j^P-' ‘ ■ *■ f. 21. 1946 ■ '••■I' . ..^ "f^-V-'-'.‘ >'-•* -r^. £• • s h, HORTH pi [itenM iMxovt Coiners amd Goers ... From People You Know WKo Move About Mr. Cecil Wllee, wbo holde » rMPonatble position with the Rexall Store, Is recuperattn* from a serloas Illness. - Elder T. L. WUson will preach at Reddles River church Sunday, 11 a. m. The poibllc Is most cor dially Invited to attend. Mrs. J. H. Johnson will leave tomorrow to visit with Dr. and Mrs. Calvin Strlngfleld and lit tle grandson, Calvin Preston Strlngfleld, 111., in San Antonio, Texas. Mrs. Strlngrfleld is the daughter of Mrs. Johnson, who will make the trip to San Anton io by plane. Call Us Far Tear ... PlumbiniT *nd Electrical Repairs AMD SERVICI • MYERS• WATER SYSTEMS ANDERSON ELECTRIC COMPANY Telephone 630 WILKESBORO, N. C Miss Blanche Ferguson, of WilkePmro, will leave tomorrow to visit with her brother, Mr. W. «. Fergusd*, at^ Curies Ne* Fasun near Rlchafond, Va. ^ Rev. Mr. Horn, from Winston- Salem, will be guest speaker at Macedonia Church, near Honda, Sunday, Nov. 24, at 11:00 a. m. The pu/bllc Is cordially invited. Mesdames Palmer Horton, W. B. Somers, Joe Barber, Fred Hubbard and Miss Frank Som ers were visitors to Richmond, Va. last week. Ex.Sherlff Presley B. Brown was carried to Davla Hospital this morning for treatment. He has been 111 for a week at his home in Wllkesboro. Mr. C. C. Wallace, of Gastonia, prominent lumber dealer who makes his headquarters here, en tered the Wilkes hospital for treatment Tuesday. Miss Mary Evelyn'Crook spent Sunday here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Crook, and had as her guest, Miss June Har vey, of Miami, Fla., Miss Crook and Miss Harvey are student nurses at the Baptist Hospital in Winston-Salem. There’s no about it WINMS COMING! Winter Service TUNC-UP? An expert “tune-up” costs little, yet pays big dividends In quicker starting and pick-up, smoother performance, greeter economy, longer life. LUBRICATION? The best “car insur ance” you can buy is regular, thorough, and inexpensive chassis lubrication by men who “know how!” BRAKIS? Your safety this winter detnands perfect brakes. Let trained mechanics adjust yours — NOW! The cost is low — the satisfaction is great! OVERHAUL? You can have your car completely overhauled NOW, and pay for it on our convenient “Pay- As-You-Drive” plan. See us today for a free estimate! You're Safe with Our Dependable DODGE-PLYMOUTH WINTER SERVICE VIE HAVE TRAINED MECHANICS . . . PLENTY OF FACTORY- ENGINEERED PARTS A WILKES AUTO SALES, Inc. W. 0. Absher — F. D. Forester Telephone 51 Forester Avenue Mr. W. G. Gabriel, mBaa«« of Belk’s department store, Is-boy- Ing merchandise In New ■Yorlt City this week. Mr. Gabriel made the trip from Wlnaton-Salem by plane. Dr, and Mni. J. G. BenUey .have returned to their home at Pores Knob from a teb-day trip to Plasterco, Va., where they visited their daughter, Mrs. Joe Carter. • Mr,, and Mrji. WaUon Brame, Mr. Frank Allen and Mr. Charlee H. Day were among those front h^ attending the Garo- llna-Wak© Forest football game Saturday at Chapel Hill. ' Mr. and Mrs. Tom Story, Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. Don Story and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gray were a- mong the local people who saw Carolina defeat Wake Foreet 26-14 at Chapel Hill Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Q. Blackburn and daughter, of Boomer, and Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Minton, of North Wllkesboro, visited Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Whitworth, of Winston-Salem, for the week end. Mr. Elmore Handy and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Higgins, of Winston- Salem, were among those from out-of-town attending the funer al service In Wllkesboro Satur day for Mrs. O. P. Blevins, who died Thursday morning. A son, Ralston Murphy Pound, III, was bom to Mr. and Mrs. Ralston Murphy Pound, Jr., of Charlotte, on Tuesday, Novem ber fifth. The baby Is a great- grandson of Mrs. James Clinton Smoot, of this city. Ellen Joyce Jones, 13-months- old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Jones, underwent a ma jor operation Wednesday 1 n Richmond, Va. Mr. Jones return ed to this city last night and Mrs. Jones remained with their child In Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Riley, of gt. Louis, Mo., were here this week tor a short while. They were accompanied home by Mrs. Rftsa Reeves, Mrs. Riley’s mo ther, who will spend sometime In St. Louis with them. