»f:pla5.. EIGHTT' • FOR SALE FOR «A 1.18 OR TRADE For One hone: pair l-year-old hlack mare moles. Extra good. See me at once. Smith Rhoades, Wlikesboro route one, near Millers Creek. Itp FOR SAliE—Oar Trailer In Good condition. See Quincy ReaTis, Smitheys Service Station on top of hill, North Wlikesboro. Itp FOR SAliE — Seven. Tear-Old horse, weight 1400, good work er anywhere. R. T. Lovette, WilkeiAorD route one. 4-17-2tp ke^ro ro sHas^’f FOR Ford Ooacfa. Clean and in good condition. See Quincy Reavie at Smlthey's Service Station. Itp FOR SAliE—1»85 Chrysler Air- flow sedan, 8-cylinder, good up holstery, tour good tires, motor in excellent condition. $225. C. W. Profflt, Wilkesboro. 4-17-2tp FOR S.ALE—Old Time Dwarf Bo.x woods, $1.00 up to $25. Mrs. J. A. Costner, Pores Knob route 4-13-21P one. FOR S.ALE — T .Model Tractor, been well taken care of. Price reasonable. Write Box 247, Wilkesboro, N. C. 4-13-2tp FOR SALE—Cabinet Model Ra dio, 11 tubes, fine condition. Better hurry—it will go quick. Western Auto Associate Store. (n) FOR SALE OR TRADE—Horses and mules. Bob Adams, at Bob’s Fuel Yard on Highway 18. 3-9-tf FOR S.AIE — Two Thoroughbred Guernsey bulls; one fifteen months old; one three-years- old. Wiley Brooks at Motor Service Sales Co., North Wilkes boro. N. C. 4-3tf FOB SALE—The J. M. Wright farm located on Highway 115 near Mount Pisgah church: two houses, outbuildings; 50 acres land; running water; lights. See W. M. Day at Day Electric Co. 4-Stf FOR S:VLB—AU KindLs of Shrub bery, Special close-out prices, customers to furnish burlap and nails. Notify when coming. Valley View Nurseries, Floyd M. Jennings, Prop., Pores Knob. N. C. 4-27-8t LL Theodor® Huffman In New Guinea lit. Theodore Huffman, a pilot In the army air corps. Is now In combat service In New Guinea, ac cording to newi received by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Huff man, of Congo. FOR SALE—11 Acres, Six-Rown house, 431 feet fronting on highway 18, 3 1-2 miles out. p. C. Bell, North Wilkesboro route one. 8-17-4tp WOOD FOR SAXE — Heatar wood, stove wood, fireplace wood,-dry or green; also slabs. Deliver six days a week. Hlght’s Wood Yard, Boomer N. C 'Phone 288-W. 12-28-tf • FOR RENT FOR RENT—One Three-Room apartment near Hlnshaw street. One four-room apartment on B street. Phone 205M. Itp Miscellaneous NOTICE—Car Keys Left In Duke Power Co. building April 7. Owner may have same by call ing at office. It LOST—Saturday in North Wilkes boro man’s black billfold, con taining large sum of money. $26.00 reward for return or In formation loading to return.— Mrs John A- Sheets Wilbar, N. C. 4-17-2tp IXIST — No. 4 Ration Book last Friday In North Wilkesboro. Return to Franklin Faw, Hays, or Journal-Patriot office for $1.00 reward. Itp AT J. C. PENNEY CO.—New ship- ment of Boys’ and Women’s tennis shoes. NOT RATION ED. It FREE! If Excess Add Gansee yon pains of Stomach Ulcers, Indi gestion, Heartburn, Belching, Bloating, Nausea, Gas Pains, get free sample Udga, at Horton's Drug Store. 4-13f-t PERMAJrtEOT WAVE, B9cl Do your own Permanent with Charm-Kurl Kit. Complete equipment. Including 40 curlers and shampoo. EJaay to do, ab solutely harmless. Praised by thousands Including Pay Mc Kenzie, glamorous movie star. Money refunded If not aatlsfled. Horton Drug Co. 4-27-p-t NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC—Ker- Icy’s Cabinet Shop Is now open m Foster and Allen building on "A” street near depot. We make windows and door screens, built- in kitchen cabinets, and panel doors for cabinets. Place your order now for early delivery. J. C. Kerley, prop. 4-6-tf 0W8(H» WITH THI Pfc. Owen* G®^ M®d*l Pfc. Paul J, Owens, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R- Owens, of Wilbar, who received basic training at Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo., Is now on maneuvers near Shreveirort, La. On March 31 he received the Good Conduct medal. Cpl. V®mon St»l®y In Camp Hlu, 111. Opl. Vernon Staley has been moved to Camp Bills, 111. He has been In the army two years and nine months. He had 'been sta tioned at New Orleans, La. