State OMBeiior Ladies ffisht Bdaqaet Over 100 Jfaniars aad Guests Eajor BMMfMt Meeting Held Tuesday Night “The ©ndnrlng strength of any Btrncture depends on the quality of the foundation upon which it rests." Clyde A. Shreye, of Stokes- dsle, cooBctior of the Junior Or der in North Carolina,, told mem bers of the North Wilkesboro council of the order and guests Tuesday night in the annual La dles Night banquet in the lodge hall. Address of the state councilor was centered around the three ba- Ite sic principles of the Junior Order: ' ‘ Virtue, Liberty and Patriotism. '^.^hS' banquet was one of the mofc*tergely attended in the his- lolp' of the council, there being more than 100 Juniors and guests present ^ C. B. Eller was toastmaster tor occasion and following a ^Bpsdid dinner seryed by the . North Wilkesboro Woman’s Club * with assistance of Girl Scouts, Mr. Eller preeented Miss Helen Hens- ley, a graduate of the Junior Or- ^ dar Children’s home at Lexington who is now commercial teacher at Mount Pleasant high school. Mis.s Hensley spoke interestingly of the training glyen children at the Lexington home, and how the training and instruction received enabled the children to successful ly face life's problems. Miss Hensley was followed by Robert Bruton, superintendent of the Lexington Home, whose sub ject was “Work of the Lexington Children’s Home”. In his intro ductory remarks, Mr. Bruton talk ed of “Juyenlle Delinquency”, saying that delinquency on the part of parents makes children wayward. Post war planning at the Lexington home, he said, is planning to make the best possible cltiiens of the children who ace admitted to the home. He stress- the yital necessity of the prop- H|teunylronment for children whose ^garacters are forming as a con- ttaaal , Mr. Eller then introduced the State Councilor, pointing out that under his leadership the North Carolina council is one of the few among the states showing a gain in membership last year under war time conditions. The speaker opened his address with the assertion that a gather ing such as the banquet could net happen in most of the nations of the world, glylng evidence to one of the many freedoms Americans enjoy. Founders of the Junior Order, he said, created'a medium by which the foundations on which America is based could be preserved and strengthened. He pointed out how the three prin ciples of the fraternity—virtue, liberty and patriotism—Inspire men to live lives which add to the sum total of human happinees. He urged on the part of members that they have an enduring love and devotioB for their country, not only in war, but in peace as well, and that the safeguards of free- dopi be ever preserved. Address of State Councilor Shrove was received with rapt in terest. Rationing Board Offices Not Open 3rd Day of Month ©d on the third day of each month hereafter in order to get off the valomnouB reports required At Fort Bragg Lee iWlnwaMr, 1^#* »Tnrsid>T. MftWtl tO !• BOW stottoned at Fort p_* RaiBwater haa been in tile past two y«*« WHk«bo«»- His Hiaay wlU resoalB open FHd*y GATEWAY CITY TO BALKANS IS UNDER AHACK Pvt Hansford T. Chun*, son of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Cfcurch, of MlU«ra Creek, and husband of the former Miss Cora Pruitt re cently has been home on for' lough and has returned to Camp Welters, 'Texas, wher© he has been stationed since he enter ed the army in January, 1944. He has Jnst recovered from an attack of pneumonia. RENEW NOW! If your subscription la bel on your Journal-Pa triot read 4-44 that means that your subscription will expire on April 1, 1944. In accordance with the law and with the paid-m- advance policy in force since January 1, all sub scriptions with a date of 4-44 will be removed from the list April 1 unless re newed before that date. -V- Boy Scouts Will (^t Paper On A 1 111 II I ■ ' Srtfmrayni^^ Boy Scouts in North Wllkes- boro will continue their scrap paper salvage campaign with a house-to-house canvass on Satur day, April 1. People of the city who have paper they wish to give the Scouts in this war effort project are ask ed to tie the paper in bundles and place it on their front porches Saturday, Those who have quan tities of paper they wish to dis pose of at any time other than during the regular canvass are asked to call Gordon Finley at Wilkesboro Manufacturing com pany, telephone number 7. People in rural communities who have paper they wish to give to the war effort may leave it with Mr. Finley, who is Scout commis sioner, at the Wilkesboro Manu facturing company at any time. To date the Boy Scouts have col lected approximately 12 tons of scrap paper. ■V Colored Men Go For Examination On Tuesday Wilkes Selective ...w....