^NfikVRiiEdr^H«M6 PAGE SEVEN 3 ;u .JJTI ({tM A I»! jHimiP^iamyeo lergen- |«y Bdugfii* T>refei‘irai.-Tle«i#ned to IprBSrcg'if .•Wj-OSff dwtrtllng* niiii* 3>^riH»;e-r Ji ui •n.j-'i mo iMi tesefiWfifri’sts^ airtti night. Som^’idfRiai^ mt' (iilb»*W by name. «l!|Jefcted the nejff i^d^r>'«)’ b^ offiSfeUi^* «fet *4 W>i tfiouse announcinrtWl'iAtwh^ House had nothiift ’td M5>v'«finediately. i I WHsBn W. Wyatt, ttdftfti' Houetag 'AaMiUM^t^i l{61d'a housing-confereiteb'^we^i g^tefymeiitP'W^Wg J t** •"t»8atl3f %8''">pre8iS&t’ $3»?0»»,|- home target:' | Another:;Hi/ttii!^H;Vrton. Lo 'or Oi'A; to’id tire’ sesgl^_w launcltin^ Immedlatety J ed""bWatt program “t conjm It,, that a millldp “noSsl: JW ^ mtiii«0i(NNiii^ Met^nrJMdl 2 'eUls at.the'^f TtfAfe?ence Si housing emergency, which c venes this morhlng. ' “Tawy day-'^r««iht rtfMe othet atev^biftn^atsP' rf"* 1" ■7nf I'^Tphghgjn-nionirtieiit -fs cehfifSeV; ing snbeldles’iA le jKKfiftTfcriMtfe rr^s"!®feafrorThc reasl ng prices, the NHA chief lold t|e housing conference. j ;. Tti- House nau’iin.g flommjt- tee, after hearing Wyatt behij^d W^eii^ors, consideif'1^spec»l ing. WyaJt had told thacomm tee that \refaV’’ wouW^'pIay ■3. »yatt renewed his plea tl*t congnim put piifee celling on t le Ci^tp’a AoMO.OOO wcistilg t lb JUST A FRIENDLY ^REMINDER... ! . : To a>l:who by p6i•chan'^e M\r€f'6vet- ’ looked pa^yinenf 0? tbef/'^’ ; JANUARY A^E^MENT ■•• • ,o ij-'^vDci f'-ic r‘'o!u''3qc-'Q toyowr . , ,, Mutual Burial ,80i^oantftJj>, Vi^Wfi aaAiMfcncBleae- fPrnMI^’ea l(BBB»'SW(i K«» winning 17 to 10 andflthe «t. ;^saBt hfty#aP‘HBfc uPiiP 31 to ,iAavJfjtfwyoiPhaM#tWi «egiiA«nlttp. ,3Ve^beu¥hBi»nEH«tea, lfW*» sW** ^steT; wei»9?iW8 NriMti tBteW- Hayj%ee:cJeJ tftp POOStog iJw. sY^ewnwHsfiboiia^^pnw ace for the Mt. Pleasa»tflt*«y8,,'t if>ii^fteeiy>asap4i#wretT3«'»wr ,I(!U ''tplt'W "'ll ” J ,--8* T-V>-t'+-»ftl* «Hls4 »»e«4W«‘AQ iSAHiy ■■*-rw----rrrtr * 9lTflP3P*’ Haynea..(*),. ein uu: inAamii.) ir|iW‘JhWcwt.W r m F Walker 2 - EJtU^6 1 ..♦.„^.,ffpstgr O'^^iB^wes 11 n>lBW^n fj.^ayberry _ i^rt^Btitntes—Mountaip — Ji5hb«ling- Mt. Pleas^Bt-nfflMs fi - yu n IWoT#}#/ i.A aoa , si m >F« Tior- ^rjBrvr#rs> r- t !-r PsWelffci nn 'i«tifted»'teis8j8flaJ-ierf; w waswa*. WgWff «ffi/#«p%f'iOfiK-* m>. 'wfttftP ‘WfwAthr Augsburg College, fA'-BfttUrftejfM* t}W2^e^ WWISileM««ltu8 !$AlMlNlnM2H | dffi ^ ;he ‘MfigiSmip jnln. tB% A'' lllcte&ljh' iindft“«g iSsiOTd IjWiiWittt. ^th>eoaeeeaUye'yaaB.