{5 iOX, H OaTO WLKEW^. N. C The E. S. Coopers Give Card Party Dr. and Mxa. lL 8. Ooopar vara boats at a dalisbtfnl card party at thalr homa Friday erenlnc banns maats for Uiraa tablaa of brldsa and two of rook. An lea eouraa preeaded ^y. Hick score prises In brldxe were won by Frank Crow and Mrs. O. C. Be- ahears while In rook the winners were Mrs. Bd Dancy and Perry Bnrke. The hlnyo prise went to Mrs. Jack Swotford. Mixed gar den floweni made festive decora tions for the home. Visitors In City Are Extended Courtesies Mrs. Gordon Finley entertained at a breakfast at her home on E Street Wednesday honoring Mrs. Douglas Boardman, of Nashville, Tenn., who was here visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Brown. Breakfast was served at 9:30 o’clock. The honoree was remembered with a gift. ' Social Calendar The Woman’s SocMy Ohrlsdan Serrioe of tlw Norfh WUkesboro Fliwt Methodist church win meet Tneeday eve- nine, 7:80 o’olotdc, at the home of Mrs. C. T. Donghtonu The Presbyterian AnxUiary will meet In the assembly room of the RellglonB Bdncatlon building on Tnesday afternoon, 8:80 o’clock, and wlH bo pre ceded by an Executive meet ing at three o’clock. Mr. Thompson, a teacher in the Glade Valley high sdiool, will speak at the Auxiliary meet- 1^. Mrs. Finley and her daughter, Miss Mary Elmore Finley, wore hostesses at a breakfast at their home Saturday morning as a courtesy to Mies Peggy Harrlll, of Rutherfordton, honse gnest of Miss Finley. Covers were laid for REPORT OP CONDITION OF The Northwestern Bank Of Nerth Wilkesboro, in the SUte of North Carolina, at the Close of Business On June 29, 1946 ASSETS Loans and discounts (Including NONE overdrafts) ? 9,319,680.73 United SUtes Government obligations, direct and gnat anteed Obligations of States and political subdivisions debentures Other bonds, notes, and Coi^orate stocks (including NONE stock of Federal ^serve bank) 11,719,562.71 4,818,284.43 308,291.52 Cash, balances with other banks, including reserve bal- • no • NONE ances, and cash items in process of coHection Bank premises owned $87,563.89, furni ture and fixtures $10,195.61 5,068,882.24 (Bank premises owned are subject to NONE liens not assumed by bank) 97,769.60 Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and otiier assets indirectly 3.00 bank premises or other real estate r^jresenting NONE Customers’ liability to this bank on acceptances out standing Other assets NONE 104,973.61 TOTAL ASSETS $31,437,437.64 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of ind'viduals, partnerships, and cor- poratiens — lime deposits of individnals, partnerships, and corpor ations ■ - ’»»?TTF1* $14,666,159.42 Deposits of United States Government (including postal savings) 10,333,631.63 Deposits ^ States and political sabdiviaions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and officers’ checks, etc.) TOTAL DEPOSITS $30,076,667.52 Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for bor rowed money 1,908,103.76 2,425,482.07 460,888.74 397,301.90 Mortgage or other liens NONE NONE Acceptances executed by or for account of this bank and outstanding Other liabilities NONE 177,432.14 TOTAL LIABILITIES (not including subordinated ob ligations shown below) $30,253,999.66 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital Surplus Undivided profits Reserves (?nd retirement account for preferred ital) cap- TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 330.000. 00 670.000. 00 183,437.98 NONE 1,183,437.98 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS _ $31,437,437.64 This bank’s capital consists of NONE of capital notes and debentures; first preferred stock with total par value of NONE, total retirable value NONE; second preferred stock with total par valne of NONE, total retirable value NONE; and common stock with total par value of $330,000.00. MEMORANDA Pledged assets (and securities loaned) (book value): (a) U. S. Government obligations, diroct and guar anteed, pledged to secure deposits and other Ba- bilities (b) Other assets pledged to secure debits and oth- ■ bifla rediscounted $ 6,019,699.00 er liabilities (including notes and and securities sold under r^urchase agreement) (c) Assets pledged to quali^ for exercise of fidudsry or corporate jmwers, and for purposes other than to secure liabilities 263,969.32 (d) Securities loaned — NONE NONE (e) TOTAL - $ 5,283,568.32 Secured and preferred liabilities: (a) Deposits secured by pledged asMts pnrsoant to qnirements of law ... reqnu (b) Bor ortrowings secured by pledged assets (inelu£ng rediscounts and repurchase agreements) (c) Other liabilities secured by pledged assets (d) Deposits preferred under provisions of law but not secured by pledged assets 4,092,316.24 NONE NONE _ 48,661.60 (e) TOTAL $ 4,140,877.74 Subordinated oblintiona: (a) Unpaid dividends on preferred rtock and unpaid interest on capital notes and dsbentnres, acemad to end of last dividend or interest period, not