CHDR'CHES WUMBBOEO BAPTIST ^ R«v* Hovaid J. F«^ Pastor 9:48 a.'^ ml—Sunday. School, T. & Story, aapvrlntondeat 11:00—MmUair Whiahip, sub ject: **BaiMHng Spiritual Foonda- ticBS Throoi^ iHmne Life.** A apodal Mother’s Di^ OfferinK will bo taken for the Bapftlat Hospital. In recofnitioa of President Tru man’s proclamation there will be a spedal season of prayer and thanksgiTinff. IWawtAdsI Rates: Ic AWord • 7:00 p. m.—BTroning* Wortfilp; The ordinsmee of baptism will held at this time. Tliere will be no mid-week prayer service. Our people asked to attend the revival at WQkesboro Methodist church this time. arp tile at FIBST BAPTIST CHUBCH Dr. David B. Browning, Minister 9r46 a. m.—Sunday School, *' E. Elledge, superintendent ll:00-i-Moming Worship, sub ject: A Letter To Mother". 6:45 p. m.—B. T. U. 8:00—BvoRlng Worship, sub- “Christ and Hducation”. FIRST PRESBTTHUAN Rev. Louis J Yelanjian, Minister Sermon subject at the 11 a. worship service will be “The Greatest Mc^ther In Histor^’. 5:00 p. m.—^Vespers. This serv ice will be an hour of prayer as recommended by President Tru man. Bach Insertion: Minlsima 25c FOR SALE WILKESBORO PRESBYTERIAN Rev. Louis J. Yelanjian, Minister 8:00 p. m. Warship Service. The sermon subject will be “Four Pic tures of Mother”. The public is cordially Invited to attend. FOR SALEV—Good Quality Build ing Brick in any quantity. See H. L. Eller at Millers Creek. 5-24-4tp FOR SALE — Good Dry Slabs, sawed in stove wood lengths.— Stacy Pardue, ’phone 25F03, in Wilkesboro, N. C. 5-318tpd FOR SALE—5-Room House with timber (mostly poplar. Place has electric lights, good water, 2 chicken houses. On mail and bus route. See H. G. Nichols. FOR SALE — Rawleigh’s Insect Dust, Fly Killer, Fly Pepellant and Disinfectant. W. W. Kyle, North Wilkesboro route one. R. & O. Grocery Co. also has these products. 5-31-8tp lXk8X:Mnmber 4 ration book. Finder please return to Freda F. Felts, phone 45F05, or to Journal-Patriot. Itpd. FOR SALE — One 'Turner Hay Press, with power take-off at tachments, on rubber tires, or steel wheels. Grant Greene, Deep Gap. N. C. 6-21-4tp JUST RECEIVED—A Ship- ■lent of white Rickrack and lacea—all widths;red, white and blue embroidered em blems, 15c each; belt buck- lea, 10c; shoulder straps, 10 cents; sewing needles, lOc; side combs red and shell color, Sc each; hair nets— elastic all round, 10c; pre war shirting, chsunbray and white material in yard lengths. — RAY’S STORES, East of Bus Station, second door east of the R. & O. Grocery, B Street, North Wil kesboro. FOR SALE—Tractor-DrawTi Plow, good condition. Will work on any make tractor; also Regis tered Guernsey Bulls, around 1 year old. Dave Hall, Wilkes boro, N. C. 5-10-2tp FOR SALE—23 Acres Land with 800 ft. frontage on Highway 268 near city. Good building sites proposition. H. G. Nichols. 'FOR SALE — Used Cash Regis ters, adding machines and Type writers. Phone 22F11. 0. P. WaUs, Ronda. N. C. 5-7-2tp FOR SALB-^ or 5 tons of first class Timothy Hay. Apply to Llneberry Foundry and Ma chine Co., North Wilkesboro, N. 0. 6-10-4t FOB SALE or trade 1989 Ford Pickup for late model car.—J. M. Crawford, North Wilkes boro, N. C. 5-14-2tpd. FOR SALE: Two-horse spring cultivator, practically new; reason for selling—bought cul tivator for tractor. Want -to buy Iron wheel, light weight wagon for tractor. Charles Howard, Wilkesboro. 6-14-2tpd. AUCTION SALE — May 12, 1945. 2 beds, 2 safes, 3 tables, 1 dresser, 1 radio cabinet, 1 range, 1 organ, 1 lounge, rugs, chairs, dishes and crocks, cooking ves sels, 1 16-guage single barrel shot gun, 1 wheat drill, 1 com planter, 1 sausage mill, 1 pair of scales. Sale to be held Satur day, May 12, at my home place, 10 a. m. Martha Anne Wiles, Dockery, N. C. 6-7-2tp FOR S.ALE: Three shotguns, Winchester pumpgun, one au tomatic and one double barrel. See W. H. Wilson at Imperial Life Insurance company over Carlton’s Hardware. 6-14-2tpd. FOR S.lIiE: Three beautiful building sites In Finley Park each of these have 100 ft. $1600. $1650 and $1650. If you are looking for a nice spot to build a home let us show you these. Absher Real Estate Oo. 6-10-pd Sugar Drip Cane Seed On account of sugar shortage, we have secured a quantity Sugar Drip Cane Seed. PRICE 6c POUND If interested, see ns at mice; al so have a good stock of fertilizers on hand. S. V. TOMLINSON Real Estate Sales - Rentals • ABSHER# Real Estate Co. E. M. Blackburn, Mgr. Office Over Payne Clo. Co. Wanted At Dace! Mason & Hanger Co. — AT — Radford Ordnance Works RADFORD, VIRGINIA 825 Carpenters 300 Laborers 55 Bricklayers 30 Pipe Layers 34 Mason Tenders A COMPANY REPRESENTATTVE WH.L BE AT LOCAL United States Employment Service 309 Ninth St. N. Wilkesboro, N. C. MAY 7TH-12TH To Interview Applicants For the Above Classifications Working 10 Hours, 5 Days; 8 Hours On Saturday f^aMpofiation Advanced to Job: Living Qnarten Asamred On or Near Job FIRST MBTHODBT Bev. A. 0. Wa«f»*i 9-46—Church School. 