THE JOURNALyAtiMiOT. I|«IM About Comen »nJ Goert... From Here and There People You Know IVho Move About Mrs. 7ean Gettys, of Blnnlng- bam, Ala., has be«n visiting rela- ttves and friends In North Wilkesboro this week. Mrs. C. H. Houk and daughter, Patsy, of Wilkesboro, spent the week-end in Marion as guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Clay. Rev. S. I. Watts will preach %t Boomer Baptist church Sunday evening, 8 o’clock. The public is cordially invited to the service. Mr. John R. Prevette Is in New York this week buying fall and winter merchandise for Prevette’s Stores, located in this city and Blkln. Mrs. Clarence D. Wiles and son, David, of Boone, arrived to day to visit her husband’s moth er, Mrs. D. G. Wiles. Cpl. Clar ence D. Wiles is in service in gland. Mr. and Mre. Staley spent the week-end in Welch, W. Va., with relatives and friends. Mrs. Fannye Neal accompanied them home. Mrs. W. H. Riley, of Raleigh, spent a few days here this week with her sister, Mrs. Bryan Gil- reath, and other relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Homer T. Boling spent the week-end in Charlotte visiting Mr. and Mrs. James Led ford. Mrs. Boling is a sister of Mr. Ledford. Major Artie Sue Kerley, A. N. C., New York, who was called home because of the critical ill ness and death of her father, Mr. W. Loyd Kerley, of Taylorsville, has returned to New York. Major Kerley is a sister of Mrs. Archie J. McNeil, of this city. GRACE’S BEAUTY SALON Northwest«T» Bank Bldg. (Over Dr. Casey’s Office) ZENO MACHINELESS— 6.50 to 10.00 COLD WAVE— 10.00 to 25.00 ^ MACHINE W AVES— 3.50 to 12.50 Telephone 637 •GRACE M. DEARMAN / / I I > SAVE50'v°« • to m ON YOUR FUEL COSTS Tio|flRES TO BUIIO- NO ASHES TO TAKE UP ON COLD MORNINGS For Sale At The BETTER HOMES FURNITURE CO. North Wilkesboro, N. C. Also Home Furniture Co., Elkin, N. C. For Sale! One 1939 Ford Truck. One 1940 Chevrolet Truck. Good condition, bargain price. —Telephone 150- CHAMPION POULTRY FARM CHAMPION, N. C. Mrs. Back Shell,' of Lenoir, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs.' Cecil Wiles. Mrs. Sheil is the for mer Miss Nell Blalock and Is k sister of Mrs. Wiles. Mlse Helen Phillips, a member of the Asheboro city school fac ulty, spent the week-end in the city with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Phillips. Miss Mary Gage Barber spent the week-end In Wilkesboro with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Barber. Miss Barber is at tending A. S. T. C. at Boone. A son, William Iredell, was bom Tuesday night at the Wilkes hos pital to Mr. and Mrs. Presley Myers, of Wilkesboro. Mother and sm are getting along fine. Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Jlannlngs, of Petersburg. Va„ spent a few days here this week with Mr. Jennings’ mother, Mrs. S. S. Jen nings, and Mrs. Jennings’ sister, Mrs. Bryan Gllreath. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Pardue, of Roaring River, had as their guests over the week-end Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Pardue, of Jonesvllle. The Messrs. Pardue are brothers. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Moore, Sr., and Mrs. Harry Moore Hix attend ed funeral service in Brookneal, Va., Monday for Mr. W. M. Bry ant, former resident of this city, who died Saturday. Mr. Bryant was a nephew of the late J. D. Moore and for some time held a position here with the Home Chair Co. Your Weekly MOVIE GUIDE To the Best PicUres of the WEEK LAST SHOWING • TODAY and FRIDAY- ERNIE PYLE’S Tribute to Our Fighting Infantry ERNIE PYLE’S “STORY OF G. I. JOE” — with — BURGESS MEREDITH as Ernie Pyle Covering the Fight ing Fronts. What Is An Honest Movie? Critics are proclahning THE SOUTHERNER” as an “Honest Movie”. Time Magazine says it is worth a dozen of the usual Academy Award Winners! THE SOUTHERNER is hon est because it has a real story to tell; because its characters live on the screen; because their emotions overflow from the screen into ycur heart! A great book, ‘‘HOLD AUT UMN IN YOUR HAND”, has inspired great performances. There are laughs—but this is no frivolous film: there is thrill ing excitement, but this is no cheap melodrama; there is ro mance, but this is no frothy love story. This is an HONEST Movie! “The Southerner” — starring — ZACHARY BETTY Scott Field WILL BE SHOWING Monday - Tuesday AT THE Mr. Bradley B«a«y, who antO Iro- cently vras an aailatant in the county accountant’s office, has ac cepted a position’as bookkeeper for OdoU Whittington, Jr., who is engaged in body building, wld- Ing, etc. MY. W. C. Marlow, who was In New York this week in the Inter est of his stores, was called home today on account of the serious Illness of his flve-year-old son, W, C., Jr., who has been in declining health the past several months. