,%lp«opl® Yiiu Kt|Q^ Vi^ Move AboiA , ■■«.—. ’—-^nf^— Hw, DIxobv ot Ohailattea* iliDSBir the *liiOltday« .'wtili - gul:iMl, of Vorwrin Fid^. , —, •'wj Tal Barnes Tfsltod t .afc Baraoa' .mother,. . T»ylormaUe,.Ulrt ^*1**®® spent -part of .the Chrulftals sa4fjo& Ib.VirgiBia ritk'rtfatirea and friends. * Mr. and Mrs. John ■?, word ■■Itors to K-fstol, V*.;Tenn;, Buit Jk. . . ' • • ^Mlas Peirl Dancy, Who holds ftlon-1^'Norfolk, .Vo:, spent, the ' it'nbn &oIldayd here with her its, Mr. an4 Mrs._ P. A. Dancy. [*^Clau(^N^^oope has puroh- le^ondaSSh-ocery company **ui;3sldwln, the traijsac-’ ibecomlijg ^ective today. • and Mrs.,^ B. Danner and J. B. '^r.,,-).visit*3d relatives mhr Elk Muring the phrist- sason. ' .. G. E. Vanhoy,_#we]l known Of the Purlear communl- ras a Msiness visit^ln thfs iturday. , Robert Flynn and • Miss Wo-regret' to iftate ;tliM Mrs. H. .A;* Wandland' :&i cdtaiShed to. ..{tdr ifome on C street bi^ IDnesB. 'ffo Si^ for her speedy- recovery.' A d'anghter, Biargaret Ann, w'as bbm December .26, at the-wilkes’ Hospital to Mr;'and Mrs.* Thomas Dancy^ of thls'ct^.. ' , . . Mii. and Mrs. W.,!!. Niohols. of, . Morganton,. were gbesta in *the.|i^>^W®y* homes o{ Mr. and -MrSi H. G* Nich ols, during the Qhristmas jsdason. Pfc. ^nd'Mrs. Lawrence Cana- jroni of New, Tork andBbstop, have-been vlsiUng Mrs. CeMeron’s parents, Mt\. and Mrs. Zeb' Davis, yi Wllkesboro. ' Mrs.- Zeb Davis, of Wllkesboro. underwent afl*o’peration ThurlAay at Davis Hospital,in Statesville and is making Satisfactory pro gress’toward recovery. ' ^ • Miss Myrfte yena,l)}e has re turned, to her home at Pacoldt, S. C., after b^g a Christmas guest in the honie of Dr. and Mrs! OUT. ■PATRIOT. 55 i.iMiMftisp; V. ........ ” ^ ilikT J. H. Whldrt v> Mr. Nenrl* Itirtster, Uliteker, and sister, . . Greensboro during the Chiisttollf. R®*" •S® Mr. and .Mm. Park. Kilby', wjto ft Uke cfty. hdld positlonr at .• ^RO. N. c. iSiW Iff.; IBid MlV. Je JEC. WtdCK^'V^ A****”** « -m BSp^dslty Iw sM* atf v4whftr,^^ 2^e^ t-^ r; V!«ft«d • tliirir damgbW « orltlea^ m ft ?ot thing' it done fWKha Rlrntth ^ Foreatac, «t are at Ills Bedside. .’Mr. posUlonr at gan. hai^ been 8p^^ing?{l|^ holi day season with their pa^entv, Mr. and Mft- H. .C. Kilby, dhd Mr. And ^^.Maefc 0 MisA ‘'Katherinedhaghteri of Mir., J'ohn 'T^min, at WflkniP boro, has retaw biipae after*. yisR. in CharHPf during ;Cbrist-f mas week wiMilier.,con8to,.MlBa Betty; Lda ‘te^iriiig. ' . Mr. and Mrs. Gale’HcMillan and' sons, Phillip And-Ddvld,, of West JeBemon, npent '.the ‘ChrlstmaB with Mrs. McMI parents, and Mrs. H. C. by.. ” ■ ' V’ Mr. hnd Orten hn& tljree d oj:htera, ’l^lsies.-,'^]yfehjr Call. Salty at Greeasbufo, wcere.. hare laat Monday shd Tueeft^ vlaiHRg arift Mrs. Boren’s mother and'-ttror.sjla. .niark.fisi^ li' says’ that |niiM gardsgaa_.Mf|r1bU fsSlMS ijCMHaty'l^ /ttu Mar par ^ at i* ‘ J ■ 'i^r- OBgt QuMt'freM^ Mwkis aMM «|# mafiM tbiR uitak.. irtlWB Mif 'ttd 4»M^‘ whMk mifti ft W |i«d^ and dd'pfr 1^IdHtill^.MftffbMWaif tb«it^an«'d^y^£oBie '... a tem, Mrs. Cftrueis Oati. and'l^ John B. Justlob,..Jr, ^^,Mca* j. B! t!atter.i , Mr. -and ehildren, of RuraJ^ Hall, Major toBSS.,.. Mr.. Richa|d Q- Rex,'of Crftndo, i ' Kias .Kathryn Hgndren, pa-i and ' i ii.„, lOf. IJiirham, 'yWted. relatly^ in Wilbeshoro during the,Christmas * • ve&30' ' ~ in’. Mrs. 5>y?®. Bex'and ibliss Hendren arS.daughtereof the Mr. and Mrs. ' Oinard .Jones Atte'rhey and Mrs. P. B. ■ dren. . ^ . r ■ Mr.