11:00—“The Christian In Wartime". This ginning of Christian Fa^ (Week. 7“lfr—The Youtii Pellow^p, sioo—"Religion And the Home . WILKBSBORO METHODIST Rev. J. 0. Ervin, Fistor Church School at 10 a. m., John- son Sanders, superintendent. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 May 13 should be more +hon merelv a usual chuTCh day SS MetiodlBU of WUkeeboro. President Truman has asked and proclaims that May 13 should be a day “ thanksgiving and petition in all rHuTcl\6s in Ajn.6ncft« R is also Mother’s Day. one which should hold cance to every home and heart in our land. . , , It is also the initial day of our special revival services “ church. No attraction or interest for these days should stand above or come before our duties ^d the meeting of our responsibilities to the church. FREE! If Kaoess Add Cnesoa pains of Stomach Ulcera, IndK gestlon, Heartburn, Belching, Bloating. Nausea, Gas Pains, get a 25c box of Hdga TaWeU St Horton’s Drug Store. 6-7-20t-p F\>R MNX—Ml®®*"**® Floor Wax ST—BSTes time and labor; also for sale Old English Wax lor floora and linoleum; Scrubzol and Wellborn’s Cleaners for any surface; wool wall, ceiling and floor mops—just the items for your spring cleaning.— Rhodes-Day Furniture Co., Inc. Lost and Found LOST: At North Wilkesboro postoffice, two-piece, pink dress. Finder please return to Journal-Patriot or phone 511M. ' Itpd. LOST! LOST! Registered Letter containing mostly $100.00 bills. Finder will be Liberally Rewarded Call at Journal-Patriot office and amount and size of bills will be given. • WANT ED WANTED—Two glrla over 18 to learn to be waitresses. Good pay, six days week. Write or see PRINCESS CAFE, North Wilkesboro, N. C. It WANTED — To Buy 500 to 1,000 Hens that have been blood-test ed, either Rocks or Beds. 'The Wilkes Hatchery. 5-10-2t WANTED—^To do your general shoe repair work; expert work manship and beat of material. Clontz Shoe Shop, located near Tomlinson’s Department Store. 4-3Otf Miscellaneous NOTICE — At the present, and for a limited time, we have available a linoleum mechanic who will install your print and inlaid linoleum. Come in today and select your patterns. Rhodes- Day Furniture Co. It BRING YOUR SHOES to ua for expert repair work. Best of ma terial used. Clontz Shoe Shop, In building formerly occupied by Harvel’s Studio. 4-30-tf WE DO EXPERB Watch, Clock, and Jewelry repairing.—Wiles Jewelry Store 3-6-tf HEAR YOUR FAVORITES The magic of recorded music brings your favorite singers into your home whenever you wish. We have records of all popular and hillbilly tunes to give you the best in recorded entertainment. SPECIAL! 3 Pkgs Needles 25c Where You’re Always Welcome Mail Orders Filled P. D. MUSIC CO. F(» Records You Want 216 Ninth St. For Sato—One Record Player f I' We are eaqiectiBg.tiw'aaaistaiiee from our oeigbbon; the choir of the Wilkesboro Baptist chnreh. baa been asked to render special help on Monday oi$^t. May 14tiu Ail are welcome and each one is invited. -W- BROWNOUT OVER AFTER V - E DAY , North WUkeeboro branch of the Duke Power company was in formed by telegram Wednesday afternoon that the "brownout’’ designed to ooneerve electricity has ended. This means that window light ing, display U*ht8 and eleotrie signs may once again be used. The "brownout" was ordered sev eral months ago to last until V- B day and was instituted primari ly to save coal used In the gene ration of electricity. •V Producers’ Ceiling Prices Eggs Fixed Local War Price and Rationing officials today listed celling prices on eggs which producers may charge when selling to consumers. The present celling prices are effective until May 30 and are as follows for grade A eggs; large, 48 cents: medium, 46 cents; small, 48 cents. For grade B eggs the maxi mum prices are; large, 45 cents; medium, 44 cents; small, 44 cents. Walsh-Johnson Vows Announced Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Walsh, of North Wilkesboro route one, an nounce the marriage of their youngest daughter, Nora Mae, to Cpl. Fred Johnson, of the U. S. Air Forces. The vows were spoken at York, S. May 7, at 4 o’clock, the ring ceremony being used. