■■i Vtifc 41. Ha 11 «Bd ITw^^ NOjtTH lWatK£3BORO,4. C, TOquSDAy. JU>^ 13, »46 m HfoMNlif ColiidlurLoM Lmhu Ifi^siilwt Jilkilt'Grancfl Offkers Um SbtMa«dll ^ El^ct^ In MMtiiif H«ifi On ToMday Niglit _ B. C. Go^wIb, wi» elect- (id eocndlof of Bie Korth WUkee- boro eoancil of the Junior Order' in meeting Tueedey night ' ,,-.Officers elected -with Mr Qoodwlit for tbe.^next six>mon^ period vere m jtoQows: Karl An-: dersoB,, ricn. ^oouneilor: O. A. Canter.; recording secre t a r 7; QulncT ' Whittington, assistant secretary; Bradley Dancy, finan' e 1 a t ''secretary; Northwestern Bank, treasurer; Clyde Phillips, conductor; A, O, Anderson, war* den; Brnnsutn Johnson, inside setlneU 'Tom Dancy, oiitslde sen tinel;.Quincy Brooks, Junior past oounellbr; A. A. CasUon, Wade Wallato and J. M. Bller, trustees; R. B. Oinndi and B. F. Bentley, representattres, to state council; Charles Deckle and B. E. Dancy, alternates to state council; H. L. ^Mechem, chaplain; Clay Par due, ! assistant chaplain. o IfonfcCoibiet To .2.83 lifl#a , 6# Impoytnnt ItMd (irtM In FrojecCs , To .Bo iM This Month Obserrance of National Dairy Month was giren emphasis in North Wllkesboro by outstand ing dairy month programs be fore the North Wllkesboro Kl- sraala Idons cinbe. Here is tftown the Klwanls club enjoy ing the Dairy Month meeting, the Inacheon was snp- l bK wBk, cheo^.b^ lee cream ■sortsay of Goble Dairy Pro ducts Co. Also shown here is a group picture taken at the Di ems dnb meeting before the elaborate dairy products dis play on the stage. L«ft to right: B. B. Broome, Coble Co. field supervisor; Dr. J. B. Deans, Lions president; D. D Ray, executive vice president of the North Carolina Dairy Products Association, who ad dressed the Lions and Klwan- is; and P. D. Meserve, super intendent of the Wllkesboro plant of Coble Dairy Products Oo. Many interesting and at tractive window displays em phasizing dairying have heen shown in the Wllkesboros, now recognized as a dairy in dustry center In northwestern North Carolina.—(Photos by Barrel). Aixifiary Veterans Install Officers W. fntrsr’AlMhier, pranfaieat Nmrth' Wflkeftooco ImstimM man and acttvc fai dvlc acttvlp ttes fm the past serend yean, has been elected preddeat of the North Wllkesboro lions Club and with other new offl- ocn win be Installed for the year beginning July 1. Mr. Ah- sher will succeed Dr. J. 8. , Deans, retiring president un der whose leadership the club has enjoyed a most aedve year. Tk* Stoto Highway and Public Works Commission bu adrertls- ed tor bids on construction and surfacing of 2.8S miles of the Brnsby Mountain road. Tha projeef will be from the end of the preeent hard surface highway at Oakwoodc to tbc Brnsby Mountain summer colony. I Also advertised for bids arc ten miles of county roads in kes to be surfaced. The ten miles Includes the projects which were listed last month but on which no bids were received. The surfacing projects are beut five milec of the PareoB' villc roed from highway 421 ten miles west of this city, a section of the road from Mulberry Creek toward Hays, part of the road from Honda to CUngman, and a short section of road at Pleasant HIU. The Auzniary to The Veterans of PUraign Wars met in the City Hall c* Friday evening, May 24, for the Instigation of officers to serve the new Auxiliary for the current term. Mrs. Mae L. Cool^ Department President from Wln- ston-Balem, was the presiding of ficer, before whom the new of- tlcail, took their obligations. ^nitf:‘\|^vlce was sacred, Im- presnre, and beautiful as each officer pgigde Jter vows of loyalty May Queen ' Swimming