- Service board number two sent Announcement was made today the following colored men to pe AnnOuIlG«iU»“»' w , that both rationing board offices induction center for examination will be closed to the public on for^mi^teir sCTvice: Monday, April 3, and will be clos- d—v- Geoi^e Parks James Monro© Turner Troy Patterson Victor Ford Donnie Fred Roberts Marvin Garland Grier WUlard Wilfred Harrla James Little Donald Venson Adams Robert Brown James Eugene Brown Raymond BalJey Howard Samuel Turner Caswell Harris Watkins Gerald Ander WatJdns -V U. B. Walters Is Taken By Death D. B. Walters, age 63, Wilkes native who for sevenaJ years was engaged in the clothing business here, died Thursday at his home in Oxford, Pa. News of his death was received here by his brother, R. E. Walters. Mr. Walters was 'born and rear ed in the Dockery community, a son'of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Walters. He was in business in North Wilkesboro for several years before going to Oxford, Pa., 14 years ago. There h© had operated a dairy farm. Mr. Walters is survived iby his wife, the former Miss Ursula Ash- kettle, four sons and one dangh- ter: Paris, Burette, Vernon, Roby id^Winona Walters. The Red Army yesterday smash ed over the upper Prut River and into th0'*out8klrt8 of the Balkan gateway city of Cemautl, while 43 miles to the northwest in old Po land a Soviet tank and infantry spearhead cut the Bucharest Lwow railroad, last diirect Ger man rail link to Oemantl and the entire southern front. Veteran trops of Marshal Greg ory K. Zhukov’s First Ukrainian Army making the first Soviet crossing of the Prut, swept Into the northern and western out skirts of Cernautl and began fighting the partially Isolated Ger man garrison in the third largest city of prewar Rumania, Moscow’s communiques announced. The bul letins said/the Russians were in flicting heavy losses on the Ger mans in the suburban street bat ties. V Rural Division Is Short Of Quota Red Cross Funds All Divisions Reach Quota Except Rural Groups; County Over Top Wilkes Red Cross War Fund has reached $19,869.24, it wea learn ed today from Red Cross head quarters. All divisions of the very suc- cesful campaign have exceeded the quotas set except the rural division, which remains about $1,500 short. special appeal is made lor . (people‘-tir thft connty who were not contacted in the soUclta- tloii to mail or bring a contribu tion. Letters may be addressed to the Wilkes chapter of the Red Cross, North Wilkesboro. f A0>6VUp WUltJU UU> by $1,669.26. However, Red Cross community iby its degree of Inter needs are great and chapter lead- ers earnestly ask that every por- ‘ * ing the war fund this year. •V State Guard Week Is Being Observed WAVE Promoted jjjf I TRAPPED JAP FORCES FACHG QUICK DEATH Violent death for thousands [ more Japanese in the next few days in Burma and Bougainville from the entnapment and a suici dal quest for glory was predicted today by American commanders. Lieut. Gen. Joseph W. Stllwell reported his Chinese forces had trapped 1,000 Nipponese soldiers in a goose-egg shaped sector of Iris 0. Hamby, specialist third class, has recently been promot ed to her present Tank. She is stationed in Washington, D. G., after completing boot training at Hunter CoUegn, New Vork. Miss Hamby, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, R. W. Hnmby, of Pur- lear route one, has been in the WAVES nine months. Mogaung Valley in Northern Burma by looping through the Jungles. The Chinese came ont on the main road behind the enemy forces which had been stubbornly resisting frontal atateks for a .week. “I can’t conceive of the Japs hasting more than ten days longer on Bougainville”, said Major Gen eral Robert S. Belghtler at Colum- bns, Ohio, commander of the 37 th Division. "They’re alreiady unim portant as a fighting force”. He estimates that conservative ly 6,000 Japanese have died in futile, glory-seeking attacks on that Northern Solomop Island. An other ranking officer estimated 20,000 were left. . l^nMliou Hero AprU T-Uth A •* '-1 * Ri#p;m«l'j00Bventioa Will Be Hdd WMi Pint Baptist Chttrcli In This City Y. M. C. A. PLAHNIMG MEETING IS TO BE HELD AT TOWN HALL ON SUNDAY AFTERNOON, 2 O’CLOCK Ffc. CUntem H. KUedge, son of Mr. and Mra. K4)y KUedge, of Nortti WllkesbiHu, is now in a hospital In North Africa. His letter Jumie did not give any de tails about illness or injuries but said be was getting along fine. Ffc. KUedge entered the army In 1940 and is a veteran of the North African, Sidllan and Italian campaigns. John Walker To Manage Cherry’s Campaign Here Regional Baptist Training Union convention wiU be held with the First Baptist church in this city Friday anjd Saturday, AprU 7 and 8... Miss Lacy Thompson, of Cham pion, WlU preside over the conven tion In the absence of Rev. Paul Forsythe, of Boonvlle, who is nqw a ehajdain in the servlee. The first session of the eonrsn- tlon wUl open at 2:55 p. m. on Friday, April 7, with epecUl mu sic, followed