-ii tl The gin who, taS-Hifi-heat rec|- ^ owevi .A .O tfr-.ooabgH .1—.W bwisMn t#nWtedtt4HeS'l'**raf>ln ^«to(aifkiid3deer«foiiM itaoalthi tllftlilts.lrfale'’’ .8'Ifc'ia bd-u-n nse$bd8«hMlP OdlMty-«dinli^.frec-> [jrdnt)d^ byi Mntntecadeitirdthe «tMd>«tle8lilotv«}ltli;eifatiitb^ftatd WOftd.l-'wailSMls i^nl alMttifcnsefcjonjng kfM|rlt^%he 25th AnnlTenflrj*NM |i»g^ „ tlonal 4-H Club Congress in Chlj j^jr' ' iMgo,'’H&^dSii!r aOtor«fK ddUiid ^ •iBate b«ttne#7'Jtlirf-Hrl tosellgible * >10d«r|FUKr )« laitiMMl AMaM of*^ >gta^Scoll«^ aciUaiaD^tp;gd&t of which - arc being offered. Mont*- WAertferJ^ooWardntflb-^d'rtainB' -dlf Ut#aydB0ln1(thlp tpragram! for, the jywssrewas' ifx«kiwi^>8n «air-4-aix^«aa»- aaboilA pf-etorits. * i|8rfi oecinal! anay MMwi: she hda imxlbtitFhtiatma or rwBodeled and cared -for her I aillNOTE OF APPHECIATIOW Wish'to’’'0lr^rBsli sfiAlei-e^ ‘^l&hkS And dee^'apprdciatlott fori At Yoor Scrrice I^NiieSUT >aid'J«ar«r.'‘tiie*'^llWVil-'l!ow flAT tWT .ccMatf-^Sh^ may-.-.baTC. -raised I »i8IBM*'vIfre«PredfQ6SUs-bi'ar«pre*-i)oi :sm3^,-:i8 boo? ?i*i^'’'?!o d fiBliANKENSHIP. n.'iioe Vh bitH* .QQkSda^-oW^ ._ /no.’.’o-' miBJnVir OCIHIVia va .cya •rea.vacc ,-t,f.n;n iPTil snL-L'3 eiit lo jftcofattig''to.^'^^J’ BdHtt jpto889-«ie JiafaltyMheaW. •tW^rJr^* 1 ang*' otOP^Vm ft0B*eA9in«ira>‘I'^« Cl (wIKT MM iW*fl^A««de»» lUpOi" atffWWSS? tl*Mt’‘UdWelW'^" ifjjtWPli, *^*^.*- fHlWtP and UlKb .\Sn o9«^tUW«-t Threw ILtO dp©iie Ja^OPWOCf-otaUdahWAht , botrr»—THTR nfl—mTT JHTI r ■ jnji^iieijauyi^gi?witviar-Tyi»»v^i-i»iw»«e*v 'CBi,t^il,Ao;.-jthrosB[her.oym dinner tb‘ jAe,- dog. the^jpe.^U jifiadf: ons'\;otnicir oi lu ^lypirj i*cca»»%ii%ccc*%%cwiiywwwijiyvia-jjlfflsic^jmijto lp(^-al anywipK tb .i8j') kIa* ifridftS “f „ She was swollen with.,gas. m bloat, had headatWfelt in«?F!l® ?„y. yi> worn out and was badjy.constipat Confederate i u ^eafe.’.OJd ,JHAS this IS lusi a Triena Bnifai£ J riroy/. rr to do so at your ^imre w. [y reminder for yiDU ear^ i'esh c onyem eri ce MOIT.TKA-'dftfeKgt'H'd^ AfiJtllf tisEoofillSAv' isl ttmlier of' ■• Stb yTiu are iirotemi2g__uic -Spring >Hi>SP-'rT0P6 of North. diarblMWt'fi f/ 2 /ConfedMfttft .reater- ans “celebrated” "112 yeajtacpf liyiflg,” j yesterday. ; i „,yp.;i8:, Ruffin Van Bui^ :CollJe,f w}}p ^jas.'nlne chdldwh-.flo^hnid- " ci^\di;ep, 56 greaUgrandcWdran, aa4. “ddy teeth." n-.ic/.’t -l .n.,J'UBt,if)aWlP8r/;hlc'BWnd. wind,. .