OF Y. M. C. A. IN MEETING Committee Named To Make Application For Charter On Tueeday, April 4, the nevly •leeted board of directors of the Wilkes Y. M- C. A. met at Hotel WUkee with Dr. F. C. Hubbard presiding. The following com mittee was appointed to draw np a constitution and by-laws and take steps toward sechrlng a charter: Eugene Triyette, chair man; J, B. WUUams, W. D. Half- acre, Jimmie Anderson and An drew Kilby. It Is hoped that the details of the constitution and by laws may be ironed out and put in acceptable condition before Mr. TfireUe has to go to Raleigh next treekjt which time he expects to ^ per.s.>iaUly make application for the cl#irt6r. ( MrjKOarl VanDeman, cluairman of t% Boys and Girls committee of tie North Wllkesboro Klwanis Clttb, announced that they had approved the necessary funds to j^'ire the charter. ~ Is was the first meeting of board of directors and 20 of thA 24 members were present. The ladies were 100 per cent present, I Mr. J. Wilson Smith. Interstate i secretary of the Young Men’s 5 Christian Association, plans to meet with the local board in the ^ near future and make available t his knowledge and experience in ■ the formation of the constitution and by-laws. V U » Pvt. Miller Gets About 18 Japs In 6 Major Battles Pvt. Joseph C. Miller, marine corps veterM of six major bat tles against the Japs, said in a re cent letter to his parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. MlUer, of North Wllkes- Itero, that he has approximately ,18 Japs to his credit. if !Tri. Miller’s letter, under date oi^March 2 from an undisclosed ^ South Pacific location, was as fol lows: ‘Tt has been a good while since I’ve written but I’ve been moving around a lot and haven’t had the opportunity to get settled. T Imagine you understand how it was, Judging from my last ex periences. “I’m back In the South Pacific and expect to see more oction promptly. I only hO'Pe my luck holds out as well as the last time. I’ve already seen six major battles and came out without a scratch. have approximately IS Japs to my credit”. V iGood Friday Service :lA.t Methodist Church A Good Friday service will be leld Friday night, eight o’clock, the First Methodist church ere, at which time the com- itolon win be onserved. Imme diately following the service will be a Joint meeting of the workers council and the church board of education. -V BUY MORE WAR BONDS RATION NEWS SHOES — Stamp No. 18 (book one) oxpdres April 30. lane stamp No. I (book ) valid Indefinitely. An- shoe stamp, yet to be dea- ,ted, will ibecoma valid May 1. OAfiOUNB—Coupons No. 9 Hi A book good for Hkt— ful- beeame •ffseUve Feb. 9 aad will expire May 8. enOAR—Sugar stantp No.. 80 (Book 4) good for five lbs. Indefinitely. Sugar stamp No. 81 (Book 4) good for five nounds Indefinitely, becomes valid April 1. OAKNING sugar — Sugar stamp No. 40' good for five pounds of canning sugar until IWiruary 88. 1946. A maxi mum of SO-ponnds per person ibe granted on appUoatlon looal boards PROCESSED fOODS—Blue stamps In hook 4, A8 through K8 now valid at ten points each. Do not expire. MBA’IXEI, fats and oils, can ned fish, dairy products—Red Ktdav in book 4, A8 through jf now valid. Others become .vsBd on the followMg dates; Kg, L8, M8, April 9; NS, P8, ()t, April These stamps po«>d for 10 points each, do not e^ire. Be Closed Monday Visits Home Forty-Seven Firms Will Be Closed On Easter Monday Pvt. Claude J. Miller, who has be^n in training at Camp Wheeler, Ga., is now at home on furlough. He xvill report this week for duty at Fort George G. Meade, Md. I*vt. Miller, who entered the army hfovemhor 4, 1943, is a son of Mr. and Mrs. M. E. MUler, of this city. His wife Is the former Miss tieora Milam. Chiropractors In District Meeting Western district of the North Carolina Chiropractors Associa tion meets this evening, seven o’clock, at the Woman’s Club house in this city. Dinner will be served those attending and the principal address will be delivered by Dr. John W. Kincheloe. Jr., pastor of the First Baptist church here. V. Legion Will Meet On Friday Wilkes post of the American Legion wl'l meet Friday night, 30. in the game room at the home of W. C. Grier. All mem bers of the post are urged to at tend. V Local Schools Have Holidays For Easter North Wllkesboro schools clos ed at noon today for EJaster holi days, and will remain closed un til Tuesday. V. Celling Prices On Cured Meats Local OPA and rationing offi cials today announced ceiling prices on country cured meats. The OP.