vui^ AAAiA, no. rubiuoed Monoays w SieE QliAiiTITI^SUGAR BENie OSED TO MAKE MOONSHINE; 30g A POUND IS PRICE TO LIQUOR MEN Sugar Not Being Supplied Through Local Firms, Is Belief Of Officers Wounded In Action lodications tbat black market sugar profiteering Is being carried out on a big scale have been found by federal alcohol tax unit inves tlgators working In Wilkes and' tdjolning counties. | S ^rocketing prices of liqujr : bSTe'ientlced moonshiners back Into the illegal business of mak-1 Ing moonshine liquor and they are using sugar, federal officers find In their inyestlgatlons. I What the alcohol tax unit men have not found out Is where the ! sugar Is coming from, or how. 1 J«arge qucutltles of liquor are made and the alcohol tax men are finding stills almost ,y. They find that a small ount of corn meal and wheat p are being used, and that some brandy Is being made because ap ples are plentiful, but about 90 per cent of the Illegal liquor Is be ' fng manufactured from sugar. And while many stores in this 1 section have been short on sup- of sugar to furnish table to their customers, moou- HRCners have been using tremen dous quantities of sugar for mak ing liquor. But alcohol tax unit men are I convinced that only a small pan * of the black market sugar going into liquor is secured through reg ular trade channels from whose salers and retailers in this sec tion of the state. Just how the sugar Is getting from refineries to the moonshiners is what federal officers are trying to find out. They do know that moonshiners I .ft.jire paying from 25 to 35 cents ' per pound for the sugar going into L sugarhead liquor. The average is f about 30 cents per pound, but t even at that moonshiners can make a big profit with liquor I prices shy high—if—they don’t get caught, and most of them do eventually wind up In federal court. ^ WiUx Ut»- -.-wholasale price of sugar being about $5.00 per hun- ^,.dred. It is easy to see that the ^tercflt on sugar supplied moon B^^hlners is enormous. One medium y sized truck load of sugar would r have a profit margin of about $2,- 000.00 Several weeks ago the OP.A. con ducted a lengthy Investigation of wholesale sugar business In Wilkes and AIe.xander countle.s. Investigators found that vast quantities of counterfeit sugar . stamps had been used in buying sugar from wholesalers. Right to sell sugar in wholesale quantities was taken from two wholesale firms. Alcohol Tax Unit men stated that the OPA investigations and resultant action did not stop the flow of sugar to the moonshiners, which indicates that the moon shiners still have a steady source of supply of sugar from some kind of black market, profiteer- First Methodist Asks Return Rev. A. C. Waggoner Killed In Germany Board of stewards of the First Methodist church of North Wllkes- boro Is asking the return of Rev. A. C. Waggoner as pastor. The annual conference of the Western North Carolina Metho dist conference will convene In Charlotte Tuesday. Pastors and delegates from the Methodist churches in Wilkes are planning to attend. Under Rev. Mr. Waggoner’s leadership the First Methodist church here has added 49 new members and has a most excellent report for the conference. The financial report Is one of the best in the history of the church. The resolutions passed by the board of stewards follow; "Whereas, the 1943 44 church year of our Methodist church is rapidly drawing to a close, a back ward glanc^ on the accompllsh- ForUnited War Fund Chairmen For Communities Are Appointed Wounded In Holland Afflkations For New “A” Books B 0 i n g Received Blanks War Renewal of *^A” Books May Be Obtained At Service Stations Canvassers Soliciting People For Donations To The Combined Fund I'lc. ivy J. l.rv. iiUllier C. tionv.