Mrs. Qliver Absher Honors Houseguest bonok Mr honaegneBt, Miss BllMb«th eklth. of New Bern. Mn. OUtm- Xbaber enterUlned at a loTely bridge i>arty at her home on D Street Tuesday erentng. Three tables were arranged for play In a colorful setting of mix ed garden flowers and was pre ceded by a dessert course. Mrs. Chal McNeil received the prize for high score, and remembrance gifts were presented to Miss Smith and to Mrs. Wayne Eller, of Philadelphia, Ps„ who is here visiting in the homes of Mrs. A. H. Casey and Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Eller. Among other courtesies extend ed to Miss Smith during her visit here was a theatre party given by Miss Sallle Outlaw, and a pic nic supper by Mr. and Mrs. Ab sher at ‘‘White Pine Farm", home of Mr. and Mrs. John A, Brown, east of this city. Miss Ellen Robinson Sewing Club Hostess Miss Ellen Robinson charming ly entertained for the members of the Wednesday Sewing club at her home on E Street Wednes day afternoon having most of the members present. The gr«)up spent a delightful hour'together informally, after which the host ess, assisted by Mrs. Gordon Fin ley, served tempting refresh ments. Mixed garden flowers made colorful decorations for the home. Joseph P. Smith of Sanford, Route 6, haw ordered 16 top bred heifers from Flat Top Ranch in Texas to add to his herd of regis tered Herefords, says LeLand Case of State College Extension Service. V One gallon(^^2?) does over” a room! MIRACLE WALL FINISH ONI COAT COVKS WAUPAm,s«laHd wellf, wallbeard, I waflt. 98* QUART One g«l. Kcm-Tod^ paste makes gals. Kem-Tooe finish. Amns lASILT. 10AUONDOISTHI AVBAGI ROOM. NO orriNSivi MINT OnOR. fTMi-roMROUER-KOATER Rolls Kem-Tone r^ht over your walls quick ly, easily, smootUy. SURROUND YOURSELF-WITH SEMI-GLOSS WALL-TONA Offers a delighiful surprise. Only a coat or two of this amazing finish and grimy, streaked walls are replaced with bright, cheery color. You will be delighted, and it costs so little to hove a really good looking kitchen and bothroom when you use Rogers Semi-Gloss Wall-Tona. It can be washed frequently without dimming its beauty and rich lustre. ‘IJlOst- HOUSEWIVES! Have You Used the UN-X THREE GREAT HOME BRIOHTENERS? JeflkiRS Hardware Co. Hortli Wilketboro, N. C. The T. B. la Class of the Wllkeeborp Hwt BapOst chmxih wlU meet Tneoday even ing, liciveii o’docfc, at tlm home of Mrs. Mattie Dorlln|!tOB for a picnic supper. The Womaii’e BlMe class o* the North Wilkes boro First Methodist church will meet Tuesday afternoon, 8:80 o’ clock, at the home of Mre. R- M. Brame, 8r. Mrs. O. li. Sock- well Is to be associate hostess. The Kendervons .Mountain chapter of the Danghters of the American Revolntion will meet Tuesday afternoon, four o' clock, at the home of Mrs. W. O. Grier with Mrs. B. 8. Gibbs «»id Mrs. Harvey Church as associate hostesses. Miss Ellen Robinson is to be In charge of the program^ The Wesley Bible class of the North WUkesboro First Meth odist chnrcli will meet Tues day evening, 7:45 o’cloct, at the home of Mrs. M. B. McNeil with Mrs. Harry Pearson as as sociate hostess. drcles of the North Wllkes- boro First Batpist W. M. tJ. meeting this week are as fol lows: Circle No. 1 with Mrs. H. li. Keller Tuesday afternoon, three o’clock. Circle No 2, Mrs. Olande Buchanan, Monday 7:- 45 p. m. Circle No. 8, Mrs. E. N. Phillips, Tuesday 8 p. m. V Cycle Youth Treated For Gunshot Wound Elkin, June 21.—The condition of Odene Plnnlx, 19, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pinnlx, of the Cycle community who is In Hugh OhathaiD hospital for treatment for a rifle wound in the abdomen, which was said to have been self- inflicted at his home Sunday aft ernoon, was described by hospital attaches Wednesday afternoon as fair. It was said that only one of three shots reportedly discharged by the young man penetrated hl.s body. PFO. BUD VEST GEITS BRONZE STAR With The 8Bth Infantry Divi sion In Germany.