lEMOCIUmC COlWERTKMI SATBRDA^ATI Hour Changed From 11 a. m. to 1 p. m.; Will Be Held At Courthouse f: Wilkes cbnnty Democratic con- '▼eotion will conrene at the Wllkea eonrthouse in Wllkesboro on Sat- lirdsy, April 29, at one p. m. in atead of 11 sk m., as previously annonnced. W. A. McNiel, chairman of the Wukee Democratic executive eommlttee, announced the change In hour of the convention becausn the afternoon hour would be more convenient for delegates. Precinct meetings were held throughout the county Saturday, April 22, for the purpose of elect- intftf|tegates to the county con- JH^^m^nd perfecting of precinct BATTUN8 NIPS ON EDGE OF THIRD FIELD More Names For Board No. 1 List ki. ' ^^prhe following names were In advertantly omitted Monday from the published list of men who were sent from Selective Service board number 1 to the induction center Friday for pre-induction examination; Dwight Dnncsn Sale Odell Whittington, Jr. Venie Claudius Dillard Willie Delton Xyers Bobeav liouis Irwin Archie Mathis Baxter Hutchens Caudill Kmest Roy Hendren Richard Harold Pardne Keymond Huffman Ruel Fardue Richard Dovette Clifton WiUlani Rnssell ■ Arthur Garfield Foster, Jr. Jesse James Johnson Robert lice Law's Troy Douglas Nicholson Ernest Clay Walsh William Lewis Howard OUn Furches Poster Prwrrtiftn~Mttchell -*• ^bert Laws, Jr. Kd^par i!)ugene seaman second class» is now on duty at sea as a member of an aircraft carrier crew, according to recent letters received by his parents, 5D, and Mrs. Edgar Au.stln, of WilkcMboro route two. He entered the navy in August, 1943, and received his boot training at Bainbrldge, Md. Central Truck Tire Inspection Station Set Up Critical Truck Tire Shortage Demands That Truck Tires Be Used To The Limit ^jSlbCTt Reid Greene 'WklCalph Duane Church % Doff IJncoln Eller CTielsle Marion McNeill William Cody Edmlmsten Warren Calvin Walker Hayden WUliam Watts V- i Commencement At Millers Creek In order to make sure that no truck tire is put out of service prematurely, the OPA has •estab lished a central truck tire inspec tion station for Wilkes county, where every truck tire to he re placed w'ill be thoroughly Inspect ed. 3. E. Knowles, tire conservation specialist of the Charlotte district of the OPA, said here this week that Uptown Service Station had begik select as the central . tire inspection station. As formerly, the truck oper.i- lor will make application to the rationing board for truck tire re placement. The dealer from whom he plans to purchase the tire will demount it and It will be taken to Uptown Service station for a thorough inspection. The reason tor this plan, Mr. Knowles said, is to make sure th.it no tire is replaced which has miles of .service left in the carcass. [a trained inspector at the centr.il tire inspection station will ascer- [tan whether or not the tire could used further by recapping or at Commencement sermon Millers Creek high school will be repairing. delivered on Sunday afternoon, j jq jg found that a tire April 30, 2:30 p. m.. in the high ' i,ggn damaged or destroyed hy school auditorium. 1 abusive use, the rationing board Rev. J. S. Hiatt, of Statesville, (jgny the truck operator’s ap- Methodist church district superin- j plication to buy a new tire, tendent, will deliver the com- j truck tire permits issued in mencement address. Rev. J. !'■ wiikes county will be by the ra- A, Bumgarner will lead the invo cation and scripture reading will be by Rev. A. W. Eller. Fred Kilby, president of the senior ss, will pronounce the benedic- i'an. Special music during the service will be offered by the senior class and other members of the student body. Mrs. Fred Gaither Is faculty advisor for the class. board in North Wilkes- I AVXJ tioning boro. Mr. Knowles said that Uptown Service station has graciously granted use of their facilities and personnel for truck tire inspec tion at considerable sacrifice to their business. The new system ■will go into effect Monday and a representative of the Charlotte (Sco Truck Tires—page twelve) SEBASTIAN BROTHERS IN SERVICE American troops have seized two of Hollandia’s strategic air dromes and are battling the ene my on the edge of the third, while southeast along the New Guinea Coast Australian forces have cap tured the enemy base of Madang, It was announced today. The strategic