*, »w»ii tlio lato Mr. and Mrs. Charlie ,lones, was wounded in action in lYaiire and has been awarded the purple heart. The decora tion wn.H sent to his brother, l>ance Jone.s, of Hays. T.Sgt. Jones volunteered for service on •July 2, 1920, and received training at Fort Benning, CJa. He went overseire in 1042 and has been in North Africa, Sicily and England. He has a brotli- er in service, Pfc. Robert Leon- aitl Jones who has been In the army since early In 1943. He is stationed at Camp Swift, Texas. Patton, McNeiil To Address kaliy Republicans 21st Snumate, age 29, son of Monroe Shumate of Hays, was klUed In action in Germany on September 19th, his family was notified October 14 by the War llepartmcnt. Pfc. Shu mate entered the army June 9, 1942, and received his training In Virginia. Surviving are the father and mother and five brothers and seven sisters: Old Shumate, of North WUkesboro route two; .4rvin Shumate, somewhere in 4’ranco; Odlle, Guy, Cleo .Shumate, of Hays; Mrs. Pearl Ijonkford, Mrs. Gen- ner Whitley, Mrs. Ganna Hig gins, Mrs. Jennette Miles, Glad ys and Grace Dean Shumate, all of Hays; and Mrs. Chamiie Brown, of Baltimore. f Ing^ operators. Buy all the bonds yon can, and help some more by prevo"t'ng woodlands fires. Fire fighting costs money, and a dollar saved Is a dollar earned. County-Wide Rally at Court- House Will Be Highlight Of The Campaign .jchurclu- Frank Patton, of Morganton, Republican candidate lor gover nor, and Attorney R. H. McNeill, a former Republican candidate for governor, will deliver the principal addresses at a county wide Republican rally to be held at the Wilkes county courthouso on Saturday. October 21, 2:00 o’clock. The rally to be held Saturday afternoon will be the highlight of the Republican campaign in Wilkes and Republican leaders ex pressed confidence that large crowd of Republicans tfom all precincts in the county will at tend. Leaders of the party Issued a cordial invitation for ail to at tend the rally. V Elmer J. Coffey Is Killed In Action On Palau Sept. 19 mentB of this year as well as the years prior, causes us to have a feeling of pride in the steady growth and achievements of our AACHEN DRIVE GOES INTO LAST STAGES RATION NEWS SHOES — Airplane Stamps Nos. 1 and 2 In hook three good for one pair of shoes each In definitely. .Airplane stamp No. 3 will become valid November 1. GASOLINE—-Coupons No. 11 In A hook good for three gal lons became effective Aug. 9 axd will expire November S. SUGAR — Sugar stamps So, ’ j[^ 31, 32, 33 (book 4) good for , ftve pounds indefinitely. jr PROCESSED FOODS—Blue a8 through R5 (Book 4) now valid at 10 points each, for use with tokens. Good indefinite ly. MEATS AND FATS — Red A8 through Z8 and A5 through K6 (Book 4) now valid at 10 points each for use with tokens. SUGAR: Sugar stamp 40 good for five pounds canning sugar until February 28, 1945. Sugar coupons R-325 Issued tor _ canning sug.aj are valid In- N definitely and did not expire October 1. A tire manufacturer may transfer new truck tires to any dealer without certificates, providing the establishment ■hipping the tires does not have A^A^any replenishment portions on which orders have I filled. not been The Franco-Amerlcan 6th Ar my group in I.Kirraine opened a blazing attack along a 60 mile front north of the Belfort Gap yesterday, advancing one to three, miles Into the Vosges, foothills to take Cornimont among a dozen other villages, while to the north .American troops hammered a Nazi last-ditch garrison into the west ern hall of Aachen. The new Allied plunge was made along a front from the Marne Rhine Canal near Luneville south to Le Thlllot, deep In the V'osges foothills. Le Thlllot Is 30 miles north of Belfort, guardian of the famed gap that opens nito Southern Germany south and east of the Vosges. Lieut. Gen. Alexander M. Patch’.s 7th Army -Americans on the northern sector of the new front stormed 10 miles east of Luneville through the forest of Parroy to capture Embermenil. Among other towns taken in this area were Glonville- and Fontenoy, the capture of which threatened the highway hub of Baccarat dominating the Saverne Gap routes to German Strasbourg. Front reports from United Press Correspondent Clinton B. And whereas. It Is our con viction that the progress which has been attained is due to the ef ficient and capable leadership of our pastor, Rev. A. C. Waggoner; "And whereas, since the annual conference of our church will con vene within