Pool Will Open Friday Number Of Cases Tried In Court rs. Mary Laxton Last Rites Sunday 'uneral service was held Sun- at Kings Creek lor Mrs. y Cornells Laxton, age 78, , died Friday at her home In Boomer community. Rev. E. Bnmgaraer conducted the »ral service. nrvtving Mrs. Laxton are one Brace Laxton, of Boomer, six step-children: Mrs. P. D. neet, BWls Mills, Va.; Mrs. Q. Barlow and Mrs. B, H. okshice, Kings (3reek; Mrs. B. TlHIe, Long Island, N. Y.; A. Laxton, Boonvlile; and B. Laxton, EUngs Creek. -V- Dennis Brothers ' ~ Together Again •B. A. C. Dennis was very I delighted Sunday to have tour sons together at home 1 after long periods of sw^ In the army and nary. QU3 time the four sons were sd on four oontineuts: W. ennto wae In Asia, A. C. is, fc, was in South Amep- ilben Dennis was in Europe Robert Dennis was In Amer- Cimporee Movies Are To Be Shown ) of the Boy Scout esmp- 1 recently st Finley Park hown on Friday night, 8 tt tha Scant room in \^-i| •nd ou Tneaday nlSht. il^dc. at the North WH- ■dbool aadttoiiaa. Tka cordially bnrttod to Tlaw goi Scout asoTlaa. Superior Court For Trial of Civil Cases in Progress In Wilkesboro A number of cases have been tried In Wilkes superior court now In session In Wllkesboro with Judge Allen H. Gwyn, of Reldsvllle, presiding. A divorce was granted in the case of James Rufus R. Davis versus Nealy Hlse Davis. Tom Poteat was awarded a Judgment of $75 in a suit against the Wilkee Transportatton company. In the case of Jim Jolly and Burley Bauguss versus Murph Johnson and Lewis Rhodes the plaintiff was awarded a Judg ment of $400. The following cases were non suited this week: Glenn Parller venue R. R- Church; ClAnncg E. Dockery versus Dorothy SbnmOns Dockery: B. J. Pierce j versus Tuxedo Hatchery. ° 0 — Benjamin Hayes Funeral Friday Funeral service for Benjamin F. Hayes, 70-year-old citizen of Mulberry township who died on Wednesday, will be held Friday, 11 a. m., at the family cemetery. Rev. Clarence Blevins, Rev. J. M.'Dillard and Rev. R. F. Haf- rold will conduct the last rites. Mr. Hayes is survived by hto wife and one son, Benjamin Terrell Harrold, and the follow ing sons and daughters by a former marriage: Oscar Hayes, Princeton, W. Va.;,Chal and 3arl Hayes, Hays; Mrs. Ellen Walk er, Hays; Mrs. Duna Felts, RaA- ical: Mrs. J, A. Harrold, Hays; Chsidia Softball Leagie Improviig With Fast Gtmm Presbyterians and Wilkes- borp Mhtbodists Battle to Tie in 10 Innings the on the Two bottom teams in Churches’ Softball league Tuesday sA'emoon. played best gams Of the day.. North Wllkesboro Presbyter lau ' and WilkeOboro Methodist 2-2 tie on the JOE FDELDS MEX/TON ON CREW DBS OALLO Joe Fields Melton, 18, seaman, second class, con of Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Melton, route 2, Rondo, N. C., was assigned to the USS Callo on May 18, 1946. Melton, who reported _ to the vessel from the Naval iYalnlag Center, Norfolk, Va., entered the Naval Service on March 1. 1948, and received Us recmlt training at the Naval Training Oeoter, Norfolk. o Miss Rnth McNed, student at Mary Washington College at Fredericksburg, Va.,, the. past year, is st home noir iHth her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Qle&n Me-' NalL t ’ ^ O ———:—^ EitoortB of rica froip StiMn'to this country hava panafng sadsfkctwy on dricM and teams battled to a , . « T . Ho«i- Wllkesboro field. The game, sebe- « ■ dSied to “seven lunlngsTWHall Mrs. C. W. Price, P^eton, W. ^ ^ Va.; Mrs. Raymond Walker, of “ Princeton, W. Va.; Mrs Bailey, Matooka, W. Va.; Grant Shumate, Charlotte. Troy Mra Mrs. Minton