. -■^ ' r-- ■■ . •■ rAG& EIGHT. ^ ‘ :Ads: FOB gAliB—Bottom Und, In ex- eollent condition. Seo or write Mn. 0. B. Vannoy, Pnrloar, N. C. . 11-29-pd FOR SALE FOR SAliE—^Foor of the most beautiful and beet eltuated lots .In Mlllem Creek community. These lots have been graded sodded, have water and sewer age. They are located between prciwrty already developed. See Oilbert Foster, North Wllkess- boro, N. C. 12.17-8t FOB SAME—New Indck bosne “F" street, |13,B00. Consisting Of 6 rooms and bath salrs, 3 rooms and bath stairs and fnll basement oil heat. J. Allle Hayes. 11- 4Mi '^tSXnSD-Jtm do shoe tvptlr work; wfen wmw- manshlp ud kwt ef inatarM. QP. Oloata Shoe 8^9. loMted —~ TMaUason’s DefurtaMUt ' down- wlth ,22tf Btoas. 440tf PX>B 8ALB—^Farmall H. Tractor, with lower left, two-way plow; disc harrow and wood saw; 1941 Dodge pickup. Grant Greene, Deep Gap, N. C. 12-S-ltp4 for BALB—Good used 85-gal. k>n galvanised water tank. Mlsa Mae Foster, 727 Kensing ton avenue. Phone 62J. ll-22-2t FOR 8AUI—One team of renl good ioon.year.oid mnies; one eomplete set of team kanesd: one two4l^^ wagon; ‘^ene. team disc ka^w. J, o. May. kerrr. Hays, M. C. 11.2g.Jt»4 DOST—Elgin pocket watch, seven jewels, nickel case, plaited leather oord. In Pairplalns or North Wllkeaboro. Laberal re ward for return to W. U Byrd. North Wllkeaboro, route one. ll-26-2tpd WANTED DO YOU HAVE tired, adilng back? A Spencer Support will take strain off muscles and lig aments of back—relieve nerv. ous fatigue and that dragged- down feeling at the abdomen. Mrs. A. C. Dennis, phones 85-M or 630, North Wllkesboro, N. C. 11-26-pd WANTED—Good milk cow. Mrs. H. I. Shoemaker, Congo, or see Fred Shoemaker at Smlthey’s Department Store in Wllkes- boro. “pd wee%»»»»e»>»iwiwe»tdwwd**wddw • Loft and Found FOR BADE—SO-acre farm, honse and outbuildings, running wa ter, near Haymeadow church, on pniblic road. For further In formation see or call J. P. Hayes, Hays, N. C. Phone 21F02. 12-3-6tp4 FOB BADE—1988 Deluxe Ford coach; good condition; good tires. See me at 814 A street, from 8 a. m. to 6 p. m., or at my home one-half mile above Mulberry school after 6 p. m Joe Paw. ll-26-2tpd WANT to do carpeuter work. Prefer small jobs or repair work. Arthur Dougherty, Sun. set Boarding House, Phone 669R. 11-2 6.4 tpd FOR BADE OR TRADE for pickup truck, 1939 Bulck, 4- dooT sedan; good condition. Also for sale, heatrola. J. H. Crawford, 309 E street. 11-22-pd WORLD BAABTER Art Edition Bible, only 36.95. Book De partment, Red Cross Phar macy, "Your Service Drug Store,” phone 98. 10th street. 9-2-tf FOR bade;—New brick home on "F" street, consisting of live rooms and bath downstairs, three rooms and bath upstairs and full basement. If Interest- ed In home, see me at once. J. Allle Hayes, Northwestern Bank building. 10-27-tf FOR RADK—One Allen's Prin cess cook stove; one Warm Morning automatic wood and coal heater; one bicycle. See Arvllie Johnson, Bsso Station, in East Carlo. 11-22-ltpd FOR sale;—Ton acres land, one- half mile from cotton mill. Part river bottom land. If In- terested see or write Rufus Church, North Wllkesboro, N. F^R SALE—Six IM-taoh ra- turn bends; 1 pressure control switch for stoker; 1 Free Fire man stoker timer; 1 Free Fire- man time switch; 1 McDonald boiler water control; steam pressure 7B-lbs., complete with fittings; Ideal for laundry. Henderson’s Flower Shop, Wllkesboro. N. C. Phone 645. WANTED—Poeldon by expert, enced bookkeeper, or would consider 'part-tlme bookkeeping with other work with same concern. Address Box 227, Wllkesboro. Phone 61-3R. 11-26-pd DOST—Black nude plg with white spot on one side. Short nose; 8 weeks old; weighs be tween 35 and 40 pounds. Re ward to person returning pig or letting it b« known where to find It. Romie Perry, near Chnrch of God, on Hinshaw street. , ll-22-2tpd STRATED—^Heifer calf. Now at my home. Owner can have same by deecrlblng, paying for feed and this ad. Herman I. John son, Moravian Falls, N. C. Itpd FOB .SALE—Used 1»S7 Chevro let parts. Transmission, univer sal joint, rear end, 2 rear axles, drive shaft, trunk lid with bright hinges, paint good, ra diator, and gas tank. All in good condition. Cecil Church, Purlear, route one, N. C. ll-26-2tpd WANTED—^Tonng lady to help do light cooking and serve sandwiches. Good wages. Room furnished If desired- Apply to D. W. Miller, 404 "F" street. North Wllkesboro. 