\ has set maximum prices which retailers may pay farmers for cured meats as fol lows; hams, 40 cents per pound; shoulders. 3 0 1-2 cents per pound, sides, 26 1-2 cents pier pound. Retailers are being supplied with price bulletins which govern their prices to consumers. The prices as quoted above are for “dry cured meats’’. This means pork products which have been dry cured for a period of at least five months. Forty-seven North Wilkes- boro stores and bnsiness firms, representing a greAt majority of the business es tablishments in the city, will be closed on Easter Monday, April 10, which will general ly be observed as a holiday. The list of firms to be closed includes both banks, ! stores, barber shops, shoe shops, beauty shoppes and insurance offices. The list of firms to be closed On Monday follows: J. C. Penney Co., Belk’s DepL Store, Harris Bros. Dept. Store, Spsinhour-Syd- nor Co., Jean’s Dress Shop, Right-Way Shoe Shop, City Barber Shop, Commercial Barber Shop, Tomlinson’s Dept. Store, Wilkes Barber Shop, Insurance Service & Credit Corporation; The Bank of North Wilkesboro, Ideal Beauty Shoppe, Vogue Beauty Salon, Wisteria Beau ty Salon, Friendly Beauty Shoppe, Dixie Barber Shop, Burke’s Jewelry Store, Sen tinel Insurance Agency, Genio Cardwell, Marlow’s Men’s Shop, Dean’s Jewelry Store, Wiles Jewelry* Carl ton’s'* jHaydwartf, Csirf W.' Steele’s Jewelry, Emily’s Beauty Shoppe, Roses 5c- 10-25c Store, Prevette’s Stores, G. P. Store & Market, Moore’s Market, Yale’s Dept. Store, Day Elfictric Co., Crest. 5c-10c-2Sc Store, Better Homes Furniture Co., Payne Clothing Co., I. H. Mc Neill & Sons, Hackney’s Dept. Store, Church Hard ware Co., The Goodwill Dept. Store, Southern Bar gain Store,, Wilkes Furni ture Exchange, Bare’s De partment Store, Hayes Hard ware Co., Mark-Down^ur- niture Co., Rhodes-Day Fur niture Co., Dixie Home Stores, The Northwestern Bank. V County Officer To Be Closed Monday County offices in the Wilkes county courthouse will be closed ob Easter Monday, April 10. it was. announced today. Easter Monday will be generally observed as a holiday. PARSONS BROTHERS IN SERVICE Pfc. Robert H. Parsons is now with army engineers in Alaska. He entered service February 24, 1942, reel ed his training at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., and went to Alaska, July 5, 1942. Lloyd R. Parsons, carpenter's mate third class, is with Seabees at some undisclosed Pacific location. He entered service October 23, 1943, and trained at Camp Peary, Vsu, and Fort Pierce, Florida. The Parsons brothers, both of vHbom volunteered for service, are sons of Mr. and Mrs. F. H^ 'Pareoua, of Wilkesboro route me. . ' WHEREAS, It has been found ajpproilHafea eadi- year that a be especially designated for c4» certed efforts to^euhance the attractiveness of ohr city and to elimin^ undenrable conditions whi^h oro nn- ’' sightly and are detrimental to tho public health and welfare, I hereby proclaim the'week beginning April 10 as Clean-Up-Week in Nmih WHkesboro. In this event the importance of cooperation on the part of the people of North Wilkesboro cannot bd overempbasixed. May we all work together to the end that we shall accomplish good results and that we shall be impressed vrith the importance of attrac tiveness and cleanliness, not only during Clean-Up Week, but throughout the year. In spite of the manpower shortage, city authori ties will make every effort td provide sufficient faci lities for effective aid to the people during Clean-Up Week. Please cooperate by placing all rubbish at points which can be reached by the trucks operated by the sanitary department of our city. It is urgently requited that premises about homes, bnsiness houses and vacant lots he cleared of all trash and rubbish during Clean-Up Week. This season of the year is particularly suited for clean-up activities, and for carrying out other worix to enhance the appearance of all premises. Let us work together to the end that Nmrth Wilkesboro may be the