rf>*TR«r, MQBTO )yil,KE5BOaO, W. C. • FOR SALE ANTIQUES REFDnSHED and reuphoUtered lik« new. Also SUp Covers. S. & S. Upholstery Oo., "B” Street. ll-25-2t-pd FOR SAliE: lUtand wood and slabs cheap. See H. N. Cannon, Traphill, N. C., on Brewer Mill and Round Hill Church road. 11-26^)4. FOR SALE; One honae and lot on hard surface road one mile . from Mountain View school and church, in a good com munity. House just completed, four rooms and hath, and elec tric lights. Price 18,960. Quick dale. Abeher Real Estate Co., E. M. Blackburn, Manager. It FOB SALE: Green or dry oak wood. fl.OO cord. See R. Q. Hall, Route 2, Wilkeeboro, N. C. It-pd FOR SALE: 8,000 bales of bay— Clover, Alfalfa and Leapedesa. See R’. L. Morrison, Route 1, Mooreeville, N. C., near Mt. Moume. 11-28-pd ATTENTION 1 Just Recaiv- ed, all makes Typewriter Ribbons. Adding M a- chine Ribbons. ^ Carter* Hubbard Publishing Co. CALL JOHN A. REEVES’ wood- yard at Wilkes Oil Co. for wood of all kinde. $3 or $6 loads. Phone 26-F-04. 11-28-p WOOD FOR SALE: Stove wood, dry slabs or round wood, green hardwood for heater. Pickup loads. Call 46-F-40. Claud H. Brooks, North Wll- kesboro. Route 1. 12-2-pd FOB SALE: 1 registered Joreejr cow, 1 Guernsey cow, 1 Quem- sey heifer, 1 registered Jersey heifer—all 4 due to freshen. Ernest Pearson, Moravian Palls, N. C, It-Pd FOR SALE: 1087 Pontiac De- Lnxe Tudor, motor in A-1 con dition. Radio and gas heater. See S. R. Pearson at 412 P St. or Call 676-M. 11-25-pd POR SALE: Brushy Mountain Limibertwlg apples. See J. J. Anderson, Wllkesboro, N. O., near Cub Creek church. It-pd FOR SALE: 1987 Plymonth De- Luxe Coach, in gpood condition, with radio and heater; 11- year-old horse, weighs 1100 pounds; also wagon with good bed, and set of harness. See Grover Sebastian, Route 1, North Wilkeeboro, N. C. 11-2'6-pd for SALE: 1041 ton and a half Dodge Truck, in good oon- dition. See Jack Treadaway, in care of Walter Blankenship, Box 298, Falrplains. 11-26-pd bX>B SAXE: One overhead Gar age Door, size 6’8’’ x S', com plete with hardware. See Ed ward Harris, Phone 117-R or 600. ll-26-2t FOR SALE: Extra nice hound pups, registered Walker cross, past 2 months old. Price this week, $5.00 each. Come to see them. R. L. Hlckerson, Honda, N. C. 11-26-2t F0®$' ™ .."..-r* . L honsekeaplBg, iforitSi 66fitpl$ listened. Mrs. Sam ' VTud. 'lllS'E Street, North WilkdS- boro, N. 0. It-pd POb RENT: Four-room ho«^_ outbuildings, water and wo«i* three miles ont on Klondyke rpad. 0. C. Bdmgamer, North Wllkesboro route one. It-Jd FOR RENT: 60 acres of bottmn land. See R. G. Hall, Route S, Wllkesboro, N. O. It-pd • W A N T E D TENANT WANTED at once; for large river farm; rich bottom land, stock gnd tools furnish ed. Charles Howard. See me at Charles Howard Grocery, Wll kesboro, N. C. ll-25-2t WANTED TO BUT: Amr ber geed need hieyeles nd tricycles. MeUr Market, l»c. l-g-tf I BUY CERTAIN scarce orce or minerals by the hundred pounds. You might mine them off days. Or I will develop your mines. Have you unusual Iron ores, or any uncommon min erals? Write George M. Bow man, Mineralogist, Elk Park, N. O. 11-21-tf FOR SALE: Ten Steers, 18 months old, good oondltlon. Clarence Benton, Purlear, N. C. 11-28-pd POB SALE: 1942 Cab-over en gine Ford Truck: new motor, new tires, and two-epeed rear- end. Jaxvis Walsh, Boomer, N. C. 11-21-pd FOR SALE: 1936 F^ord Coach; 19 39 DeLuie Ford Coach, in good condition: 1941 Nash 4- door DeLuxe: 1940 Ford De Luie Coach. George Pipes, Route 3. North Wllkesboro, 4 miles from town on Winston- Salem road. 11-21-pd U. S. N. C. Controlled, Pnllorom passed Chicks. Immediate de livery, $14.00 per hundred.'