*, and Mrs.. Joe E. JohnJi^n ,had as their .-guests' tdii Chflstmoe w^k-end.Mrs.. Johnson’s * nSphew and . nlec^ Petty Officer 'Paul Hayes, wh|g^.stationed* In •^Cali-. fornla, anoHIrs.- Wade' Marlette Mitchell. ^ .Mr.- and Mrs. Clyie Kyby, of New Beni, spent several days. re- ret, Hayes, of Winston 'sa-Mr. Klljj|f's* parents, visited here last week .with j **’"•. Mrs. H. C.. Kifty, and lir sister, Mrs. Robert Dunn. other relatives here. Mr. Conrad Handy, of Lexing-1 Mr. and Mjs. Kennefih Lowrance in, Ky., has been yisiting.his ®n^^children, of Mooresville, spent parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. F.-Han dy, at Sprin^eld. Mr. ^ndy re cently received a mC!ncal dis- -harge from the'army. * Relieve misery, as m?5^ 10^ do. Bub the throat, chest and back with -time - tested 9«r« .11 COIBS as most n WICKS W VapoRub CALL US FOR YOUR Plumbing and Electrical Repairs AND SERVICE •MYERS# WATER SYSTEMS NDERSON ECTRIC COMPANY Telephwie 636 ilkesboro, N. C. the week-end in Wilkesboro -with Mrs. ■ Lowrance’s parents, Mr. and .Mrs. J. H. Leckie. Dr. A. S. Cassel, -who has a po sition in Raleigh with the state highway commission, spenk the Christmas season in WUkesbOro with his family, Mr. C. F. Jones and family spent Christmas in Greensboro with Mrs. Jones’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Hopkins, and Mr. ■ Jones’ brother, Mr. M. T. Jones, j Mrs. W. A. Sydnor has returned to her home here after spending Christmas In Lenoir ith her sls- Uer, Mrs. R. M. Houck, and Mr. i Houck. I Mrs. J. E. Spainhour has re turned to the city after spending a few days last week In Hickory with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Spain- hour. Mr. Spainhour Is her son. Miss Margaret Cassel has re turned* to Bryn Mawr, Pa., after spending the holiday season with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. A. S. Cassel. The New Year 945 IS HERE! MAY IT BRING AIL OF US EARLY VICTOHY and all onr patrops and Friends JOY,PEACE, AND CONTINUED PROSPERITY Throughout the coming year it will be our aim to serve the farmers of this section in ev ery way possible at all times > Wilkes Implement Co. Sam G. Winters, Manager between the wilkesboros have gone to Bu^lingtoiv where they wih make, their hojhe lim the future. Mr. Jones has Iwen keep er of the county, home* the past two years. . . Miss Gray haw returned to Barium. "Spn^s where she is an instructor in th^ music depkrb* ment of the Barium Springs .Or phanage after spending ,fhe* buli-|,etie » uuBUttuu lo m mo mtvy day season at her home in^ Wil-(jg serving In the Pacific areh. kegboro. •’ Bullis and asid two 80n% Wade. Jr. and'Gra' ham, of El'on -College. Mrs. Ma* lette'B husband is in the navy and Mr- and Mrs. R. R. son, Robert, Jr.,- have returned to their home in Burlington after spending several days during the Christmas holidays with Mrs. Bul lis’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. CHnard Jones. Mrs. Joe Barber has returned to her home in .Wilkesboro after undergoing treatment for several days last week at the Wilkes hos pital. Friends will 5>e glad to hear that she is now much im proved. Miss Jane Perry has returned to Hampton, 'V’a., where she holds a responsible position In • the re search laboratory at Langley Field, after spending Christmas in the city with her mother, Mrs. T. G. Pery. Mr. R. E. Damschroder has re turned to S."vannah, Ga., wjfeye he is engaged in war work, after spending Christmas in Wilkesboro Ray’s Stores, o-^ned and operat ed in this city by former. State Senator Ray Carson, has moved to the buildlpg two doors epst of the R. & O.