Cyclops and Sen- tanl airdromes at Hollandla were captured Tuesday by an amphibi ous column which crossed Lake Sentani and routed the Japanese defenders, Gen. Douglas MacAr- tliur announced in his daily com munique. A headquarters announcement that a junction of two American columns was Imminent was believ ed to refer to the American pincers closing in on Hollandla airfield Itself from Tanahmerah Bay,., to the west, and from the Hollandla village area, to the east. Services Sunday At New Hope Church For the Service Men Announcement is made of a special service to be held at New Hope Baptist church near Purlear Sunday afternoon, April 30, at one o’clock. The service will be in honor of men from the church and com munity who have entered service and the public is cordially invit ed to attend. .V- Dr. Hubbard Is President Of the Board of Directors In Meet ing Organized and Elect ed Y.M.C.A. Officers Board of directors of the newly organized Wilkes Young Men’s Christian Association in meeting this week elected officers. Dr. Fred C. Hubbard was elect ed president. The other officers are as follows: W. K. Sturdivant, vice president; Carl E. VanDe- man, recording secretary; and J. B. Carter, treasurer. The board of directors, which was eleettd in a recent mass meeting of citizens here, organiz ed with terms of eight directors expiring each year for the next three years. Those named for three years follow: Dr. P. C. Hubbard. R. G. Finley, J. B. Carter, ’ Jack Swofford, Edd Gardner, P. W. Eshelman, Eugene Trivette and Mrs. Margaret Coffey; tor two years—Dr. A. C. Chamberlain, Paul Osborne, Carl E. VanDeman, Boyd Stout, Robert S. Gibbs, J. B. MoCoy. W. D. Halfacre and Mrs. Palmer Horton; for one year—W. K. Sturdivant, J. M. Anderson, A. F. Kilby, Vernon Deal, W. F. Ab- sher, J. R. Hix. J. B. Williams and Mrs. R. T. McNiel. It is expected that the presi dent will appoint a site committee at an early date to consider avail able sites for a Y. M. C. A. build ing. Plans are also under way to begin raising the building fund this year. V Sgt. Carl C. Sebastian is now in service in Italy. Sgt. astian sailed for overseas November 1,1942, and par- ipated in the north African and Sicilian campaigns ore going into Italy. He entered service with the Na- nodal Guard in North Wilkesboro on September 16, 1040 Warren A. Sebastian, second class petty officer . ^ has been stationed at Corpus Christi, Texas, Tar the pa.t 31 months. He entered the navy in Janu- 1941 and received his early training at Charles- sc* Th® S«l»a****" brothers are sons of Mr. and .Mr*, ia Sebastian, of Hays. Meeting Closes At First Baptist On Friday Night Series of evangelistic services at the First Baptist church, which has been in progress since Wed nesday night of last week, will close on Friday night. Dr. John W. Kincheloe, Sr., of Rocky Mount, father of the local pastor and who has been deliver ing inspiring messages, tonight will use as a subject, “Palm Tree Life of the Christian”. Large congregations have been attending the services and there have been several additions to the church. Baptismal service will be held Sunday night. Home Club to Meet The Pairplains-Mulbeiry home demonstration club will meet Tuesday, May 2, 1:30 p. m., with Mrs. T. H. Deal. An Interesting program and demonstration is planned and a large attendance to members and visitors is desired. Pals In England ««»«*»»«*«««»»»****•**********« PfC. Gaither L. Mathis, left, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Matliis, of Wilkes county, has been In England since last July and Is getting along fine, ac- YANKS mTHM 24 MILES OF CITY OF ROME American troR)s giving a bold advance notice of their attack by a “voice of doom’’ warning for the Germans to snrre^er, have mov ed to within 24 miles of Rome In a series of thrusts at the center of the Anzio beachhead line, dis patches revealed yesterday. Only eight of the enemy biieded the broadcast surrender warning and the rest were steamrollered under an artillery and infantry at tack as the Americans generally improved their positions around Carano. This advance followed swiftly upon the deepening of the American right flank below Cls- terna, four miles to the east. The attacks around Carano were described officially as raids In force, but In each one the partici pating forces