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Pardue, of Washington, D. C., have been spending their vacation with Eu gene’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Pardue, of Roaring River. They returned to Washington Septem ber 24, where Eugene has a posi tion in the Naval Research Labo ratory. Miss Addle L. Henderson, of Dallas, Texas, Is visiting with rel atives in Wilkesboro. Miss Hen derson is connected with the Red Cross In carrying on its vast emergency work. Miss Henderson is a sister of Messrs. J. R. and J. B. Henderwn. Mrs. G. Bi Kemp, of North Wilkesboro, ipute three, spent the week-end with her son, Mr. C. B. Kemp, and visited her broth er, Mr. L. A. Harris, Saturday afternoon. On Sunday Mrs. Kemp and her son and family visited Mrs. Kemp’s brother, Mr. L. G. Harris, at Elk Park. Mrs. J. C. Miller underwent a serious operation Monday at the Wilkes hospital. She Is getting along as well as might be expect ed, friends will be glad to learn. Mrs. Pauline Gambill returned Saturday from Santa Fe, New Mexico, where she visited her hus band, Pvt. Buel Gambill, Jr., who is a patient at Bruna Gen eral hospital. Mrs. Warren H. Pardue left Sunday for Key West, Fla., to join her husband, Warren H. Pardue, ARM 2-c, who has just returned to the States after serv ing as a crew member of a navy patrol bomber In the European Theatre for the past 11 months. Mrs. Pardue Is the former Miss Ella Mae Moore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Moore. Mrs. Carl Wittelsberger, of Bal timore, Md., who was called home because of the critical illness and death of her father, Mr, W. Loyd Kerley, of Taylorsville, returned home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ar chie J. McNeil and daughters, Viv ian and Betty Jean, accompa nied her as far as Greensboro and visited their daughter and sister. Miss Joanna McNeil, '^’ho Is a freshman at Greensboro College. Mrs. Wittelsberger and Mrs. Mc Neil are sisters. H. F. Laffoon Heads Press Of the State Officers Chosen By Associa tion And Other Newspa per Organizations. Raleigh, Sept. Si.—Harvey Laffoon, editor and publisher of the Elkin Tribune, was elected president of the North Carolina Press Association at Us meeting here today. Other officers are: Mrs. Eliza beth Good Swindel, of the Wilson Dally Times, vice-president; Miss Beatrice Cobb, of the Morganton News-Herald, re-elected secre tary-treasurer; and Clarence Griffin, of the Ftrest City Cour ier, re-elected historian. An executive committee was elected as follows: Laffoon, Miss Cobb, Mrs. Swindell, Dr. Julian Miller, editor of the Charlotte Observer, and retiring president of the association; Ollie Mc- Quage, of the Mocksville Enter prise, Prank Daniels, husinesB manager of the Raleigh News and Observer; Tom Lassiter of the Smithtield Herald; E. A. Reach, of the Chatham News, Siler City; and P. T. Hines, business mana ger of the Greensboro Daily News. THE BEST PART OE THE MEAL • WitbTHii;. CHURCBES NORTH WELKB6BORO ^ PRESBYTERIAN Rev. Louis f, Yelujlan, Minister. Mrs. Lewis M. Ndpem, Organist. At the morning service Mr. Yelanjian will preach on the sab- ject "Christian's No. 1 Sin.” Wo think this would be a very help ful message’ for all of ns. Won’t you plan to be with us. We are al ways delighted to have yon wor ship with ns. WILKESBORO PRESBYTERIAN Rev, Louis J, Telanjian, Blinlster.' Mrs. Edward Spruill, Organist. The preaching hour has been chainged from 8 p. m. to 7:30. Hr. Yelanjian will preach at this hour. Come and worship with us, feel much encouraged and com forted. We are always glad to have you with us. FIRST METHODIST. Rev, A. 0. Wafflioner, Minister. 9:00 a. m.—Church school. W. C. Marlow, superintendent. 11:00 a. m.—Church School Promotion Day. Mr. Chas. W. Phillips, Woman’s College, U. N. C., guest speaker. 5:00 p. m.—Class 4n prepara tory church 'memibership. 7:15 p. m.—Youth Fellowship. Mrs. Hazel 'Triplett, blind case worker of Wilkes county, guest speaker. 8:00 p. m.—Evening worship. Theme: “A Laboratory of Pray er.’’ FIRST BAPTIST. Dr. David E. Browning, Minister 9:45 a. m.—Sunday school. D. E. Elledge, superintendent. 11:00 a. m.—Morning worship. “The High Adventure of Cross- Bearing.” 6:45 p. m.—Baptist Training Union. 8:00 p. m.