all the luck to you all. Cpl EVERETT ’TURNER Las Vegas. Nevada. Find Cavc-In Victim ^4^ if. Ihniad ^orfds, ' ahd Mi». Knbh sad Pfc. Mooro ths service months. Bis irlfe, the former MIm Virile Beraette, oompanled him swnp. Imi (To Pfc. Teftfo* 'fVBSttags hsve been iWdfareBotnl to Pfo, Oohmel P. Tescne.lifl _ _ -- -g IBIiinh Meebig Phillip BnuDM lUtiinu ' Phillip Biwne, who Is is service with the merchant marine, has re turned to New York City after spending a week here with his parents. Dr. and Mrs. R. M. Brame, Sr. _il» *0 yean old thef a; tioito ftd. * forces tW04^Mgmif The Wilkes ttotthtf WMfUV four months. Hh is BduNf hist tf’iftnlor sesdon on imt ■vrswll tho^bnatesw wounded in -the liiWBhair t^(& jew**® of in board, the snpirta- Ih January, Is rhady to go hscii on ^«ndenl of public welfare and duty, according to a letter reeelv- prosenl^, a. pum^ of ed by hls father, John Q. ’Whitley. «»U«httons, revisions, and ter- of Hays.» Pvt. Whitley stated that “InatlonA - • ' '- he bad made awny with , anite a The>Murofa checks for old age few slant eyed Japs. ' araistance were a few days late in arrfrittd at the welfare offtoerin^^' delay issie Oaosed by a paper Mu^- Gbecks were reosisiKl end xohiied itanh. Id. Ntunbar of ease# recetving old a9s.,ssslsiaaee In MaiMi, 6t, amo^iftit to |f,- 1(7.60: jiwdto'feseMtnd aid to dfteiftNn #Bdm, i>s famfites, rspWhW|tfto|E^'~ 27J .^^shOdreil, l6. with sttmeiifteiawf tie . riT‘ rrrftMftTit 'fW P J* » iMlWDtr O ] a«simanee. JT.’amount |B20.'.:^‘»>^ ! ■ . . !.r More than 17,OOP buabels of purehrod cotton seed, direct from breedWB. wfll give a lift puMi to the Qae-Verlety Ootton Innrove- meat program in North Osiollim. reporto J.” A. ShaaMln of State College. >' Miners dig in a 30foot hole along a street in Plttston, Fa., for the body of Joel Ann Fulmer who was walking on the spot when the ground col lapsed. She was dead when fonnd. Workers were hampered by two sub sequent cave-ins. Approximately 400 tons of debris were taken from the hole. Other cave-ins of coal mine workings have occurred previously in Plttston.