LYl tiMi t»n U ATTfo J*' UT' «nrB ittwiny **U» far jfo»r.Av- j • . . . . - «’ i'.. Tftfe ^URNAL-PATBIOT HAS BLAZSD THE TRAIL OP PROG ;, TWiLYYW^'lfi’fe ^ yoat '1# dai)t at 12^ '# ^yr^iampm'imot* Dwenlicr lat te THE ‘«TATE op WILKES" FOR OVJR^M iriARS:^:^^ ’*, . . - i Jiu. -■• .. '"'■ f.,-^. f'>«Pt4>H«lwd Moodayt 'uhI Thiar^ay*. MADE SCHOOLS iniR woi War Prognim ;P« WOke* Sd^ols Map-- P«d By Connty Boal^ eraa of th« prtaclpAl post irw "Weta plansad tor WUkea ooun- •onalBU of school bnihMngs fpr •▼ercrovded schools. ■ B. Bllhr; oonntr ■npeiintand- «f schooU, s&id today that for school bttlldln« in county have already been '^tlTely adopted by the county aducatlon and haye been itted to W. P. Credle. head baUdln* dlTlalon of‘the state tyittment of education. I^mmentlng on the tentative ns, SuMr Eller said that every Uni school district In the coun ts in need of additional facilities, and that North boro city schools also have plans to rolieve over- conditions. Boylng that erection of bulld- » now Is practically impossible to the scarcity of materials *s4 labor and the need to use all I^Uable materials and labor in war effort, Supt. Eller said e being made ready for use conditions will permit g good type bnildings at i.«—»~able cost. POur-room frame structures are being erected this year to relieve Bonditions at Millers Creek, Wilkesboro and Roaring River, gfter the war when it becomes practical to erect more permanent type buildings, the 4-room struc- tnraa will be used for vocational cation. The frame buildings being erected mainly from ma- iarlala salvaged from old school Minings. V flOV. 2, >944- - W>tdh Aiw«nc« ^KiUcid On Peleliu INar Fvid Total Reaches $9^000 la Wilkes County Those Not Contacted Asked To Send War Fund Dona- I tiona Campaign Leaders Iks. Lowe Clerk For Draft Board David Lowe Succeeds i. A. Sdroud, Resigned, Clerk of Board No. 1 - *t. o-jurge* JB. Mitchell, U. S. Marine Corps Reserve, was killed October 1, 1044, at Pel©- liu Island!, according to an of ficial message received by bis mother, Mrs. Ella Mitchell Mnl- Us. Pfc. Mitchell entered the Marine Corps on Oct. 13, 1943, received boot training at Parris Island, S. C., and New River. He went overseas in April, 1944. Ho is survived by his mother, one sister, Mrs. Ernes tine Jolnes, and three half- brothers, Vance, Billy and Charles Mullls. Another broth er, S.Sgt. James P. Mitchell, U. S. Army quartermaster corps, died in Puerto Rico on May 20, 1941. ■ w -X-'. ^ ows Campaign to raise $18,000 for, the United War Fund and com munity chest program In Wilkes county picked up materially this week. ' The total of contributions to date have reached $9,000, which ^ is exactly half of the goal. Con- i tinned effort on the part of i workers and numerous and liberal contributions are needed to reach the goal. Reports not yet received are expected to swell the total and it is evident that the task of canvass ing the people of the Wilkesboros and the rural communities has not been completed. Doubtless, many will not be reached by the canvassers. Those who are not called on for dona tions are asked to mall them to C. J. Swofford, chairman, or W. J. Caroon, treasurer of the United War Fund, North Wilkesboro, N. C. V Sbiners Township Citizen Commits Suicide Nov. 1st Wounded In Holland R- L. Jennings Takes Own Life By Firing Shotgun Into His Abdomen Bishop Gribbin To Visit Saint Paul’s ALL BUT ONE JAP ESCAPE ROUTE IS CUT American Infantry, meeting in creasing resistance from Japanese rear guards, pushed two more miles up the Leyte Valley yester day to within six miles of the north coastal stronghold of Cari- gara In a drive that cut all but one escape route for an estimated 2,000 Japanese threatened with has bbei pro to the position of clerk to ^rvlce Board number 1 eotrapihsat. ~ mi' - fci tt'J., ■hisliBswBId^ I h that capacity Mrs. Love sue- mds Wm. A. Stroud, clerk, who o^gmed to devote his full time to insurance business and his >ositlon as secretary-treasurer of Wilkesboro Building and Loan tMOciatlon. Mr. Stroud had been erk to the board since it was es- ibllshed in the fall of 1940. Mrs. Lowe has served efficient- ’ as assistant clerk to Selective lofTice board number one since ialective Service was established, (he Is succeeded as assistant clerk ly Miss Wllla Mae Tevepaugh, has been employed In the Kiard’s office In Wilkesboro for ime time. Members of Selective Service rd number 1 in Wilkes are O. Whittington, chairman, and J. Dula, of Wilkesboro, and T, Mln^ea, of