‘/,Mnc)c.8ftUP”,88if*c.hfl, ?9 in; :0xcel- 'lent health, reads v/!thout gja^s-. ;q, 8iiaoDi,a..Bl^lSht.Jliie..llie8 to.. of mt^TSHi' inuupwnaa cT^*^ 'culffll%f ®fhihi^r«‘ ft^Vhlfthdf the »kte^W '¥feW’5rei^!‘'^e • Wjifljtl Wlffll# oiT'tfeiaif^f ftS? mtgfa^tt In sohW'‘2'3'‘s^8?8rf'.‘Tt'Vs YoV’’fiP4 Jng these legislatures to enaqt ^l¥duidnS*'i'ta6thfrtfy S^^gpSSlbf' betr and other woman’ 'W- iMtf'UfiflSB'itif ■¥hd'’e»un6rt'%'S|fto,l|^iiii;4WlB- ^{^rdil^tnit'-th urlSe and Orifl- dliy. Orifl- Imtr'A is • earcfntly bltndeo edinbl- aatloS W'W htrhi, itools, -yikUMbloj, hJ- !»Wly Pr" worn out and was badly constipab t'*®'w. 'Knall!^ gh(0-feot llN»ERyAr,. imunitiesi aLfib€;Nor- it perfect^ .- ,|^S^;j8®nVji.d ^r -.?ural! ,^c^e}9,are regula- _and normal, faculty INI— - Ing their own. For practice work, ta eontahiini'me4MAaNmite«r4rMii ‘-«he titorVinafes- 12'Gra« RteiWriS®*'^ tf’e'H'h s ■ tottanse hwWls, -eteal- gas' from -storaads, act non sljwsSsh liver and jf jif-^^|l«lfatwrg yaungeriiwat'oilihanB.iiilubB' tottanse'lgfisAls, fish, iq^id^aaages ^ farm ,«id and other promfliWV^ Chinese women are “leaders; - ., Iiitty,3f¥im>e4i^nil«h®ilfl’*j‘'«'9'**f- byC*l»I«8flrlkiwich ‘ " [diana farmers and two farm women, gth^tPflbvc ihpePrtifly ««THwUuf #))^5Wrfrr^g (gtqthiwbift ¥rtwT- f o. oh - -- bid by All E>rug Stores here .eobd'CanaifCourtecaii BdiMMi H''1SPW« W ♦M6HTS itTaffitr r.^on ?o t-SI-S ^*fiiWsAiiJs say ftujoas doctor’s r:oJii(»rerR giv/WtAtesaJiffW ^W»i niitfOitibh; ol tke tladder caaseiHiy ^ '''^ex^ss atj^ify iii'flic infBe ’ .-VVl^'suffer needlessly from bscksches. , sems. Abtplutdy nothing, fel'’ :?L£?“ *' fSrimnf^thls pur; *tlofl. J%St goda.lBsredmikS.tbat .^Wy scS on tlw,kidneys tp ippr^se the tl«w of iSiHe end ease the riPcolMfortafclo symp- tofaiiof bladder Irritation. ’. ;‘4^nAvi Send for free, prepaid sample TOUAT . 1 Imyin OlOdkflh ^rt e^^yeveBlng.taigijuflowijNielr rflw^.BkJag^SnJiegieB IpnlitoW eto) 4® iildHi^&oWnutw l«3oi ed) , f ii r I !■;; ■ ft Th«r-tlrsli’im«heyl'«inti'T«'Obabliy sraS 'PetMjMihetlJJb.y' 5T*ti8 iHoBy- : aianlo»!nrdhCbe*ieBd'>«fcfhe“WgBtjh century, B.-iClib ’ *JJLU.k, WA4. 7t wofk in VifranE^munltiM. it , fJSS!lbm4W'Wflr setwiee,. and .'TireMrp^tpp 'do ''tlre|r 5-,..r.. .aansi-,;s sr*^ e'. .r-s-j r.sjg- agltl —rmt-n iprlr-T- — ?'‘‘!