extended their lines a short distance and the cumula tive effect was to create a salient miRG SUGAR mirr to pouros !M REGIStRATIOil cording to letters received by | just as had been done In the Cls- hls parents. He enterel the army in December, 1943. On the right Is Roy Hutchins, of High Point. They were in train ing together and are together in England. terna sector. Motorists Asked To Remove Their Old License Plate State Highway Patrol Sergeant A. H. Clark said today that some motorists have failed to remove the old license plates from the front of their cars. The officer stated that It is a violation of the law to continue to display the old plates, which are confusing, and asks than any who have not removed them to do so at once. V Pvt. Wilton Bcsh»'>ars, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Bes1iear.s, of Walsh, ha.s notifiwl Ills parents of his .safe arrival in Italy. Pvt. Ilesliears entered the army in .May, 1943. IF LABEL READS 5-44 RENEW NOW Attention of Journal-Patriot subscribers wlios» subscriptions will e.vpire May 1 is called to the fact tliat the subscription will be stopiied on May t unless renewed by tliat date. The Joumal-l’atriot is fol lowing strictly a paid-ln-ad- vance policy as required by pos tal laws and rcgnlations, and tlie cooperation of subscribers in renewing promptly Is appre ciated. If your address label on your paper read.s 5-44 that means that your sut^criptlon wUl expire May 1. -V- Sunday -work in American hard coal mines produced 59.3,781 tons in/February. Gets Promotion All Mvimiis In Red CrotrUiwe- Exceeded Quotas Final Report of Chairman Shows $22,592.98 Total War Fund Campaign Grand total tor the Red Cross War fund drive In Wilkes county was $22,592.98, Dr. John W. Kincheloe, Jr., war fund chair man, said in his final report. That amounts exceeds by $4,392.98 the quota of $18,200 for the county. Dr. Kincheloe reported that all seven divisions exceeded the quotas set locally. The amounts for the divisions were as follows: Special gifts, $8,733.16; indus trial, $3,284.70; North Wilkes boro business section, $2,615.50; North Wllkesboro residential, $1,- 521.70; Wllkesboro, $1,163.55; rural, $4,375.70; colored, $309.19; miscellaneous, $589.94. The chairman explained that several donations which arrived after the drive formally closed, and which were from different divisions, were credited to the miscellaneous total. Several large special gifts which came in from Lewis Fork, Somers and other townships were credited to the special gifts quota. Dr. Kincheloe reported the fol lowing totals from rural town ships and communities: Antioch, $178.35; Beaver Creek, $130.00; Boomer. $163.13; Brushy Mountain, $196.59; Ed- •iPards. $211.50; Elk, $149.95: Jobs Cabin, $114.00; Lewis Fork. $305.05; Lovelace, $62.66; Mo ravian Falls, $327.50; Mulberry, $183.25; New Castle, $127.85; Reddles River, $407.48; Rock Creek, $287.28; Somers, $96.12: :Stanton, $88.10; Traphlll. $146.; I Union, $2'?8.34; Walnut Grove. $50.75; Wllkesboro, $240.18; Roaring River, $157.40; Ferguson school, $55.07; Chatham Manu facturing Co., $409.15; Miscel laneous, $10.00. -V Kvt. John E. CaiTigan, whose borne was in North Wllkesboro before entering service in May, 1948, sailed for overseas Janu ary 9 and is now in China with Quartermaster corps troops. Fvt. Carrigan has been awarded the good conduct medal and several medals for marksman ship. The service ribbons rep resent the Hnrma-Chlna^lndla campaign. Registration For May 27 Primary Begins Saturday Books Will Be Open At Poll ing Places April 29, May 6 and On May 13 Registration books will open at the polling places on Saturday, April 29. James M. Anderson, chariman of the Wilkes board of elections, said that the registration books will be open on three Saturdays. April 29, May 6 and 13. Satur day, May 20, will be challenge day and the next Saturday, May 27, will be the date of the primary. Those who have reached age 21 or will reach that age before the November election, and others en titled to vote but who have not registered must register while the books are open if they are to vole in the primary. Those Whe *v)4st Hare More Sugar May Get It By Ap plication After June 15 Ten ponnds per person will be the ms^mum In canning sngar coupons to be given out In the canning sugar registration to