—Flo. Bud West, a machine gunner forCom- pany D, 320th Infantry was re cently awarded a Bronze Star by Major General Paul W. Baade, Commanding General of the 35th Infantry Division, for heroic ser vice In connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States near Schalke, Germany, on April 5, 1945, with the following citation: ‘‘While on outpost duty at 0200 hours. Private West heard foot steps approaching his machine gun position. When the counter sign was not given upon his chal lenge, he fired his weapon and wounded one of the enemy. They returned fire on the muzzle-flash of his carbine, but by then he was manning his machine gun. His heroic actions which Induced an entire enemy patrol to surrend er reflect credit upon his charac ter as a soldier.” Private West entered the mili tary service from North Carolina on May 13, 1945, a few months after his eighteenth birthday, and was previously awarded the Com bat Infantryman’s Badge. His mother, Mrs. Maggie Wolf West, maintains her home on Route 1, Boomer, N. C. h A IK EDNA L. PENNEli. NOW PETTY OFFIOEB Edna L. Pennell, who entered the WAVES In October, 1944, and is stationed at Portsmouth, Va., was recently promoted from Sea man first class to specialist third class. She Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pennell, of Morav ian Falls, and before entering service held a position at the ra tioning board office here K1 Kt Kl EARL HARRISON IS HOME ON LEAVE Earl Harrison, Petty Officer First Class, Is here on a thirty- two day leave from overseas du ty, visiting with his mother, Mrs. Bessie Harrison, asd two sisters, Mrs. Thurmond Kenerly and Mrs. James McNeil. BUY MORE WAR BOyPS ATTEHTION! ALL TRUCK OWNERS We are prepared to do your Truck Body Building MI sEE-moi wma Truck Frames Re-Inforeed—and ail kinds of WELDING. See ns for your General Antomo- bileor Truck Repairing. Wehafe good men to turn ont your work for yon. BUY MORE WAR BONDS TODAY! ODELL Whittington, Jr. WELNRG&IIAClHilESHdF Located Wilkaibara route one, N«rtti-WUk«iiboro, haa reconUy antve« at Welch Oo«- valeaoent Heigrttal, the ■'Araiy'R new reconditioning eeoter ht Day tona Beach, Fla, Hie carefnlly planned reconditioning program here vrill apeed hts oonvaleecence and oaeist hla return to the beet of health. The son of' J. L. Frazier, he entered the Army June 1941, at Camp Lee, Va., and haa since served 10 months In the Bttro- pean theatre of operations, where he was awarded the Purple Heart for wounds received In combat. His wife, Grace, resides at Pores Knob. He was formerly employed by the Bassett Mfg. Co. In Bas sett, Va. Pfc. Frazier has four brothers ateo serving In the U. S. Armed Forces, James, in the AA; Howard, in the Medical Corps; Hanford In FA; and John In the Marines. IK Ik'IK I/r. EDNA ANDREWS VISITS HER PARENTS Lt. (jg) Edna Andrews has re turned to U. S. Naval Hospital, Charleston, S. C., after spending several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Andrews of Boomer. V *niero are striking differences in the productiveness of turkeys In breeding flocks. In .a recent test one hen laid 2 eggs during a period of one hundred days while another hen laid 93 eggs. ^V BUY MORE WAR BONDS Plaas fro going ahead tor tha Red'Oroca NntrlUon Course on “Food Freaerratlon and The Use of the Preasore Cooker." The classes will be held In the Hwie Economic's Department of the North WUkesboro High School Wednesday, Jnne S7th, and Thnrsday, June SSth, from 1:30 unto 5:80 o'clock. AU interested are urged to call the American Red Cross Imedlately, so ^e num ber planning to attend cam be de termined. Miss Evelyn Sharpe and Mrs. Paul Cragan are the instructors. V- WBl Pay Cash Car Lata Modri Wroakad Cara and Tn^ ’Phone 334-J Buy More Bonds! Buy More Bonds! Sam P. Mitchell Civil Engineer CITY AND FARM SURVEYS PROPERTY PLATS Offlee 2ad Floor Bank of North Wilkeaboro Building a Office Phone 227 Residence 566 WABITED! PACKERS TO CAN Blackberries I am in the market this season for all the Blackberries that can be packed. I will pay the highest market price. Government reports reflect an acute shortage of food items. It behooves us to pack every Black berry possible as a food item for human consumption. See us for Contracts. S. V. TOMLINSON Big Land Sale! 25 Acres of Wooded Land Divided Into Tracts From 1 to 4 Acres, Facing On The Highway Between Rorth Wilkeshoro and Elkin Wednesday, June 23 rwwwvw^ wwwww At 5 P.M. This is a fine piece of property on a good Hard Sur face Highway and will make excellent sites for coun try estates. A. H. Lovette, Owner • Opposite the New Home of Dan Hudson • Midway between two of the most progressive cities in Western Carolina—North Wilkeshoro and Elkin. On the bus line, mail route, with electricity and tele phone available. Look it over and be with us the day of sale and ... Buy at Your Price... On Very Easy Terms FREE! WAR BOND! SILVER DOLLARS! MDSiC^ A. H. Lovette, Owner Sale Conducted By Perris & Johnson LARD A8CTKMI COMPART neW.Ml^ai. Cr«ea$boro, N. C. PhoM | If YMlafiLaidtiSelLSee Ds.. .At Hotel WftadJ