inchided in liabilities or reserves shore (b) Other obligations not inclnded in Uabflities which are subordinated to claims of depositors and other creditors NONE (a) On date of report the required legal reserve against deposits of this bank was NONE % Assets reported above which were digible egal reserve amounted to 5,068,882.24 3.466,729.14 I, D. V. DEAL, Secretary of the above-named bank, do solemnly Swear that the above statement Is tme, and that it folly a^ oorreet- ly represents the tme state of the several matters heredn contained and sat forth, to the beet of my knowledge and bdief. Correct—Attest: D. V. t>EAL, Secretary. C. O. MiJUEL, RALPH DUNCAN, N. B. SMITHEY, Directors. State of North Carolina, County of Wilkes, as: SwOko to snd subscribed before me this 13th day of July, 1946, and 1 hareby certify that I am ndt an officer dr director of tUs i«ii«ir RUSSEILL G. PEARSON, Notary Public HU Commission Expires June 24,1948. eight. Miss Harrill, schoolmate of Miss Finley at Salem College In Winston-Salem, was presented with a remembrance as well as the other guests. Other out of town visitors for the breakfast were Miss Margaret Nlfong, of Rutherfordton, houseguest of Mrs. Eugene Trlvette; and Miss Virginia Smith, of Laguna Beach, California, who Is on an extended visit here with Miss Betty Gwyn Finley, her room mate at Stephens 'Conege In Co lumbia, Mo. First Methodist Girls Organized In An Interest Group The Woman’s Society of Chris tian Service of the First Metho dist church sponsored a meeting of the ’teen age girls of the church In the home of Mrs. J. C. Reins Tuesday evening. The purpose of the meeting was to organize the girls Into an active interest gro'np of the society. Mrs. Gardner, in an Interest ing talk, gave something of the history and present set-np of the Woman’s work In the church. Dr. Gilbert R. Comihs, the pastor, followed with interesting story of what eetabllshed missions have meant to our boys In the Pacific Area, and presented also the need for young people to find their rightful place In the church’s program. Gordon Reins, Frances Rous seau, and Mary Lee Gardner were appointed on the nominating com mittee, and the following officers were elected: Nellie Gabriel, chairman; Mary Louise Newton, vice chairman; Agnes Kenerly, secretary; and Virginia Day, treasurer. The society will be re quested to name Mrs. Gardner as counselor, A membership committee com posed of Carolyn Moore, Dot Pow ell, and Margaret Ann Hutchens was appointed. It was decided that the meeting wonld be held monthly on the second Tuesday evening. A social hour followed during which time refreshments were served by the co-hostesses with Mrs. Steins, who were Mesdames J. Hlnshaw, Bdd F. Gardner W. Eshelman, Darwin Smlth- ey, and W. D. Halfacre. Miss Oleta Church Is Bride of William T. Norwood The marriage of Miss Oleta Church, only daughter of Mr. end Mrs. J. C. Church, of North Wil kesboro, and William Thomas Norwood of Norwood, was solem nized at 4 o’clock Tuesday after noon, July 9. at the home of the bride’s parents at North Wllkes- boro. The Rev. A. E. Watts, of Taylorsville officiated. Prior to the ceremony, a program of nup tial music was presented by Mrs. J. B. Church. The*brTffe, given in marriage by her father, wore a gown of white organdy fashioned with a fitted bodice, short sleeves with which long white fingerless gloves ■were used. The billowing skirt ended In a short train and her tulle veil of white was caught in a coronet. She carried a bou quet of stephonotls centered with a white orchid. Her only orna ment was a necklace of pearls, a gift of the bridegroom. A reception for the wedding party and relatives was held aft er the ceremony. The bride’s ta ble was covered with a lace cloth and centered with a wedding cake. Mrs. J. E. Church and Mrs. W. H. Church, slsters-in-law of the birlde, assisted In serving. For travel the bride changed to a suit of tan gaberdine with which she used brown acces sories. at her shoulder she pinned the orchid from her bouquet. The bride was graduated from Greensboro College In Greens boro. Since graduation she has taught In the Aquadale School, Stanley County and has held a position as a mathamatlclan at the National Advisory Commit tee for Aeronautics located at Langley Field, Va. The bridegroom attended the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He served 4 years in the navy, 2 of which were In the European Theater. Since his dis charge he has held, a position with the Railway Postal Service where he was employed before entering the Navy. Upon their return from the wedding trip they will be at home in Norwood. Lillian Stafford, of this city, and her sister, Mrs. Kalph Asbury, of Winston-Salem, who accom panied her to North WUkesboro. Miss ConneU, a former resident of this city, was visiting with her people in fflgh Point. Pastime Club Met Friday Evening Mrs. Alene Godfrey Upchurch entertained tor the members of