afe :Ads: jncm SALB: Two boalaem loij in tliA Sannet Hills DiTlsion ne&r tho nnw Ctfolinn Mirror Oorp. Also flTO lots in Fair- plslnSi nice for rosidontlsl buUdinc. 6oe or write oRlpli Hnyes on Nortn WUkesboro Route 1 et rsln>Ulns: - 8-6-2t-pd 3TOB CUUUBi mal^ fo* hoand, elsO' her pops, two aioptlt* ol^t .Not able to bant ' A. Ore^, Stony BVirk, N. C. It-pd • FOR SALE FOB SAJiBi T%e S. A. Bswh farm near Millers Creeki 40 acres, 6-room house and out- bnUdlnga. Mr». N. S. Marion. Wilkeeboro route 1. 8-5-2t-pd FCKR BALE: Okeek bottom farm, Grow anything you want to raise. Good spring water, 200,- 000 feet of timber. Plre miles west of North WUkesboro. Write W. T. Johnson, Millers Creek for details. It-pd FOB SALE: 88 acres, four-room house, 8 miles out near high way 18, plenty of wood, pas ture land fenced, 8 acres in cultiratlon. See Mrs. W. H. Burke or W. H. Burke, North WUkesboro route 1 »t Fair- plains. 8-8-3t-pd IN NORTH CAROLINA More people drink Adaatic Ak add Beer diM aajr otber. Itoniitbc... JUST RECEIVED! We now have Rubber Floor Mats for practically all makes and models of cars. Get yours now! • ATLAS BATTERIES A new shipment of Atlas Batteries in sizes for many different makes and models cars and trucks. • QUICK CHARGER A battery quick charger has been added to our equipment. Bring your battery troubles to us for prompt serv ice. • ACCESSORIES Pumps, Jacks, and Many Other Accessories Now In Stock These items have been difficult to obtain. Come by early for yours. CHEEK ESSO SERVICE Across From City Hall ’Phone 303 JUST R ECEIV&D NEW SHIPMENT OF THE FOLLOWING RECORDS! “One-iy Two-zy” Hong Kong Blues — “Guitar Polka” “Margie” — “Easy to Love” “My Melancholy Baby” Phil Harris Hoogy Carmichael Rosalie Allen Earl Hines Lou Bring Ginny Simms with Lou Bring Orchestra “I Don’t Know Why” - - Hoogy Carmichael “Apple On a Stick” Judy Conova “Saipan” . Page Cavanaugh Trio “Rum and Coca-Cola” — Vaughn Monroe “Grave Upon the Green Hillside” Morris Borthers “Beyond the Shadow Of a Doubt” — Ted Doffans Texans “Searching For a Soldier’s Grave” Bailes Brothers “Catfish Take a Look at That Worm” _ Smiley Burnette "Silver Spurs” - Gene Autry “I Dream of Brownie With the Light Blue Jeans” Sidke Jones ALBUMS Brohnson Symphony No. 1, in C Minor Op. 68 , Leopold Sttwowski Kastclsnetz Conducts — — Andre Kastelanetz Exotic Music Andre Kastelanetz “Tw6 Sisters Prom Boston” Lsnritz Melchior Emerson Music Co. OVER TOMLINSON’S D^^. STORE Tbone 673 North Wake#boro, N. C. 9h m,yrrtti ^ fourflaJ- FOB SALE: EJlectrio six-fbot refrigerator. oMnblnatlon r^o'and record player, good ooddition., Blra. CUude Brown, Ronda. 1—pd fob SALE: A 1»89 twO;;door sedan Chevrolet. Now tires and car In good condition. See Ray Shepherd, Reddles River. , 8-5-2t-pd FOR 8ALB: Good' work bot^ 12 years old, cheap; Freak Jersey belters; Heavy sonrell team, 6 years old, work any where. WiU sell or trade. Dave BrM, Wilkeeboro, N. C. 8-l-2t-pd FOB SALE: Used 19*7 Tudor body In A-1 condition. Yadkin Valley Motor Go. It FOB SALE: An elgtA-yc«*’“>ld horse and a one-horse wagon. Horse to In good working con dition and fesily handled. New wagon. Blaine WhlUey, High way 288, 6 miles out. North Wilkeeboro, N. C. 8-6-2t-pd FOB SALE: 3 com mills and one crusher, at Jenkins Hardware Warehouee. 8-6-2t FOB SALE: 1 new Bicycle. For information InQurt-e at Dixie Barber Shop. It-pd FOR SALE: Underwood Stand ard Noiseless Typewriter; ex cellent condition, priced right H. O. Nichols. for SALE: Nice, gentl« Pony. Ideal for child 6 or 7 years old. Link Spalnhour. It-pd FX)B SALE: 1940 Ford 4-door sedan. Phone 674-J, or can be seen behind Cheek’s Esso Sta tion. It-pd FOR SALE: A fresh mlBt cow, Guernsey and Jersey mixed, a real milk cow. See Mrs. D. P. Sebastain, North Wilkeeboro Route 2. 