—Concert of sacred music. The entire evening wor ship will be conducted by the choir of the First Baptist church under the direction of Mrs. An drew Kilby. WILKESBOBO METHODIST. Rev, 3. O. Ervin, Pastor. Church school at both church es at 10 a. m. Next Sunday is Union’s big day. Rally Day In church school, Promotion Day In church school. At 11 a. m. divine worship and the baptizing of children. Re ceiving persons into membership of the church. It’s World Communion Day, worshiping in the Holy Sacra ment of the Lord’s Supper. There will be lunch on the ground for those who bring It, for themselves and their friends. In the afternoon at 2' p. m. the Woman’s Society of Christian Service holds a zone meeting. The zone area reaches back to West Jefferson and west to Lenoir and beyond. Let all Methodists bring their friends and enjoy together this good day at Union. V- T.-SGT. ED ALLEN .'3 HERE ON FURLOUGH T.-f'gt. Ed Allen, who has been in England, France and Ger many for 21 months, is now home on a 30-day furlough and is visit ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Allen. His wife, who has been making her home in Harlan, Ky., is here with him. EXECUTOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as executor of the estate of Almedia Miller, late of Wilkes county, N. C., this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned, whose address is Route 1» North Wilkes- boro, N. C., duly verified, on or before the 18th day of September, 1946, or this notice will be plead in bar of their right to recover. AJl persons indebted to said es tate will please make immediate settlement. 'TOs 18th day of Sept., 1946. FRED A. MILLER, Executor of the Estate of Almedia Miller, dec’d. 10-26-T There were' only' three ttovlg theaters with eonad egiipBient I* the Belglao Congo In liiiA In planning the Winston-Balem and Forsyth County Fair of 1946, which takes place October 2, S, 4, 6 and 6, recognition has been given the fact that the reetrict- lona of war time have prevented many persona Drom enjoying this type of entertainment and recrea tion in rectmt yaars. , . Therefore evmy eltdh hu been made to assure a fair of un equalled interest and enjoyment. For Instance, the program of acts in front of the grandstand are rated ag among the very best ob tainable, and incinde numbers that have been widely acclaimed In various entertainment centers. Outstanding event of each eve ning will be the “Fantasies of 1946," featuring the “Broadway Rockettes,” a gorgeously cos tumed chorus appealing in five pageantry routines. Special scen ery and lighting effects will ac cent the entertainment by solo ists, comedians and pretty girls. This number will he presented five evenings. The World of Mirth is present ing the midway. Including 60 rides and shows, with new and thrilling amusement devices and attractions. The exhibits also promise to exceed previous years. Agricul tural, livestock, poultry displays! will demonstrate the high type of production on Piedmont North Carolina farms, and the ladies will find much of Interest in the displays of cooking and needle work. A rabbit show will be a feature of this year’s fair. I 1 DOWNDRAFT WOOD BURNING NEATER it aunmmmtmtmnmam A NU NT ME HK « »SM-« Fkn Ti MUkCMHnlRt. KIMK OB U AYUUE BF BAY B IKS nmiY. Iniift on tiM ilow-barntag Oovadrift Ajhley-ir* PATENTED, tberefore lf» dtfferenL TMi tbenmxUticaOr coatToDol wood banbis better met aid wortfclea hardwood trees, or eren scrap wood. BUar oaer* ’ -rite that ther we 58% and «»re en fuel cotta, ret itili enjor more beat 24 boura a day. The Aahler hat been Btcd mad proven in aD section! of the United States —Now in our 15th year. Leal Soot—Leii Smoke; For Servlet— Economy—Cltanlineia Aihleya are tmly lenutlonaL Six types and pricta to select from. See your Aahley dealer today: there’s one in moat every town; ot write n for name of your nearest dealer. Wildcat Veterans REUNION Sunday, Sept. 30th Elkii, N. C. 9:00 A. M.—REGISTRATION, HOTEL ELKIN. 11:00 A. M.—BUSINESS MEETING. 3:00 P. Mv-MEMOBIAL SERVICE. 4:30 P. M.—CHICKEN DINNER. ALL WILDCAT VETERANS AND THEIR LADIES WELCOME HEAVY-DUTY BUSH and BOG HARROW Power lift type. Finger tip control fifts and lowers implement. Power angle type (illustrated). Finger tip control opens and closes gangs. Deep penetration, through chewing ac tion. FERGUSON DISC TERRACER FERGUSON ULLER Most practical terracing ma chine on market. Operaten with finger tip control. —for iut>-aoiling, seedbed prep- uatioa, cultivation, paiture ro»- ovation, “trash” farming. Iliese machines are now in stock, ready for delivery. Come in and get more information about them, how to speed up farm work, and increase the profits from your labor—and do it easier. FARM MACHINERY CO. A. F. Kilby ... Ptei^eff'e's Stores SUE. 1RLCE.1VED note from VOUR •Teacher to-DAV.(, Axm OF ooTTPftF YOU KNOW WHERE ’TO FIND THE FINEST SELEXTTION OFCSH#- hp'pN^KIERCHAMDISE IN NOR'TH WILKESBORO! PRBVBTTH?SI THE STORE WITO THE f^IANEOT MmCH^DISE F^ CHILDREEN . . . THE STORE OP FRIENDLY sSvS^^US OL^ffiTOUR C^BEN AND KEEP THEM “FASHION-RIGHTI” ntEVEITE’S STORES if Di^utora of Wearing Apparel • North WlkeAero, N. C Ljgii