The dairy calf »how held at the fairground* here on Fam^’ Day, Octobw 2, wa* acclaimed as being very successful with JO fine animals shosra for the priae* given by the Wilkes Chamber of Commerce. In this pktw the champim and ^ serve champion animals are shown. On the right in Buddy Matbw boldi^ the champion while Miss Lucille Mathis U in the foreground vnth the sewmd place winner in the show. Plan* are to greatly enlarge the dairy calf Oiow for the event nest year. hhre hi andFhe_ Hie Prevsntkm. cisinad hr p»«*M*fll.-J^aatoe. beglu today- Stnei th«. whieU vrip^ «rt lae*f MCtioB and a ths residwtlsl so* city. Ilrs prsvwtloa tton li»v*''Jrott1p " rulo-of-tiiniDb jnM casionai practMa of s Bclenca Sen safety are sow 'and are available 1* yiro FiraventloB annually 1^ ‘^le Day” for some til 1920. In that’ dmt of the United claimed “fire to Include the 9, the annlvereary'lligilik.'tttilca>; go fire. ' The fire prevei has beMi an ac chamber com United States . undinr ship of the U^ted her of Commerce to In 1922 the Natio organized the Ni Waste Council, whlc| thlrty-slx national actively engaged fire prevention an At the same time Chamber Fire ,^a featuring an a' mong the was Inaugurated, chambers of their fire depart ficials, and civic engage in this their continuous, forts have made ft tributlon In cent; . tion’s fire lose^h; In olbservling Weelt onr nesday is shown in tiSI* picturo tnade on on Farmers’ Day. The parade was led by the North Wilkesboro high school b^d, and an army recruiting color guard. Major Roy Forehand was parade Marshall. '4 Senotor Clyde R. Hoey is shown before the michrophtme as he ®® inspiring address here Wednesday before the large Farmers’ Day crowd. Shown near the senator on the speaker’s platform are John E. Justice, Jr., who was mas ter of ceremonies. Mayor R. T. McNiel, who delivered the address of welconw, J. B. Waiiams, president of the Wilkes Chamber of Commerce, sponsor, of the Farmers’ Day celebration, and J. Gordon Hackett.— (Photos by Harvel). JKHtTH WILKESBORO OVERWHELMS MOCKSVILLE TO WM BY SCORE 2(M) North Wllkeebopo's Mountain ions overwhelmed a fighting [ocksvllle 11 Friday to win 26 > 0 at Mocksville. The game was more closely layed than the score Indicated at Coach Bowers’ team, improv- ig each week, was able to oome irough at the right points to ,11 up the score to four touch- jwns and two extra points. The Mountain Lions, scored one b the first anarter, one In the Kond and two In the final per- Sturdivant scored two of e touchdowns on runs, Caudill oas toachdown and Rousseau e other, after catching a l«ndid pass from Turner. The cks alternated in making long IM fftrooghonf the game. Porter played well at center «nt early In ths gam* with a knee injury and Hudson played a wonderful game at that position. .Bhook at tackle, Ad ams at ond. Stoker and Church at the guard iposltions Showed up well In the line, which played a brilliant game on offense and de fense. The Mountain Lions play Jonesvllle high team here Fri day, 2:30, and will have a most busy afternoon. Reports from JoneevUle indicate that a faet and agresslve team has been formed there and has been im proving In the past two .weeks." It Is expected that the local squad wllL have plenty of vork this week in 'preparation for the contest, which will be followed by Bwme and Elkin, two oj; Ih® tosgLsst gSmes on th* sehednl*. , jf\ (i ^ P. E. Brown, fanner, in- dnstrlaUst and former sheriff of Wllkee,\wlu> introdneed Senator Clyde S. EDoey to the Day llimw ^ nmt'Cragwi, North Wilkes- ,koro sphool superintendent who is very active In the Chamber of iktadaereeB safety campaign, d»- |lvf^ an instructive address Friday evening before the North "Wniteeboro Uons CInb. , The program was in charge of ‘•^ernoa Deal, Robert Jcdinson and Darwin Smlthey. Mr. Deal Unseated the speaker. ,JWr. Oragan stated that engi- .b^ring, enforcement and safety arp the three points being streas- ^ 'in the Interest of safety. He urgdd that drivers be taught driving rules and regulations and UMCt. all drivers have pride in t^Mr ability to drive safely. He d^ributed a driving quiz with 2d questions and four In the crowd were able to chalk up a jjei^ct score. prior jgf the program Secre tary iW. jiL Hardlster read a .jrtatemenl^'-trom the Employment ;B^ice ■ .office 'here relative to nploy Physically Handlcapp- W«#," which is now being i-W.."