BMverCreek annual Wal8li-McQ«e re- wag held at Bearer Creek- church last Sunday, be ginning at ten a. m. and lasting ‘iuntll late In the afternoon. The event this year was probably the best attended and moat perfect in .^hedttle and performance of any reunion yet held by these two no table clans. The meeting was called to or der by the co-presidents, Rev. A. fl» McGees and Bx- family. Mr. master did the active presiding and he opened the occa sion with devotional exercises. Appropriate songs were sung by the congregation which were fol lowed hy several ouartets with chosen selections. The Rationed Quartet, led by Miss Nora McGee, of the Kings Creek section; The PIney Grove Quartet, of Happy Valley; the Stnlth Quartet, of Le noir; The Walsh Quartet, of Beater Creek, and some string music by the famous Dock Walsh band of Mount Pleasant section. Selections by these musicians were interwoven with the other members on the program through out, the day. A printed program was distributed among the guests and visitors and with a few ex ceptions each speaker on the pro gram responded when his name was called. After the minutes of last year’s reunion were read and approved a very appropriate talk was made by Rev. John Crapfield, of Win ston-Salem, followed by an old timer of our community, Hamp Jones of Ronda, who gave some well chosen remarks on clan his tory and his boyhood days spent in this section. Next was the principal address of the day by the Hon. V. D. Guire of Lenoir, who has been very generous for a number of years to appear on the program of this reunion. Mr. Guire delivered a very inspiring address on “Sacri fice” and applied his message to the .great sacrifice that our sol diers are making in the war. The large audience gave rapt atten tion to the speaker who seemed to be at his best on this occasion. The address was followed by a offered Se Much She Ih’eaded to Eat Retonga Brought Prompt Re lief, States Mrs. Morris. She Eats Three Good Meals A Day And Feels Fine. “I am now able to be on the go every day, ai'd R^nga deserves full credit”, happily declares Mrs. R. A. Morris, -well-known resident of Route 7, Bo.x 36, Atlanta, Ga., in a grateftil public endorsement of this noted medicine. ' “I simply suffered tortures from acid indigestion", continued Mrs. Morris. “Sometimes I even ■v^eaded to eat anything at all. I • Idora felt hungry, my nei-ve.s d^’len felt like they would go to pieces, and I slept so poorly that I woke up many mornings feeling wretched. I had to use pow-erful laxatives for years. I felt so -weak and nervous that at times I could hardly put one foot before the other, as the saying is. “But thanks to the grand relief Rttonga brought me I feel like a di.fferent person now. I sleep splendidly and wake up feeling re freshed. I'm hungry far every meal, and cat anything on the ta ble. My nerves have settled down MRS. R. A. MORRIS and the sluggish elimination is al so relieved. I am one of the hap piest women in Georgia, and I can never thank Retonga enough”. Retong'.i is intended to relieve distress due to Vitamin B-1 defi ciency, constipation, insufficient flow of digestive juices in the sto mach, and loss of appetite. If the first bottle does not bring you gratifying relief, its small cost will be refunded without question. Retonga may be obtained in North Wilkesboro at HORTON’S DRUG STORa—Adv. AT PRf PATTERSON’S Three Miles-West o| North Wilkesboro On Route 4^1, Next to Wilkes Oil Co. Site, 5-RoonFl|^ern 4^s, jSarage, llabins [»OF EVERY Klip OF :,|1EW AND HED tors-svl Electric TWOKE BOXES ^ ' (mall Stms, 1 Cook S^ove - )D RES'^^RANT STOVM of Caf¥%|^pment, Dish^ nicker iwhe#l iiljt, and 10x10, ^4 of ILLJ^SS R Disclosing that (0,000 tons of supplies are being flown into Chiba monthly, President Roose velt said American airmen have performed an amazing feat in getting military equipment into that nation.'' Mr. Roosevelt made the remark at his news conference when a re porter asked him to comment on a statement which he said origi nated in Chungking to the effect that American supplies to China’s armies have been pitifully inade quate. It depends on how you define large, medium, or small, the Pres ident said. He remarked that the Burma road became useless short ly after the United States enter ed the war and that since then supplies to China have been flown in over the mountains. A year and one half ago, Mr. fix Itfioai >!s" Wallace Beery plays Honest Blush 1u callv a character he ever has played, and Binnie Baraes is ui D^mish in M-G-M’s “Bartary Coast “hr^st comedy arama opening today at the Liberty eludes Frances Rafferty, Bruce Kellogg, Johji prradine, Chill Wills, Ray Collins, Henry O’Neill and Nosh Beery, Sr. most appetizing lunch spread pic nic style on a table that verily reached back Into the forest it was so long and It was said by some the table actually groaned under the weight of Its contents. Food did not seem to be rationed in the least at this time. Editor Dwight Nichols, of the Journal-Pa triot. was present and made a pic ture of the large group assembled around the festive board. Following the lunch hour, after appropriate congregational sing ing, a response was given to the address by T. W. Ferguson. Jas. H. Isbel, of Lenoir, but a native of the Grandin section of the Val ley was present and responded to the call of the president with some very pertinent remarks on family history and submitted some very wise-cracking jokes to