t^^irgihia Brame “ On Birthday Itor V&glsla mx BruM. of Mr. ud Mrc. Jack —. .JM teBMFOd iritb « s^ppOT Jbr k«r parmt* •t &• Briiaio komo on F lUnot 'J^rldmr «v««lac oMatutmtlac te |pi& Mttl^sp uktfaiwt#; B«»> Bar vaa aamd at air o’tdoek vltli lonni laid tov'Mn Uttl* gtrla. A 'll tka oap^ wa* CaroHtta Fergaaon, of Fer> j. arko was ker# riattliig _ kar poastk. ^o koaoree. Tke g(kita kirtkdaf eake, toppod aritk \||a miBlktora piok eandlea, eas- aarad tka table, wkUa at eack Itota Flf u Ini^Tlt^ piaoe 1 ear^liif t)ip tertnne for tka itk,' ud u attraettra basket fjto ^aaabgteriait" AuMtor Wm-'weat Taesdar jiftaCaaB, S.'IIO o'docdc, ta tlw aflipBdtr roots *4. B»a edaoattoBal Wlld- li^ UC'' «ni-bO'BreeadM-ir tha exeeattre aaeottet ** Arpa a«a|oc|c ta t|ia Xdi4M Mrs, Ward E^elmah Bridge Club Hostess 1I(M. Ward Bak^tan «as boat taaa to tke members^of her krUga club k»d acma a*to» g»a»to >»« kome '‘too^tlin’' abrtk of tka pity Tkursday afteraooii. Table prises la tka fame -vaat to Mrs. Batiay Bayw «Ad Mrs. J. 8. Peaas. 'Be- m Of mf ih ^daililfe sm pao- freahme&ts wart.sacyed. Hiindiw( With Clxfl) Met Tbe Woaapa’B Sooleto of . OfaHattaa Utmief, of ^ Ifortti WDkakbbeo * WtHt idStkodist cfaarcb will meet Toeeday eva> abig, elid^t o'ttloek, at toe bease of Ifins. F. GafdaW. The program ls>io be preaented by memben of toe CkiMaer dede. pie waa the mSp^Ma of*, Itisa laas Triplatt. daniata Mr, aad Una IMs ftipittt.'ato Mr. fmilaai M. PnM, 3t„ tea of Mr. ud Mra. W- *• waitt, ttr.; satni^y. «aa 1st. Tka earamony «»e paffohaad at tla homa o| Bar. msbry Fito Bar. Mb. Olaary ometoBnf. .«^ toa riat cerektony. Tka «Mda F»S draaiad la a uu. soft df wklta 'tlid btaa. aatug ^ wklte aosia«>»lsa. ffta M a ^ nrata of WOkaaboro ^ atod^ and Is ampibyad st the Wllkea Harwell of M"- ' - hope eame ai«dei .Bu’s. bdlft^ elstu^' 'Mri'^xsHto of Ckspel Hill., nwxt a «pj»tor :psit of imnsiBr «i jatojtofifvB- .fag tie FkfiinafBw Ihitom fkara of Mobile Bay. Tkar wask sdsom- puled on tkair titotogfafikle toar et Ikiifopa and fWa tiutaiv dKoPA W tHp. Rath UiiiaBfst. ftr-wn. w^ ^ w«ra, twt^ei} ^ Mrs. at her kome on Sixth T^arwiu a gradapta ^ lafona^ hoa^f Moutaln View high aOkiot. re- m apMt is moatka Haw . , retrpf^dptp. 0, serr^ tampttog B^ts. r^o^^ loto of doe Mrs. Walter Wat^ Bible Jible'Class Hostess Mrs. A. R. Gmy^%. Hutfertftina " Tkd Jnne meeting of tko f^olnaan Bible elaee of tke Wilt keebpro Baptlat cknrck waa hel^ Thursday afternoon at tbekom^ In wllkeer of Mrs. Walter Watta boro haring elorsk moD|ibere u^ thrae risltore praeant Mrs. J. R'. Turner hsd charge of tke pro- prii^ if gram which opened with the group singing "God Recelretk Sinful Men” and prayer led by Mrs. Elrerett Tedder. Mrs. J. B. Dancy led the derotlons basing her remarks on one of the Psalms, Mrs. J. W. Neel read some scrip ture Terses on kindness and re pentance, Mrs. R. I«. Wellborn made a talk on, a man after Ck)d’B own heart, ud Mrs. Ted der read a poem *‘Dlfe*s Shatter ed Pieces.” “Trust and Obey” was sung as the closing hymn. In serving refreshments during the social hour the hostess was assisted by Mrs. Zeb Davis. The July meeting is to be held with Mrs. P. J Mitchell. SipportY. SPORT HATS M.48I ARE IDEAL QUeohlmi c^ppcihet/ $20 W«rtk W Bekuty f«r fid YES. A IM.H WAVE FBB MAM $10.10 PcasMUMBto 7A0 PasaMuaewts AI5 6.00 PerwMMwts AJJ 5.00 PersMacMts -— - Ag 4.00 Perasaasata — AJ® 3.00 Pamusmta lAO SHAMPOO AND SET 40c UP Na Appatotment Necraakry Nortli WiikeilMrt Bmi^ SoInoI Over City Barber Shop Narth Wilkcsbmro, N. C. NOW! ANYONE CAN HAVE PLENTY OF HOT WATER IN A JIFFY! Mrs. A. R^ Gray, 8r. waa hos- tesa to tha mambera of thb Fri day night bridge elnb gt bar home 'ki* Wtlkeaboro Friday are- ning. Tha gama wm played at two