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Rommie Johnson, of Davidson. ’The bride wore a powder blue traveling dress with black acces sories. Cpl. Johnson has served in China and India for the past two and one-half years, and was a- warded the Good (Conduct Medal and wears four battle stars. After a brief stay in Davidson, the couple will leave for Santa Anna, California, where Cpl. Johnson will be stationed for a short time. ADMINISTRATRIX’S NO’nCB Having qualified as administra trix of the estate of E. P. Lowe, late of Wilkes county, N. C., this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to pre sent them to the undersigned, whose address is Pores Knob, N. C., Route 2, duly verified, on or before the 1st day of May,_ 1946, or this notice will be plead in bar of their right to recover. All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This 1st day of May, 1945. MRS. B. M. BROYHILL, Administratrix of the estate of E. P. Lowe, dec’d. 6-7-6tT Mrs. C. iC Claini«4 Funeral stepsons, L, ^ ol Lmoir; C. ' C. Gira^' ltimm«tt6,^of Bondbl imo gltUn" and two brotiim: Mrs. J. W; Joyce, Hflton Village, Mrs. Nannie Dimmed, age OT, wife of G. A. Dimmette, piomizient citizen of the Ron^ community, died early Wednesday. • • '-f Funeral service will be held Fri day, a. m., at Macedonia "Bap tist church. 'Ilie body will lie in state at the church from ten until eleven o’clock. Mrs. Dimmette is survived by HAT SALE! ALL SPRING HA-ra REDUCED TO Vz PRICE Besrinning Friday MAY 11 Jean’s Dress Shop ■ra"—wpr n HE nwEiriM mr ni LAST CALL! Buy Your Needs Now While You Can Buy ROTENONE DUST 25 lbs. for $3as We have several tons and are pricing it low in order to make room in our warehouse. 'fa.l Hr*. Mary. WDkeraon, Va.; Obtirlaa and jarrotte, of Va. .y. ' •UY Moae WAR RED CROSS PHARMACY "Your Service Drug Store” SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of an order if the Superior Court of Wilkes county, made in the special pro ceeding entitled W. A. Bauguess, executor of the estate of Mattie Bauguess vs. W. A. Bauguess, J. J. Rhymer et als, the same being No. upon the special proceed ing docket of said Court, the un dersigned Commissioner will, on the 21st day of May, 1946, at 12 o’clock. Noon, at the courthouse door in (Wilkesboro, North Caro lina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash that certain tract of land lying and being in North Wilkesboro township, Wilkes county, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Boyd Daniels and oth ers, and more particularly de scribed as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a stake on the east side rf the Mulberry road 75 feet northwardly from W. W. Spear’s corner, running eastward- ly parallel with Spear’s line L40 feet to a stake; thence north 4 d“- grees east 100 feet to a stake; thence south 89 deg. west 140 feet to a stake on the bank of the Mul berry road 176 feet north of Spear’s corner; thence southward ly along the east side of Mulber ry road 100 feet to the point of beginning, and being lots numbers 9 and 10 and fronting 100 feet on the Mulberry road and of that width running eastwardly 140 feet as shown on the Map of Fairplaina Development Co. ■ This 20th day of April, 1946. J. H. WHICKER, 6-17-4tT Commissioner WE LIGHTEN YOUR TASK Reiis-Sturdivant North Wilkesboro, N. C. Yw matt* iwottey farier tfwri tetiger yw Mil yow War Botxis. If you study tfie redemption l«rktied’09 eocb bond, you will see ' " x'w . ’ ' .X, yearn tire the "harvest’ yeb«->Y«# bond im^ases in value dur ing eodt 4^ these years twice as fast as it did 1e ai^lprevioos year. r’^sr . Holding your "E" Bonds until they come due is just another way of putting extra dollars in your own pocket. THE NORTHWESTERH BANK Serving Northwestern North Carolina MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION 4^ © REDCY KHjOWATT Vbur Beclric SwvonI A ' Reddy's always ready, and when you think of the countless tasks a mother has to keep up with, he's mighty handy around the house. When the new, efficient appliances now being designed are available, your electrical helper will be more useful than ever! Meanwhile, of course, he's busy with vitally important war assigimrehts. DUKE POWER 0 ^ I - 11^1 I ifcifirt’

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