MUHiiwd mmn —a &MM, aMtriy new wagon. Teatt wnrtf ttwynere. Ontdt for on ly rOakwwt Farm, Ker- nervrUle, H.;c. ^ 8->*p roil aUWr Dry Xo*«wo(Af*i*‘ 99 k>a&; to^ di7 ilAba, track leads. Am Robert BnUngs at etty Unitts on Falrplalna road «r ^ne 14SJ, North WUkes- gero. 9-8*18pd SAUfr—40 PtauKM, all tiMWw ^0041117 reconditioned and tnn- Borne as low la prtee [ IS months to w- I Uarwood Plano Co., WUkssboro. .a, 8-*^t PnUkOHBS PoipRAU9->OiM>-telf F mile Bortb of Taylorsnue. Best Tanetles. Ripe now In any qnanuty. Lonnie Scott, Route I, Tayioranue, N. O. 8-s-4t ! POB SAUB—Netr WMndi nanst- tan. Ideal for attic. Merer used. Phone 881-J. 8-2-2P FCM SAXjB—a-yeafM>U> saddle colt, well bred, well galted, partly broken. New saddle and bridle; also 2-horse Hat land plow.—^R. U Woodle, North WUkesboro route 1. 8-2-4tpd jfOit BAm—Hjr' home and busi ness Onlldlng (both stone con struction) with six acres of Land.—See or write Walter Raarifl, Morarlan Falla. 8-2-pd FOR SALE —Eirfit-Boom House and lot on Trogdon street; gar age and large basement. Price reasonable. J. H. E^idaily, Trog don street, North Wilkesbbro. ' . 8-6p FARM FOR SALE—24 Acres, 5- room house, outbuildings, g;ood spring, 55 fruit trees, all fenced. Located near Blue Ridge Park way and Highway No. 16, on Obids Creek, Asha county. Price $2,100. Terms. M. G. Marsh, Ohdds, N. C. 8-(Mt FOR BALE—One idx room bowse, . rannlag water, two acres of land near Cricket. IT. 8. High way 481; also one eight room house In North WUkesboro, N. G. >2 acres good grass land In Aahe county. Easy terma. See D. H. Turner, Cricket. N. G. -4-tf |F^B «A1,W—lypcwTlter desk, in I walnut flnlsn. A nice piece of furniture for home or office. Priced reasonable for a quick Bale.—Better Homes Furniture Company. It-pd FOR SALE—Fire young pairs of Kentucky blue tick hounds.— K. ifl. h’elts. North- WUkesboro, route three. 8-2pd FOR SdJLA: Rawleigh’s Insect dust at R & 0 Grocery, across street from bus station. W. W. Kyle, dealer. Phone 36F02. 7-S0-7tpd POR SALE — 5-Koom House and 43 acres land on gc^ road less than 5 miles from city. House in good livable condition, well in yard. Fenced-in pasture. Ideal for cattle or chickens and gen eral farming. Also 17 acres of land, no hrnme, close in. Both really baigain-priced to move quick. H. G. Nichols at Journal- ntriot. FOR ftALR—^Heavy 1842 Ford ' track with two speed axle, good Uree, A-1 condition. P. B. Bow- len, WUbar. 8-8-lp FOR SALE — Seven-room house with bath, double garage, other ontbnildings, 4 acres land; daily mail, school bus and bus route. Just off 421 on Congo road near North WUkesboro. if interest ed see Phillip Church at Mead ows MiU Co. - 7-30p n AOtES gnudng and woodUnd. Joins Parkway reservation. Price 1900.00. M. G. Marsh, Obids, N. C. 8-«-4t FOR SALE —Rabbits 3 months old, $1.76 each, $3.00 pair. Billy D. Cothren, Box 371, Route Two, North Wilkesboro- 7-30 Bgy More Boids! AUerriON SAIjB—^Household and kltcuen furniture. Including wasuing macUine, and farm equipment, Saturday, August 11, one p. m.—J. D. Huffman, unamplon. 8-9-pd GOOD CHED npright pianc«;an throughly reConditloaeA aad tuned; also beantlfnl Mlr-A- Planos. Twelve months to pay. Garwood Plano Co., fnikea- boro, N. C. 8-7-« JUST RECEIVED—A few dozen Sl-gnage hose; pretty aprons; babies’ rubber pan- ties; white tape; shoulder pads in black and white; pre-war material in yard lengths,nice fnr men’s coats» siproBa and cbfldren’s cl^- ‘ ing; rose, bhie, gold and green bedspreads at $1.65 each—RAY’S STORES, east of Bus Station, second door east of R. A O. Grocery, B Street, North Wakeaboro. tobacco FARMERS: Wo have plenty of twine. See us for your supply.