N. 0. I fOR SAUEt BwMitifHl SM man term iltnated at foot of Phoon* 'lx Hoontain On North Fhrk of Now Rlror, approzbnatolr 8 mllea north of Old Joffwhon in Aaho Oounty, formorlr known as tho James BUsr farm. Is well forested and has both splsiuUd ^^raslnK areas sad fsrtUs^ bottom lands. PWm tmtidings la good eoo- dlttoa and located In extrems- I7 pictnresQoe setting. Ftor fnrthw details oontaot Mr. John D. nisr, Chatham Mfg. Co., Blkln, N. 0. t-l«at POR SAliB: S>room honse Jnst ontslds dtj limits, Palrplidas, running water, bath; 7 lots included. Paul Wlnecoff at Reins Brothers. 9-12-pd POR SAliE: 7 lota on highway 268, two miles out on Ettkln highway. Ooy Anderson, North Wilkesboro route 2. 9-18-3t-p FOR SAliE: Speedybsker wood or coal Range, and two-burner hot plate. See C. B. Brown, 5 mllee from North Wilkesboro on Highway 268. 9-12-2t-pd POR SAliE: IPSO CSierrolet pickup, in fair condition; 1939 Standard Ford Coach, in good oondldon; 1941 Super DeLuxe Ford Coach, new tires. Dealer —George Plpee, Route 3. North Wllkeeboro, N. C. 9-16-pd M6-2f-p4 AtJCWION SALE: AH honadHii goods i«.d vfttmRure will sold eatarday. Sept. 14, at 1 o'clock at the. home of Pskl -Sebastlaa on "the Fairplalas road lust off the Highway. It-pd FOR SAliE: One wheel dislr, la good condition. Floreta Ham by. Route 2, Box 9, Wilkes boro, N. C. It-pd POR SAliE: One Estate Hea- trola: heats .fire to serein rooms. Bums either coal or wood. W. J. Church, Wilkes Baanber Shop. It-pd Sdhf'i POR lAUBs'15.00® BWtieMk spntysd ai^es. Btsrt’t ' Ions, Ooldsn DsllclouS; Stay- mm Wlnasap, Grimes Golden, .‘$1.60 per bushel, la orch^, tree run. V, M. Church, MtHars Creek, Call 39-F-12 or 8#-J*-01. FOR SAliE: Farm 6 1-2 ml. off Highway 18; about 60 acres land; good 8 room house; Fair barn and other out build ings; 8 to 10 acres bottom land; Bargain Cor Quick sale. A. F. Abeher, North Wilkes boro, Route 1. 9-23-4t-pd FOR SAliE: Hand operated meat slicer, good condition. Weetem Auto Associate Store, NortH Wilkesboro. It-Pd S W A N T .E P WANTED: To wv«*r furaitare and do automobile reuphol- steriag. See R. W. Wiles, Hays, N. C., after 6 o’clock. 9-12-2t-p HWT.P WANTED: Middle age woman to stay with family for the winter. Anyone interested please write P. O. Box M, Mil lers Creek, N. C, at once. 9-S3-4t POR 8AI1B: We are offerfag Poplar Goto church house for sale to the highest bidder on the 21st day of September at 2 o’clock; located on old 16 highway, 20 miles from North Wilkesboro. It-pd POR SAliE: One AOTEMOO Big Log wood heater—in good condition. Call North Wilkes boro 2'68-R or see Mrs. Annie Anderson. 301 C Street. 9-16-2t-pd WANTED: Man or woman, phys ically abls and willing to serre 300 customers on local route. Arerags $1.60 per hour. Full or spare time. Write J. R. Watkins Company, Dept. ^8-8, Richmond, Virginia. 9-16-8t-p WANTED: Would like to con tact a sawmill man for sawing a boundry of timber near Ron- dA Box 28, Wilkesboro, N. C. 9-12-3t-PO WANTED TO BDT; Any a«ms- ber good used bicycles and tricycles. Motor Market, lae. 8-8-tf WANIXD — Rcttaed girls tor beauty culture tralalag. Mas's School ef Beauty Culture. 