the near future; "Therefore he it resolved, that the board of stewards of the North Wllkeshoro Methodist church go on record as being de sirous of having our annual con ference return Rev. A. C. Wag goner to the North Wilkesboro church for the church year 1944 45. “And be it further resolved, that the chairman of the board of stewards he directed to communi cate with the dlstrlc superintend ent and the bishop asking the re turn of Mr. Waggoner”. The annual conference will he held at the Myers Park Methodist church in Charlotte. Delegate from the First Methodist church here will be J- B. Snipes with R. E. Gibbs as alternate. GETS NAZI PLANE Pfc. Elmer J. Coffey was killed in action on Palau Island In the Pacific on September 19. News of his death was receiv ed In an official War Depart ment telejR-am received by hte parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. (Toffey, of Hays. in Jnly, 1948, and went over seas in June of this year. Ho served In the Wildcat divi sion. Surviving Pfc. Coffey are Iiis fatlier and mother and the fol lowing brothers and sisters: IGoyd Coffey, North WUkesboro route one; Pvt. Manley W. Cof fey, Camp Wheeler, Ga.; Miss Lula Coffey, Baltimore, Md.; Cecil, Clyde, Jimmie and Knth Coffey, all of Hays. V- FIRE INSPECTION HERE THIS WEEK LT. RALPH I. BOWMAN An Eighth AAF Fighter Station, England. — Piloting an Eighth Fighter Command P-61 Mustang, 2nd Lt. Ralph I. Bowman, of 909 Mulrfield Road, Los Angeles, Cal., Conger said the Americans were j formerly of North WUkesboro, N. fighting against elements of the 1 c., scored his first aerial victory German 5th Panzer Army, the sec- j recently when he shot down an ond largest concentration of Oer-'Me 109 in fierce aerial battle over man armor on the western front. V- Germany. The 22-year-old filer made the kill when hla group teamed up against 100 or more Nazi fighters and destroyed 16 of the enemy Boy Scout Court Of Honor to Meet Boy Scout court of honor will without losing any of their own meet Thursday evening, 7:30, In. planes the religions education building of the Presbyterian cherch. C. G. Day, chief of the North Wilkesboro’a volun teer fire department, an nounced today that all business houses will be in spected this week by mem bers of the fire depart ment. Chief Day urges every business firm to have its “house in order” so that a good inspection rec ord may be set up for North Wilkesboro which will have much to do with keeping fire insurance rates as low as possible. Don’t forget, Mr, Busi ness Man, this is fire in spection week in North Wilkesboro. V- People of Wilkes county are being visited by canvassers In the campaign to raise $18,000 for the United War Fund and community chest activities. C. J. Swofford, county chair man, stated today that the cam paign is well under way, and urg ed that the^people respond liberal ly to the' appeal for the fund which contains so many worthy causes. All people of the county are urged to help in this campaign. The money will go tor the benefit of service men and to aid war suf ferers of allied nations. By com bining the various agencies of aid to service men and helpless people of allied nations, only one cam paign is made each year and for that reason donations as liberal as possible are urged from all. ^ The list of community chair men In the campaign follows; Boomer, Glenn B, Carlton; Fer guson, T. W. Ferguson, Elk Creek, Coy Marley; Stony Fork; W. 0. Barnett; Champion, J. C. McNeil; Maple Springs, T. C. Os borne; Summit, Zeb Beshears; Parsonvllle, Lee Beshears; Pur- lear, Joe Hayes; Millers Creek, R. V. Day; Cricket, Richard Eller; Wllbar, Mrs. Clara Calloway; Whittington, Odell Whittington; McGrady, W. M. Absher; Mulber ry, H. H. Jennings; Falrplalns, Charles S. Felts; Mtn. View, J. L. Gregory; Springfield, N. P. Brooks; Abeher, A. M. Holbrook; frapISffl,' Criflle ■MleaTUocl:^. Lonnie Billings; Austin, J. Z. Adams; Thurmond, Mrs. J. E. De- Journette; Pleasant Ridge, Rev. L. B. Murry; Benham, Robert Spencer: Pleasant Hill, Denver Holcomb: Ronda, C. E. Tharpe; Cllngman, Mrs. Harry Greene; Roaring