SAVE! SAVE! SAVEI M L ^33' EACH Kc. Obaiiea M. HortOB bM returned to Halloran General Hospital at Aun^wta., Oa., alt« spending a week-end with his parents, Philo Hwton and wife, In WUkesboro. Prior to entering service in 1944, Pfo. Horton was employed by Coble Dairy Products company. He spent 10 months in ftweign service and turned to the States July 18. lllf “ ■■*******^ BURTOH CARLTON NOW SERVING IN PACIFIC Purton Carlton, flc., son of Mr. and Mrs; Glenn B. Carlton, Is now somewnere In the Pacific. His wife, the former Miss Etta Gray Maberry, and their small daugh ter, Linda Faye, are making their home with relatives. Here are your favorite cleaners, fine qnaUty waxes, chamois and cloths to do tits Job quickly, easily and with prefasslonal results. Keep your cir looklng*shlny-new with tiiff rrceOent *Ueaner-i:9P«i&'* ^tedal low prlesi for limited time onlyi % PVT. JAMES HAMBY returns to croft Pvt. James Hamby has return ed to camp Crolt, S. C., after I spending a fifteen-day furlough at his home. He Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hamby, of Pur- lear, and was formerly stationed In New Vork. lb h CPL. AND MBS, CROSS VISITENO CABMAN’S Cpl. and Mrs. F. M. Cross, of Port’Bliss,”" Texas, arrived* lasf week to spend two weeks with Mrs. Cross’ parents, Mr. and Mr. Glenn B. Carlton, of Boomer. Mrs. Cross ts the former Miss Carolyn Carlton. S® irooblel Rely ^ Tirestone BATTERIES Permo-Life Battery 11 95 Exchang* • Flf-O-AloHc Covon • thafY, ftilorfocltod Plates • Selected Best Qnalitf Separators (v-art* Mow, mate than ovar, tVa Important to buy the boat So, for dspsndabls, ssonomlcsl, trouble-free aervlee, chooie a nestons bafttscy e*** ^ ***• 8.SGT. PAUli J. SHATIEY IS GOING TO PAOIFTO With a 'fhunderbolt Fighter Group In the European Assembly Area.—St. Sgt. Paul J. Shatley, of route one. North WUkesboro, Is now being process^ at Camp De troit, In the Assembly Area Com mand near Laon, France, wi th a veteran fighter-bomber group be ing deployed to the Pacific fight ing area. S.SGT. Shatley is a crew chief with this P-47 group, which pro tected Gen. George S. Patton’s Third Army Golre River flank in his historic dash through France, and kept up a constant combing and strafing of enemy communica tions and supply centers. In a single afternoon this group of Thunderbolts destroyed 766 ve hicles. S.SGT. Shatley Is the son of Mrs. C. E. Shatley, of North WIl- aeeboro route one. Overseas 17 months, he Is au thorized to wear the Presidential Unit Citation, and E.T.O. Ribbon with 6 battle stars. When You Get a Tire Rationing CertHleafm Bmif the Best • f1r4.$lon« DELUXE UHAMPlOX Ohri* I T*v Csrmtsts Httiei 151? ■v~' me only tire buUt with the famons OMT-Grip Trwid for «tru proteetlon agalnri dlddliiB. The ooly tire briJt with 8aftt-Lock, Oum-Dlpped Oord Body for extra strength and Wowont »• ffly «*• ***** Baftt-Sured OonstnuUon for greater safety and longer g^]«ag•,0«ttileberi! Central PATEUL^ , — . CECIL KILBY 'ileoilqwMteM For WatUng, Poluhing, Labrieatiiig (umy air torcAB in Ititly fbr . past nine montliB, hu returned with bis mother, Mrs. P. D. Mc- wears the Air Medal with Cloet- Cross and a Presidential Unit Ci tation. _ am DWIGHT HORTON HAMDE^gjHra With the Fifth Army, Italj;— Pfc. Charlee Dwight Horton, of North WUkesboro, is a member a platoon which handled 20,- 000 German prisoners of war as hoBlUUUee ceased , along the Fifth Army front In Italy. He la one of the 106 members of the Both “Custer” DlvlBlon Mil itary Police Platoon, who Interro gated, searched and tagged the prisoners and saw to their feed ing. The same unit, on a previous occasion, accommodated 4,200 prisoners, housing them in an en closure that had penned up A- merican prisoners only a few hours before the Germans were Imprisoned there. Feeding the Kaieigh-^-mtc pounds of milk .per' day dufl ions per cow per day, but ngure la higher than for June of last year, when the llgnre ws« 13-h, ts above the 10-yenr.,(1824- 4S) average ot lS.2,«ud hlber than for any other aonthem state, according 'to the Foderal-Gtate croF reporting service of the state department pf agriculture. .