cleanest, neatest and most at tractive city in all the state. ’R. T. McNIEL, Mayor of North Wilkesboro Planned Now In Panama VALUE FOOD TO BE GROWN IN WILKES IS $7,000,000 IF 1944 GOALS ARE TO BE ATTAINED Now In Italy County Agent Points Out In- portance of Meeting Food and Feed War Goals By J. B. SNIPES, County Agent Several people have inquired as to the value in dollars of our conn- tfeioaiL. the goals on the average pri tion per acre and present market price of the food and feed pro duced, it would total approximate ly 87,000,000. This food and feed is worth just as much if used on the farm and in the home as it j would be to put it on the market. j?7,000,000 is a lot of money, but ' the most important thing is the fact that we need to reach our goals in order to not only help feed the people of Wilkes county but the boys in the armed services (See Value Food—Pagb Twelve) Cpl. Paul Anderson Is now in Italy. He is a son of Mrs. Lil lie Anderson, of wukesooro route two. Opl. Anderson en tered service in March, 1943, at Port Bragg, and was in training in Maryland before going over seas. Prior to entering service he held a position with Coble Dairy Products comnany In WUkee boro. Apples 0. K. Yet But Peach Bloom Killed By Freeze Below freezing temperatures this week have not materially endangered the prospects for a good asple crop on the Bmshles and other apple producing areas In northwestern North CardUna, was the opinion expressed by agricnltnral anthoritles and orchardlsts today. Apple trees were not near enon^i to the bloom stage to be badly damaged, according to opinions expressed by a nnmbw of frnlt gjrowers. However, It was genemlty agreed that peach bloom was kdUed by tho treease. Rq^oits from the sandhills peach pro ducing area were to the effect that there may be no crop Uiere this year. -V- Fertilizer, Seed, Feed Dealers To Meet Tonight Price Regulations Will Be Explained By OPA Rep- presentative Here Lioiils F. Brumfield, represen- taUve of the OPA district office In Charlotte, will meet with feed, fertilizer and seed deal ers tonight, 7:80, at tlie North Wilkesboro town hall. Hegoiaaons governing sale of seed, feed and fertilizer will be explained by Mr. Brumfield. Consumers are also invited to attend. Ifc. Carl ’WUllam Mastln, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Mas tln, of Honda, has been in serv ice since September 15, and Is now stationed In Panama. First Baptist Church Dr. JOHN W. KINCHELOE, Jr., Pastor “Vision Limited And Enlarged" will be the Easter sermon sub ject of the pastor at the 11:00 a. m. worship service in the First Baptist church this Sunday. At the 7:30 p. m. worsnlp serv ice, the pastor’s sermon subject will be, “Motives of Evangelism". Sunday school, 9:46, training Eaitm’ Sunrise At 3 Chirehes This Sunday, April 9, Is Easter Sunday. The Easter season has a sacred significance for every Christian. Special music for the Sunday morning service by the choir un der direction of Mrs. A. F. Kilby, music director, will include an anthem, "Unfold Ye Portals”, by Gounod-Harris. Soloist will be Miss Lucille Casey, student of Meredith College, who will sing, “There’s A Green Hill Far Away”, by Gounod. The Easter Festival Service will be held in St Paul’s church on Easter Day at sunrise, 6:45 a. m , as has been the custom for tho pftt 12 years. ’The service will consist of a celebration of tbs Holy Communion . and sermon by the Rector, Reverend B. M. Lack ey. The choir will sing Easter hymns and csrols in the church yard before the service begrins in the church. The offertory, “Wel come Happy Morning”, will be sung by ^Robert Ducker, boy so loist, of Patterson school. Tr.e special offering taken at this serv ice will go to the Theological Sem inary at Alexandria, Va., to be used in educating young men for the ministry. The public is cordial ly invited to attend this service. FIBBT METHODIST North Wilkesboro First Meth odist church will have a sunrise service at 6:56 a. m., with special music and a message by the pas tor, Re,. A. C. Waggoner. The public is cordially invited to all services. PRESBYTERIAN Young people of the Presby terian church will conduct a sun rise service at the Henry Landon home at seven a. m. AT MORAVIAN FALLS A sunrise service