— Ronda Hatchery, Ronda, N. C. ll-28^t-pd FOB SALE: Bird dogs, purtvbretl Pointers, two years old. See Earl Anderson, Wllkesboro. N. C 11-21-pd FX>R SALE: Bilcp 9-room home, 7 acres land, 2 good chicken houses: car shed, wood shed, barn and other outbuildings. Well with pump, nice shrub bery, g;ood orchard, on High way 16, about 12 miles from town. Guy Sheets, Wilbar, N. C. 11-21-pd FOR SALE: New Table Model Radio and Phonograph Combi nations. Come In and see them today. Easy terms. No advance in prices. Phillips Electric Ap pliance Oo., Corner 10th and A Streets. Phone No. 45. ll-21-2t-pd TUXEDO Poultry Mashee, Scratch Grains, Dairy. Hog, Horse, Dog I and Rabbit Feeds. Tuxedo' Feed Company, North Wilkes- boTO, Phone 94. 11-18-tf FOR SALE: .•U)Ont 27 acres land in Rock Creek township, 1 1-2 miles from highway 268 on good gravel road. About 10 acres in timber, rest In good cultivating condition. See Ire dell Watkins, North Wilkee boro. Route 2. ll-26-3t-pd FOR SALE: One Warner Electric Plating Machine, good as new. Price reasonable. At Phillips Electric Appllcance Oo., Cor ner 10th anl A Streets. Phone 45. ll-21-2t-pd TURKEYS POB SAI-E: See Bob Kite at Carolina Home and Auto Supply. Phone S3. ll-25-2t FOR SALE: New Hampshire Red and White Leghorn Baby Chicks from State Blood Test ed and Culled Breeders. Give us your order now for your next year’s layers. Prices for Day Old Chicks, N. H. Reds St. run $13.00 per hundred. W. r,eghorn sexed pullets $26.00 hundred. RED TOP POULTRY FARM & HATCHERY. Pur lear, N. C. Route 1, 11-28-pd MAN OR WOMAN to dlsttlbnte nationally known food & drug items in your viclnlt7. Excep tional Income, permanent fu ture. Write Dept. S-3, P. O. Box 6071, Richmond, Va. ll-26-3t-pd Specialty Salesman Exclusively for beautiful* line of gift shop items, novelties, bill folds. and fine leather goods. Merchandise sold direct to retail stores of all kinds. Quick shlp- merts. Liberal commission and bonus. Automobile essential. Big season now on. Write Resale Di vision, Kemper-Thomas Oo., Cin cinnati 12, Ohio. ll-25-2t-pd b.' Clyde Beahaars'’and John iW, Minton, veteraM lois In action, have been ddBVor- 4d automobiles by s Gaddy Motor^ company in t****^^^' L. .Harold charge of the Veterans Administration ofttce here, said that Messrs. Boihears and Minton were .-the first local men to receive cars given by the government and were the 14th and 16th In the state. Under provisions of an act of congress, any veteran who lost a leg or the use of a leg (above the ankle), may be .provided with an automobile, the total cost not to exceed $1,600. Mr. Younts explained that vet erans who qnallfy cau make ap plication through the Veterans Administration o^lco here and that the applications will (be han dled promptly. Already 26 veterana In thlf community have filed ■ applica tions through the North Wllkes- ‘boro office and have bOen ai:- proved. All except the two mem tioned above are on waiting lists for automobiles from dealers. -o-= ' WlAThe CHURCHES John W. Minton^ son of Mr. W. T. Minton, of Back portoffice, • wte^ wi& much service in Italy, and Clyde Bedhears, eon of Mr. and Mr*. J. M. Beshear^ «y Wilkeeboro route one, vrith* much service aleo in the European theatn, were givM new Chevrolet auttmiobflei Ia»t week by Uncle Sam throufh the Veteimne Ad ministration. Shown in the picture, readiny from left to righ^ are; O. Iw. rO|^ General Sales Manager of the Gaddy Motm- Co., Veteran Beeheare, L. Yountz, of the Veterans’ Administration, smd Veteran Minton. • Miscellaneous ‘IT’S PUN TO PAINT tt yonr- self with PLASTI - KOTB’S plastic auto paint. No brush marks." Motor Market, Inc. 11-21-91 OPEN ONLY ON SATURDAYS Good Elastic 1-2 inch, 1-4 inch. Elastic tliat will stretch twice Its length is good. We have this kind of elas tic. * Bed Spreads size, largest made. Only while they last. * Dress Lengths Special Value. WILKE8BOBO METHODIST Rev. H. M. Wellman, Pastor. There will be a Special Thanks giving Service Sunday morning at