^TmrmN, FARMERS4 . OAU, ug nm 10DB PlumbSiig and Electrical Repairs. and SOBVlUi • MYERS• WATER BT8TBM8 ANDERSON KLBOTMO OOKPANT ^ TeleidioBe 6i0 WIUCESBORO. N. C. HNtSALE! A. ' 'V ^ - -Caterpillar 60 witti Wihch'and Boom Cat^iUar 35 arid a 40 ‘ f Aili^halmers Model Allis-Chalmers Mod."^M with Bulldozer Model p John Deere with Tractor 2^Top 1941 Mack Truck with new motor and new 8;25. by 20 tires, vacuum brakes and double reduc tion rear end. JOHN M. MADEN 224 W. Market St. ’Phone 994 Johnson City, Tenn. BUY U. S. WAR BONDS A17D STAMPS Wilkes County Superior Court AUGUST TERM,1945 Hoaorable Wm. H. Bobbitt, Jodge Presiding FIRST WEEK MONDAY, AUGUST 6 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Nd. No. No. No. 14— State vs. 15— State vs. 19—State vs. 21—State vs. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 1— State vs. W. M. L. Miller and John Henry MUler, perju ry- 2— State vs. Tommy Atkins, bastardy. 3— State vs. Hill Allen, bastardy. 4— State vs. Filmore Adams, L. & R. 5— State vs. Walter (Tug) Denny, bastardy. 6— State vs. James Elledge, bastardy. 7— State vs. Gamer Hamby, rape. 8— State vs. Gamer Hamby, assault with intent to rape. 17— State vs. James Avery Hamby, Jr., rape. 18— State vs. James Avery Hamby, Jr., assault with intent to rape. ' SrnPAHl .CleazT» non-support, 10— State vs. Eugene Cardwell, A. W. D. W. 11— State vs. Doughton Eller, trespass. 12— State vs. Von C. Pendergrass, C. C. W. 13— State vs. Von C. Pendergrass, O. C. I Tyre Taylor, O. C. I. Levi Absher, O. C. L Robert Horton, bastardy. ^x—ouxw vB. VTinfield Huffman, 0. C. I. 22— State vs. Ruth Anderson and Sue Anderson, trespass. 23— tState vs. Ruth Anderson and Sue Anderson, using pro fane language. 25— State vs. Leroy Patrick, bastardy. 26— State vs. Conrad ESler, reckless driving. 27— State vs. R. A. Riggs, disposing of mortgaged property. 30—State vs. Robert ‘Wyatt and Mozelle Cleary, F. & A., and P. & A. „ 32—Stale vs. Grover Chatham, A. W. D. W. 46— State vs. Grover Chatham, peace warrant. 34—State vs. Geo. Turner Bell, reckless driving. 36— State vs. Quincy Cleary and Dolly Haynes, assault and using profane language. 37— State vs. Sam Hampton, abandonment. 38— State vs. 0. C. Trivette, O. C. I. 40— State vs. Geo. Turner Bell, reckless driving. 41— State vs. Don Joines, A. W. D. W. 42— State vs. Mack Carlton Craven, forcible trespass. 51— State vs. Mack Carlton Craven, 0. C. I. 65— iState vs. Mack Carlton Craven, 0. G. I. 66— State vs. Mack Carlton Craven, reckless driving. 67— State vs. Mack Carlton Craven, V. P. L. 69—State vs. Mack Carlton Craven, public dmnkenness. 47— State vs. Rich Matthews, A. W. D. W. 48— State vs- Earl Hamby, L. & R. 49— State vs. Earl Hamby, L. & R. 50— State vs. John William Parker, C. C. W, 52— State vs. Leonard Walker, Vio. M. B. L. 6S—State vs. Robert Gray Nichols, O. C. I. 60— State vs. Prank Edminston, hit and run. 61— State vs. Thomas Osborne, A. W. D. W. 64—State vs. Coy Foster, alias Coy Adkins, assautt on fe male. TUESDAY, AUGUST 7 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Nd. No. 70— iState vs. Shafter Russell, L. & R. . 71— State vs. Mrs. Austin Woodie, keeping disorderly house. 72— State vs. John A. Spears, Jr., forcible trMpass. 73— Statevs. John A.Spears, Jr.,A. W. D.W. 75 state vs. Robert Cardwell and Armie Webb, F. & A., 123— Stale ^v^. Robert Cardwell and Dora Cardwell, A- W. D. W. 124— State vs. Robert Cardwell, A. JW- D*-W. 76^State vs. George M. Church, failure to send child to 77— State*^vs!*Villiam Minton and Florence Long, F. & A-, &ni P & A 78— State vs. William Minton and Florence Long, P. & A.. and P. & A. 82—Verlin Blankenship, _0. C. I. 43—State vs. Charlie Ch^n F^, 0. C. I. 102—State vs. Charlie Clifton Fa^ V ^ 106—State vs. Randal Lee Greene, O. C. I. 109— (State vs. Fred Manning, 0. C. I. 110- State vs. Clyde P- L. 113—State vs. Clyde Mcl^el, O. C. L 116—State vs. HermM St. Clair, O.C.L 122-State vs. Bussell H^by, O. G. L 131—State vs. Edgar J. Hamby, Sr., O. C. L 83— State vs. Carl Hestar, Vio. M. V. I* 84— State vs. (3arl Kestor, Vio. M. V. U 86—State vs. Press Brown, D. W 85— Statd vs. Ernest H. Taylor, assault and larceny. 