will be held Sunday morning at Moravian Falls cemetery. An impressive service has been planned and the public is invited. The address for the serv ice will be delivered by Dr. John W. Kincheloe, Jr., pastor of the First Baptist church of North Wllkesboro. In case of unfavora ble weather the aervlce will be Wilkesboro Methodist Bov. PBED.H. SHINN. Pa.rtor Church School, 10:00 a. m., Johnson Sanders, superintendent. Morning Worship,—11:00 a. m. Sermon topic: “Go Your Way, Tell His Disciples and Peter”. Youth Fellowship—7:30 p. m. Alice Lenderman, president. Evening Worship—7:30 p. m. Sermon topic: “He Appeared To Them In Another Form”. Beginning Sunday, we are start ing a six-week loyalty emphasis. Wllkes'boro Methodist families are urged to attend church school and chnrck worship for six con secutive Sundays. Children will have a recess supervised by the children’s department. There will ■be a special service for the child ren Included In the 11:00 service. We hope that all parents will make a special effort to bring the en tire family for these services. HAYES BROTHERS IN SERVICE B.T.U. Convention Friday, Saturday Regional convention of the Bap tist Training Union will convene with the First Baptist chnrch here Friday and Saturday. The Friday sessions will o(pen at 8:66. There will be a Friday night session, a sunrise service on Sat urday morning, and the regular Saturday morning session to be gin at 9:80. Many delegates are expected from several counties and a most inspiring program is planned. V- Guam, which the United States lost to Japan, to the largest MmMU in" the Martoxee eludV- Willard T. Hayes, left, aviation ordnance mate third U now in Cuba after reemrin* training at Norfolk, Va. Willard entered the navy in October, 1941. He was at home on 2l days leave in Jannnry. Pvt. Ralph H. Hayes, riyht, is being transferred from. Camp Wolters, Texas, to Fort George C. Meade, Md. Pvt. Hayes en tered the array in November, 1943, Recently h# spent seven days mt hone. The Hayes hrotiiers ^ sens of , Mr. md Mrs, ft, & G0imth« Wilkesboro Baptist Chnrch Rev. HOWARD J. FORD, Fastor Easter is a season sacred to ail Christians. All of our higher hopes are based upon tho resurr rectlon of Jesus. You are Invited to worship with us Sunday morn ing, and prayerfully think with us on the theme: “The Powers Of An Endless Life”. Special music, in keeping with the Easter message, will be rendered by the choir. Power For Noble Living”, will be the 81” ' T for the evening worship. Sunday school, 9:45; morning worship, 11:00 a. m.; Baptist Training Union, 6:30 p. m.; eve ning worship, 7:30 p. m. First Methodist Church Rev. A. O. WAGGONER, Pastor 6:56—Sunrise Service. 9:45—Chnrch school. 11:00—Morning worship. Tho theme: "The Cross and the Fu ture”. Organ prelude, "Hosanna”. Waeks; Offertory, anthem. "An gel of Easter Morning”, Keating. No vesper service. 7:30 Wednesday—Prayer serv ice. Presbyterian Church Rev. 8. D. CRANE, Minister The observance of Easter will begin, for the Young People of the Presbyterian chnrch, with a sun rise service of worship at 7 a. m. at the Henry C. Lnndon home. If it happens to be raining Sunday morning, the service will be In the church. Communion of the Lord’s Sup per will be the grtncipal' part of the morning woTnhlp, at 11 o’clock. Every member of the church Is urged to come to parti cipate In this sacrament. The main purpose of the Lord’s Supper, ac cording to His own words In In stituting the ordinance, Is to com memorate and proclaim Hla death till His return, bu Easter wo think principally of His resurrec tion. But It Is not inappropriate that we meditate upon the Lord’s death and His resurrection In the same service; for our Lord was not held in the bonds of death more than three days, and even In His death we have hf>po of eternal life because It was a sacri fice In onr behalf. At the evening worship, at 7:15, there will be e meditation on The Walk to Bnunaus”. The sdnlts vUl continue thetr study of the Gospel of John at 7:85. B?s#y mmber of the otoas wlU need’to.BiW Iih Bible or Testament - Some may eleo ’meh to hriw materials for talttef notes. * -t. The Young people -will x^luiive thrir usnal'eriwng pragma; hito fhe Juulor^ Young PeopW* win '.ateei ns neunL