taklei ghd wu followed by a salad course. The U>p score |h by ^rg. J^u C. Hubbard, ftrg. Hugh Bowu, of Fairfield, Ala., who Is her# vis iting with her mother, Mrs^. J. L. Webster, was o gncpt of the club and was fsipoinbWed vlth a ^ft by Mrs. Oray. Welcome Home Y. W. A. Meets The young women’s Auxiliary of Welcome Home chnrCh mot Thursday, Juno 6, In the home of Mrs. Chalmer Dyer. The iheet- Ing was called to order -by the presiding officer. After the bus iness, session. Miss Bonnie Sue Brookshire had charge of an en joyable program. In which Ber nard Shumate, a student of Mars Hill College, made an In spiring Ulk. Delicious refresh ments were served, by the hostess. The next meeting of the Y. W. A. will be held at Welcome Home church, June 20, at 7:30 p. m. Luncheon Given For Miss Ellis A group of members from the accounting department of the Southern Bell telephone office entertained at a luncheon Wed nesday at Thacker’s In Charlotte In honor of Miss Faye Bills, Peters dlH take piaoe Ttme kt. The table was centered with mixed spring flowers. At the place of the bride-elect was a bouquet of red roses. Honor gift for Miss Bills was crystal In her chosen pattern. Covers were laid for Miss Ellis, Miss Ruby Morgan, Miss Ann Boyd, Miss Carolyn Cathey, Miss Frances Adams, Miss Jean Sny der, Miss Dolly Padgett, Miss Betty Sprinkle, Miss Ruth Rose, Miss Harriet Sparks, and Miss Betty Herrin. Miss Ellis Is the daughter of Mrs. Klnsa Ellis, of Purlear. ‘ Boml^root CttiH at Tito tiUA. BWMi rigUtly oontrattad graaf eittai ^DUfVl WJ Ur. AfllA iJnNftVaiOTy ^ V ^ ifho Is Mn. Wtoottaa-S taatvaniy my .Rwa to y natowiWBad to aattBt^aadtka managarbdiar fektract^ Bart what ~ ik Hyjiw kdi»an If war M not to»* -.■i\ TCAto*.' 0«a of toiiiy tetaraatfiMr Mktfl to to® J®** **to itow «f la thb aM h^ Amerl«m Wad»p, Nattaata roottfa^a nar a^i^"*** 'WIto Tha Bal- SuppctltiW Y-M-C-A Towards tv ¥«• NORTH ,lf.C bar iftar haring apmtt 16 moatha In tha Navy. He M maployad aa a mechanic with Gaddy Motor Oo. ' The only one attending the wadding was tha groom'a aistaV Hiss Raba Prdftt ts ’n’ ‘Pka conWe toeir honey moon in wtnaton-SaUds'aBd ka^ ratdrnad to MoKh' WBkasbdro to make tkelr koma Ntt Wtta. oomiM^ of Mk i^o love Wfito. Uto 1^ • Mr. a torm^ Rl dent i;t Morto WOkae^km, la ^ grandsug of {fto. ^4io Chsdiira)i |n’d fhe lafa . Iff, Oirp^u. : • ■‘■n. ;: " Hm Jim Mfcit^ wa WoQto -“'“ope l|^ Eaya^ Wopl|en, Intemat- lonklly k^wh arijujir'author pid lectnrer,'' baa hpr reridencp a( 1. Nor- Chapel eBu, -loiTh Carolina, in close proximity to her |rqbi^e^ The iMventty of North Ciuvlina Press. She to a noted profession al woman and has a staff of twenty or more arttots and crafts men under hM* diractton. One of bier sons, who recently took over the executive management of her emprise, has made It possible for Mrs. Wootten to devote much more of her time to her beloved hobby of photographing the large floral gardens of the Unlidd States in neutral color. She has photographed and gathered text material In practically all of .toe nationally-known gardens of the Atlantic Coast region, and she has developed a series of lectures, illustrated ^with natural color photographic slides, of all the Importaht gardens which she is delivering in pereon, to Interest ed groups on her tours. The occasion of Mrs. Wootten’s Falrhope visit, was a two days’ assignment at Bellingrath Gar dens In Mobile, and being close to Falrhope, she decided to take a week-en4 off from her strenu ous work and visit with her two In honor of Miss Godchildren Oonverae and Edith wh086 W6d^H^^/tO Mr. ^^Tllllaro '^-7 --- '| "g*'-J'” ' '''-tvfrn-' '' TAi ■ Btratoni rink wow ing on Jgqg 6t|t «| Mill. «»mei wiitostof. w. i. g|6)F. •Bha nifSril fito. ttA oinb eoUact. Th« gilmitoa mto raa4 anA roll $«il«| by Yto- Aaron Brooks, secretary. Mrs. wwttinitoB jwt abto gt|t« » daiBOJistnitlpn pg t|ia |n»- qy bgfto toods. Wtoto shfW TW eatt Row to torta It. and nlfp how to sat tha table. 