12-8-tf DOST—Pair glasses somewhere between oureato unoe anop ana crest store or in crest atore eiaturaay. case nas or. w. K. Jvewtom's name in it. finder return to journai-jfa- trlot office ll-22-2tpd I’LANOS—Just received another truck load of fine used upright pianos. Included in this ship ment Is also several beautiful VictQry pianos in beautiful fig ured walnut and mahogany, also one new Spinet piano. You are Invited to call and Inspect these fine pianos. These pianos are fully guaranteed. Garwood Plano Co., Wllkesboro, N. C. .. ll-29-4t MAN who wants steady year round work, with no lay-offs or part time, where he can earn 345 to 360 weekly taking or ders and delivering household products to regular customers. Age no handicap. Experience unnecessary* J* H* Watkins, Dept. S-3, Richmond, Va. 18.8-16-22.pd DOST—Between North WUkes. boro and West Jefferson Sat urday afternoon a metal tool box with sheet metal work ers’ tools. For liberal reward finder please notify Thomas C. Scott, care Reynolds Sheet Metal Co., Hickory. ll-22-2tpd » FOR RENT W.dNTKD—3 or 4-room aiMirt- ment. Young married couple. No children. Call Journal-Pa triot, or see Larry Wiles. Wllkesboro, N. C. ll-19tt FOR RENT OB BADE—Good farm In Forsyth county; 4 1-4 acre tobacco allotment. See Q. A. McNeil, at Motor Service Sales Co. 11.26-2t.pd HERiP WANTED—For geaeral housework; all or part time. Call 684 or write "F,” care Journal-Patriot. 10-2 9 tf FOB SuALE—Ford Ferguson ter. racing blades and tillage tools. Yadkin Valley Motor Co. It C. 11-29 FOB SAI,E—Christmas cards, 21 for 31 and 25 for 31- Nice as sortment. Right Way Shoe Shop. ll-22-2tpd GET that poont redecorated for Christmas. Painted or papered. Estimates furnished. Phone 469-M, or see J. V. BillingB, North Wllkesboro. 12-19.pd FOB RENT—^A farm and orchard on Brusny mountain, Known as tne A. J. tsobbitt rarm. see Hilton Parller, 226 C street, North Wllkesboro. 11-29-pd iTi A We provide forms on which you con assemble the information we need to judge your loon. Give us full details about the purpose of the loon, how long you will need it and how you plan to pay it back. The more facts we have about your financial problem, the better we can help you solve it. « Your first step in arranging ony loan is to come in and talk over the details with us. THE NORTHWESTERN BANK Serving Northwestern North Carolina MEMBER FEDiaiAL DEPOSIT INSURANCB OORPORATTON Wanted—4-4 Poplar, Maple, Birch, Syca- more and pine Lumber; also Pop lar, Maple and Birch Logs. We are pay ing top prices deliv ered at our factory. Elkin Furniture Company. 11-29 FOR RENT—16x28 building, imitation brick siding, asphalt shingle roof, suitable for busi ness or dwelling on _ highway 431, 16 miles west of North Wilkesaboro; $4 per month. Clifford Triplett, Purlear. 12-3-pd Lady’s Stomach Was Like a Gas Factory; Meals Turned to Gas WANTED—^To lease or rent an average size farm. Paul Roope, North Wllkesboro, route one. Box 70. ll-19-2tpd WANTED—Tenant with experi ence In growing tobacco; 59- acre allotment; cotton and grain. Write Pauline Fletcher, Statesville, N. C. Itpd Miscellaneous WE SPBCIADIZE IN 8KKVIC. ING and repairing refrigera tors, washing machines, elec tric motors and appliances Good work. Prompt service. Phillips Electric Appliance Co., Cherry street. North WUkes- boro, near railway depot. Phone 45. 12-3-9.pd EREB! If excess acid causes yon pains of Stomach Ulcers, Indi gestion, Heartburn, Belching, Bloating, Nausea, Gas Pains, get a 25c box of Udga Tablets at Norton’s Drug Store. l-31-46t-pd Buy More Bonds! ... Pteveffe's Sfores One lady said recently that her stomach used to be like a “gas factory!" That is, when she ate a meal it seemed to turn right into gas. She was always bloated, had awful stomach gas pains, daily headaches, and constant irregular bowel action. Now, however, this lady says she is FRE® of STOM ACH GAS and she ^ays the change is due to taking INNER-AID. Her meals ag;ree with her. No gas 'T bloat after eating. Headaches and constipation are