-i ,; A DM I>(IST^X"^rS; " ’ ■ ~ "nl .j\ii sail InaennTJ — 8,1 #--I03*Ir! 0/Xl*f >.iofilbno98i enO no seolTr] wol H .sonalfw^dgltnu bonul biloe :aob .allqR omW*fa—T80J j .ftuU omen ot siowstifi .9:i;Iw tno’l T/uioa mil—fioi h. vote. fhedneed a 'Wll tO' giTA' tai . of deceased servicemen priority low-rent ^oujinir proj^d , , The .hoiis.^t, Ch^F was ‘‘cjearly th t& ye Of prico V>' ^urahO’-'ottt- tiput building;' itot^a^ 'We IvV' ‘fl' ^soii.s i la’ij|herfe'; ’please ■ This cause they pile up construction costs and put dwelling prices out of reach of many veterans. lia'Fcr Your^if- WATER SYSTEMS fore the 12th day of Januar or ths notice will ie of their right to rfjSjfW f;i+^;cTRjic ico;MiPjV>i,Y Telephone #30 >RO, N. C. S^i^HYm • m -m m fUBMITJItf? ALWAYS TAm r«HWB'lji«Wl!N YOUS l^lt! • M N. ^AY .i * 'lo mmm A',‘'^P'. :es S! R» r| r,a . -i*. i ^ J 0*/ Mfcriliir (iff itic «Mtiiii»t _ ippiQQO.OpO garmeno, plus sh- ,n in-.^md:-«'«7 ggnukt yim ^ ; , r^^distributodiCrcOviwithilfltldiscriinigl^oj^ fjiPt? tims of Na2nr«d7*!^^f)^essi,M In 5Hd the Far ^aa,![ J ;I y.^iOA £I 7/ :*rr^tP Xl.Vl II' ' Ink* cejilccl^ jepot Mil VcluniMr t«m« l» : i / *lfOdlPl«Ml>IMHfiMM.... l-»'! h. > Dl( Ott (iUhiiip TOIUX ■VtWrts '■ VvlUtfr l•vott••M >r:K(I »9p. .1(0 O.'iJ *10 ‘*.-(10?. -mim ojj'ieI sfli itfCOV OiAi ;r»ri -;i n V'oMm V MiihiaS' uiifin-i^T^o^—I.I ^mirioM: wrt'dlHlfc'kettor r,;r. *f-';' i-a'i-IumuoT, t« i‘^ff.7 f. . -V Milt ;I' >■ I i,f b-.mn—:r.i/ ~i»r~iol belelfsoJiK «io:9 bnn arms To hi.'oi‘Ifcm j >tggnl •v.yiwJ h'lo^g bnn arm no-rtl'-aii" bora dtiw asTon of ■H II-.-J7/tod .01 vawrfsiH no sac .'■r (i n>I Ayii.-'l bnn alla'l rinr/.-n oc.Mi! -stARnNCf; tfisn 10 ni noitotnlaiw) 8'iCVtiB qoria snidoBm Kill 'll lyud'y &*.’*! '-r • ( iFfi(«tt«BY17 qoflfi sa’fiuKni lh#T6^i^H6ROS :t.;'»-ilAiSAY;'lEBBll!ARY- If:' '■’^’“1 .i.iornta-*vni luoy ot iioitio(;oi-T :i : ' ' .•o.;.-(ir do i -jTjC — rificfl osR— I.-,-.vorr;' I vijai.'l>.':i isrilo v.in n.-.d* . r, _j ,-drhis-ad*ertittm*iitawMipihparf>AiS; the AidBeiMaiiiigllwen «or: the Victory Coflei^^ib and is , ■ / not- iiiriiivt briR : baoi Isvaia I-lie'; on? RlMlM66RfiDnB¥ (M- _ , irn':r)Vi^. .'if (j-.v/riai-'l V’j-nv/■ oi.. noitfun-oo i/toia'.'. ■ o ... iiyi asio'i n: nr VWirf'.a .1 .3 .VI ,vrondJ Ktiis a/.#i'!a.iHT UOb sno/1‘1 .tf. .3 OSrlil ol tf moT-I Nortfe^ilfcaAb^^. C. loiiJs'l I.nrnuol. sHT o-i.-.'i

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