Rites Conducted Saturday Funeral service was held on Saturday at Congo Holiness church tor Mrs. Sallie Kather ine Minton, age 87, resident of that community who died Thurs day. Rev. C. W. Alderman con ducted the last rites. Surviving Mrs. Minton are one son and two danghtersi Charlcc Dambert, Wilkesboro .route one; Mrs. Carrie Combs and'Mrs. A. W. Minton, North Wllkesboro. / Stiise Mbiltaii Ston« Motmtoln nnloii singbig will be held irtth Stony Ridge church on Sunday. Jana l6Uu>, J. A. GiUtam, chairman, u. aotasaii tint tin iliifliig irin W- giu at'oiia «c at, gad all Mafpvg grd invttad' to attend and ■ TJart. cause (^darkness. It. was one of the famat games of toe season, with acpsational detoslva may evident .toronghont. Wilkesboro Baptieta turned on the power to down First Baptist number 1 by a score of 11 to 1 eu the fairgrounds. and tncrease their lead to a game and a half. At Smoot Park toe North WO- kesboro Metbodlstir improved toeir standing by defeating First Baptist number 2 five to^ 4 in a well played game. The Methodists togk a one-run lead early in the game and retained dto margin. The league standing: TEAM , ' W. D. Pet. Wllkesboro Baptist.^.; | 2 818 First Baptist l’^'^.. * 4 N. W.'Mettodtet i_;. • 4 First BaptMt .2 f I N. -W- Treabytorlilajji; t 6 Wilkaaboro M. Sfewi \ IP ■*;. 667 600 464 688 ld6 Seryj^ To MeiSA TuQtdaiy. ,Rtato afirioo >S|p .ot,,toa ,, megAMk jUidoa wm l|a jat,jtk# mo^ofSIint e«esj-«k*Wr. J«»e instigated officers werer' President, Mrs. Mae C. Johnson: Sr. Vice President, Mrs. Mabel Lottes; Jr. Vice President, Mrs. Yolande Caudill; Secretary, Mrs. Helen Brooks; Treasurer, Mrs. Margaret Poster; Chaplain, Mias Norma Stevenson; Guard, . Miss Wayne Bfiller; (Jonductress, Mrs. Alfem Porter; Patriotic Instruc tor, Mrs. Ruby Kilby; Historian, Mrs. Ellen Kerley; Color Bear ers, Mrs. Anne Wiles, Miss Wan da Kerley, Mrs. Lucille Bum garner, Mrs; Margaret Church; Trustees, Mrs. Connie Bller, Miss Fannie Ruth Kilby, Miss Brie Gll- liajn. Interest and enthusiasm runs high among the members of the group and it promises to bg a very aMve and active organiza tion. Twenty-six paid charter mem bers have already h^ their ap-^ plloatlons approved and toe char ter will be open for ninety days. All eligible ladles who wish to Join please submit your applica tion to any member for the ap proval of the Auxiliary. New members wUl be cordially accept ed any time, even after the char ter Is closed ■ — o The swimming pool located be tween the Wllkesboros will open for the season Friday, June 14. ten a. m.* Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Church will operate Ibe pool this year. The North V^lkesboro Woman’s Club Bponi»red’\''e work of get ting the pool iu condition for use. ■ Mr. Church said that after the opening day the pool will be op en dally exee^ Sunday from noon lessons wiiT~%e available at toe pool during the season. 4-H Club Camp To Be July 22-27 This cute little Mist. Is Reta K. Pruitt, who was crowned May Queen at the Traphlll high school oonunencement. Reta, daughter of Mr. and Idrs. WilUe M. Pruitt, la a first grad er, and was crowned by toe prince, J. W. Bryan, eisd>th grader, and son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bryan, Sr. Maid of honor waa Anna Lee Snow, of the eleventh grade, aon of Mr. and Mrs. Roosevelt Snow. Diocoont Of Two Percent On Taxes Marriage License License to wed were Issued during the past week by Wilkes’ Register of Deeds to the follow ing: Daniel Thomas Love and Pauline Brooks, both of North Wilkesboro; Larry Minton, Mo- ravlan Falls, and l^la Edmln- 