by group dtaeus- sions led by BTU leaders of the North WUkesboro and Boone churches. A junior work tourna ment will precede an address by Dr. O. G. Mangnm, of Lenoir, on the subject, "The World Hiat Now Is”. The Friday night session will open at 6:55 o’clock, with special music by the delegation from the First Baptist church of Mt. Airy, followed by a conference period of one hour and a fellowship hour. Visiting delegates will be guests in homes of Baptists in North Wilkesboro and Wilkesboro for the night. A sunrise service will bo he'd at sunrise on Saturday morning. An address by a ministerial stu- „ dent from Mars Hill College will Candidate fw Governor Here tgatnre the prog Large Attendance Urged; Needs and Resources Lo cally to Be Determined ‘There is mor© wealth—and I speak now of worldly and econo mic wealth—there is more real wea^ to A- than ta the Uatest factory ever built” Who do you think said that? No, it wasn't some local squirt with another “bright idea”, it was the famed economist Roger and capable ettisen remarked, “When the funds are in sight wueii LUO AUUU0 ato lli VXQUt/ a win proTlde a baUtUpc site.” Now state and w«a confident of recejv mtt iroifflttif ’Uerow bondmrtlbn hi the prlmdry ' - . . ... • tiTmIVaw kaa K&mvi o mom. The quota for the county was Babson. Wpodrow Wilson $18,200, which has 'been exceeded “Yon can test the modern Do we want a Young Men’s son who can have a part in rals- Christian Association? We do not Men Needed To Raise Nu merical Strength of Unit To Required Number This is state gutard week in North Carolina by proclamation of Governor J. M. Broughton, and locally by Mayor R. T. McNlel. The State Guard company here needs a number of men to fill va cancies caused by men going into service. The coinpany must have several men Immediately to keep the company’s numerical strength up to requirements. The State Guard was organiz ed to afford protection on the home front, and it is vital that the organization be maintained. Any ofifeer of the local com pany will accept applications for membership from men ages 18 to 50. The company meets every Monday night in the rooms over Rexall Drug company. V have a Santa Claus—If we want it we will have to work for it and maybe it will mean more to us to get it that way. Do we want a Y. M. C. A. bad enough to work for it? These are questions that cannot be answered by a few. They should be answered by every citizen in Wilkes county. It is for this very purpose that a meet ing is being called on Sunday, April 2. at 2 p. m., in the city hall of North Wilkesboro. At this meeting Mr. T. C. McKnlght, gen eral secretary of the Y. M. C. A. in Elkin, will tell ns some of the possibilities of that great or ganization. Bill Gabriel and Mary Gage Barber are going to express the needs and desires of the young people la the Wilkesboros. Dr. Fred C. Hubbard will bring ns up-to-date on what has been done locally. Mr. J. Bid Williams will present the names of 16 men who have been nominated to servo as directors of the Y. M. C. A., if and when the organization Is com pleted. After the (board of direc tors are elected they will make an intensive study of our community, of the needs on the one hand, and of the resources on the other, and formulate a campaign in accor dance with their findings. At a meeting the other night nation for e«7®rnor someone said, “If we had the night in Nor funds for a building where could Perfected his campaign it be built.” A very resourceful organization for Wilkes. lot is provided. What can each of us give? We can do it IF we all work we can uo u iv we »u wura. , . _ J together. Is there anything more ly important for us all to cooperate together on than our youth? Come to the city bell on April 2nd at 2 p. m. (Note: Only one per cent of the annual operating budget of a Y. M. C. A. goes to the National Organization, instead of 17 per cent, as was erroneously printed in a previous Y. M. C. A. article). Coca-Cola Plant Has Doubled Its Bottling Capacity Musical Instruments Wanted For Men and Women In The Service The North Wilkesboro Coca- Cola Bottling Company, of which W. A. McNlel is president and manager, recently installed an other eutomatlc bottling machine which increases the company’s ca pacity 100 per cent. “While our company is limited to 70 per cent of the production of 1941”, Mr. McNlel said, “we want to continually improve our plant and be in position to serve our patrons the best way possible when peace-time comes”. Incidentally, the local Coce- (Continued On pe-ge twelve) Now In England PETE JOHNSON’S BODY FOUND; DETAILS OF ACCIDENT RELATED Body of Emmett Johnson Never Found In River Fol lowing Drowning Mar. 18 Birthday greetings are being sent to Pfc. Archie W. Laws somewhere in lihigland by bis parents, Mr.,and Mrs. W. V. Itan, of ParsonvUle. Pfc, Laws will reach Ua 