*'Grocery Co. The store has 'been , locat^ between The Little - Grill and the Mc Neill Furniture Co.’ Customers and friends are-requested to note change of the s^e’8 location. i>ir. and Johnson and their niece. Miss F^zabeth Wll- kerson, visited. * Wednesday and •Thursday In South . Carolina with Mrs. Johnson’s brother, Mr. An drew Wilkerson, at Rock Hill, and her sister, Mrs. Forest Smith, at York. Miss Wilkerso«,_ who spent the remaindj,r of tjie week In South Carolina, came home for the week-end, and left today to resume her work- as teacher In the Conover schools. with Mrs- Damschroder, the for mer Miss Mildred Irvin, and other relatives. Mr. John T. Irvin, who has been ill the past two weeks, is now much improved and able to be out again, we are pleased to note. Mr. Irvin is one of the best known livestock dealers in this section of the state. Mrs. J. C. Smoot and Miss Liz zie Hisle returned to their home here Thursday from Charlotte where Mrs. Smoot had been for a month with her daughter, Mrs. R. M. Pound. Miss Hisle had been there for a week. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Zimmerman and two children, Billie Jo, and Sammy, returned home last week from a two weeks’ visit with Mrs. Zimmerman s parjnts, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Bailey, at Jonesboro, 'Ann, Mrs. W. B; 0lbs6n, of V’‘nBton- Salem, visited here Christmas week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hardister. The Hardister’s and their two sons, Billy and Dick, ac companied Mrs. GlbsQU home, and made a short visit there. Mr. 'Vernon Kizer, a valued em ploye of the Cartr -Hubard Pub lishing Co., is confined to his. home by illness. Mr. Kizer is now im proving and will be able to resume his duties in the newspaper de partment -within the next day or so. Mr. Jim Kilby, who holds a position with the Greyhound Bis company in 'Winston-Salem, spent some time during the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Kilby. He was accompanied on his visit here by his son, Jimmy Kilby. Mr. and Mrs. Norman HarveL of Winston-Salem, visited here last week with Mrs. Harvel’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Zimmerman. Mr. Harvel has just returned from two year’s overseas duty, and Is now stationed at the marine base in the j^astern part of the state. MV. and Mrb. IVaiter Myers have r eturned to Baltimore, Md., where they are engaged in war work aftm; spending Christmas here with their children, Bertha Jean and Sonny, and Mr. Myers’ parents, Coroner and Mrs. I. M. Myers. Mrs. J. H. Whicker, Jr., and children, Jimmie and Joseph Le- nieu, born November 24 at Green wood, Miss., returned Saturday night after an extended visit with Mrs. Whisker’s relatives at Green wood. Mr. Whicker went there several days ago to acompany them home. Mrs. B. F. Proffit, accompanied by Miss Alda Greene, visited her nephew, James W. Thompson, who! is attending officers’ train ing school at Fort Banning, Oa., just prior to the Christmas JioU* days. Mrs. Hroffit and Miss Greene are residents of the Purlear com- munUy. Mr. and MrS. Clarence Brown, who have been visiting relstivea at Springfield, and Mr. and Mrs. Handy and son, Tom- Fergusofl News The Past Week gain in the midst of Christmas holidays and this makes