'sten. Boomer; Wwver Harding Shumate and Della Mae Winkler, both of MeGrady; David Byrd, North Wllkesboro, and Nella Shepherd. North WUkeeboro route two; Curtis Gene Shepherd and Margie Key, both of North Wllkesboro rottte one; P. J. Mi lam and Carrie Wyatt, both of North Wllkesboro rbnte one; Johnnie Day, BUdn, and Thelma Parks. Boonvlile; lian B., Carter and Martha Mae Cockerham. both of Elkin route one; Ernest Bar OolUna and Mary Sell Car ter, both, of EHdn rente one; O. D. Seoto and Barbara Marshall, boto of Mount Airy. o Attention of the people Is call ed to toe fact that dlsoonnt of two per cent Is allowed by law on aU town and county taxes paid on or before July 1. prepayments may be made on the tentative, estimated tax rates set by the county and towns. o ■ Many 4-H club boys and girls In Wilkes are anticipating the annual 4-H summer camp this year. Mrs. Helen P. White, assistant home agent, and Dwight D. Wil liamson, assistant county agent, are handling arrangements tor the camp, which will be held July 22-27 at Camp Fellowship, 12 miles from Statesvlle. The cost to each member at tending will be five dollars cash and each one Is also required to carry a quantity of food from their gardens. Two doUare of the five dollars cost must accompany the registration which must go Into the extension office by July 1. Transportation to and from camp will be by bus. o milk FiriMMserMae . tb» QFA to pdrtiuUF oOtot Of fMid went In# this '•UUk.; If ,r V/- taiti WtHi .bnva om wjnwfvpM. -I';; tiOSM OUinM .n»va uuupu IXrfWr tofiBMPOtoor uiaingv^ to* pitot d i soFWia'*^^'*. R'c A. a Jennings, VanDeman To Attend National Apple Institute All bay Singing At Gospel Tent Vaughn Jennings, president of tha Brushy Mountain Fmlt Grow ers. and Carl B. VanDeman. ap ple reaaarch speeUUst, irtU at^ tend toe National Apple Institute sessions Friday and Saturday In Washington, D. 0. . They will make thMr report of the institute to the Brnsby Mountain JVnlt' Gfowars, who will meet July 6, eight p. m., at the laboratory on highway 16 on toe Bnuhlas. ■V. ERNEST D. WATSON xiiEMWim HOUSTON GREW Bergen, Norway—(Delayed)— _raaat D.’ Wfitoon. eoitwalii. Summit, N. to, Mt,.toia seaport May 29, aboard the emisar, TJSS Houston, ttottolP of ’ fha IStb Fleet, wlilik eompleted a atx day courtesy'toy hato’. The ,HoaatoP> by two destroy^ tSAurlted to * tot iite wirt la m Victory DpjT oelebritloas ft month, BngUaxdL Tba 'Norirastoil Arm laam toa toMt eoartm vlill wim H. to nUpa have pM# ainBg- bafora tha war. Tha trip Rev. Harvey Phillips and Rev. Noah Beshearp are conducting a tent revival two miles west of mun on thg North Wllkesboro highway. An all-day singing will be hrid Sunday, June 16 th, ten a. m., and all singers are Invited to attend and take part. The min- IstoQi report that- a very success ful revival Is under way, and that all are Invited to attend, o Buy Record Shop Mr. and Mrs. Walter Emerson have purobaMd the - Wellborn Record Shop, loeated over Tom- Unaon’s Departmenl^ Store. The saw oimare anonnee irrival of new records. All patronage Will be appreeiatod. . - 0 1947 StBdebiktf ToBeSbowD2iNli Motor Market, loohl dealer for Stadtoaker cars and tracka, aa- aetoaad today that the 1947 .modM ..Stadfbakw antomobOea wlll ha^dhoWB at the ahoWrobm m mth street on Thfraday. 'tnn»i0. f.’ ■ ' TMa wffl he toe trat If 4T oar to beghowB half and tot Mww- tof' ia' aapaotbd'' to'' attrael 'mtoh tatsmto The PubBs la aioat ear- dlfOy inyitod toJM what Stada- baker' oorpototlpn Will have tn too Botoaim PiAtte dartag tha ' a

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