WAR BONDS TOW JOUBlfAL’I’ATRICXr HAS BLAZED r TfiOB TRAIL OF or WlLKESr^^iR over 87. ■n ; - Wmm 'Mmt* ^ ^ n XXXVIII, No. 101 Pabli^l»d' Mob^jr* Aiid Thwnidoy*^^ .NORTH WHjB^flHOROt ssoeiational S.S.Meetiag Oi Frkhy Night {..‘.JMMk*%L^Wti ■ -"'Hi' «ilr..'... . aii :,*>..•.'■s;-...4V..;: .n i:^ , -mm,^.--' .*i Wbl.TS, -_«.aul_ Ml.. ftnuhy Moantain Sanday Scliod Coavention Will Be IMd At MoniTian Fall* Tbe Brushy Mountain Bapllst Sunday school convention irill convmie with Moravian Falls Bap tist church on Friday, April 28, at 8 o’clock p. m. The subject to be discussed will be “Do the Sunday Schools In the Brushy Mountain Baptist Associa tion Function as Bvangelistic Afenclea In the church?". The music and singing will be furnished by the choir of Moravian Falls Baptist church. Devotional oxe^c^8es^ 7:16 to 8:80. Rev. Ernest Bumgarner, pil.ircn^ the Sunday School Should Funcran to be an Evangelist Agensy In the Church?” 8:30 to 8:66. Speaker, Rev. Zeb Caudill, pastor of Lower Creek Baptist church, Caldwell county. Music by the choir. ^‘How the Teacher Should Teach be Evangelistic?” Judge John- J. Hayes, 9:00 to 9:25. 3ong by the choir and adjourn ment. -V Dr. McDonald Will Speak May 1st At The Courthouse All Democrats Invited To Hear Csmdidate for Gover nor State His Policies Kalph W. .ncHonaJa, candi date tor the Democratic nomi nation for governor of North Carolina, will deliver an ad dress Monday night. May 1. eight o’cock at the Wilkes coun ty courthouse. Dr. .McDonald, who lost the nomination by a very small '* margin In 1986 to Former Gov. ‘ TSmor Clyde B- MO®T. making strong bid tor the nomlna- ftion In the primary to be held ay 27. It is expeclCKl tluit a large crowd will be present to hear Dr. McDonald expound his views and policies relative to Oie state of North Carolina. McDonald campaign leaders here issue a cordial invitation to all Democrats in the county to hear the addres.s. -V- Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Michael, and family, of Cricket, visited Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Meadows at Pores Knob Sunday. Selective Service boards in Wilkes on Friday Rnd today sent their largest contingents of men to the induction cen ter for pre-induction exam ination. All the men sent this month were under 26 years of age. Board number one filled its April call with men under 26 without calling pre war fathers in the 18-26 age bracket. Board number 2 found it necessary to call all registrants under 26 to fill the number required. Men from board number 1 went on Friday and those from board number 2 went today. The lists of men, in cluding those accepted and rejected, follow: BO-IBD NUMBER 1— Donald Frazior. Kurke Doughton Johnson .Vsa Ralpii Hamby Prank Dee Weatherman CbTus Worth i'ates John Clarence Brooks W'oodrow McCager Prevette Komolns Qnentin Nichols McConnelly Pilkenton Robert Monroe Sparks Percy Edward Hemrlc Robert Glenn Myers Walter Lowe Donald Franklin Stroud James Charlie Wright Ell Prevette Luther Buster Call .Mathis EUls EUedge ix>nnie I’reston Somers Dwayne Alton Irwin Janies Lawson Parker Quentin McKinley Brock ZoIUe Fldell Lovette I'holo Garland Pardne George Astor Mathis Honda Vemon Wallace Garvey Norris Huffman James Atwell German Blaine Spears Mayford Franklin MoNcin Cycle Clyde Huffman Elisha Monroe Hamby Glenn Burton Carlton, Jr. Marvin Hall William Allen Broyhlll L. B. lowe WiUlam Marvin Huffman John Marcus Wellborn Rowe Connolly Deal Lawrence .