2Bth birthday on April 26. He has been in the army three years. The body of Pete Johnson, son of Rmmett Johnson, who was drowned with his father in the Combahee river near Viernsvllle, S. C., on March 18, was found a week later in the river about one- half mile from where the accident occurred. Mr. Johnson and family were former residents of North Wilkes boro, where they made many friends. Because of the interest among friends here, R. G. Finley, who vlBlted the Johnson family follow ing the tragedy, prepared the fol lowing account of the accident as he learned the facts while there: "The tragedy occurred where the Charleston highway crosses the Combahee river, two or thfee miles emit of Tamasee, 8. C., about noon, Saturday, March 18th. The Combahee rirer where it is cross- (See Pete JduflN»s-^-Page rv f Drowniiur Victim EMMBrrr Johnson Last Night Plsuoning His Campaign In Wilkes John B. Walker, North Wilkes (boro police chief, was named last tournament, night to manage R. Gregg Cher ‘ ry’s campaign in Wilkes county. Mr. Cherry, of Gastonia, a can dldate for the Democratic noml teatnre the program. The regular Saturday morning session will open at 9:30 with a sword drill by intermediates and I- there will be a scripture reading tournament. There will be two feature addresses for the Satur day session. Judge Johnson J. - Hayes, of Wilkesboro, will speak 1- on the subject, “The World That spent last Ought To Be”. Rev. W. W. Law- Wilkesboro and He stated while here that he had visited every section of the Chief Walker has been a mem ber of tbe North Wilkesboro po lice force for 13 years and is wlde- sectlon of the state. He was ap pointed police force chief eight years ago. Commenting on campaign plans. Chief Walker said today that an active campaign in behalf that an active campaign in ueuau, c .r.Qn „ „ of Mr. Cherry’s candidacy is plan- J. f ' ned in Wilkes. Nineteen Men Go Into U. S. Navy On March 16th the following white men were sent by Wilkes Selective Service btoard number two for induction into the navy: Carmel Monro© Wagoner Uarlees Gilbert Hayee Thoma© Locke Kenerly Vernon Kdward Key John K. Holbnx* Thomas Edwin Brown Lonnie Roosevelt Perry James Dewey Banguss, Sr. Arvln Lee P'ostar Deice Jolly elate W. Kilby Lester Gamblll. Lawrence Wlndell Shumate, Herman Granville Dillard Uoosevelt Kilby Ernest Kyle Dodeery T.nnda Hart Ernest Oddi Brown Silas CSandlU. •V. Millers Creek First Aid Grads Nine Complete The ■ Course Taught My Mrs. Gaither At Millers Creek Nine residents of the Millers Creek community have completed a first aid course, H. F. Bouk- nlght, first aid chairman of the Wilkes chapter of tho Red Cross, said today. Members of the class complet ing the course were Alpine M. Bumgarner, Clate Bumgarner, Es ther N. Elledge, Mariann C. Bl- ledge. Prances Jones, Mable Kil by, Myrtle C. Kilby, Hester Tui- bnrt end Vivian Tulburt. The class was instructed by Mrs. Fred Gaither, a most capa ble Instructor who had previous- taught a class of Junior girls in first aid. Commenting on the class Mr. Bouknlght said: 'This was a fine class. At the end of the course the members presented Mrs. Gaither with a beautiful set of Uble Ibiens. Mrs. Gaither is doing a splendid JO(b, as this Is her seeond first aid class. Mrs. Gaither has dona this work in addition to heri fagilar iQtttles as a member of tbe Miners Creek high school taenlty*' ton, missionary to China now re siding in Charlotte, will deliver the closing message. DiitricLMeetiig Of Juniors Soon State Councilor and State Secretary Will Address Meeting April 6th District meeting of the Junior Order will be held with the North Wilkesboro council on Thursday, The district is composed of Wilkes. Ashe, Alleghany, Surry end Yadkin counties. All councils in the district are asked to be well represented. Speakers for the district meet ing will include State Councilor Clyde A. Shreve. of Stokeedale, and (State Secretary Forrest Sher- rin, of Scotland Neck. V- Truckers Must Put New License Number On Books, Coupons Truck gasoline rationing cou pons for the next three months are being made up with the old license numbers due to the fact that rationing boards do not have the 1944 numbers. Truck operators must write the 1944 license number on the cover just over or under the old number and must endorse each coupon with the 1944 license number. Mr. Charlie Howard, of Wilkes boro, has resumed his position with the Metropolitan Life Insur ance Company as its local repre sentative. in Radio School Pfc. Arefale MilHr, wm of Sfr. and Mn. 8, F. Bffller, of Feign- son, was reewtly promoted to his preaent rank la Ibe mailnii oorps and has been ‘T'lWinil to * radio sdiool «$ Ban lMeio,‘aM. . Pfc. Miller entered MSviee ta Noveraber. • He bmreSJ WOfcertMMn high Mbool wtti tbe .obNeofxstt. '

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