ioc«t«d N% •tot* on Main ottMt, in Wilkooboro. rrosi atwot 9*9m *» i|1U i f«tm ■wTM* arl& MttQ 8iuditr> Jiuie 80. at Welcome Home Baptltt ehnNb west of this elty. R«t. 0. 3. Pocdo. SERVICES EACH, EVENING ATtofcixxai SUNDAY 8 P. M. the MHLMHKS EvangelistieParty from GreenvillCi Si C* Specml ringinsr erery serriee. A ksr.i* Hoffman, of Gastonia, Doc Wilbanks wUl preach Saturday night. Don’t Miss This Wonderful Rev'nal! and Mked tR«t all who can tend fihe The National Sirfety 0«|nfefl hi9 eas^oned the natkm’a tsm- «ra td jinard afainst i^eeideats Which always Inta-ease A 4nria« spring haying seasoa. ADHlNlBTRtA'nmPS NOtiCB Baying «iaalifled trik of the eststoiK Harley, late of C.. this is to : claims * against .sa present .them to the undersigned, whose address is Fergnson, N. G., duly yerified, on w before the 16th day of May, 1947. oT this notice will be plead in bar of their right to re cover. All persons irAebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement iTiis 16th day of May, 1946. JESSIE HARLEY, Admz. of the estate of Martha Lon Marlfey, dec'd. 6-27-T " ' I arm a hammer- McRDST 13c|S0BA-3ph8t. - 12« Visit Our PRODUCE DEPARTMENT DAILY Where You Will Always Find Fresh FRUITS AND VEDETABLES in a Big Variety! NO. 2 CAN FLORIDA- I C«N I^tB »»» 0RAN6E JUICE 19o|H*MBBliliEBS..-21» NO. 2 CAN SUNFILLBD— CBAPEFBUIT SECTIONS 27c «M)Z. FLYDED (5% D. D. T.; 12-OZ. PACKAGE UNIT— INSECT SPRAY - 31® I STARCH-2 for - 25c FRESH FRHITS i CALIFORNIA— CARROTS, bunch.... 9c LIMAS, 2 35c extra nicr- TOMATOES, lb.... 15c FRESH CROWDER— PEAS, 2 lbs. -25c ricnzui— CUCUMBERS, lb. .. IQc rikBofi— OKRA, lb...: -17c H(WE grown— MIMS. 3 St... ago home grown— CABBA(iE,2lbs. 7* AAJLiA^ri A— 8RAPEFRRIT,lb.....9c mAfOES^IOIbs. 38c MEAT SPECIALS • hCnrlMdiet TYPB 1— Pork Santige, lb... 39* Breast Long and Short Leg C^ts— Fryers, lb 82® wings of— Fryers, lb. 42® necks and BACHS OF— fnfcrs,lb. --22 fresh made— HamSalad,fh...-59c FRESH made— Pimienfo Cheese, lb, 59c COUNTRY STYLR TYPH %- Smeked Snnstge, lb. 45® fRESH— Cottage Cheeee^ Ik. 19® FRESH HADE— Chix Salad, Ik ■.■■■698 FRESH HADE— Lhrer Salad, Ik ...50c I R DIXIE'HOME^SUPER MARKET of Ti|v ^ yogniar poiBtmmit lieiw Sttfly. i Re*. 8. L Watte lUed his ^tb- lar appointments •' Sonday and Mr. K«atb W^ker and Mlsa Settle Sno, Price wore nntted to matrimony at tbe,lK>me of Re*, and Mra- r. VTattii Saturday eyenhig. Re*. Vx. Watta otfleiF ated UBiag the ring owemony. On the Saturday beSqi^ Mr. Wari rmi RroyhUl and IOm Bstoria Andean, both dt Wilkeeboro, were Joined In wedlock by Rev. 8. I. Watts at the home of the minlstes. We wish (or both oon- ples much happinees* Mr. James Phillips and wife and Mrs. Thelma Niilllps Rloh- ardeon, of WlnsUmHSalem, Tislted this community Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lebnard '^iles, formerly of Kannapolis, have moved to this community where they wUl make their home tor a While. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Treadaway and family and Mrs. Rom Tread away visited friends in Alexander county Snnday. Mr. T. F. Greer and Mr, Robert KillUpe and Mr. Rom Treadaway were business visitors to Taylors- viUe, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Phillips vls- Ited Mr. PhUUps’ mother, Mrs. J. E. Phillips, Snnday. Miss Jewell Greer has Just re turned to her home here after a two weeks visit with her sister, Mrs. E. H. Cummings of Staun ton, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Atwell Greer and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cain visited Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Cummings of Staunton, Va., over the week end. Mr. -and Mrs. Unsday Rogers and Mito Sallie Rogers and her mother, Mrs. Rogers, all of Taylorsville, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Greer, Sunday. Pvt. Junior Swanson, member of the Merchant Marine, Is home on leave for a few days. He Is stationed at Parris Island, S. C. DalaphM Renra Of the Past Week Services were held Snnday at Brier Creek. The revtral there will begin the third Snnday night In July, Rev. B. J. Jordan of City View ^igtlst church, Wlneton-Satom, paator. Rev. R. R. (^ater. When going to sow soy beans a week or so ago, Noah Jarris, Jr., was knocked off the wagon by the tongue of a drill and broke his arm in the spokes of a wheel. He was said to 'be getting along nicely. The colored people had mis sionary meeting at their church, Union Grove, last Sunday and said they had a wonderful pre^her from Kings Creek. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Triplett, and little twin adopted daugh ters, Estelle and Ethel, of the Bethel community, visited Mr. Monroe SmKhey Snnday after noon. Mr. Smithey is the real father of the twins. They brought home Sibyl who had been spend ing a week with Mr. and Mrs Triplett and her little sisters. OaJc Grove Revival Will Begin Sunday Rerival services will begin Sunday, June 80, at Oak Grove church. Servlcee will be held each evening at 7:45 and the public Is cordially invited to attend. Rev. Gilbert Osborne, pastor, will preach during the rerival. Use Ads. Fer RsiajAal At Y««v Sarnea lOOH UAIt ’PhiMflT WILLIAMS • motor CO. « T. H. WaisBW. Mnmigcr BiAR— FraaaUarviN DSHD CAKaTRHGKS. AND TOAOPOR8 Easy Tarmt • Comidcf* • Bh«trk mi Wm GMh for Ute kodal Wredtod Can and Trucks 0 KIwflUIMIB aUUME «MB Co^) lO-Oaflon Size 2d^lkniS^ 39-Galloii Size , $|NGbif~0K llaar Fi% (flineqi^) -htmr iliuBaliy Ali Jivciiles STROLLERS — SULKIES — PUSH CARTS — RABYCARRIAGPS JUVENILE SWINGS table and chair SETS BABY BEDS -and- lanerApn^ Mattresses Nursery Saats *4*^ (MAPLE FINISH) Baby High Chairs (WHITE ENAMEL FINISH) Royal Vacuvin Cleaners’ll .95 50 Two-Bunier HOT PLATES Just In Time For Hot Wenther Lamp TRAlTEr C7.35 -C9.39 For Floor Lamp »1.95 For Table Lamp *2.25 Come in and select your new Shades before they are all sold! a Just Received—Shipment of Metal 1 VENETIAN BLINDSi 28” to 36” Wide, In Ivo^y Finish All-Aluminum .. . CLOTHES HAMPERS Fully Ventilated; Pastel Colors C9.50 Pin-Up Ump. I Old Mckory - • • . - ^ nc C2-95 I Porch and Lawi Chairs -*12-^S I ALL-WOOLROeS O By Alexand«r-8laith 6z9, 9zl^ ll-3”zl2 (Limited Quantity) Seleiitloii ^etllroom Rugs _ ®1.9! BEABT1FRL FME SETS Fin Seta ’29-9I Conqilete With Andirons and Screen 'ante] OthtrPInSeb.... *15.50 Andinna *8.95 Make YoirSelecfiois Today! Then Kens WIN Gc FasU IIMiii FarniUrt Co. piiWl ■Iknyu 0BHiMkia WtuHn* -y»o^ .