-Udren Church William .Jefferson Fletcher Warner Lee Parsons Jesse Willard Huffman Baxt«-r McTjendon Gray WUliam Edgar Welbom Ralph .Anderson Tliomas Wrenn Minton SUGAR REGISTRATION WILL BE AT SCHOOLS MONDAY AND TUESDAY, MAY 1ST AND 2ND Canning Sugar Buying Per mits To Be Issued Two To Five P. M. Two Days I her 4 for each member of the 1 family to the registration point. I Parents may send by students In ; the upper grades to register for Local rationing officials have ! made arrangements for the can-' of schools at which ning Sugar registration In Wilkes canning sugar registration will be county on Monday f.nd Tuesday. - held follows: Wllkesboro, Millers May 1 and 2 Creek, Moravian Palls, Boomer, Canning sugar permits will be i -Mount Pleasant, Whittington, issued at the schools on May 11 Cricket, Maple Springs, Mountain and Z only had rationing officials j Crest, Summit, Lincoln Heights, ask that al! who anticipate secur- (Clingman, North Wilkesbor^, Mul ing canning sugar to obtain it at i berry. Mountain View, that time. Registration will be from two to five o’clock in the afternoon of both days and there will be suffi- •nt persons to handle the regis- tlon without long waiting. Those who request canning sngar must take ration book num- Monntain View, Double Creek, Traphlll, Austin, Benham, Pleasant Hill, Honda, Roaring River and Ferguson. J«mea Bix>okablt« V. M. lOmr, if. Uarriaon HanUn Prevette H. G. Normaa, Jr. Ghmydon Y«l« Sonther James Walter Johnaon Kalph WUUam Heddfag Albert Willard Cbnrch Ekneet James'Johnson Gilbert £3mer Dancy Thomas Roy Huffman James Monroe Dyer Hoyle James^ Mayberry Arthur Wade Xr^dett Lather Ransom Payne Samnei Oatvla Johnson Arlle OObert Ayea Homer Arthnr Osriton, Jr. Emery James W^Uboni Edward Franklin Childress Charlie Clarence Gregory Otto Anderson James Fort Scott' Robert Cecil Morrison James William Welbom Robert Harrison Moore Arthnr Ray Hayes John Ambrose Beeves, Jr. Xhomas Burette Sonther Pless Larkin Weloorn John Wlnfrda Faw Kenneth Grant Church CUnton Bumgarner James Albert Wooten Lester Zelotes Walsh Warren Nathaniel Sonther Galvin Newton Souther BUly Carlton James Ernest Bnrchette Koscoe Charlie Benton Arnold Weslej' Eller Leo Oomett, Jr. Thomas Gaither Walsh Llnvillo Arthur Roberts Willie ComoHus Higgins James Franklin Church Ralph Parks SheiAerd Thomas Harvey Green Coolldge Edmund Greene Pete Jim Chambers Namon .Andrew Walsh James -Arlle I’ardue James Welton Huffman C. B. Mathis Eli Somers Johnson Lincoln k)mbs Richard Thomas Lowe James Eli Potent Rollon Galthm- Eller Turner ijames’'Marley Calvin Arthnr HoUeman Charles Fred Lovettq lioander Glenn Wiles Romle -Albert Parker James William Wagoner Claude Albert Evans Her Grant Dyer Luther Hayes Johnson Clay Edwaml Church Elmer Claude Triplett Joe .Tulian Caudill Martin Alonzo Beshears, Jr. John Alfred Parsons John Walter Eller Hayden Smithey Combs Travis Lee .lohnson Leo Elwood Eller Roy Lee Hemrlc John Henry .Anderson Unol Coolldge Blackburn George Thomas Stroud, Jr. Claude Hlllery Hendron Joel Franklin Matliis, Jr. Alvin AVUej' Pearson .Ambrose Dranghn Mathis. M. P. Mastln, Jr. Hamilton