the Ptustime bridge club and a large number of additional gnioets at her home in Wilkesboro Fri day evening. Five tables wore ar ranged for play In a colorfal set ting of mixed garden flowers and was preceded by a dessert course. High and low score awards for the club members went to Mrs. Page Choate and Mrs. Elmer Lowe while among the visitors the winners were Mrs. Harry Pearson and Mrs. B. L. Green, o Easy to Install, no tools required. They’re mst- resistant, will keep their sparkling white beauty. Especially engineered for today’s high octane gaso line. Folonlnm alloy assures quicker starting. e MOMty-Baek Gieronlea AUTO HEEDS nreston* High Quality N»f>-Gler* lUerview MIRRORS 1.59 fin. ?u.lity _ FUEL PUMFS «.49 ARSORURS 3.35 mriRS 5.15 “Caste” board of Army titles. urges abolition Support Y.M.C. A. Mrs. Albert Garwood Bridge Club Hostess The members of the Wllabrl bridge club and a tew extra visi tors were delightfully entertain ed by Mrs. Albert Garwood at her home In WUkesboro Thursday DISSOLUTION NOTICE Notice of Dissolution of V. ft T. Tire Company, a Partnership, North Wilkesboro, N. C. Notice is hereby pven to all persons concerned, that the part nership heretofore existing be tween Otto D. Tha^ and C. Ar thur Venable, trading and doing business as V. ft T. 'Tire Company, 918 A Street, North Wilkesboro, North Carolina, has been dissolved by the mfutnal consent of the part ners as of the close of business on the 31st day of May, 1946. Otto D. Tharpe has sold all of his right, title, mterest and estate in the partnership property and business to C. Arthur Venable, and has retir^ and withdrawn from the partnership. AU debts, liabilities and obhgra- Worlcs Automatically Uilderhood LIGHT F' ■ h Sans Souci Club Members Entertained A delightful clnb party of the week was given by Mrs. Walter Eller at her homo Thursday eve ning, entertaining for the mem bers of the Sans Soncl clnb. Bridge was played at two tables and at the conclusion of the game the hostess served a dos- evenlng ^ree tables were ““^e up for bridge and at the cloee of|“*} ® play the hostess served an Ice course. Top score prize within the club went to Mrs, Boh Dam- schroder and the visitors high to Mrs. O. F. Bamhardt, of Savan nah, Ga., who It here visiting with her mother, Mrs. P. B. Brown. Miss Irene Culler was the winner In bingo. o and second high score awards were Mrs. J. 6. Zimmerman and Mrs. J. Q. Adams. Miss BUza- both McNeil, niece of the hostess and who was celebrating her birthday anniversary, was Re membered with a gift. Lard reservea ent again, as set-aside orders take 60 per cent output. Miss Iris Council Is Recent Visitor Here o£ Support Y. Mi C. A. Hiss Iris OounoU, 'Who la dloUtian in a Phlladelphte H^ pltal, was a visitor to the dty Wednesday, and had , guest for Iwxeh fa the WUlro Hotel'Mra-.Ji 0. Eataa wd MI* light goes on when hood Ig openod. Olves good illumination for motor checking. Tor cars or tmeka. •i’ Adjustable Spit I: PICIVICGfHLL 14.95 Charcoal grill with spit ? i odjastabla to three levela. All-metal, tions of the aforesaid partnersUp, ^rect and indirect, absolute and contingent, inclnding aU liabilities under leases, contracts, or other agreements, have been assumed by the said C. Arthur Venable, and aU of said debts, liabiUties and obligations are to^ be paid by C. Arthi] ^winr Venable. Any and au per sons holding any debt, liability, or obligation m any kind against said partnership are hereby notified to present the same to C Arthur Venable at 918 A Street, North Wilkesboro, North Ourolina, with in thirty days from date of this notice, and to forward a copy of the same to Otto D. 'Tharpe, States ville, Ifrrth Carolina, for his in formation. 3. Arthur Venable will continue to operate the business at the same location, and he has the right to operete the same under the name of “V. ft T. 'Tire Company", but the sa'd Otto D. Tharpe will not be responsible jbr any debts, lia bilities or oblij^tions incuired af ter the close of business on the 31st day of May, 1946, and undsr the agreement with the said G. Ar- thurv enable, all debts, liabilities and obligations are to be paid by hlm- AU accounts, notes, indebt edness of every kind owing to the aforesaid partnendiip are to be paid to the said C. Arthur Vena ble, ’This 28th day of Jnn& 1946. OTTO D. THARPE. Stetestle, N. C. C. ARTHUR VENABLE, " 918 A Street, North WittsMioro, M. C. Hog. 4.95 Alaminunn FLY REEL 3.«9 Ughtwelg^t hut excspUai ally iSroBg. Munly ratchet gpring. Ywtilated se Rue dilM quickly. PICNIC JUG woaSeifrt picnics or yaeatlon trips. Mquids Ise told er plphiA hott "vOPEN 6 CHARGE ACCOUNT OR IF YOU PREFER USE OUR CONVENIENT BUDGET PLAN JUST RECEIVED! Auotber Small Shipment Of • STAKE BODY WAGONS • Just Right For That Youngster! Completely Assembled $14.95 DisasMmbled $14.00 P»merly Papers, tradi^and do- as V. ftTTfre Co., lug bnsinees N»Ui Wflkeeboro, N C. Your Firestone, Dealer *Phdne27J lOdi tod B Streets