—Tal J. Pearson Grocery Co.. North WUkesboro. N. 0. • STRAW HATS• REDUCED! Knox — Mallory — Adam Panamas Reduced ’fOlats ^.50 - ’S.SO Hat$ H.25 H Hits $3.25 . MWM. war Ratfba Booi •^alli^^ tbaa a doUar MU’ imd eoataliteg lost half as many ASkmpe w^thd last book, wm he dtotributed througn the public schools In De cember, Chester Bowlee, adminis trator of the Office of . Price Ad ministration, announces. At the —me tube, the new “A” gssollne ration book wUl be issued. Distribution will take place at school honsee or other public buildings throngbont the nation from December 8 through Decem ber 15. OPA district offices will tlx the exact time for each local area. The new "A" gasoline books wUl go Into use December 22, and War Ration Book Five will be used soon after the first of the year tor food rationing and for rationing shoos. Mr. Bowles said, "It takes a long time to plan, print and dis tribute a war ration book. That’s why we must arrange now for a boot that will not be used until 1948, The supply agencies—the de partment of agrtcnlturo and the irar production board—^have told as that meats and fats, canned goods, sugar and shoes all wUl be in tight supply for some months to come, and so It looks as If a ration book wUl be needed at least tnrongUout most of next year. To be reasonably on the safe side, and avoid the expense of having to get out still another book later we nave set np book five so that It can last from 10 to 15 months if It Is needed. "Kven so, the book contains FOB RALE—'35 model Ford Coupe. Bee EMsel Minton, North WUkesboro Star Route. 8-9pd pwrrrf f f f Lost and Found lost—Identification bracelet In or near North WUkesboro, Mon day, July 23. Return to Jour nal-Patriot for reward. Lois Reavis, North WUkesboro. Ip LOST—Black and White Spotted female dog wearing collar with no name. Lost near Prevette farm on Yadkin river below N. Wilkesboro. Richard Minton, North Wilkesboro, route one. 7-30p • WANTED WANTKIV—To get in touch with someone going to California witnm the next few days. Please telephone 695J. Itpd WANTED—To do your general shoe rupulr work; expert work manshlp and best of material. Clouts Shoe Shop, located near Tomlinson’s Department Store. 4-3Otf WANTED—Tocattonal home eco nomics teacher for Harmony high school. 11 months pay. Apply to R. V. Day, Harmony, w. c. 8-2-4t • FOR RENT b >R RENT—^Etoctrle Floor Wa:c- •r—saves time and labor; also for sale Old English Wax for floors and linoleum: Scrubzol and WeUborn’s Cleaners for any surface; wool wall, ceiling and floor mops—^jnst the items for your spring cleaning.— Rhodes-Day Furniture Co., Inc. • Miscellaneous WE SPBCIALIZB In servicing commercial and domestic re frigerators, also washing ma chines, etc. Heg H. Phillips, ten years experience. Phillips Klectrical Appliance Co., sec ond door from Hustler office, Phone 46. 8-SO-lOp Notice to Public I will not be responsible for pay ment of any debts my wife, Mrs. Virginia Snoaf, may incur on and after July 30, 1945. 8-20-4t PAUL SHOAF ATmmoN F Mt prioM paid tor your Blidh toga and Uoaka, aoutoot plazt. . PtodwMt Wagon & llfg. Co., Htokory, N. G. 7-8t-t9t FREE! If Excem Add. causes you pains of stomach nlcers, in digestion, heartburn, belching, bloating, nausean, gas pains, get a box of Udga Tablets at Horton’s Drag Store. S-23p AVOnoN SAUK ARB «ko beat they hoTo 4>oea fu yiura. If yon hsTo proparty tor aale,' sea ns at Hotal WSfcea. Fenta A Joha- aoa Laad Auethm Co., Home Office, ChtoeaAera, N. C. 8-14tf LOCAL aud tout lag'aad haaiiag. iia* .teUfaga, Phoaa «ff|L Roterkns ;Rica,. ; ':’toyRawdlfe^vanwa ijagit"'^ SUkUl—of. nat iridaF ^vNiaf AuthorityWdfiie^di^gS, '«ntoon. ^ r. o, Mub^; ^ g(K» Of Ndrtli tortnlag au hare, aaMatedWiifhy- iWi honae phyatetoa, dtaiUg DrJ IRhdaa. . V’'; .»« ^Ipoinir tlto f ^ li'aiFMSad of North WlllEwboM> p^iito' i|i«rf dptaar .MoBdiF dOM RoiiiiqF gay ■ JieaV* tcamwaieaRwr OMataak iwiffjfcF .sepitoi tha hbMA OfBM bi 6id baak^ia North wnkdabofo for^la antoher Tmti. MR DeM^iwneuod fho the .bank,: Joyod KutoadFldvaafa eaefe yodr, tto coasUmaOM eoloa, I4ttl^ 6f^^ baak. 