Champion. Division, moving along the north coast from Barugo, meanwhile advanced some three miles west ward to the vicinity of Carlgara itself and engaged In sharp clash es with the enemy. Gen. Douglas Mac.4.rthur’s daily war bulletin announced. The 2,000 Japanese, along the north coast were fighting des perately to hold open their lone escape route to the west coast port of Ormoc, 21 mlUs to the southwest. The road runs seven miles west along the coast to the port of Pinamopoan, and then bends 21 miles south to Ormoc. The 24th Division, pushing up the Leyte Valley In a drive ap parently aimed at cutting the last Japanese escape hatch west of Carlgara. slashed an overland trail leading 19 miles southwest across the 4,000-foot, jungle- covered Mamban Mountains to Ormoc. •V. tr SOVIET ARMY HOW 33 MILES FROM CAPITAL The Red Army trust within 33 flea of Budapest Monday in a ,t drive rolling rapidly north- 'eetward across the Hungarian plain between the Danube and WriMti Rivers. Armored spearheads undoubted- riy already were even nearer to r Ijie imperilled Hungarian capital the midnight Moscow com- lunique announced definitely of the railway town of La- ,j, ^nly 33 miles southeast, Vlth more than 100 other itles in the marsh-dotted J b^ween the rivers. ^ ^toese was Kechkemet sreat raflway Junction point and mAjor dofense bastion 44 I {piles Bontheast of Buda^st •TKecskemet fell after 24 hours of heavy etredt flghtlng during Vhleh the Russians also pushed Eugene Trivette To Speak at Benbam Eugene Trivette, prominent lo cal attorney, will discuss issues of the current election campaign In an address Friday night, Novem ber 3, eight o’clock, at Benham school. The public is cordially in vited to hear the address. Serves On Saipan Pfc. Granville Baldwin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur .Bald win, of North Wilkesboro route two, recently sent home a Jap anese sword which was captur ed on Saiptm Island. The sword Is now on display at The Jour nal-Patriot office. l*fc. Bald win. who received training at Camp Welters, Texas, and In Oallfomla, has been overseas 31 months. In a recent letter home he stated that he obtained the Japanese sword “the hard way". the city on both «ldes, The Germans contended this by- OMBing WM what finally forced fggm to abandon Kecskemet, but tlw Rnaslans also thrust straight Sough the .city of 80,000 and oorthwestward another 11 miles imp the railway toward Budapest ulao announced capture of gyhaza. 10 miles west of | emet ^_ j - on a spur railway, and e 17 miles northeast of Xacakemet-Sxolnok line. V _^year BBA' plan for e^ectrlflcatloa In- a probable ta^*"*™*®* a dollars for dlatrlbn- la Karth " Carolina and on doUMB for rolatod The Rt- Rev. Robert B. Grlbbln, D. D., Bishop of the Diocese of Western North Carolina, will make his annual visitation to St. Paul’s Episcopal church on next Sunday, November 5th, -at flvo o’clock p. m. At this service he will preach and administer the Rite of Holy Confirmation. The public Is cordially invited to at tend. V Pvt. Richard D. Ham was killed In action In HcflNpd on October 9. Pvt. who served In the glider tkihntry, entered the army Jaaaary 3, 1943, received training agXlainp Wheeler, Ga., and went orwseas in July. 8u3rvlvlng ara'bfai par ents, Mr, and Mrs-'tSoasle C. Hayes, of Pnrlearj bJ* wife, Mrs. Mary Martin Hay^ and son, Charles Davldv of Win ston-Salem route twt>; and tiie following brothers and sisters: Petty Offloer Se»nd Class Con rad D, Hayes, In the navy; Pvt. Carl Hayes, Atlanta, G*.; Miss Louise Hayes and Mrs. Agnes Cook.^Wlnston-Salem) and Mrs. Ella Bennington, Rock BUll, S. C. f ‘ R. L. Jennings, age 42, ended his own life near his home In Somers township early Wednes day by firing a shotgun charge into his abdomen. Coroner I. M. Myers, who with Sheriff C. Q. Poindexter investi gated the death, termed It suicide. Jennings, unmarried, lived alone in his own home but took his meals at the home of a broth er, Turner Jennings, nearby., Wed nesday morning he ate breakfast heartily, and returned to his own residence. Coroner Myers said that indica tions were that Jennings had fed Finishing Tonebe; Pnt On Campaign For El^ion 7th Pvt. Bonnie M. Minton was seriously wounded in. Holland on October 13, according to a his hog, walked about 30 steps War Department telegram re- Girl Scout Hut Is Now Ready to Use Girl Scout leaders announced today that the Girl Scout hut Is now ready for use. The Girl Scout hut was moved from D street to