Chachett Somers Hasty Lee Jarvis William Ervin Kilby James IVancis Keaton Jene Clinton Bumgarner Raymond Vaughn Eller Baynard Arnold Eller Edwin Ralph Church hVank Friday Baity Walter Lafayette Spears Genranl Clay Combs James Edgar Smith, Jr. Charles Evan Coleman Vercel Dewitt Russell Gwyn' Welch Jones Daniel Ralph Barnette Narvey Glenn Roberts William Clayton Hayes Killed '!n Abtion # » Pvt. Henry. Clay Hayes, killed in Italy m Mardi 1, wm a son of Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Hayes, of the Beaver Creek community of WUkes ooonty. Pvt. Hayes, who was in the Infantry, was In ducted into the army in June last year and was in training at Camp. Wheeler, Ga., before go ing ovenees In November. A memorial servloe in his honor wab h^d at Beaver Creek Bap- tlst cbnrrii Sunday. William Ted Somers Wayne Martin Curley Kelln Maybeny Carl Wake Clark Sherrill Jnnoir Roberts Don Ray Beshears William Dewey Rumple Hoyt Cleon Harris Ford Bay Curl James Johnson William Harrison Johnson Earl Edwin Fairchild Albert Hugh Welborn Don Cecil Reid Isaac Henry Call Ralph Minton Bishop Aaron Jacob White Willard Winfield Ferguson, Jr. William KeMeth Strond K. J. Phllilps Mastln Thomas Chnrch Hoghie Franklin Nicholson James Bruce Elledge Clinton CooilGgie Broyhlll Wade Terrell Walsh Chester BUI Brown Donald Bay Triplett. Dwight Nathan Somers Curtis Clifton Andrews .Alonzo Carl Greene Elisha Hal Edminsten Harold Maurice Grose Cecil Edgar Woodruff Daniel William Martin Warren G. Staley Vernon Carlton John iJtjTnan Paj-no BOARD N'j'MBEBt 2— Granville Ell Barlow Kyle Monroe Brinegar James Ralph Smith Robert IjOe Bryant Jasper Blaine Sparks Clyde Wade Sheets Hoyle William OUreath Otto Sheets Charlie Everett Cotliren Robert Jones Lyons McKinley Ledbetter Russel Richard Darnell Claude Everett Absher Robert Barker John Walter Brown William Samuel Gilliam Brady Robert Shumate Esma Bryce Teague Elton hVancls Johnson Sherman Alvin fillings John White Truitt James Clyde Banks Bearlln Clay Banguss Hampton Monroe Wyatt Ransom Elmer Barlow John Pol*» Goalbfll Charlie Robert Alexoader Woltar itaam Oockeriumt UiiMUte FimMUIk Xacker Hmnie Mok»eir , . Bulph Bayes i W(aiam Bland Loira Raymood Hiayea ^Oolon Bhupi Boitav John WUUam Oonor Williaoi liVoiiklia OradOl Brady Kennlt Cheek Marvin Matord Byid ^ Qeatge Perry Otto Haynes John Btdmaoo Smoot Jamhe Donald BCorriaon PYeelin Beeves John Pesri Owens Qnlncy Monroe Rea vis William Barnett Wyatt Walter Ray Blackbnni Olen Benjamin Rhoades David D. Boten Robert Junior Boten Robert Claude Wall Charlie Richard Pardne Monroe Wilson Brown James Olen Gentry Homer Rill Whittington Warren Bnrcham Claude McKinley Royal Freddie Brisco Smithey Rudy Roten Clande Everett Bnrcham Isaac FhO Spicer Ernest y«w Jack Sp!-%r Leonard L. Brooks / Clyde Cecil Norman Bliofa Lee Handy Roby Robert Brown Lewis Everette' Garris Cecil Leff Simmons Warren McNeill Dyer James Roy Hayes Clande Edward XUledge James Walter West Connie Dancy Thomas Gordon Foster Hansel Absher Jotm Dale Woodie Charles Raymond Cothern Jack B. Handy Carl Pierce Qnlncy Monroe Brown James Carl Chnrch Vemon Lavon Johnson James Howard Brown rJames Keafer Blackimm Reece Franklin Childress Lonnie Hardin BowUn Sam William Warren Jim Presley McCarter James Edward McClure Ma.son Cooper