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Roby Staley," of Reddles River. *laiVr Mmsll •r, mute oi^f, N. C., Is aov-enrollsd tion cadet In the pre-fl)gbi at Maxwell Field, Alabama, an In stallation of the Army Air Forces Training Command. Here the cadets are receiving nine weeks of intensive military physical and academic training. Jack Anderson Home Jack Anderson, who is In the navy and Ic stationed at Jeffer son City, Tenn., spent the week end here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Anderson. Pvt. Whicker Home Pvt. Charlie Whicker, who is In the army medical corps and had been stationed at Lawson Genera! hospital in Atlanta, Is spending a few days here with his parents, Attorney and Mrs. J. H. Whicker, Sr. He win leave Sunday for Greenville, Pa., where he Is to be stationed. LOST! Possibly on streets in North Wilkesboro, large zipper Bill- ^ fold with some money, gas ra-’ tion, and other valuable papers. Finder may keep half of money and send balance and other con- lents to W. C. WARLED BLUEFIELD, W. VA. WANTED CASH For Yeur Car In Five minutes. We’ll buy clean cars—any make or model. Motor Service Sales, G. G. Foster, sales manager. 2-14-tf W.ANTED—Used Typewriter and adding machine. See H. G. Nichols at Journal-Patriot. n SAVINGS AT YOUR G. P. STORE & MARKET STORE CLOSES EACH SATURDAY AT 8 O’CLOCK PaM. URANUL.ATED- SUGAR-5lb.bag.. 31c ARMOUR’.'^ TREET—12-OL can 35® CAM PBELL’S TOM ATO— can SOUP 9® OVAL TOMATO- SOUP—can 5® FANCY SOLID PACK ST.AE-KIST- TUNA—7-oz. can.... 29® Queen Of the West FLOUR 10 Lbs. 50® COFFEE Chase & Sanborn or Maxwell House, Ib. _31c Aristocrat, lb. 25c Rich Flavor, lb. 21c QUICK COOKING OR REGULAR CREAM OF— WHEAT pKg. 13® 100 PER CENT NABISCO DOUBLE MILLED- BRAN—8'OZ- pkg.... 10® HEINZ PREPARED— MUSTARD-7-OZ. jar . 9 PLENTY OF HOME-GROWN GREENS, lb 7i/;c PLENTY OF FRESH Fruits and Vegetables Cucumbers. Squash, Asparagus, Egg Plant, Peas, Spring Onions, Tomatoes, I.,ettuce, Celery, Green Beans, Beets, Idaho Baking Pota- k>eJ, new Red Bliss Potatoes, Bell Peppers. Lima Beans, Cauliflower, Cabbage. Lemons, Oranges, Pine apples, Grapefruit, Avocados, and Fancy Apples. Coca-Cola Ctn. of 6 25® Plus Bottle Deposit G. P. Meat Department Lamb— Steak or Chops, lb. 44c Veal Chops, lb. 38c Bologna— Sausage, lb. 25c Weiners, lb. 28c Liver— Cheese, lb. 39c Beef— Roast, lb. 27c Ground— Beef, lb. 25c FRESH FISH And Oysters PLENTY OF Home-Grown GREENS Lb 7^2® G. P. Store And Market “ Three Church Brothers T.Sgt. James R. Church, vrho served In Hawaii for a year, Is ndw atatloned at Camp Davis. Mrs. Church has been with him for the past three months. T.Sgt. Chnrch before entering service attended college two years at Mars HUl. Mrs. Church Is a beautician. Capt. Lass H. Chnrch, of the Quartermaster Corps, has been been promoted to his present rank In England where he has been for the past five months. Ha was promoted by General Elsenhower. Before entering eorvlce he grad uated , from Appalachian State Teachers college and was a faculty member of Mount Holly school. On Sept. 20, 1943, he was married to Miss Louise Welbom, of North Wilkesboro. Mrs. Church now holds a position with the staff of .1 THURSDAY^Ant 1S,SB44 “Where You Always Save On Your Groceries and Meats” I .. -liin the Hickory Memorial Hospital. Capt. Church wrote his father and mother that the people In England were nice, but he longed to be back with hls friends In North Carolina. Staff Sgt. Wayne Church is now stationed at Camp Pickett, Va. He had the pleasure of being home for Easter. He has been on man euvers in Tennessee for the past three months. Before entering service he graduated at Appa lachian State Teachers College, and was a member of the school faculty at Belmont. The Church brothers are the sons of Mr. and Mrs. Noah C. Church, of Wilkesboro route one. Armes Brothers Overseas Three sons of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Armes, of Abshers, are in the service overseas. Pfc. Ivy C. Armes is now in England In an engineers regiment. Pfc. Monroe Armes, who Is in the air corps. Is In Italy. Pvt. Challle Armes, who Is serving in the medical corps, is In