Its present loca tion near tha Woman’s ,Qiah Girl Scout Meet Saturday, P. M., At Smoot Park from the path, placed the butt of the shotgun on the ground and used a piece of plank to push the trigger. He died Instantly. In a pinned up pocket of Jen nings’ overalls Coroner Myers I found a penciled note which said: I “Nobody Is tcj- blame for this but me—R. L. Jennings”. Relatives could attribute no cause for the suicide. They said that Jennings was apparently In a normal state of health. He was a fanner. Jennings was a son of the late Z. O. and Della Ladd Jennings. Interest In Presidential Race I High; County Politics I Also Interesting i Interest In* the November 7 election campaign in Wilkes has greatly accelerated during the pest week. Political workers In both par ties are feverishly engaged in “personal work” among tha voters, although the number of political gatherings has been limit ed during the campaign, j In Wilkes this year attention is centered on the race for county commissioners In two of the county’s three districts, and for I the office of representative Tn the legislature, member of the state senate, and register of deeds. Of- offices of sheriff and clerk of court are not to be voted on In this Girl Scout Week will reach a climax here Saturday with the annual “Out-of-Doors” Day Sat urday afternoon, November 4, three to six p. m., at Smoot Park. The occasion will be annual registratloB day for fb^ Girl to celvod by his mother, Mrs. 'election, the Incumbents being In Dora Minton, of Cricket. Pvt. Minton entered! the army In No vember, 1948, and been overseas since June this year. NAZIS BELIEVE ALLIEB SHIPS TO ANTWERP the middle of four-year tei*ms. ] Representative T. E. Story Is j seeking a third term in the gen- leral assembly as representative from Wilkes on the’Republican I ticket. His Democratic opponent Ms Claude C. Faw, of North I Wilkesboro. I For register of deeds the Demo crats are seeking ihe election of IH. H. Beshears, of Walsh. 'Troy ' Foster, of Wilkesboro, is the Re- I publican candidate. C. C. SIdden, present Republican register of Allied shipping already has en- .tered the three-mile-wide Schelde le®l8, la not a candidate for re- three brothers, W.' Rjver Estuary with supplies bound election but Is on the Republican y., T. W. and J. T^ennlngs, and Belgium port of Ant- ticket for county commissioner In four sisters: Mrs.jme Gray, Mr^ district number 1, In which Wil- John Gray, Mrs. Talmadge Cheek liam S. Tomlinson is the Demo- and Mrs. Webster Henson. Funeral will be held Saturday, tact Mrs. W. K. Sturdivant. V HINSHAW FIDELIS CLASS,“Xse attending are asked to WILL MEET ON FRIDAY | carry nosebag lunches and drinks. Fidelia class of Hinshaw Street lln case of rain, the event will be This reported movement of cratlc candidate, u shipping toward the Important | Paul J. Vestal, Democrat and 11 a. m..^ ^on Ba^t c^rch. ,„p«cted to supply chairman of the present board of ata a reitoseaUWvo win conduct the aerviae. - I stalked the last Germans within tr^ct number t#d, wh^a Wii Re- ■V ' > gunshot of the vital 50-miIe long Publican opponent Is I. J, Broy- tratlon wifi! to present the money at the cere- Baptlst church will meet Friday American Legion To Meet, Friday inland waterway. hill, of Boomer. Mr. Vestal’s mar- “German E-boats attacked ene-, Ihe election two years ago my shipping In the Schelde Estu- was 45 votes and a close vote Is Wilkes post of the American fary", was the way the Berlin ra- again this year. District evening, 7:30, at the home of Mrs. Paul Bumgarner with Mrs. Richard Whittington as co-host ess. staged in the religious educational Legion will hold an Import^^'^jg stated the situation, "and de-|"“’**her 1 normally gives a sub- o w mu OUOvvaA VUtJ OlHAwbiV/Uj CtUU UC I building of the First Presbyterian meeting Friday evening, 7:30, at gtroyed one vessel of 2,00T> tons ‘Democratic majority. F. church. the Legion and Auxiliary club house. A large attendance of mem- BUY MORE WAR BONDS bers is especially desired. SAMPLE BALLOT Official Ballot for State Senator, House of Representatives and County Officers 'X INSTRUCTIONS 1. To vote a straight party ticket, make a cross (X) mark in the circle of- the party you desire to vote for. 2. To vote a mixed ticket, or in other words for candidates of different parties, either omit making a cross (X) mark in the party circle at the top and mark in the voting square opposite the name of each candidate on the ballot for whom you wish to vote; or, make a cross (X) mark in the party circle above the name of the party for some of whose candidates you wish to vote, and then mark in the voting squares opposite the names of any cajididate of any other party for whom you wish to vote. 3. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark this ballot, return it and get another. DEMOCRATIC FOR A STRAIGHT TICKET REPUBLICAN FOR A STRAIGHT TICKET O w MARK WITHIN THIS CIRCLE MARK WITHIN THIS CIRCLE For State Senate, 24th Senatorial District: □ HENRY A. BRANDEN For State Senate, 24th Senatorial District: □ W. B. SOMERS For House of Representatives: □ C. C. FAW For House of Representatives: □ T. E. STORY For Register of Deeds: □ H. H. BESHEARS For Register of Deeds: □ TROY C. FOSTER For County Surveyor: n For Connty Surveyor; □ T. G. CASEY 1 1 .... .. For Connty Commissioner: Division No. One □ WILLIAM S. TOMUNSON • For Connty Cbmmissioner: Division No. One □ C. C. BIDDEN Member of Board of Education: □ D. F. SHEPHERD Member of Board of Education: □ Election November 7,1944. Qiairman Wilkes County Board of Elections. and a small gunboat. |H- Forester, present Democratic The enemy broadcast was the commissioner for district 1, is not first Indication that supplies had j® candidate for re-election and the started moving Into the estuary to I contest for that post Is between build up stores for the eventual j^’’- Tomlinson and Mr. Bidden, great offensive again the Reich 1® district number three M. F. itgglf 'Absher, present Republican mera- The front lines facing Germany, j bor on the board of commis- and at many places lapping Into jsioners, is unopposed in the elec- the Fatherland are but 75 miles Hon. District number three nor- cast of Antwerp. Until now Allied supplies have come 400 miles by road and^ail^rom Cherbourg or a sligh-riy shorter distance from prefabricated bcachharbors on the Normandy Channel coast. V- Get 13 ’Opossums One Night’s Hunt A group of men with one dog claim some sort of a record In opossum hunting Saturday night. Hobert Smlthey and son. Jack; Howard Ferguson' and son, Dan, Elijah Crews and Carl Davis with one dog caught 13 medium-sized opossums on Saturday night. ■y Ministers to Meet On Sunday Night The Ministerial Association of mally has a large Republican ma jority. W. R. Somers, former Republi can sheriff of Wilkes, is candi date for the state senate for the 24th district composed of Wilkes, Yadkin and Davie counties. Dr. H. F. Brandon, of Yadkin county. Is the Democratic candidate. The 24th district Is normally Repub lican. Tyre Casey, of Somers township. Is on the ticket as the Republican candidate for the office of county surveyor and has no Democratic opponent. The Roosevelt-Dewey presiden tial race Is the main topic of poli tical conversation in Wilkes and Interest In national polities Is running high. There Is also con siderable interest In the governor ship race between R. Gregg Cher- the Wilkesboros will meet Sunday ry, Democrat, and Frank Patton evening at nine o’clock with Rev. I Republican, and the senatorial A.' C. Waggoner at the parsonage | and congressional contest come In of the First Methodist church in ifor the lion’s share of the politi- North Wilkesboro. f’ jcal spotlight. In Letter to Mother S.Sgt. Russell Tells of Killing Six and Capturing 18 Nazis In Taking German Pilltox NOTE: The above is a reproduction of the sample ballot for commis sioner district number 1. In number two the ballot will have-the naxoM of Paul J. Vestal, Democrat, and I. J- Brqyhill, Republican, for eounty commissioner. In district number. Ithree M. Ahshen is the Republican candidate for comml^oner atod has ptf kite bflllot. In a recent letter to his mother Staff Sergeant Roy C. Russell casually mentioned the fact that be had captured a nazi pillbox in the Siegfried line and had killed Six Germans anA captured 18 In the acbomplishm^nt. - Mention •' of hl#:xdeed8, which were so oatotandl^ thkt news papers throughout the ^^ntry carried a> war correspondent’s news account of his feat, was in terspersed In the letter with good wlshm tor the health of his people at ho'ine and m'ention of the had weather where he was. TM of biB letter follows: “Hallo, mhther gad all: I will answar your totteVJthat I got to day. waa.tflM'toAaar from yon all, and ,I hiilto this will find yon all wall and dotfle fine. Thla laam BU oki and dotaf fine. . It la' -bito 'Wiaather..oTsr hara. 1^,- (flaa flU. -Iwiaatoni Bue 1S9

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