gone. “Oh! what relief!" states this lady. “Why don’t other gas and constipation don’t other gas and constipation sufferers get INNER-AID ’’ INNER-AID is the new formu la containing medicinal juices from 12 Great Herbs; these herbs cleanse bowels, clear_ gas from stomach, act on sluggish liver and kidneys. Miserable people soon feel different all over. So don’t t o on suffering—Get Inner-Aid. old by All Drug Stores here in Wilkes County. IIS uTiiMic BOMB sum inS?' THE JAPS Chambers* Anti-Skipper Compound iitt Stopped or pre« Ttnted skipper* sud la- tMtt m aued m«&t (or M fm. llJt pocksgp protects •M pounds. Ask rour migbbm or dernier. N. I. BODDIE ^ THE HAM DfSHKANCE MAN Sm Itt D.rb.a, Ncrlb C.r«llB.- I t/c riV SUE. CAN I VO'J DEFINE -THE WOPO PUNCTURE? ^ USUALLV rOUND^ A GREAT DISTANCE* FROM A GARAGE ■' V. . . H iivu KVEiKlTiiiiNU YOUR CHlLJ) NEcuS FnOM THE DAY OF ITS BIRTH AT PRE> THE MOST COMPLETE UNE OF CHILDREN’S CLOTHES AND SHOES IN THIS MAKE THIS YOUR CHILDREN’S CLOTHING HEADQUARTERS. COMmG^LES ALL AGE CHILDREN- — WE HAVE :OME IN FOR YOUR LOOK—TODAY! BE- PREVETTE'S STORES "C^p/>anJ^}c' '' NO. yViLKE.SBORO.N.C. Radios Ifepaired # ALL MIAKES ALL MODELS Day Electric Co. ’Phone 328 How To Relieve Bronchitis Creomnlslon relieve, promptly be cause It goee right to the wat of the trouble w loosen and expel germ laden phiagm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender. In flamed bronchial muuoos mem- branea. Tell your dru®lst to sell you a bottle of Creomnlskm with the un derstanding yon most Ucs the way it quickly allays tiit cough or you an to have your moosy bade. CREOMULSiON for Coukb,.absi(C8lib, RraschHia MM* •7'-, • exthaht SPEeiXU! tf- Are Here In a Big Variety! Visit Our Heavy Goode De partment and Bay Your Needs Nowl These Items Are Real Values,- Compare ... and Buy Now! ALL ITEjMS 'Priced Unusually LOW! LEATHER— Gloves.... ’1.59. Heavy Sex.. 53e (Some Wool) ARMY— SHEEPLINED COATS Made for warmth and long sturdy wear. 'These Coats are army re lease. See them today and buy at the low price of— 16-95 LEATHER JACKETS In the new lathers and shades. Will wear long. The very thing for outdoor wear. See our Jackets at these low prices. ’12-95 — TO — ’19.95 Gloves.... ’1.89 Wool Caps .’1.00 Shop Caps.. 29c OVERALL— Pants.....’2.22 Unionsuits ’1.39 Coveralls. ’4.59 CANVAS— Gloves 39c WorkShoes’2.98 LEATHER^— Coats.... ’16.W HORSEHIDE^ Jackets. ’19.95 4! Real Special! BOYS’ MACKIHAWS Boys’ From $9.95 to S13.95 WORK PANTS Made of good warm material. The very thing to keep the boy warm. These were bought at a close-out price. They’re real ly worth $5.98. Our price as long as the lot lasts—only— Army release Chino Pants are included in this group. See our other heavy Pants for winter wear. ’3.50 ( Also Overall Pants at the low price ofr- Special Sale On Women’s 1.89 to 3-98 shoes Men’s Corduroys $6.95 Flannel Shirts There isn’t anything as warm to the body as a good heavy shirt. We have ’em in all colors and sizes. See ours today and buy at 1.98 to 2-95 All Wool Shirts $6.50 Army Sweaters 100 per cent all wool army and navy release Sweaters. Khaki or blue. The Sweater that really has warmth. See these and buy today. 4-39 to 5-50 others from $2.98 to $3.98 Heavy Rubber Footwear! Now is the time to replenish your rubber footwear needs. See our Ball Band selection. GALOSHES— ’3.98 to ’4.50 BOOTS— ’3.98 to ’5. SEE OUR RUBBER RAINCOATS! Beautiful dress Shoes in bows, pumps, ties, and pull-ons are in cluded. All are good styles and leathers. The reason we are placing these on sale is due to broken sizes and odd lot.s. They are values up to $5.98. •2Jt Extra Special In BEDSPEADS Beautiful Bedspreads in hea- uj 'lauaiBui UO11O0 ^biuojod Xa size 86x105. See these today. Only a very few left. So buy now . . . and save! PRICED ONLY 3.98 Gorgeous Rayon BEDSPREADS 2-98 Extra Special For Housewives! Post-War Brooms! Clean, smooth, strong handle with good metal wiring. Post- War Brooms! These Southern Beauty Brooms are made for long service! Regular Price $1.49 — OUR PRICE — ’1.01 One to Custom^ PREVETTE’S STORES ‘Distributors of Wearing Apparel” 914-916 ‘B’ Street • North Wilkesboro, N. C.

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