the eleven o’clock hour. Spec ial music for the occasion will be pfovlded by the choir. The pas tor will bring a message In keep ing with the occasion. At the five o’clock Vesper service the Jun ior Choir will provide the mtisic. The public Is cordially Invited to these services. % OPEN FORUM This Is * oolniDB ope* to the pnWlc for free expreeston. THE JOURNAL-PATRIOT dwn assume any respoiialbtlity for aoUideB printed under this hendtag, and neMter eiidorneo nor condemns them. Please he as brief as poesibie. PFXIPLB’S TABERNACLE H. G. Clayton, Pastor. Millers Creek, N. C. 7:00 Saturday night Preaching service. 9:45 Sunday School. 11:00 A. M. Preaching. 7:00 P. M. Preaching. Come where a welcome awaits everyone. The Workers In. the Junior De partment of the North Wilkee boro First Methodist church will entertain for the children in the department and also the mem bers of the Junior choir at the church hut Friday evening, No vember 22. The children are asked to come at 7:30 o’clock for the party, which will close at nine o’clock. Should It be rain ing that evening the party will be called off. MRS. MINTON WRITES Champion, N. C. Nov. 18, 1946 An open letter to the grand children, great - grandchildren, and other relatives of the late Jonathan and Rachel Stout. For several weeks I have been discussing with some of you the importance of ejecting a suit able marker to Grandfather and Grandmother’s graves, the pres ent one being broken, and O'bso- lete. Many of you have already responded generously. I wish I could contact each of you personally and explain, more fully our plans and purpose but it is most Impossible for me to do this. Therefore, I am reauest- ing that you contact me In some manner with your contribution and the marker will ibe erected at the earliest iwasible date. With every good wish, I am. Tours truly, MRS. T. 0. MINTON, Grandaughter of the late Jona than and Rachel Stout. * Chambray 1 yard to 1 1-4 yaa-d. Pre-war quality. FOR RALE: A team of mule colts, 7 months old. See Rex Jennings, Reddies River, N. C. 11-21-2 t-pd FOB SALE: 8 nice lots, on Elfcln highway No. 268, 1-2 mile from county home. See Joe Palmer, at City Florists. 11-21-pd FOR SALE: OUver tractor, rub ber tires, double plower, good condition. William Steele, Pores Knob, N. C., Route 2. 11-21-pd FOR SALE: 9-room house 5-6 acre of land at Ronda. Price 2,500. A. M. Holbrook, Route 1, Box 280, North Wllkesboro, N C. 11-25-pd POB SALE: Two six-room hous es, with water, half mile from City limits on highway 18.— See Joe Palmer, at City Flor ist, North Wilkeeboro, N. C. 11-21-pd iX)B SALE: 1934 Ford two door, In good condition and hae good tires Dean Rhoades, Radical, N c. ll-21-2t-pd FOR SALE: Picture Shop fnlly equipped for portrait and com mercial photography. Enlarg ing. tinting, dark room equip ment, aJl new. Solar No. 57, 5x7 Enlarger, Roto Electric Dryer, Morse Tank Processing outfit. Furniture, good loca tion. Nothing to buy but film and paper to keep business go ing. Reason for selling—have other business Interests to at tend to. If your are Interested In a good business and enough work to keep you busy, write W. G. Harrison, Picture Shop. Weat Jefferson, N. C. 11-21 * Buttons All sizes and colors. Fine French Values and all kinds of Lace. Have Tour Buttons Covered Bring a swatch of cloth and wait 10 minutes. Have Tour Nylons Repaired FOR SATjE: One small fire proof Safe. $115.00; One medium size fire proof Safe, $136.00. Payne Clothing Co., North Wllkesboro, N. C. 11-21-21 PX)R SALE: 1 pair mares, weight 1200 pounds, good workers and loggers, also 1939 1 1-2 ton Chevrolet Truck, A-1 con dition. M. G. Mathis, Route 3, North Wllkesboro, N. C. ll-25-3t-pd fob SALE: A black horse, six years old, weighs about 1«00 lbs. Well broken in for any kind of work. Real bargaui in gale. See Odell Wyatt, 1-2 mUa beyond Mertie Postoffice, Mer- tle, N. C. ll-21-2t-pd fob SAIiB: New seven-rowu house; six and one-half acres land. About 1 1-4 mUe from Millers Creek. Good location, good $T»Tel mate and school hue route. O L. PhiUlpe, Wllkesboro, ^te 1. U-21-lt-pd laiJB; PreMi Je»*r cow. Bar^oW.