M Tenag People’s Sonday Sdio6t Class .of Fs&^aina chmeh apatiily meettpg 'nanday IWhifflkt 6m homa of OAJUb TO FOR TOtm Pliimbiiic and Elec^cal Repairt ANB BaBTKn • MYERS • WATHR 81 ril'f IJ ANDERSON KUSOnUO OOMTAWT Telephone «• WILKESBORO, N. C. Mrs. Claude Deal called the meeting to order and read » po*^ tion of ‘"H»e Shepherd God* for the derotlon. Mrs. Claude MUler led in the evening prayer. apron ■which each member had worked on In collecting contribu tions was presented to the class for the patches to bo tom oft- Bach member made a guess on the amount of money the apron had and Mary Louise Jones won the prize. A prize was gfi^on to the one that tore off the patch that had the most money and Mrs. Georgie Whittington won the prize. Our apron plan totaled a sum of 163.00 to be used for enlarging Good soldier The proudest title in the Army IT CONSISTS of two simplo words. Yet every soldier who's worth his salt covets it This title it simply: “Good soldier." It isn’t just happenstance that so many women in the WAC have earned this title — the proudest in the Army. For wherever Wacs are working, both hero and overwas, there yon find a job well done. And done with a spirit so gallant and fine that high Array officers everywhere say of the WAC . . . “They’re.soldiers. Good soldiers!” Good soldiers,.. the me wombn's arm/ corps For full information about the Women’s Army Corps, go to your nearest U. S. Army Recruiting Station. Or mail the coupon below. U. S. ARMY RECRUITING STATION, Postoffice Building, Winston-Salem, N. C. I ,jt a ty obli'jation on my part. th« new iltuetrated booklet about the wac$ . about the jabs they do. how they live, their training, pay, officer Mrlection. ctk. NAMC ADDRESS, CITY STATE Please answer "yes'’ or "no" to each of the following questions; Have you had at least 2 years of high school?. RPB-Y.G-SA-106 BAND BOX CLEANERS Telephone 611 S. B. MOORE, Manager North Wilkesboro, N. C. T'r. vii. kiit^b ig Nofth MOtwlwd lugii ployed ds an electriclafa by Robert Wooltoh»n, Kingsport, before m- tering the Army Air Forces in January, 1943. our class room. Plans were made to hold a bazaar before Easter. Refreshments were served dur ing the social hour by the hostess. The March meeting will be with Mrs. Grace Dearman. Girl Scouts Have Valentine Party The Girl Scouts of Millers Creek were entertained at a Valentine party at the home of Miss Marie Turner, assistant leader, Tuesday night, February 13. Games were played with Dave Watts. Maxie Hayes, and Juanita Hurley winning prizes. Refresh ments in the Valentine motif were served. Those present •were Hazel Snider, Marie Hayes, Juanita Hur ley, Betty Jean Hurley, Sallie Faw, Nell Church, Dave Watts, George Minton, Doris Minton, and Ellen Combs. Society Holds Its Monthly Meeting Mrs. L. T. Barnard entertained the Woman’s Society of Christian Service of Union church Tuesday afternoon. The 'devotionals were conducted by Mrs. Aubrey Church. The pro gram, “The American Indian”, ■was presentee by Mrs. E. W. Baker. A new member, Mrs. C. W. K^by, was welcomed into the society. Refreshments were served to 10 members and two ■visitors. The March meeting will be with Mrs. E. W. Baker. ) Mrs. Dewey Turner Gives Valentine Party Mrs. D. E. Turner gave a Valen tine party at her home Wednes day evening, entertaining the boys’ intermediate and junior classes of Union Methodist church. Many games and contests were enjoyed. Helen ,Elliott, Charles Baker, Richard Crysel and Ken Woodie ■won prizes. The hostess, assisted by Mrs. J. Y. Ervin, assistant teacher, and Mrs. J. W. EHliott, teacher of the junior class, served refreshments in the Valentine motif to thirty- five guests. Oakwoods W. M. U. Holds Monthly Meet The Oakwoods Woman’s Mis sionary society met with Mrs. R. L. Jones Friday evening. Miss Nora Laws conducted the devo tionals. Prayer was offered by Mrs. Charles Steelman. Mrs. Carl Cantor, chairman, was assisted by Mrs. James Can tor, Mrs. Arch Anderson and Mrs. Rex Stroud In giving the program. Closing prayer was by Miss Laws. Mrs. A. T. Jones, the presient, was in charge of the session. BUY MORE WAR BONDS NOTICE! NOTICE! NOTICE! Tax listii^! Although the date for listing taxes expired January 31, according to State Law, there are many citizens who have failed to comply and make their listings- Much of the delinquency, we believe, has been due to the bad weather, and we are extending the time for • listing to March 1,1945, so that everyone will have op portunity to list and save penalty that the law directs.^ Those who have not listed are requested to come to my office in Courthouse and list their property with out further delay. J, C. Grayson, - Wilkes County Tax Supervisor • LIVINGROOM SUITES • TWO AND THREE PIECES! With full Spring Construction—^ki Velours and Tapestries 3-po. Suites ^7-5G lo 2-pc. Suites - "P STUDIO COUCHES We have just received 12 of the prettiest Studio Couches we've had in a long time. Full Spring Construction. In a price range of— $62-50 to $74.50 FOLD AWAY BED (1) Can be easily folded and quickly roHed away into small closet or other space. (2) Complete with comfort able mattress. (3) Its low price coupled with its ever ready conveni ence makes it a home necessity. V. iasoii)22.M MEBANE ROYALL \ Furniture Co. Our Stocks Are Now the Largest — and — MOST COMPLETE than at any time during the pas 12 months! BEDROOM SUITES JUST RECEIVED—25 BEDROOM SUITES, WITH BOTH FOUR.POSTER AND PANEL BEDS, CHEOT, VANITY AND BENCH. IN WALNUT AND MA- HOGANYS. $55.00 to $237-50 DININGROOM SUITES WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED FOUR 9-PIECE DININGROOM SUITES, IN MATCHED WALNUT. $125.00 to $129-50 WE HAVE A GOOD STOCK OF MATTRESSES Cottons and Felts $9.50 to $44-50 30 Gold Seal and Service Bond RUGS—JUST RECEIVED (9rl2) 5-50 and $7-50 i We Have a Good Selection Of Bassinets, Baby Beds, Youth Beds > IF YOU HAVE A LIVINGROOM, BEDROOM SUITE Or Other Used Furniture YOU WANT TO Trade For New Furniture Call For Mr. Wright He’ll be glad to call at your home and give you estimates as to the val ue of the furniture you are now using ... call in today! —•=? Rhodes-Day Furniture Co. «« mm s. VF 1 §• Ninth Street “Always Outstanding Furniture Values” North Wilkesboro, N. C. wa