River, Mrs. J. B. Church; Shepherds Cross Roads, J. W. Cheek; Somers, L. P. Somers; Mt. Pisgah, Lester P. Johnson; Hunt ing Creek, Mrs. E. P. Inscore; Windy Gap, Henry Johnson; Highway 421 East of Wilkesboro, Boh Seagraves; Brushy Mountain, Roy Hendren; Oak woods, Mont C. Jones; Moravian Falls, Miss Thel ma I..8WS; Pores Knob, Perry Lowe; Lincoln Heights, J. R. Ede- lin. V Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Suumau-, of North Wilkesboro route two, received a tel^jram from the War department Oct .5th that their son. Pvt. Carl A. Shumate, was slightly wounded in action September 17th in Holland. He entered service Sept. 1, 1943, took his \fasic training at Fort Knox, Ky., and went overseas in March of this year. Democratic Rally To Be at Boomer On Friday Night A Democratic speaking and ral ly will bo held at the schoolhouse at Boomer Friday night, October 20th, at 8 p. m. All the county candidates will be present. All Democrats and their families, es peclally the ladles, and all other iatawtad voters, are^eevdlally. in vited to be present. Remember the place—Boomer schoolhouse; the time—Friday, 8 p. m. V Pvt. Odell A. Marsh Slightly Wounded Mr. and Mrs. William A. Marsh, of Wilkesboro star route, have re ceived a War Department telegram saying that their son. Pvt. Odell A. Marsh, was slightly wounded In action in Prance on October 1. Pvt. Marsh entered service two years ago and went overseas early this year. He has three brothers in service. New Trial Granted In the Allen Case The state supreme court, in an opinion handed down at Raleigh on October 11th, granted a new trial In the case of Hill Allen, tried and convicted at the March 1944 term of Wilkes superior Applications for renewal of A and B gasoline ration books are now being accepted by the ratlo*- ing boards. The present A books will explr* on November 8, because the num ber 12 coupons in the books will not he used. New books will b* Issued in, order that the A cou pons will be the same thronghoit the country. The new A books to go into ef fect November 9 will have cou pons with a value of four gallons each. However, the ration of two gallons weekly will remain nn changed. There will be three number 13 coupons, which will be valid from November 9 to Decem ber 22. Applications blanks for the new A books may now be obtained at the following service stations In Wilkes: M. C. Jones, Oakwoods; Hobert Delp, Purlear; T. F. Greer, Boomer; R. D. Hayes, Millers Creek; D. E. Turner, Cricket; Johnson’s Esso Station, Texaco Service Station, Culler's Esso Sta tion, Wilkesboro; C. M McNeill’s Store, Ferguson; Lawrence Pear son, Roaring River; Dancy’s Serv ice Station, Wllbar; A. R. Miller, Vannoy; Walter Warren, D. C. Castevens, Traphlll; John Wood ruff, Hays; W. M. Osborne, Mc Grady; J. W. Cheek, Roaring River route one; Textile Service Station, Motor Market, Lovette- Walker Esso Station. Uptown Service Station, Dick’s Service Station, Landon’s Central Serv ice Station, Wilkes Tire Store. Motor Service Sales company and Yadkin 'Valley Motor company. North Wilkesboro. Applicants should fill out the blank completely, attach cover of the present A or D book to the blank, and mall or carry the ap plication, with tire Inspection sheet, to the rationing board in the area in which they live. V- Workers Needed To Help Built Combat Transports, Tankers Mr. Ballard, of Bethlehem-Spar- row Paint Shipyard, is at the North Wilkesboro office of the U. S. Employment Service and will remain until October 21 to sign up workers for this company. This shipyard pays trainees 70 12 cents for first 30 days of training after which 80 1-2 cents per hoar will be paid for the remainder of court on a charge of falling to provide for support,9^,iy|ej^^ate training which is approximately child. ■ 1 ' weeks. Other workers needed Attorneys Eugene Trivette, J. ' by this company are sheet metal E. Houshouser and J. AUle Hayes workers, shipfitters, arc welders, appeared before the supreme This shipyard, which makes corn- court on behalf of Allen. V- Bus Station Here Is To Be Moved Wednesday Night bat transports and tankers, Is lo