-sit Miss Srswer Honored ?!“ “"1 ,^:";,.r- Saturd^l^^rng""" “"*“■ Mtoa Bdaa BwUIb entertained at a Tt ho^oy I popalar bride-elect, lorely party at the Barnes home on E street Saturday oTenln*. ft® mATrl&89 of Miss Brower ®tta Cleve Bosheara, of Oak Ridge, •Bonn., Is to Uke Place 1° Decem ber A dessert course preceded bridge at fire Ubles and rook at one, the Ubles being arranged In a testlYe setting of colored berries and autumn blossoms. A corsage of pink carnations marked Miss Brewer’s place. Mrs. Maurice Walsh, high scorer in bridge, and Mrs. Rufus Church, high scorer In rook, each received attractive awards. The hostesses presented to the honoree pieces of crystal and china In her wedding pattern. MONDAY and TUESDAY » ^TdWPOUTON MANEUVEOf-' Musical Stars Met On Thursday EEANOIIPAftKEI? Will’ 'jm 3 EMERSON V#Me yta»|> ^ Afn»* 6*m«« iwtf Dwltaar Dove • Osginof Siory bf iKWMi The Junior Musical Stars mot at the home of Mrs. Robert S. Gibbs Thursday afternoon, No vember 14th, with 15 members and one visitor, Ann Phifer. John Gibbs had charge of the program, "Music In Early American Days”. The following piano solos were played; “Russian Romance”, by Corinna Finley: "The Army Air Corps”, by Nell Gwyn Brame; 1 and “Indian Drums” by Eric Dun can. John Gibbs played a violin solo’ “The Holy City”. Games were played during the social hour, and refreshments were served by Russell Carter and Tommy Reins. Tea and Topics Club Meets With Mrs. A. S. Cassell Mrs. A. S. Cassel was hostess to the members of the Tea and Top ics club and some extra guests at her home in Wilkesboro Friday evening. Rook was played at two tables with the high and low score award going to Mrs. W. E. Jones and Mrs. J. W. White. Fol lowing play Mrs. Cassell was as-_ * sisted by her daughter. Miss Alice Cassel, in serving delicious re freshments. BEULAH BONDI • HENRY TRAVERS £>.,«..« i., WmiAM prince . ANDREA KING DELMER DAVES SIXTH WA.i LOAN! “KEEP FAITH Now Showing JAllintlieftDDl!! buying\ Mesdames Swofford and Walsh Honor Bride-Elect - WUOKMD KOM'WWMIB ’ ttutr ia»s EUMimi ssK* ■ s* isjjtM riKMOiuiairauu • manuowitSMU | ,♦*«***»** L.WAR BONDS I LAST-MINUTE WAR NEWS DAILY A delightful courtesy was ex tended Miss Manie Brewer on Monday evening when Mrs. Jack Swofford and Mrs. Maurice Walsh were hostesses at a party at the Swofford home In Finley Park. Five tables were arranged for bridge and one for rook, and at the beginning of play the hostesses served a dessert course. In bridge Mrs. J. Q. Adams scored high, Mrs. Presley Myers second high, and In rook the win- ners were Miss Lunda Hendr^n i and Mrs. T. H. Waller, each being* Tie Rev. g. 1. WatU tUled his regu lar appointmeht at Llledown and Lebanon Sunday. Mr. Jesse Broyhlll, who was a patient at the Wilkes hospital. Is back home much Improved. Mr. T. P. Howell, who had an operation at the Wilkes hospital, is back home and getting along fino. Mr. Howell had one eye taken out. We hope he soon gets well again. Mrs. J. M. German Is not so well at present. We hope she will soon recover. Mr. John Tom Howell left Sun day to go back to Cleveland, Ohio, where he is In defense work af ter a few days visit with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Howell and other friends. Rev. and Mrs. B. T. Peeler, of Taylorsville, visited In the home of Mrs. Julia Phillips a few days ago. Soimnit News Of Past Week Rev. Henry Smith filled his regular appointment at Yellow Hill church Saturday and Sun day and spent Sunday night with Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Woodle. Pvt Marion Church, who Is In the army and Is stationed In Tex as, has been spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Church. He will be starting back to camp on Monday. | There was a very fine snow in j the mountains Sunday for the first j time this season. j Mr. Charley Blankenship, who i is working at Lenoir, spent the week-end with his father, Mr. R. L. Blankenship. How To Relieve Bronchitis Creomulsion relieves promptly be cause It goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and h^ raw. tender, in flamed bronchial mucous mem branes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the un derstanding you must like the way it quickly aUays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION for Coughs, Chest Colds, Bto^cjiitis i Buy More Bonds! We give thanke for our VICTORIES.the righteousneaS of our , preservation of our FREEDOM! We give thanks to those whose sacrnicM have been greater than our own, for the blessings of Peace and Dmocracy teat wm be visited upon many generations of AMBSMCANS to come. We give THANKS FOR THE PRIVn^GE OF BEING—AMERICANS. Showing... TODAY ....... Thanksgiviiig Speei %mmm/ The STARS OF'MRS. MINIVER'... head over heel* in love again! GREER lUniTER GRRSOn-PIDGEOn EDWARD ARNOLD AGNES MOOREHEAD CECIL KELLAWAY A Metro-Goldwyn- Mayer Picture Based on the Novel by LOUIS BROMFIELD PLEASE NOTE Times of Shows Continuous 1:00, 3:36, 6:12 and 8:40 Last Feature 9:00 We have arranged a good selection of merchandise for'your Easy Choosing in Gifts for the Home and for Friends and Relatives. Come in early and make your selections, and arrange for Lay- Aways if desired. Gifts from Gray Bros. Furniture Co. are gifts that will be remembered for years to come, because they repre sent so much in quality for the prces you pay here! LUXURIOUS COMFORT IN FINE BEDROOM SUITES At Reasonable Prices! The Joy of Your Life!... A mod ern Bedroom Suite! Rest in com fort and enjoy beauty, too, in a four-piece suite that has every thing you would expect at this low price! Investigate today. $89-50 to $97.50 Give One For Christmas! This Christmas Give Give the family a Livingroom Suite for an all-year-’round gift every member of the family will enjoy. Others priced to $134.50. $45.00 to $67.50 Give a Studio Couch INVESTIGATE OUR LINE OF ALLEN PRINCESS RANGES For Real Gift Giving! GIFT SUGGESTIONS: Occasional Chairs & Rockers Pictures and Novelty Gifts Mirrors — Tables Nothing would delight Mother more than a new Allen Princess Range, and we have a few in stock from which to make a selection. Better come early while we have them. Delivery any time! Also Wood and Coal Heaters (Including Automatic Heaters) A FEW CANNON COAL HEATERS Gray Bros. Furniture Co. Wilkesboro, N. C. Give a Maple Dinette Suite See Our Selection Now! Displayed at Gray Bros. For Your Easy Choosing! 1 F/\i» vmiip Kaflv LIVINGROOM SUITES Only $97-50 Up T rfitiiiit

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