8-l-2t-pd FOR SALE: Grocery Store, good stock, good location. Within City Limits. See W. B. Jack- son. 8-l-3t-pd FOR SALE: One 1-bag atoe con crete mixer non tilting drum type mounted on 4 pneumatic tires In good running condi tion. Sells new. If you could buy one, for |1,600.00. Will sell for $600.00. Also one 1 1-2 ton 40 model GMC Dump body truck, steel bed, brand new rebuilt motor In perfect run ning order. Price $1,200,00 or will sell both together for $1,700.00. B. G. Teams, Boone, 8-6-3t FOR SALE: Five-room house with four-room basement apartment, oil furnace and automatic hot' water heater. 617 D Street, care Miss Norma Stevenson at the Wilkes Hos pital. 7-29-tf NOTICE OF SALE OF Per sonal Property: On Au gust the 24th, 1946, we, the undersigned wUl of fer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the fol lowing described person al property: To-wit, All the farming tools, house hold amd Kitchen furni ture belonging to the late ^len Shew, dec’d. The time of sale is to be at 2:00 o’clock p. m,, and at the residence of the said Ellen Shew, dec’d. This the 30th day of July, 1946. Eula An derson, Clina Inscore. 8-6-2t-pd SAM S. MINTON Built-Up Roofing and Waterproofing Basements (Guaranteed Waterproof) All Work Guaranteed Reasonable Prices Wilkeeboro, N. C. Rente One Hi I DIVIDENDS HAVE SEEN PAID POLICYHOLDERS AFTER'^fe^ Share in these savings CAU The Sentinel Insurance Agency Bank of North Wilkesboro Bldg. Telephone 467 - COHCRETE WORK Ne Job Too Large or Too Small FREE ESTIMATES J.S. MINTON & SONS Hiasliaw Street NOKTH Wn^ESBORO. N. C. FOB SALE: Two Bea|^. Pupa, age 16 mcoGto, well trained. Rlphanl L. Whitley, North Wilkeeboro lente I, near Rock CreA church.' S-l-St-pd TOB SALE: a rilghUy w«d ' three-piece Id'ringroom Suites. See these at once. Bargalu. Better Etomes Wmitnre Co. 8-l-2t fob SAIAE; About aeventy- eight acres, 6 miles north of North Wilkesboro, one mile off hlgh'way 18, 9 acres in cul tivation, rest in growing tim ber. See Howard EUedge at Harold’s Store. - 8-l-2t-pd FOR SASiE: (Hd modri Fordaon Tractor. Can be seen at Yad kin Valley used car lot. Bob Brame, North Wilkeeboro. It FOR SALE: Ftwd fdcknp with 6-ply tires, good condi tion, motor orerhanled. George Ppies, North Wilkeeboro rente three, four miles east on 421. 8-6-8t-pd FOB SALE: Good as new 8- piece walnut dining room suite. Mrs. P. D. Meserve, 1108 Trogdon St. 8-l-2t FOR SALE: 1987 Plymouth con vertible, excellent shape, new tires, radio and heater, spot light, etc. Reason for selling .cwneir buying airplane. Can be seen at Burt Pendry’e, Hays, N. C. 8-l-2t-pd • WANTED WANTED: Rear Axle for three- wheel motorcycle and trans mission, any make or model. Will pay cash. Must be In good condition. Write R. C. Park er, ,Ronda, N. C. 8-l-2t-l>d IVANTED TO DO Hemstitetolng and work Button Holes. Mrs. H. Patrun, 606 Seventh St, City. 8-l-2t WANTED: Girl 18 to 2S yean of age; high school graduate; touch-typlK for^-tnanlag and work our North WUkesboro ■ office. Apply own handwrit ing M. A. Temple, Manager, Western Unljon, Wlnston-Sal- e m, giving qualiflcatlona, •weight, height and enclosing email photograph. 8-5-2t-pd WANTED: Three to five room bouse or apartment In or near North Wilkesboro. Ansel Brown, care Wilkes Poultry Co., Phone 220-J. 8-6-2t EXECUTOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as executors of the estate of Richard Smithey, late of Wilkes county, N. C., this is to nitify all persons ha'ving claims against said estate to pre sent them to the undersigned, whose address is Wilkesboro, N. C., duly verified, on or before the 8th day of July, 1947, or this notice will be plead in bar of their right to recover. All persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate settlement This 8th day of July, 