Candle Everette Watson Byrd Calvin Cmlidge Jordan Roosevelt Roy Wagner Dewts Everett Shoemate Coolldge Franklin Pardne Roy Ralph Brown James Clande Prevette Woodrow Higgins Hubert Francis Brewer James Walter CtvUdress Depew Brevard Swaringen Sherrill Gregory' John Robert Cheek Franklin Panl Adams Mack Bowers Wayne One Blankenship Eddie Clark Morri.son Clifton Ohar Sparks Garfield McKinley Faw Roy Oliester Gregory WUliam Lee Blackburn Rolx'irt Vaughn Casey Ulir. Kenneth Harris Llnville Osco Hlnchcr Conrad Ray Parks MajTTn Willie Shepherd Robert Reeves Delp Fred Ijayall WUliam FarroU Hoover Hubert h’rancls McMenamln J. Van Bjrrd James Quentin Jordan Archie Edward Pardne HUlary Shew James yestal Dillard Eugene Triplette John Levi McCann Howard PhUIlps Russell Levem CoUlns Woodrow Wilson Palmer THREE BROTHERS IN ARMY, MARINES In Virginia Pvt, Page BL Hutchison, son of T. T. (Yovk) Hotdblsoii, viSKed bis family In North Wttkeshoro last wsefc-end. He is staaoned at Fast Beivoir, Va. W. H. Dancy, of Cricket, hat three sons in service, two of whom a^o ovreseas. S. Sgt. George Perry Dancy is now in New Guinea. He has been in the army thtee years and overseas lor the past 12 months. Pvt. Samuel S. Dancy, now at Camp Ruck er, Alabama, entered the army eight months ago. Pfc. Raymond D. Dancy, a ma rine with 2 1-2 years service, is now in the South PaciHo. n a recent lettm* home he stated that he had met up with Pharmacist Mate Firat CUm' Ivey Moore, of North Wilkesboro. gesinsa Second Class Balgil Brooks has returned to Little creek, Viigiiila, after spendtag tbe week-end with his psnnts, .MV. and Mrs.'Jdm BeoidES of North wmmdxm route Biree. He has been In the navy slnee .Bnalstt Odea Ledbetter Edward Fnrctieea deary ' Chester L. Snow Isaac BUer, Jr.- Bdsd Wiles Ony Walls Howard Swanson Monens BsH WhttttDgton Pool Eugene domob Jastloe Aldoaa Gentry Paul Edgw Church, Jr. Jamea Dewitt Che^ Letter Klils Robert Cede Claud Wyatt Garvle OdeO Cbambers Oeea Clifton Laffman GImm Dancy, Jr. James day Jflnuwe Gilmer Relefa Candle Roscoe Osborne Silas Wenfgray Loffman J. O. Franklin Jennings Robert Gwyn Swaringen Grover Cleveland Billings Howard Reece Bangnse Charles Ivan Bangnas John Franklin Oothren . Guy Hilton Church Jose^ Clifford Jordan Edward Elmore Rash VUlard Paige Sheets John David Frazier Plato Eugene Pierce William Mack Proltt, Jr. Boffin Dale Gambill Marvin Martin Johnson Harley Mas ton Carter Ransom Isaac Key James Welborn Wlngler Raymond Howard Colbert James Edward Anthony Kober .Criesman Eads James Monroe Taiboro. Lonnie Rufus Hinson JnUns Paul Brooks Bay Engene Norman Bobby Frank Day Jesse devo Hutchison Ekward Winfield Lankford Grady Walls Emerson Hart dyde Isaac Boss Reece Pruitt Lonnie Blaine McCann Jesse Kormit Bidden Brady Ernest Wiles Walter Clay Bowers Edwin Joe Caudill James Arthur Harris James WUliam Livingston Marshall Cnrtls Johnson James Porter Reynolds David Lincoln Prnltt Harold George Cooper Hnben, Edmond Higgins Wilmer Willie Hutchison Frank Hntchlson (See Draft List—page four) inter Mr At Tke First N a p t i s t Large oongragations - are at- tttidlag the evangelletlo eervioee at the First Baptist church, which will contlnne throngh Friday eve ning of this week. On Sunday Dr. John. W. Kln- cheloe, Sr., of Rocky Mount, father of the