cated at Sparrows Point, Md., near Baltimore. If Interested, call at the Em ployment office any day this week except Tuesday and Friday. V- Wounded Again Halfacre Attends Bankers Credit Group Meeting Will Be Open On Thursday Morning: In Motor Market Building, Main and 6th The bankers of North Carolina at their special meeting In Raleigh j Thursday, October 12, heartily endorsed the nationwide move ment of the American Bankers Assoclat’in to place ample bank credit . the disposal of business during che reconversion period. W. D. Halfacre, of the Bank of North Wilkesboro. who attended the meeting, stated that a large and representative group .of bankers attended the meeting to hear ABA leaders explain the de tails of the program. J. N. Cobum of Whlteville, state president of the Bankers Aa- Bociatlon, presided at the meeting. The speakers Included Robert M. Hanes of Winston-Salem, who Is chairman of the ABA Post War Small Business Credit Commls Sion, H. H. Augustine of Rich mond, a member of the commls- Bus station in North Wilkesboro will be moved on Wednesday night of this, week from Its pres ent location on Ninth street to the Motor Market building on the corner of Main and Sixth streets. I M. C. Woodie, manager of the Union bus terminal, stated today j that the Motor Market building, which he recently purchased, has been remodeled Into a modern bus 'station and that the bus station I will be open there on Thursday ' morning. The new bus station will have ample facilities for accommodating the many patrons of the bus lines using the station. Many buses can be parked at the stat;on with out creating traffic congestion. A bus station barter shop with three chairs has been installed and win he under the management of Bruce Jones, a well experlenc ed barber. A concession selling magazines. slon, and Walter E. French and We were out to protect the 1 Edward Drew, deputy manager of (See Gets Plane—page eight) | (See Halfacre—page eight) Kilby, marine veteran of several campaigns In the South Pacific, was wonndad several days ago while In com bat on Pelelln Island. How ever hla wounds are not describ ed as serious in messages re ceived here by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Kilby. CpI. Kilby was wounded In the Guad alcanal campaign In the fall of 1942 but fully recovered and returned to combat duty. soft drinks, candles, cigarettes, etc., will be operated at the sta tion and will be changed into a bus station cafe as soon as condi tions permit. A service station will be operat ed in connection with the atatlon and will be under the supervision of W. B. Marlowe, who will be service station manager and sta tion clerk. Mr. Woodie will be assisted In operating the bus station by Mrs. I Woodie, Mrs. Asile Marsh and Miss Louise McOlamery. Pfc. Romie Stokes Reported Missing Private First Class Romie Stokes, son of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Stokes, of Cycle, has been reported missing in action in the European theatre of war in a message to his parents from the War Department. Pfc. Stokes is a veteran of the North African campaign and was awarded the Purple Heart for wounds received in action in that theatre on Sep tember 13, 1943. He went Into service in September, 1941, and has been overseas since May, 1943. V- S.Sgt. Chas. Hanks Missing In Action staff Sergeant Charles W. Hanks, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Hanks, of Benham, has been miss ing In action In Italy since Sep tember 16, according to a message received by his parents from the War Department last Monday. Sgt. Hanks went Into service In November, 1942, and trained at Camp Adair, Oregon, prior to go ing overseas In April of this year. He was wounded In action In June and was awarded the Purple Heart. V- Mrs. T. A. Finley’s Mother Succumbs Mrs. J. B. Cochran died In a Charlotte hospital this morning, according to news received here today by her daughter, Mrs. T. A. Finley. Mrs. Cochran had been in for some time. Funeral arrangements ar« In complete. fVEKT. DOLLAR GIVEN TO UNITED WAR FU HD WILL HELP YOOR^, BROTHER, HUSBAND ■‘J