2-7tf POR S.AIiE: Six-foot agricultur al mower for Ford tractor. Yadkin Valley Motor Co. It FOR SALE! The J. M. Wellborn 1 Old Home Ploce | in West Wilkesboro; 10-room' colonial house, beautiful shade trees, large garden, 28 vacant lots, one 4-room tenamt house, rarage and bam. Several lots facing hard surface road, with vrater, sewer, lights. See me at my residence for terms. Thone 63M. J. H. JOHNSON (Ex-Sheriff) POR SALE: 11-year-old mule; will work single or double; In good condition. Frank Mathis, Traphill. N. C. 9-12-pd look THAOHBRSt Kellogg’S Improved Class Registers with Burleson’s Labor Saving Grad ing Table. 4 or 6 week per iods. Carter-Hubbard Publish ing Co. FOR S.ALE: 1500 bushels, spray ed apples, Stark’s Delicious, Go 1 den Delicious; Stayman Winesap, Grimes Golden, $l-®0 per bushel, in orchard, tree run. V. M. Church, Millers Creek, Call 29-F-12 or 29-F-02. 9-16-4t WANTED: Good need Typewrit er. H. G. Nichols, at Journal- Patriot Office. WANTED: Share cropper; trac tor, equipment, fertilizer, seeds, house, pasture, truck patches furnished; work on farm for owner part time; a good proposition. Paul Church, North Wilkesboro route 2. . 9-12-4t-pd QDILT PIECES: Beautiful new Cotton Prints. Large colorfast pieces. 500 for $1.00; sample packet 10c. Free gift with order. Southern Sales Service, Mocksville 3, N. C 9-16-4t APPLE CIDER FOR SALEI in large or small quantities — Also — Delicious, Stayman Winesap Apples, and other yorieties SUN CREST ORCHARDS 4 Miles West On Highway No. 421 TELEPHONE 38-F-20 Miscellaneous ■ Dr. and Mrs. Gilbert R. ComlM, of this dty, received a telegtom Saturtey cemveying 'the tttrws 9-i9-4t that their grtmd niece, Ju(UUt Morris, had died as.a reanlt of an automcaiile wreck which took place Friday. The toliowlhg accoont at the acdde&t Is taken from the Satur day issue of the Lexington (Ky.) Herald: Fnneral servlcea for Judith Combe Morris, 3, daughter of Mrs. Vivian C. Morris 1209 Rich mond road and R- F. Morris, North 'Broadway, were to be held at 2:30 p. m. today at the W. R. Mllward mortnary chapel, the Rev. Albert G. Stone officiating. Burial was to be In the Lexing ton cemetery. The child died at 8:43 o'clock Friday night at the Good Samar itan hospital, less than three hours after she was 'struck by an automobile driven by Wllford W. Hopkins, 27, of 607-C South Blue Grass park. Hopkins was charged with manslaughter and was released, on 81,000 bond. His c^e was transferred to Fayette County Court when he appeared in police court today. Deputy Coroner James L. Chasteen said death was dne to a fractured skull, a broken neck and internal Injuries, and that the child did not regain con sciousness after being admitted to the hospital. He said no In quest would be held. Hopkins told Patrolmen Adam Dean and Gilbert Cravens he was driving west on the Richmond road at a speed of approximate ly 30 miles an hour when the child ran In front of his car. Ho said he stopped immediately. The officers expressed the belief that a wheel of the car passed over the child. Officers said the child had been playing In the front yard of her home immediately before the ac cident and apparently had run FX)R HOUSE COVERING, As bestos or Brick Siding, see I. H. Echerd at Elcherd’s Barber Shop in Taylorsville, or call 3738 (Taylorsville,) around eight at night 9-16-pd 5 ACRES of good bottom com tops to be saved, 2-3 to you; 1-3 to'me stacked. If'interest ed see me at once. Zollle Eller, 509 10th St. 9-12-2t J. C. DAVIS AND RAY OASHION Taxi Service. Two brand new 1946 automobiles, careful, so ber drivers. Telephone 559. 