the edification of the crowd. Un cle Frank Hall, of the Goshen community who is 84 and was probably the oldest psrson pres ent and who has the honor of having started the reunion idea, seemed to be hale and hearty and gave the two families some very timely advice in keeping up the reunion and making them strong er each year. Finley L. German, a native of this community, -but now a resident of Lenoir and revenue collector for several counties, was present and made a talk after which he sang ’’Johnny Comes Marching Home”. L-a- fayette Matherly was in charge of the memorial service and also made Quite an Interesting talk and gave numerous reminiscenses of the Walsh-McGee families. All the old committees were reap pointed and the old officers re elected for the coming year. Mr. L. Fred Walsh and Miss Nora Mc Gee, co-secretaries, deserve special mention in making the reunion a success this year, ftuss McGee presented an album in which a collection of photographs and Kodak pictures are being placed. There was a very representative crowd present conwng from sev eral counties and towns In this section of the state. The reunion will be held on the first Sunday in October, next year, at Beaver Creek. After announce ments were made the meeting ad journed, e'.-eryone having had a very pleasant day together. BOR’S ARMY SURRENDERS IN WARSAW London, Oct. 3.—A terse com munique from Lt. Gen. Tadeusz Komorowski (General Bor) to day announced that his under ground army’s resistance In War saw had ended after a 63-day struggle during which thousands of patriots were killed and the city was reduced to a shambles. Moscow ewspapera said a Po lish officer who escaped reported that thousands of insurgents had crossed the Vistula river to Rus sian lines. “There Is no longer any resistance In any part of War saw”, the officer was quoted. ‘Warsaw Is as greatly destroy ed as Stalingrad”. Keyes to Speak On “Divine Healing” — MORE ABOUT — ABSURDITIES (Continued from page two) surgery. I hope I can make it. Well, I’m contented. I never en joyed myself more since I finished high school. This navy life is swell”. Rest of luck, Glenn. MOKE l.'JTH KKXUEILS— We’ve learned by grapevine telegraph of several new readers of this column. We’ll probably get a licking tor telling on them. .. J. James, of Laurel Springs, frankly admits he reads it and hints that J. E. Foster, of Fergu son, is another reader. And speak ing of Ferguson, we learn from a roundabout way that School Prin cipal Mack Proffit sometimes gets into this forbidden territory in his reading, as does T. W. Ferguson, of the same place. And there is a report that Highway Commis sioner V. D. Guire, of Lenoir, sometimes gets so badly out of reading matter than he reads this. Roy Foster, of Wadley, Georgia, is welcomed to the list of 13th read- Evangellst Charles A. Keys, Jr., will be in his regular evangelistic service this Saturday, October 8, 1:30 p. m., at the John Tomlin son building. The evangelist announces he will apeak on one of the greatest messages of the Bible concerning Divine Healing, and how God healed him when doctors gave him up. God is healing people today from cancer, blindness, stomach trouble, paralysis and many many dreaded diseases known to mankind. Rev. Mr. Keys says. The evangelist was healed him self two years'ago through Divine Healing from a dreaded disease that caused him to be helpless In both legs, and arms. Evangelist Keys has the statements of the best known physicians stating that his case was one of the worst kind and there was no cure for it. A leading physician in 'Winston-Sa lem told the evangelist he would never be cured. This coming Sat urday Ev.ingelist Charles Keys will explain and prove without a doubt that God will heal as same as He will save. God is healing people all through the world from all kinds of diseases. Everyone is invited to this service Saturday. —Contributed. •V A selective timber cut is like cropping tobacco. Yon only take the part of the crop that is ripe for picking. Time to start the fireworks. COLUMN PROBLEMS— If we don’t use jokes, our 13 readers say we are getting too tame. If we use jokes, they see smut In them. If we write original stuff, they say why not clip some good writings from somebody else. If we clip somebody else’s writing, they say we are shiftless and lazy. So what? BUY MORE WAR BONDS SAVES MOrI ^ many^sers say Woo, one fire i Enjvy Coniimoui 24 ! Hour . Heat SELL A 116 A Acres 1 Mile res lubdi^ed Into Smj ttcgn L4nd Situated ~ t bf V.. I^acts. About 40 federal Highway i^d IIN^ Frdm North WiU^b^ro, N. C. we: SDA I AT 1(%\. M. BUILDlNGSs Good 8-Roola House, Water, Lights, Bath. lAthe/Houses, One Wife 5 Rooms. Large B^n, >ined. Other outhuil 2-Car (^a#e and Granary coi ings. I \ WATEii Two Springs, Two fcr^ks. Water on Ev^ ery Unif^|Orchard. About 200,WO Feet Good Merch^ antable Tmber. , ALSO ^LER & BR00|$ SVRE BUILBIfG v • now Itioi Builttngs, OneMile of U. S. h IS the E. & S. litore; 2^arge Warel^use Nice Building Lots on^raghway No, 421 of North Wlkesboro, at the Intersection ^ay Nos. ^1 and 115 a^Broadway, Also Ithe Figures Will Be eluded Show Cases, Scales, Addii ^ rs. Coffee Mill, Desld^Fan, Clock, chine. Iron Safe. rerybody Invited—Clrar Title FREE-eSO CASH P.E.MnCY, -\- - LOCAL AGENf Cumkw Land Co., AgenI I Ahingdoli, Va. «The People Who Sell” V'' '- ; ' , i; -i*-""’ ''''''' iPT I ’iC -I—n-jV^Trar • — ~ M

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