the fourth Wartime Christmas since onr oun country entered the war* in December, 1941.'iAppropriate ex ercises were held at the church es and gifts were exchanged in the usual manner. Rev. L. la bel filled his regular appointment at the Adventist church and de- li-yered a very fine lecture on Bethlehem to the children in which he carried them on a mental ex cursion to the Holy Land, and to the church of the Nativity, 'The Christmas pageant which was presented at the school build ing last week was well received by a very attentive audience. The fac ulty members assisted by a num ber of patrons and school children gave a very fine presentation of “Come Let Us Adore Him”. After the program refreshments were served froni the lunch room, which has been greatly improved by the installation of a hot water sys- tenv The P. T. A., with MV. G. C. Hayes, president, in the chair held a business meeting before the program began. The chairman and others urged a larger attendance at the association meetings. Billie Preffit, Jr., who has been employed in Akron, 0., for some time, is spending the holidays with hi*; |irents, Mr. and Mrs. ’W. A. Proffit, at Denny. Misses Margery Bishop and EHeanor Ferguson- who have been in school at Appalachian Teachers College and Flora MacDonald Col lege, respectively, are spending the holidays with their home folk. ‘ihe local Grange will meet next Wednesday night instead of ’IMes- day night at which time the newly elected officers will be Installed j by Mr. A. Crouse Jones, assistant! state deputy to the State Master, of Winston-Salem. This very in teresting ceremony will be oj»n to the public and every one is in vited to attend. Arthur Garfield Ferguson, a highly respected colored man who has lived in this commi^ity all his life and has the reputation of being a srood farmer has recent ly moved tc Cooper, ;W. Va., where he will reside with some of hla children. He has one son in the 83X‘ViC6> The Sixth War Loan Drive has not been as successful as H was hoped in this section, however, a great deal of credit is due Mrs. S. F. Miller, who has sold |2,BOO.OO worth of bonds during the drive. Our reverses in Ehirope have no doubt slowed down the buying of bonds, but should have the op posite effect. Bud ’Triplett, who is in the Navy and stationed at-Bainbridge is spending the holidays with his family and other relatives here. Lt, and Mrs- John L, FergnsOT, Jr., who have been stationed in Texas, but now of Jacksonville, ' here La-wrence Handy and son, *— , — _ _ _ my, who have been visiting here' Fla., are visiting relatlvea and at Springfield, returned Pri-! and at North Wilkesboro. ^ day to Pasadena, Md. They were; During the recent raiM and; accompanied as far as Crewe. 'Va, sleet our roads a*« becomi^ ri- by Mr. Conrad Handy, of Lex- mosY impassable and we trust that ington, Ky., who had been vkit- .some gravel will ^n be pl^-. ing relatives fa Wilkes. on them at New Year’s Greetings. : To One and All! Ray’s Stores Has EJl^T OF BUS'STATION Second Door East of R. & O. Grocery Store SPECIALS! • SPECIALS! Safely Pins (pre-war), 8 lo bunch— 5^ White Dimity, yard . - - 45^ Blue Chambray, yard .-- 36^ Bed Spreads, each — - 51-85 Shirting, yard 37f* Curtain Materials^ Bnttmis, all styles aid colors Nice Line of .... Satins, Sharkskins and Crepes NEW MEHCHARBISE RECEIVED EACH WEEM East of Bus Station—2nd Door East of R. & Oi Grocery ‘B’ Sired - - - - North WilketbM^. G. £*5