%alr Gwyn reported that ~"hs’ ot season tickets inrUkeSboro football Ijies. Oragan ' Vlor'yalaOili oo- A military foneral and bur ial was held for Sgt. Hansel B. Anderaon, who was Ulled In Germany on IJie 18th of An- gost in a track accident. He la survived by his mother, Mrs. Bebeoca Oomhs Anderson and his father, B. L. Anderson, of North Wllheeboroj three bro thers, Harry P. Anderson, Louisville, Ky.; Archie B. An derson, Hl|di Point; Oeed An derson, Norfolk, Va.; three sisters, Mrs. Nellie Ellis, Ar lington, Va.; Mrs. Kathleen Sprouse, Baltimore, Md.; Mrs. Gretel Crobnr, Washington, D. O. The funeral was held at Yow’s Funeral Home in High Point, whfle burial was in Balisbury at the National Cem etery there on Saturday, Sep tember 28 th. carrying on a pro* will result in a safer city- which to live. Spainhour’s 2nd Floor Ready For Opening Oct. 9tb Spainhour’s In North Wilkes boro, parent store of the Spain- hour organization with a history of 76 years of merchandising service In this community, will open the firm’s new second floor Wednesday. Opening of this beautiful fash ion floor Is the first step on a modernization program which will extend through the three floors of the Spainhour’s store here, and which will make It one of the most attractive In the State. Late last year work was begun on the nerw second floor, which Is now ready for opening. Every detail of the beautiful fashion floor was planned and construct ed for convenience and comfort of customers. Air conditioning has been add ed in the store, assuring correct temperatures winter and sum mer. A modern elevator will carry customers to the floors of the store rapidly, comfortably and safely. The furnishings In clude luxurious, double-soft car pets in modem color scheme on the second floor. Prima Vera fix tures Include the most modern available for high quality mer chandising. On the new second floor may be found the smartest fashions from the style centers. National ly advertised lines which empha size correctness and quality In clude coats, millinery, ' epqsrta- wear, suits, btouses, dresses and sweaters. As materials become availaible the remainder of - Spslnhpar’S store here will be remodbled and modernized with the same oaghness which has characteriz ed the oonstraetion of the hew fashion floor. The management states that the remodeling *111 be donO with as llttfe Inoonven-, ience to shoppers as ipossiblo. »iAU are invited to visit tk,e new second floor which will open Wednesday. Bill Mitchell with Richard Johnston; Quincy Adams with Paul Green; Carl VanDeman with Forrest Jones. Lions were treated to fine De licious apples, which were piled at the plates. Mr. VanDeman stated that the apples were pro vided through courtesy of P. B. Brown’s orchard on Chestnut Mountain, and the Carolina Re frigeration Cooperative. Junior Order Newt Degree team of the North Wil kesboro eonneil ®f fbe Jsnlor Order will go to Boone tonight to confer th^ side degree. Degree work will also M’ssr- Tled ont te the meetiu. Aees ’Pnesday alght and all AeabNi, are'nrfsd to att*ed. 4-H Fat Stock Show and Sale To B^eld 8-9 The 4-H Baby Beef Fat Stock Show and Sale will be held at Elkin, October 8-9. Wllkee Coun ty will have 15 steers entered In the show and sale. Kent Sturdi vant, two; Virginia Alexander two; Paul Hutchinson, one; Ru by Hutchinson, one; Mary Hutchinson, two; Dewitt Rhodes two; Vada Rhodes, one; Billy Dean Cothren, two; Caroline Fer guson, one; Edith Marie Fergu son, one. All of the boys and girls are 4-H Cluib members and have done a good job In produc ing their calves. Judging of the calves will be gin at 1:00 p. m., Tuesday, Oc tober 8. Dr. John E. Poster of State College will do the judg ing. At 6:30 p. m. there will he a banquet for all exhibitors at the Y.M.C.A. sponsored by the Junior Chamber of Commerce of Elkin. Cash awards will be made and an address by Honorable Clyde R. Hoey after the banquet. Wednesday, October 9 all 4-H Club memibere and F.F.A. mem bers are invited to attend the program at 10:00 a. m., there will be a picture show;—“Young America”; 11:00 a. m.—address iby Honorable Clyde R. Hoey; 12:30 p. m. Fat Stock parade, and at 1:30 p. m. auction sale, conducted by Oscar Pitts, Ashe- vUle, N. O. The public Is invited to attend all programs and we ho(pe to have a large attendance from Wilkes Gonnty. Anyone interested in buying some top «jnallty baby beef should attend the sale. Reyirol Se^iees ' At Sec^ond BopHit Rery^sl Services began Sunday' night at IQie Second B^tlst church and Will* -be held each foight at YtlSl A-. C. Pruitt is betag aaaistsd la ths revival by Qev. Qar^id Pruitt, o Bl- is oordiaDr iw- sttsi to attMd. Application For 1,000 Waft Radio Station Is 0. K.’d Wilke* Broadcasting Co. Plana to Open New Sta- ‘ comi»By~fo' and operate a l,0d0-watt radio station in North Wilkesboro was granted Friday by the Federal Communications commission. Members of the newly organ ized firm said here today that much of the equipment has al ready been purchased and that plans are to open the station a- bout January 1. Arrangements will he made this week for lo cation of the studio and tower. Early, plans also call for running lines to the churches, town hall and other places