Ireland. Pvt. Kennedy Assigned To Aircraft Course Pvt. Claude L. Kennedy, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Claude L. Ken nedy, Cherry street, Wilkesboro, has been assigned to the AAF Training Command Radio school at the Sioux Falls Army Air Field, Sioux Falls, S. D., for training as a radio operator-mechanic. Upon completion of a 20-week course, he will be fully trained to take hla place as a member of a highly skilled bomber crew of the Army Air Forces. M Pvt. Henderson Home Pvt. Jack Henderson, who re cently completed an aircraft course at Chanute Field, III., is spending a 15-day furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Henderson. He will report to Morris Field, Charlotte, at the end of hls furlough. fei Pfc. Clem Brookshire Now In England Pfc. Clem Brookshire, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Brookshire, re cently landed in England,- ac cording to a letter received this week by his parents. He is get ting along fine, and expressed the opinion and ho>pe that all the boys would be back home In the near future. Home From Bougainville Pfc. Warren Craven, who aided in the establishment of the beach head on Bougainville Island in the Solomons, Is home and is visiting hls parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Craven, at Pores Knob. Pfc. Craven was returned to the states to be treated for malaria which he contracted during the Jungle fighting. He Is a member of a mortar unit of the marines. Pvt. Jay C. Grayson Home On Visit Pvt. Jay C. Grayson, accom panied by hls wife. Is home from Camp Wheeler, Ga., on orders to report within a few days at Camp Meade. Pvt. Grayson la the son of Deputy Sheriff J. C. Grayson. Mr. and Mrs. Grayson motored, over to Statesville Tuesday night to accompany Pvt. and Mrs. Grayson to the Wllkesboros. Pvt. Reeves On East Coast Pvt. Conrad Reeves, who has been stationed at Camp White and Camp Adair, Oregon, for the past 17 months, writes hls wife that he is now stationed on the east coast. Pvt. Keneriy Recovering Pvt. Ward Keneriy Is recover ing from an operation performed two weeks ago at the army hospi tal at Great Bend, Kansas. Pvt. Keneriy Is a son of Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Keneriy, of this city. Seaman SchaeHer Home Seaman Robert Schaeffer, who Is In navy V-12 training at the University of Sooth Carolina, spent - Blaster here with hls par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Schaeffer. He bad as bis guests Seamen James Seale and Homer Herks iriio are also 7-12 students. s 'f-J TIIHII.Y mi ON No hra wcffa edb^ it.. .'niieo your - Oiwi toi oar k "deadi* So got our vtpiA oMeai roguloair and often. Let ui dteck edr pteik«e end find the minor the li^uriee that may mean a major let-donm unleoe fiaed in iiine. Whateeer your tin need, come to TIBE HEADQUABTEBS. Asy tire GNslioBt? Bni|’m to WILKES TIRE STORE SpBakIng of tiroB^^novor frutf on "Old Smoothy'^ BUlOtrTOVS-MW-fOR GOODYEAR EXTRA-MI1EAG6 RECSAPPING J A JOB you con depend on for more miles and more months of extra driving. All our work is done by qualified experts, with Goodyear materials and by Goodyear methods. But be sure to act before the fabric shows... only a sound tire casing con be safely recapped. We'll tell you when to recap —to get extra mileage “dividends"! Get our advice today. BATTERY SERVICE i NEW BATTERIES built for LONGER LIFE! • Hove us check the charge, clean and greose.cables and terminals, add water if needed. All at no cost ' to you. And ask us for good advice on battefy can. We'll help you get the best acrvice and the most ■etrloB left fa your praBspt battery. • When the time comes, we'll fit your car and your pocketbook with a taebory-frosh, ftdl-powsr Goodyear Battery. Every one has a positive lang-mileage guaran- iM. Ifs got to be GOOD to be a aOODYEABi... I AmIossom J 11.30 A UTs dl BACK THE AnACK-wM War BmMs ★ AN OFFICIAL TIRB INSFBCTION STATION WILKES TIRE STORE Jack Swofford, Manager Tenth Street - Phone 322 - North WiIke»boro TONE Ml W-IwFWgneii-THESTAaAI® THtSTOar,-; CJS.Nstwork. "HOOK’b UlDDEatr0IULaS,"8Ohmimsmtniimasi,MJAirsOmstk GOOD-Yf /IR . TIRES