«*M by her elde. I. Tale, Hay*. H. 0. 11-21-pd PERSONAL GREETING and nice Business Greetings and Calen dars on sale by Carter-Hub- bard Publishing Co. FOR SALE: 1035 Chevrolet Panel, good oondltlon, tires good, motor good. Buel Call, North Wllkesboro Route 3, 8 miles on Highway 421. 11-21-2 t-pd Lost and Found LOST: Pig, S-weeks-old, female, black, one white foot, front and back. Please notify C. G, Glass. It-pd LOST; A 21-Jewel Balova wrist watch, in or near Penney's store Saturday evening. Find er please return to Journal- Patriot offlce for reward. Miss Gertrude Johnson. It RAY’S STORE East Of Bus Station “B" St. North Wllkesboro, N. C. FOR SALE! 60 acres of land, about two miles from North Wilkeeboro; on which is located one six room house furnished. Two chicken houses, a barn and a numibar of outbuildings. It has a number of fruit trees sufficient for any or- ■dinary family. This land will pro duce most anything that grows Vacuum Cleaners—See 1946 Sanitlzor and Its many exclusive features. Order quick for Christ mas dellvOTy. Telephone Sweeny, 709-J. 11-21-pd NOTICE,! This Is to Notify The Public that I have dissolved partnership with the McNeil & Norris Florisl OF MILLERS CREEK and will not be responsible for any debts or transactions after NOV. 20, 1946 Mrs. Ralph Triplett Nee Mrs. Hugh H. Norri* Tom Andrews Meot Man at Dixie Home Tom Andrews, formerly of Le noir and who is well experienced in the meat business, has accept ed the position as manager of the meat department at Dixie Home store In this city, J. C. Williams, Jr., store manager, said today. Mr. Andrews is a World War II veteran, having served as a combat medic In tank and In fantry divisions. In his position here he succeeds H. D. Ball, who resigned after being with the store since It was opened here several years ago. U. 8. Navy Blnatets, double bed size, brand new. A bargain at only 88.95. Keep yourseU warmer at low cost.—The Good will Store. ll-25-2t BAZAAR At Mrs. Joines' Cafe Wilkesboro, N. C. Tuesday, Wednesday Afternoons November 26-27 Large Selection Handmade CHRISTMAS AND BABY GIFTS Mrs. Josephine Cloy in Wilkes county. It has running through It a branch, a branch that will furnish water for your live stock. It can be divided Into small farms. Roads on both sides of It. Price $8,500.00. Aleo one other tract of land on which Is lohated one five-room house, hard wood floors. It has a road frontage of about 440 f feet on Highway (hard surface) in a good community near a church and good school (about 25 acres). Price $4,500.00. , ABSHER REALTY CO. E. M. BLACKBURN, c U L L E R’S CASH GROCERY New and Fresh Stock Fresh Fruits and Vegetables MEAT AND LARD __ New Corn Meal Water Ground Red Band Flour in 5,10 and 25 lb; Bo^ A Dried Beans—Pintos, Great Northern Limas, 20c lb. WILKESBORO, N.C. ■ , ... G. P. STORE AND MARKET "Where You Always Sere On (kocerles end Meete" Let Us E-xpress a Basket to Your Boy or Girl at School— VIRGINIA BEAUTY— APPLES^ »3jM LARGE PACKAGE— QUAKER OATS 27» U, WASHINGTON’S (Makes S5 Cups)— INSTANT— e O F F EE 39« NO. 2 CAN— TOMATO JUICE I2> RED BANIK— FLOUR-25-lk N *1-9® CASTLEBERRY’S SEA FOOD— SAUCE-6ozs.-20e SWEET- PICKLE RINGS, pf. jar 29» BLACKBERRY OR PINEAPPLE— SPREAD qi i« ‘1-W CARAMEL CREAM- TUMBLERS-1-lb. barrel... 63c BIRDS EYE BRANDS FROSTED'^^^FOODS REO.U.S. PAT.OFF. FRUITS - VEGETABLES - FISH MEAT DEPT. Lean Stew Beef, lb. 30*; Chuck Beef Roast, lb. 3 5bf Fresh Grannd Beef, lb. 3 Un, Tender Pork Chops, lb. . 6 ,^. Pork Sansage, lb. Veal Chops, Ik -