4ftw wi^ a aoetol bonr wipa aajoyad wUt® toe hostsaa asstoted by her dnnj^ ter served tempting retraahments. —Reportto. 400 PAIRS OP KHAKI PANTS! alb KHAKI iNIRTSi STIRDY and Dinrable Here Are Clothes -.. aoifWs«PPHH MHiW YdU bswt? say famw ^mvcry girto MmaaiwWfroai irrttatiMi al lito UikUcraHoe4 by excess addity in ibe nrae made to do a job—we have proof of that! Pai in on your work clothes needs with this Army-Navy surplus. Wliy •*««• —»«■ th. In** ‘rr DR. KILMER S SWAMt ROOT, th. hwW "T..-,-- sVAtiP ROOT Kt> iMt M th. Shirts... sturdy khaki Shirt. Long sleeves. Two breast pockets. net Ml lM iMMTf tv UMJMIBB aaww w ntw tad MM tlM iwcaBf.Habl.^.7aip- tea. M bUMw IrrMiitfak Lika thmvM. at stow* y«»TI.>* TM dM. Sod aMM wad adAva. t. - - - - luLar * 1^ .■« Khaki Pants. Rein forced stitching all over. NHW POCKET SIZE PORTABLE WATER HEATER COSTS LESS THAN $2.00 Boils Faster Than Gas! Merely place a V’co FAST-WAY 6 >ctric Water Heater in a tub, 1, pail, or kettle containing ter. Plug in the nearest socket, presto—in a few minutes hot wat er! A sufficient quantity for bath ing, washing, scrubbing,, etc. Far faster than the average gas burn er, yet costs less than $2.00. No fires to build or hot water to car ry. No running up and down stairs. No top heavy fuel bUls. Handy! Portable! Inexpensive. Chiginally is.15. Now less than $2.M. Get a Wco FAST-WAY Wa ter Heater Today. CARLTON’S HARDWARE NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS Of Wilkes CoDBty If you pay your 1946 County Taxes on or before MONOAY, JULY 1st, 1946 you will receive a discount of 2 PER CENT The tax rate for the year 1946 has been set by the Board of County Commission ers, and we are in position to give you your permanent Tax I^ceipt, Prepay your 1946 County Taxes and save the largest discount that will be al lowed. J;C.ORAY$OII,r County Accountant Local Girls Attend Girls State In Greensboro Three North Wllkesboro girls were among the 200 high school jnniors and seniors from all parts of the state, who attended the seventh annual Tar Heel Girls State held last week at Woman’s College In Greens boro. Activities for the meeting, which opened Sunday night and continued throught Friday, included a trip to the legislative chambers In Raleigh for observa tion and practical study. The girls going from North Wllkesboro, and who were sent by the American Legion Auxiliary, were Misses Carolyn Moore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ivey Moore: Betty Gray Church, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Church, and Dorothy Gabriel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Gabriel. What Are Your Plans For Tha Future? SUPPORT THE y. M. C. A. Don't envy the girl with a good job and a big salary. Prepare yourself for a career that has no slack sea sons. Guarantee your future with a pleasant, well-paying job A BEAIITICIANV We Place You Cotton Socks *.. Perfect fit in black and khaki MAXIMUM TUITION $110 lO $160—EARN B^hjE U LEARN ■ Demand For Our Graduates Far Exceeds Supply ATTENTION . . . G. Vs SCHOOL APPROVED UNDER G, L BILL OF RIGHTS Don’t Delay — Act Now! Write, Wire, Phone or Come North Wilkeshhro Beauty School North Wilkesbok), N. C Work Shoes... — All leather. Made of good sturdy leather to wear long CHARLOTTE BEAUTY SCHOOL 129 S. Tryon St Phone 4'6463 PACK SQUARE BEAUTY SCHOOL A8HEVILL11, N, C nilanhMUlcflppcilist 5.98 g For further mformatiem contact above schools, or R. L. Nor wood, 129 H S. Tryon Street, Chaxlotte, N. 'J.