local pastor, preach ed to capacity congregattops at the morning and evening services, ms subject Sunday morning was "Battle Withont A Sword", and on Sunday evening the message was on the theme of “Magnetism of Christ". Much Interest has been shown in the evangelistic campaign by the people of this city and other communities. Rev. and Mrs. Earl Robinson, of St, Pauls, are di recting the music for tne services. In addition to solo numbers, Rev. and Mrs. Robinson have present ed a number of musical duets on the trombone and accordian. To day they presented a program at the chapel period for the North Wllkesboro high school. “Wilkes Connty Night" will be observed Tuesday, at which time a special Invitation is extended people from outplde of the Imme- mlate community to attend. All are Invited to the services, which will be held at eight p. m. through Friday. V Convention Hour Changed to 1P.M. W. A. McNiel, chairman of the Wilkes County Democratic Executive committee, announced to day a change in hour for the county convention which will be held in WilkesIxn*o on Saturday, April 29th. The hour has been changed, Mr. McNiel stated, from 11 a. m. to 1 p. m., as the afternoon hour is much daore con venient to delegates smd visitors wishing to attend the convention. Chairman McNiel urges all Democrats in the coun ty to make note of the change of the convention hour—from 11 a. m. to 1 p. m. CHERRY FAVORS PAYING DEBT, HELPING VETERANS, RAISING PAY AND REDUCTION OF TAXES A fiscal program which will adequately support operations of North Carolina’s .public educa tion system and other State activi ties, provide for contingencies, in sure liquidation of present gen eral fund indebtedness from the existed revenue surplus, keep North Carolina’s budget balanced and reflect remaining surplus In tax reductions, was advocated here Friday by Major Gregg Cherry, of Gastonia, candidate for Governor, in an address to North Wilkesboro civic clubs. Major Cherry spoke at noon to the Klwanis Club and at 7 p. m. to the Lions’ Club. "I have served the State of North Carolina in good times and bad and have had the experience of dealing with the problem of meeting the financial needs of the State in both depression and pros perity”, declared Major Cherry, a member of the State Legislature continuously since 1931, In his address to the Klwanis Club, in which he discu.ssed the state’s fi nancial structT’.re and fiscal out look for the future. "My experience has taught me to avoid taking an extremist’s (.See Glierry—page eight) CAUDILL BROTHERS IN SERVICE 1 Sergeant H. D. Caudill, Jr., of the United States Ma rine Corps reserve, received his promotion to his pres ent rank March 22, 1944. He received his training at Parris Island, S. C., Qnantico, Va., New River, and Oceanside, California. He has been overseas for three months. Before entering the Marine C^orps he worked at Miller-Long Grocery Store. Seaman First Class Clarence Jack Caudill, of the U. S. Navy, entered the service July 1, 1943. He received his training ahd rignalnian schooling at Bainbridge, Md.,* afte wli^ kk was trsuufen*ed to Noroton Heights, Conn., to onn ad vanced fcraining. The Candfll broOers are som .of and Mlrs. H. D. Cawdill, of M%rs Cn X.'.,*. ' •i'Vjf.

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