1946. SHERMAN B. SMITHEY and MRS. MABEL SMITHEY Co-Executors of the estate of Richard Smithey, dec’d. 8-26-T IMITA'nON LINEN CRASH 36 inches 'wide beautiful, at tractive floral designs. Really a $1.00 yard -value. Being we are a little overstocked, it now goes out to you at only, yjiid— 69c and 79c The Goodwill Store The Place For Values JUST RECEIVED! “ABTCRAFT" FLEXIBLE Steel Slat Venetian Blinds Limited Quantities 27x64, each $4.95 Custom Built Sizes 50c Square Ft, Harris Bros. Department Store SHRUBBERY! GUARANTEED Selected Stock Plans and estimates given now for Fall planting. See or ■write— SOEnUBBERr: Gaanutteed lected atoek. Plans and esti mates gtveu mow for fall ^ planting. Sea or writs F. L. WUoox, Deep Gap. 8-8-4t-pd rooms to rest for slseplngf- no meals. Mrs. Whites Whfii; WUkeshtm, N. 0. FOB BUNT: Fimldied svart- moot for. girlf only. S40-M or 30S D Street. 8-l-8t-pd • ARtodRanDous PIANO TUNING, by expert 18 years experienee. QnleK ^sar- vlce. Satisfaction gsaraateed. Box F, care Journal-Patriot. 8-8-4t-pd FREBl If Eituse add eaias you palna of Stomach Ulcers, Indl- gestlen, Hoartbam, Belching, Bhwtlhg, Maaaea, Qaa PMna, gat a tie box of Udga Tablets at Horton's Drug Store. 8-15-14t-pd-(T) ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as Administra tor of the estate of John W. Dula, late of Wilkea county, N. C^, this ' raonimKO avchwt %^'i HBARERTTOIRIST OASB • On Higliway 268 Eut to EUdn Wm Be From 8 A. M. to 12.46 MMM^t Featnrinx the Best In —Sizzling T-Bone Steaks * —Delicious Country Ham —Wonderful Fried Chicken —Real Bar-P“Q ,.. And A VARIETY OF OTHER DELIGHTFUL FOODS That WUI Please Tour Palate! You Are Cordially Invited To Pay Ub An Early Visit. ..Bring the Family For a SUNDAY DINNER Ihe pleasingly different atmosphere and friendly scrrics wiU, we feel sure, make your visit a most pleasant one. BAKER BROTHERS Membership Requirement After 7:30 PM Telephone 392-R For Reservation Address All Inquiries to Charles C. Baker F. L. Wilcox -■ '-A?Vvv .^7; Deep G^i N. C. CONTINUING OUR MUmNn CUARMX Ladies’ All Wool Suits *10-00 and’12-50 Hurry, as this will be the last group at these prices. (MAIN FLOOR) ONE BIG TABLE Sandals and Dress Shoes Now *1.00 pair (BASEMENT) ONE LOT Ladies’ and Children’s Shoes Now 50c pair ONE RACK Ladies’ Coats apd Toppers Including Winter Styles *9.00 One Big Rack $12.50 (BASEMENT)' JUST RBCEIVEDl Ladies’ Cotton Print Dresses . *2-4010*2.80 (BASEMENT) Just Received Crinkle Crepe In Pastel Shades and White Special Price! Hurry For This! 19c yd. (BASEIMENT) ONE BIG RACK SCHOOL DRESSES! Girls’ Cotton Print Dresses Sizes 7 to 14 *1.55 to *2-00 Just Received—Another Shipment Young Men’s Tsm Gabardine Hats Now *1.53 Each (MAIN FLOOR) ONE TABLE Ladies’ Play Shoes AND MEN’S WORK OXFORDS^^^^^^^^ Row *1.94 pair (BASE5MENT) New Shipment Gabardine and Zelan Men’s Field Jackets *5.95 to *8-50 (MAIN FLOOR) ' ONE TABLE Children’s Oxfords-Sandals Sizes 10% to 3. Pine for school wear. *1.55 to *1.94 (MAIN FLOOR) Just Received Shipment Boys’ Khaki Overalls Sizes 4 to 12 Only *1.76 pair Boys’ Blue Denim Overall Pants, pair — $1,36 Just Received Shipment Ladies' Fine Quality Lace Trimmed Rayon Slips Color, Tee Rose. Sizes 32 to 40 *1.85 Don’t Miss Our Blanket Sale COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF Cotton Blankets- $1.17-$2.28 Part Wool and All Wool *3.50 to *12-60 (BASEMENT) Eyelet Embroidery In colors and all white. Regular price $3.39. How *2-39 yd. (MAIN FLOOR) Farther Reductions on AO Ladies’ Sportswear, Bathing Suits , Come early as these are going fast! SHOE BARGAINS—ONE TABLE Ladies’ Play Shoes VALUES TO $5.05—SALE PRICE *1.94 to *349 (MAIN ITX)OR) One Lot Lace Curtains REGULAR PRICE $4.95 *3.88 *B’’Streat “ALWATS DBPENDAK2 MBRCHANDISB” •/, North Wilkesboro, N.C.