10th Street location between Bare's and Modern Cleaners. 9-l9-pd HOME-OWNERS, let ns paint your home. Church & Keever, contractors. Write Roea Church, Purlear, N. C. 10-10-p AUCTION -...SfMslMtf n-d . Sitehsm. he auctioned on-— Sahirday, Sepi-. 28, 1946 AT J. N. FELT’S GROCERY STORE, HAYS. At 2dM) P. M. Sale includes: Washing Machine, Refrigerator, Piano, Dining Room Snite, Etc. Until Vnur Dream Nnuse niiiteriiillzes... There are some compensatiems in this period of housing shortage. First and foremost, is the fact that it gives you ample time to see that your plans to build a home of yoiu: own are soundly laid. Instead of rushing into the undertaking, you can spend enough time to get all the advice you need about location, house plans, building materials and financing, kmg be- fore the first shovelful of earth is dug. We cordially invite you to come in now and tell us about your plans for a new home. Out of our long experience with real estate and home fi nancing problems, we can help you in many ways. Whether or not you have an account here at our bank, yon will find a ready welcome. Won’t you come in and see us soon? THE HORTHWESTERI BARK Servmg Northwestern North Carolina North Wilkesboro, N. C RRACE’S BEAUTY SALON For New Fall Beauty Correct the Summer abuse rf your hair with a new shap ing and new permanent for the Fall season. Just Phone 637 or come to GRACE’S B EAUTY OVER DR. R. P. CASEY'S OFFICE kti OP1VT3 ■flWry', their two The traffto fatality |jj: this year and.tha eecpM week. Besides her parwSta,. to survived by ’ her . grandfather, 8. B; Comte, ajuft it. sister, Mary MargarM Morris^ both (rf Lexington. The body was taken to the W. R. MtDrard mortuary Peinell Molor COb WiikMboro, N. C. ' ffi^way II At your eerrlee. Motor and-Com plete body reboilding. Bepeir torvfee OB all makasof aptoe and trudes. No Job too large or too n«aii PAINTING, WBLDINO A!ND FENDER WORK. AnENTION! Veterans of World Wor II INTERNA'nONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS are now accepting enrolments from Veterans vriio are entitled to Educational Benefits Under the GJ. BILL OF RIGHTS A wide seiection ot teehnicai. Industrial and Business Subjects la Offered For particulars, write or I%one Tom G. Maxwell, Rep. L C. S. District Representative. Box 2204 Phone 1414-J HICKORY, N. C. 6taif in Ited until [ U ca.n ^et mif 'iOTANY-- 500' TAILORED BY DAROFF” (We hope to got you up soon) MARLBW’S MEN’S SHOP ‘Vew and Correct Hen’s Wear" North Wilkesboro, N. C. GOODYEAR TIRES WANTED CAST IRON SCRAP OF ALL KINDS HIGHEST CASH PRICES LINEBERRY FOUNDRY And MACHINE COMPANY The world's most wanted tires move out almost as fast as they move in! But we'll keep you moving with a Goodyear repair, recap, or replacement. Come to tire headquarters, keep out of , ‘ire trouble. New Goodyear >eLuxe tires ... M6.10 Plus Tax 6X0x10 LIGHT TRUCK OWNERS! SAVE WITH AIRWHEELS A repl truck tire now built with more natural rubber and cooler-running RAYON cords. Heavier tread ond bead plus more plies than tires how ‘2244 on most truc^ Plus Tax 6.00x16 GOODYEAR TUBE' ARC KIND TO YOUR liRES because they hold air longer. . ora tougher than ordinary rubber. (Set new (3ood- yaor tube*—eave tires, time and money. *4.20 Plni Tk 6J»xl6