'lM» oa .Ua Fisherman Lee Studeay of ntio* burgh “bunks’’ Us fliee hi sffloraosfl before starting for Ua faverite stream. The new on keeps dry Usa dry. B is derived frem aaad aad oaal In combination with brhio. The ly win reaiain dry for a long period. only half as many stamps as Book Four. By bolding Book Five to half the size of the present book, we are getting a book for less than half the cost of Book Four, and we are using only half as much paper. . "We hope War Ration Book lilve will be the last In the series Of wartime ration books, and that there will be plenty of stamps we won't bave to use. We cannot gamble too beavlly on that, tuongu, since so many months are needed to bring a book into be ing. "The new book Is a better book, as It ought to be. It will be much easier to carry and handle, since It will be much smaller—smaller. In fact, than a dollar bllL it will be Just as long as Book Four, but only one-half as wide. The num bering and arrangement of stamps is better, too. All the housewife and the grocer will have to re member Is that stamps of certain numbers are good. The new Stamps will not have both a let ter and a number as the present stamps do. "We are snre, too, that distri bution of the book will be well handled. "The United States office of ed- ncatton, has.,,, apsuaed .us that America’s school teachers, who nave become experienced hands at distributing ration books quick ly and efficiently, again can be counted on to do this distribution Job as a patriotic service for 130,- 000. 000 of their fellow citizens The New “A” Book The new "A" Gasoline Book, the third Issned under rationing will differ from the present book only in color. The book will con. tain five sets of coupons, six cou pons to a set numbered A-IS throngh A-28. Each set of six coupons will cover a different validity period. The flrrt eet— the coupons numbered A-18—be comes good December 22. 'i'be first gasoline ration book issned became valid in 17 east ern states on Jnne 22, 1942', and tlironghout the country December 1, 1942. The second book was Issued In all states except those in eastern shortage area during Beptember, 1944. The first coupon In this book— A-12—became valid September 22, 19^4. In the east, this second ration book was Issued in Octo ber and November of 1944, and the A-13 coupons In the book be came good November 9. Since then coupons of the same num ber have been validated on the same date; thronghout the conn- try- V Roultry producers may reduce their teed costs end increase their prohts by storing adequate quan tities of supplemental feeds now In preparation for an imminent rise In feed prices. V BUY MORE WAR BONDS Shoots ’Round Curve Always remeaber^ yen’ll find good priced right, at Better Homes Furniture Cm. And there’s no wiser wey ef spending your noiiey, next to the purchase of War Bends, than baying good furnitnre for the hosM. Mew furniture is an investment in beauty and emufort for everytme in the family. And it will make the home brighter and happim for your boy in service to eanio homo to. ' v VELOHR AND MOHAIR UVIRD ROOM SHITES We have a nuadber of beautiful veloar and mohair living room suites thst yon should see now. Upholstery msterisl for living room suites has been frozen, and when present stocks are gone, yen will be unable to boy the flue quality wo now hove in stock. Come In today and sdect yonr suite from our nice selection, aO stnrdfly made aad handsomely designed. High Grade— $TDDJ0 . CODCHES Covered in Durable Tapestry Colors: Wine and Blue 72M Buy Extra War Bonds Beautiful — • OEDROOMm SUITES Modem design, con sisting of... panel bed, chest, vanity, bench, in walnut veneers and sol id gum. $69-50 FIVE-PIECE OREAKFAST ROOM SUITES In color combinations of and white, and bine and •white. Plastic top ta bles, which are heat re sistant and alcohol proof, and easy to clean. Will not chip or stain. See them today! $04^0 SEERS FOR YODR HOME FDRNISHIN6SNEEDS! Chairs of all kinds, baby high chairs, baby be^^s, platform and porch rockers, tables, odd chests, odd dres^rs, etc. Better Homes Fiiraiture Co. ‘Betto Furniture at Better Prices** Shook Biding New^ Wilkedxw, N. C. \J^ T J'. ■ 1- MK nwmK9un. ^ l a

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