KX ix liOIHMOTOBS MAS MABBBD i>ABii iDitvm iwtIMk ReiodoiiGe Fhma» 42 QfBcepli^ 217 CWon City, Colo.—A state jfris- OB, sentence ot S4 years to Ilia began Wednesday for Randel 0. TTiomebem^i ■O’tKW for 17 months hy the FBI as one of the nation’s 16 most-hnnted crlml- Inals before he was arrested on March 49 on a farm near Bugene, Oregon. . Thomeberry and hlS hrother. O. B. Thomeberry. al ready In prison, were conrlcted In the torture murder August 8, 1948. of Kthelburt Purdy, a shhwherder, near Hayden. Car and Truck Owners We Now Have In Stock, Ready For EXCHANGE REBUILT MOTORS For Fords, Chevroiets, Dodges and Plymouths We Are Also In Position To REBUILD OR REBORE the motor you are now using. Get bet ter service from your car or truck by letting us put your motor in first-class condition. WE FEATURE— General Automobile Repairing Welding of All Kinds Fender and Body Rebuilding Reasonable Prices, Courteous Service! McNEILL PONTIAC CO. Pfc. James E. Jennings, eon of Mrs. D. Ij. Jennings, of Btate Road, receotty wrote a poem to his mother while he was In a hospital recoTor- twg from wounds recedred In action. Pic. Jennings wUo, the former Miss Velina Ken nedy, and small daughter, Jeanie, reside In BUdn, The poem written by Pfc. Jen- nivifpi follows: Mother Dear, it was with fear As bullets around me whined. It was then I knew I had lived my life wrong Because Jesus I had left behind. I had often said, "No, some other time,” When to my heart He would be calling I would turn Him away, not knowing one day On His Precious Name I would be calling. As my comrades fell around mo, suddenly I knew That my heart was dark with sin And I knew my mistake as in fear I did shake Then I knew I should have let Jesus come In. For the years I had spent, I am MRRIES. nouij Employ^, subject .to the dur ance proThrions of the social se- chrfty act will sen^-'to tha'Wv «ftonent .thejr quarterly vefroJ lax returna on or Iheforo m’Mnlght 4l^rll SO;. Many bustnees and In- dustrla!l" concerns now check ing their records to make 8n,*e that they hare all data required for tbea^ tOM reporU. Louis H. Clement, manager ot the Salisbury ofSee ot the social security board, said, In this con nection, that most employers In this area are wefT oareful to In clude the name and the social se curity account nnmher, as well as the wages paid to each employee during the quarter, but there are still a few who do not realize that the law applies to every business or industrial establishment, even though there Is only one worker sorry to say. Were years I had lived In sin And often was the time I could have been saved If only I had let Jesus within It I had listened to you, to the things that you taught. And followed the life you lived before me, I would not have been all frightened within. Not scared of the foe, I assure yon. It was fear of Hell, which I knew was my doom If Jesus should call me before Him. Then suddenly I knew Just what to do, I knew Jesus In His mercy could save me. It was then I began to pray, And now I gladly say My prayers were heard and answered Because Jesus Is always near and He hears every prayer. In His love and mercy He saved me. There while the hour veas darkest Save Food! Save Points! Help In fh» prtwnf food thortos* by canning Iruitj and borrioi. Extra $ugar hoi bean allotted you for thii purpoie. Apply for it to your Rationing Board. M. B. McNeill, Prop. Highway 421 West ’Phone 39-F-31 Dixie Crystals Pure Cane Sugar And my heart was torn with despair, I cried unto my Savior and He saved me there. And now each day as we fight our way On toward victory and peace. There Is no fear of death any more, Jesus has taken Its place. Now I look ever to Jesus for courage and strength To guide me along each day That I may not fall to do my Job well For God and the country I love. So Mother dear. It Is without fear As into battle I go, Because I know that my Savior Will .walk by my side through It all. If