94r-Htate V8. Ted Craven, n^-supjiirt. 96—State vs. Vernon Edsel Stanley, Vio. M- V. u WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 8 No. No. No. 20—State vs. Freeman Garris, rape. 24—State vs. Harvey Shmhe^, H. B. L. & R. Cmildress, assault with intent to No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Nb. 28— State vs. Richard rape. 29— State vs. Mrs. Ford Shumate, H. B. L. & R. 31—State vs. James Staley, rape. 33—State vs. Earl ShepheM, H. B. L. & R. 36—State vs. Vem Wood, robbery. 39—State vs. Claude Higgins, H. B. L. & R. 44—State vs. Joe Bow!*, forgeo' und false pretense. 46—State vs. Claude Higgins, Richard L. Bumgarner and James W. Church, H. B. L. & R. 63—State vs. James Archie Carlton, rape. 66— State vs. Claude Higgins, H. B. L. & B. 67— State vs. James CoUins, H. B. L. & R. 59—State vs. Raymond Cleary, setting out fire. 68— State vs. Olande Higgins, H. B. LL ft R. 62— State vs. Buster Queen, James (}ueen and Roy Queen, H. B. L. & R. 63- HState vs. Abe Hague, L. & B. 105—State vs. Fannie Reynolds, H. B. L. & R. 108—State vs. Sam Spicer, 'L. & R. 112—State vs. Denver Holcomb and Theodosia Holcomb, false pretense. 114—State vs. Arnold Bland JVyatt and Odell Shepherd, li & R 116—State vs. johnny Wood, L. & R. 120—State vs. Reece Johnson, manslaughter. 134—State vs. William Hardin Wyatt, L. & B. 139— (State vs. William Mack Joines and Boscoe Hardin Wyatt, L. ft B. 140— State vs. E3mer Lee Dowell, incest. 141— State vs. FVed Adams, L. & B. 142— State vs. Tommy Walls, L. & R. 132— State vs. Raymond Cleary, public drunkenness. 133— State vs. Raymond 'Cleary, public" drunkenness. THURSDAY, AUGUST 9 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 87— State vs. 88— State vs. 89— State vs. 90— State vs. 91— State vr.. 92— State vs. 93— State vs. 96— State vs. 97— State vs. 98— State vs. 100— State vs. 101— State, vs. 103— State vs. 104— State vs. 107—State vs 111—State vs. ?17—State vs. James Martin, Vio. game laws. Bryant Faw, Vio. game laws. Andrew Faw, Vio. game laws. Clay Gfreer, Vio. game laws. Roy Huffman, Vio. game laws. Howard Bauguess, Vio. game laws. Hubert Pierce, Vio. game laws. Neal Watkins, Vio. M. V. L. Vernon Dowell, Vio. M. V. L. Colin Hayes, reckless driving. Claude Green, public drunkenness. Claude Greene, C. C. W. Ruth Harmon, F. & A. Coy Luffman, public drunkenness. Andrew Hendren and Clora Hendren, V. P. John Johnson, non-support. (Walter Hightower, murder. FRIDAY, AUGUST 10 No, 118—State vs. Ralph Pennington, non-support. ipn No. 119—State vs. Carl Mitchell, Vio. M. V. L. No. 121—State vs. S. W. Queen,'worthless check No 125—State vs. J. W. Martin, A. W. D. W. SECOND WEEK MONDAY, AUGUST 13 No. 16—State vs. No. 65—State vs. No. 99—State vs. No. 126—State vs. N^o. 127—State vs. No. 128—State vs. No. 129—(State vs. No. 130—State vs. No. 136—State vs. No. 136—State vs. No. 137—State vs. No. 138—State vs. No. 143—State vs. Richard Laws, bastardy. Will Harris, murder. Jonah Billings, assault with intent to kill. Charlie Boyd, V. P. L. Everett Hanks, seduction. Nath^ Byers, C. C. W. Fred Byers, assault and forcible trespass. Robert jMartin, V. P. L. Cornelius Adams, reckless driving. Cornelius Adams, affray. Cornelius Adams, A. 'W. D. W. Cornelius Adams, public drunkenness. Carl Prevette, assault. TUESDAY, AUGUST 14 No. 144—State vs. Roy Osborne, murder. No. 74—State vs. Silas Owens, bastardy. No. 54—^te VB. Goyt Pariier, abandonment. ■ Witnesses subpoenaed to appear before the Grand Jury will do so on the day the^ are subpoenaed, and after they appear before the Grand Jury appear back on the day the case is calendared for trial ' Witnesses in cases not retched on the day they are calendared for trial are required to remain in Court until the case is final ly disposed of or untU Hiey «e dismissed. ^ cases be ailed- at «by In which defendants have been bound to this term of Caart and which do nrt appar on^is calendar en hy thne jErte trUji r

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