be held in the schools on Monday and Tuesday, May 1 and 2. It was originally announced by the district OPA office that the maximum to be Issued would be 20 pounds Irut the maximum has been cut In half. However, the overall maximum allowance for canning sugar p«r person remains at 26 pounds each, and those who must have more sugar for canning may se cure up to ten pounds each more after June 16. The 25-pound maximum Includes the five pounds on the canning sugar stamp now valid, the ten-pound maximum for the registration in the schools May 1 and 2, and any extra amounts they may apply for to lo cal ration boards after June 15. The canning sugar registration at the schools will be from two to five p. m. on Monday and Tuesday, May 1 and 2, and those who regis ter for canning sugar must take with them their number 4 ration books for all the family. Parents may send books by children In the upper grades. The list of schools at which canning sugar registration will be held follows: Wilkjsboro, Miller.s Creek, Moravian Fa’Is, Boomer, Mount Pleasant, Whittington. Cricket, Maple Springs, Mountain Crest, Summit, Lincoln Heights, Clingraan, North Wllkesboro, Mul berry, Mountain View, Double Creek, Traphill, Austin, Benham, Pleasant Hill, Ronda,, Roaring River and Ferguson. V Ralph McDonald Address Is to Be Monday Night Cancel May Term Of Wilkes Court Jurors Summoned to Appear Monday, May 1, Need Not Report For Duty Candidate For Governor To Address Democrats At Wilkes Courthouse The May term of Wilkes su perior court scheduled to begin on Monday, May 1, has been can celled, county officials said today. Jurors for the term, who hid already been summoned to ap pear for duty, will not report. The term was cancelled by the bar association because so many persons, including parties in civil cases and necessary witnesses, are, absent from the county. The May session was originally scheduled a.t a two-weeks regular term. Ralph McDonald will personal ly bring his campaign for the Democratic nomination for gover nor to Wilkes on Monday, May 1, when he will speak at the Wilkes county courthouse at eight p. m. Local leaders in the McDonald campaign are predicting that a large crowd will be present to hear the gubnatorlal candidate tell his platform for state govern ment. Rohert Johnson Game Protector Robert S. Johnson, of Wilkes boro, has accepted the position as game protector for Wiikes county. Mr. Johnson, who was highly recommended for the position, has already assumed his duties as game protector. He stated here McDonald is conducting a most today that he will impartially en- intensive campaign for the nomi nation in ti c primary to be held on May 27, and considerable inter est in the campaign is already in evidence locally. V BUY MORE WAR BONDS -V- Pressure Canner Clinic Is Success Seaman First Mass Leonard Jones has just been promoted to his present rank at Great lAkes, m. Seamfl® Jtmes, sem of Mr, and Blna Bobert Jtmee, ' rtf Pnriear, entered the navy |n October, 1948. The pressure canner clinic i held here Friday was an outstand ing success. j The clinic, held In the demon- I stratlon room of Duke- Power company, was set up in order to get canner equipment in shape for the coming season. Eighty cookers were cleaned and Inspected. Guages were checked and recommendations made for afiy repairs needed. At Camp Rucker BUY MOTE WAR BONDS Pvt. Ralph B. Minton, mem- hem of'a military police detach ment, has been transferred from Camp Robinson, Ark., to Camp Rucker, Alabama. Pvt. Minton is a son of Mr, and Mrs. L, A, , Minton, of near this city, and was mairlTig his home in Toledo, Ohio, before entering the army in June, 1948. He reoeJvod basic Indntnc at Oamp Wolten, Texas. force the game laws of the state and warns all hunters and fishermen to sicure license and to comform to the state laws reg ulating the sports. Rises In Rank Toy William Michael was re cently prennoted to bis present rank of fireman secemd cdsss at Norfolk, Va., where he oomidet- ed an engineoing coarse. He entered the navy January 6 this year and received boot traialiig at Balniiridg^ Md. Hs to a kin of the late Rev. w.. BDchael and Mrs. Msifgiret MUdiaeL His wife to Hie tonue mas Btoasl McNeiU. .JIPRILtCTNLPE OPEN QR TWQ FOLLMMIIG SATURDAYS ■ ■JStm

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