from which pro grams will be broadcast. The 1,000-watt station will be affiliated with the Mutual net work, and will also feature local programs.; Principal owners of Wilkes Broadcasting company are John T. Cashion, and Mrs. Doris Brown, of Winston-Salem. Mr. Cashion’s father was a native of Wilkes. Full CrKfan Diseiuwes Ear and EdtutaBon Pkaiws Fdstarsd by ‘ sa sddms ot “Ssfsty,'' the Norih WlltsSboi* Klwenls club held s good meet* . in* FrMey nooh. Progrun chairmen Panl Crtr gen acaounced prsllmloary to his program 'that next week would be NaUoiml Ftre Preven tion Week; and aleo It will be National Employment Week for the Plbyaically. Handicapped. Kiwanlan Oragan then brought to the Club an Interenting discu> alon on the aubjecC of "IHghway Safety." He dieenssed It under the title, The Three Big "E’s” In Safety. 1. Engineering: Cara have more and more been safely built, through the efforts of the jea- glneers; the highways have more and more been wisely and safe ly constructed. 2. Laws and Law enforcement have been extended and Improv ed and now local. State and Na tional regulations are in effect everywhere. S. Education: The acquiring of knowledge of the rules of safety and the attitude to carry out that knowledge Is the weak spot. Many iieople drive who are phys ically or mentally incapable of doing BO. The regulations now require a much more rigid test for driver’s license than was formerly required. Improvement In this part of the endeavor will improve our highway casualty list. Earlier in the meeting Carl VanDeman called attention to the apples piled on the tables for the Kiwanians and stated that plenty of :high quality apples are available locally, notwithstand ing the fact that great quantities are being shipped out. Guests Friday were: J. • Briarhoppers At Wilkes Courthouse Thursdoy Evening The Briarhoppers, who broad cast dally from Radio Station shaw, cf Nashville, Tenn., With Dr. David E. Browning, Dr. W. L. Bundy with R. M. Brame, Jr., Mr. Whitaker with Paul Vestal. Office Of Brushy Mountoin Baptists Open Oct. 8 to 11 Office of the Brushy Moun tain association will be open the week of October 8-11. Hours will be, Tuesday and Thursday, 10:30 a. m. to 1 noon, and Wednesday and Friday, 4 to 6 p. m. The of fice is located la the library of the Wilkesboro Baptist church. The assoclatlonal worker, Miss Madge Lewis, will be at the church for conferences during the above hours. WBX. Charlotte, will appear In person, at the Courthouse In Wilkesboro, Thursday night, Oc tober 10, at 8:00. These well known musical entertainers are being sponsored by the Cricket Home Demonstration Club, the proceeds derived from this show to be applied to the building fund for the erection of a Com munity House and Youth Cen ter within the near future. WILKESBORO RAMBLERS HOLD BOONVILLE ELEVEN TO 7-7 TIE Inlaying the second game of their football careers, Wilkes boro high school Ramblers held a far-superior Boonvllle football team to a 7 to 7 tie at Boonvllle FYiday afternoon. Boonvllle, studded with stars, and with veterans of several years' experience, was scheduled to win by several touchdowns, but 80 stubbornly did Coach Caldwell’s grlddera play, that the first half ended In a scoreless tie. Wilkesboro held Boonvllle for a series of downs i^(hlh tard line, and once their oppon ents advanced to the four, only to lose the ball on the ftmftli down. Boonvllle was first to _ score, this coming In the third quarter when Pardue went around ond for. a touchdown. Johnson made the extra point. Wllkesbopo’s scoring, oppor- tnnlty came late in the fourth quarter when a Boonvllle baek fumbled, and Banner fell on th* bail for recovery- With enUy *e, bout two mlnutee to play, Botwi TrlpleU started flipping and he passed one into' the aius ot Jar Psrtef. ■VOWJ*®**'* ^ toot-stz-foch end. wb®' raced -*> boat M yard* for a tosehdtnra. lion Foster piniad toreagh Boonvllle’s line for the extra point, and the ball game was all tied up—7-7. Tom Foster and Jack Groce were outstanding in Wilkesboro’s backfleld, and the Ramblers’ line held splendidly In the pinches. POB. Wilkesboro Boonvllle LE...-Bryan Shoie LT....Gamlble —- Bryant LG....D. PVister Johnson C —Story — Sapp RO—Glass — Gentry RT-JIubbard —. Fletcher RE—Craig —... Cockerham QB—R. Triplett . LH ^Croee RH—.Triplett — FB Foster Castevens Lakey ..... Swaim Johnson Soore by perlode: Wilkeeboro ..i., 0 0 0 7—7 Boonvllib 0 0 7 0—7 Wilkeabpio scoring toneh- down: Partor. Point after toneh- down: Foster (scrimmage). BoonviUe eoorisg towhdown: Pardne^ Point after touchdown: Johnson (serimijuge). SstMitttfatSB: BoonVlU* •— Brown, Pardse, Stanlscr. De^ bto*> Taylor, Toalla; WlHlw* boro - ■■Panaer, Patkae, S. Ohn«ir. ’I4»i»y. Ear***. WUkeeboro Raatolors IfooksvUle Friday attomoon Wilkesboro at 1 o'oloek.