there come time that I die over here. My loved ones no. more to see. Let not your heart be sad. Because all Is well between my God and me. PPM. JAMES E. JENNINGS Tocame suavecito...Have a Coca-Cola (MAKE IT MELLOW) ...a good neighbor policy in Acapulco Frieodlioess knows no borders. Down beyond the Rio Grande, the friendly invitation Have a Coke meets the same warm response as here at home. It’s a gradoos form of friendliness that is understood and welcomed in any clime, in any language. Your American fighting man knows that to offer Coca-Cola is an international passport to refreshment and friendly companionship in many foreign lands. lOTUEO UNDER AUTHOIITV Of THE COCA-COIA COMfANT IV north WIUUSBORO COCA-OOIA BOTTUNG COMPANY You naturally hear. Coca-Cola I called Ha firiendly abbreviation I *Coke‘. Brth mean the qudily prod, uct of The Coca-Cola Company. emnloygd. ‘ Ur. Cismeht eau«4 nttentiqiL (o the f*^ tMt tnhtt ffrmB ttNrft dp new worWni during the ttntt quarter ot 1946, and ft is esped- dUy neee«^ that the naige and account number of eai^ of theee employees should be fnetuded in the tax retume for Janoary. Feb ruary and Hatoh. He ^htlned that a record of the wages each worker receives la Jobs that come under old-age and survlvan Insnr- anee Is kept for him by the sodlal security bokrd. • Thw w»dig record will be used later as iLmeans' of determining the amount; of the. benetts payable to him of to his family when he is old or when he dies. An Individual aoeonnt la kept tor each worker whose name apipears on the books of . the social security board. The 'worker’s name and a number that is as signed to him by the board are printed at the top of his ledger sheet and inscrlhed also on rec ord cards that are kept on file. Wage data must be accurate because the amount of benefits to be paid to each qualified claimant Is based on his own wage record. When a worker reaches retire ment age, quits his job, and ap plies for monthly Imneflts, he should be paid the exact amount due him. If he should die, the benefits paid to his survivors will depend, likewise, upon the wages credited to the deceased worker’s social security account. That is why the social security board takes precaution to safe guard the social security account of every wage earner listed on its books. It Is also the reason why every employer subject to the law must include in his quarterly se curity tax report to the govern ment the name, the social security account number, 'and the wage- earners of each worker In his em- ploy. -.ji; The expression “pin money” re fers to the allowance men gave their wives in the 16th century for pins, which were a luxury. . ARTS FOR D0Q6E CARS AND TRUCKS You’ie “lucky” to be driving a Dodge, or Pljrmouth vehicle today—particularly if you need replacement partsi Our stock of factory-engineered parts is suffi cient for most service requirements—and our trained mechanics have the “know how” to install them properly —and at reasonable prices. For better performance, longer life, and maximum economy—let us take care of your vehicle! Phone for an appointment—today! Wilkes Auto Sales, Inc. Telephone 51 Forester Avenu? USE OUR TRAINED MECHANICS FOR DEPENDABLE DODGE-PLYMOUTH SERVICE Journal-Patriot Ads. Get Quick Results AT AUCTIOM The R. G. Vaonoy Homeplace . On Highway 421 Near Millers Creek Saturday, May 12 -AT 2 P.M.- SEVEN ROOM modem home in a fine community, near good School, Churches and Stores with city bus service, electricity and telephone.^ 30-building sites-30 30 Beautiful Wooded Homesites Fronting On Har(i- Surfaced Highway-No. 421 Land values are advancing by leaps and bounds, so don’t wait until the Choice Sites *have been taken. In spect this valuable, well-located property, attend the SALE, and buy at Your Price on Easy Terms. FREE! WAR BOND! SILVER DOLLARS! MUSIC! Ferris & Johnson i UNO AUCTION COMPANY 116 W. Market St. Greensboro, N. " Phone 2-0452 AtHensNlllilkes»