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Halgwood visited Mr. Haigwood’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Halgwood over the wjeek-end. Mrs. Paul Halgwood is teaching Home EJco- nomics at Plttaboro High School and Mr. Paul Halgwood is going to school at Chapel Hill. Mr. Pat WilllamB, Jr., Mr. Charles J. Williama and Mr. Carl Coffey are members of the D Club at Davidson CoJlege. The club has its purpose the foster ing of more cordial athletic re lationships with other education al institutions. Dr. and Mrs. David E. Brown ing, of the First Baptist church here, Rev. W. N. Brookshire, At torneys T. B. Story and J. P. Jordan, of Wllkesboro, have been attending the Baptist State Con vention In Asheville this week. The convention closed today. Born on November 13th, to Dr. and Mrs. Calvin Strlngfleld in Brooke General Hospital in San Antonio, Texas, a son, Pres ton Calvin Strlngfleld, III. Mrs. Stringfleld Is the former Miss Billie Waugh Johnson, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Johnson, of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Billings and son, Philip, and Mrs. A. L. Hutchinson, mother of Mrs. Bil lings, left Tuesday for an ex tended visit with Mrs. Billings’ brother and sister in Flint, Mich igan, where Mrs. Hutchinson is planning to make her home. Mr. Billings left from there by plane for Ogden, Utah, to visit with his brother, James Billings, who is critically ill. Vtr. Frtiifk'Blair,»» apBndlnif' BevarAl 6t,,,'Kev nrInBTiii and otbor K^fbani points... ^ SdBtb HftdlW.'MMB.. Mot. 'to. —JMIbs Mary Stewart Morehonse, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Morehouse of Oakwoods, has been chosen for the Freshman choir at Mount Holyoke CoMege. The first performance of the choir was given Sunday evening at ’Venpers, In. the campus chapel. The* group sang “Even- Bong," by Relchardt. Rev. Olate Brown, pastor of Gordon Baptist church, Rev. OU' bert Oaborae, pastor of Oak Grove, Rev. Irdell Osborne, pas tor of Pleasant Grove and Mount Carmel, Rev. Garfield CardweU, and Rev. Ralph A. Miller, pastor of the newly organised Gospel Church, all attended the State Baptist convention at Asheville Tuesday. These pastors repre sented the Brushy Mountain As- sociatlon. i O' The WoBian*s ety of N6W Hop* ’frith Mra.,MUlaM Fair T&n: SocisJ Calendar The November meeting of the North WUfcesboro Wom an’s clnb, which was postponed from Monday, will' be held Monday afternoon, November 25, S:SO o’clock in the Wom an's clubhouse on Trogdon Street with Mesdames A. M. Church, J. O. Reins, J. M. Crawford, and R. E. Gibbs as associate hostesses. o Jack Alexander At The Jewel Box Jack Alexander, formerly of Stony Point, has accepted a po sition In the watch and jewelry repair department of the Jewel JIox here. Mr. Alexander is well qualified by training and exper ience for his duties. Men's and boys' Sport Coats, Men’s Mackinaw coats, and army rain coats, all good values. Ton should see them.—The Goodwill Store; The Place for Valnes. ll-2S-2t DISTRESS OF BabviCold Miendk When your child catches cold, rub his little throat, chest and back at bedtime with warming, soothing ■ ~ ■ cial Vicks VapoRub. Its specii relief-bringing action goes to work Inkantly . . . and keeps working lor hours to relieve distress while he sleeps. Often by morning, most distress of the cold is gone. Try it! Discover why most young mothers use the one andonly Vicks VapoRub. children’s Shoes and Slippers. Thousands of pairs on hand now. -—The GoodwiU Store. ll-25-2t WE RE NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS We are pleased to announce to the public that we are now open for business, and that our plant is in full op eration in the building on Ninth Street next door to Wallace Radio Service, across the street from S. V. Tomlinson wholesale store. We hove modern equip ment .nd exp-ert cleaners.. Your patronage will be greatly appreciated. Call For and Delivery Service ’n«ie SOUTHERN 681 CLEANERS O. K. Whittington Cecil Blimgarner fRODUCTO^ longines-wittnaubr 44 B' EAUTlfUL enough, to frame"—that's what ao many say wrhen they see the nevn Witt- nauers, distinguished mem bers (rf the Longines-Witt- nauer family of fine watches, all powered with the famed Wittnauer watch movements that tell time so well, for so long. Production is not yet up to the demand, but those we have are well-worth see ing. Come in and let us show them to you. BUDGET TERMS! CARL W. STEELE “Tour Credit Jeweler" w.m: S Haslvteelffill.®**-? afternoon 'for'' tht meeting. Mrs. Ro4>y Bllof, jwd' charge of tho program, ai«6d by Mrs. W. 8. Fletcher, Hfi. R. C. Goodwin, Mra , Nora BQler,' Mrs. Russell Church,‘MTa.'Biih^ canter and Mrs. Bd Hayee. Aftm', a brief buelhess session rotresh- ments were enjoyed. Fop Tkeaday.iaranlng'in tho one tablo of rook Mrs. Warner MDler. fir., won the top score award, and Mrs. Clifton Miller low ■core. In 4>ridge the wfamers were Srs. RobM Damachroder and; Srs. J. W. WiUls. for high end low scores with the bingo award gedng to Mrs. R. B. Dnnn. Mr^^Dickson ts ' Hostess at Parties Two delightful parties were given by Mrs. Ztob Dickson at her home in Wllkeeboro entertaining Monday and Tuesday evenings. The Thanksgiving motif was emphasized In the party appoint ments, decorations, and the sal ad course served at the conclus ion of play on each evening. For Monday four tables were made up for bridge and on Tueeday three for bridge and one for rook. Honor gift was given to Mrs. Clifton Miller, the former Miss 'Wanda Kprley, on Tuesday evening. Those winning prizes In the bridge game Monday were Mrs. Presley Myers, high score, Miss .-a ^pport the Y. M. C. A. Sold biuy At BRAMB'S DRUG STORE THE S BRING YOUR BEAU TO ; LUKE AND DOTTIES DELICIOUS SANDWICHES LOCATED 3-4 MILE FROM WILKESBORO CITY LIMIT On Morsvlsn Falls Highway — MORE — SAVING MORE QUALITY For Our Customers Our Quality Is Con trolled ... with Trained Personnel to Serve. At Prices Your Budget Con Afford! Federally Inspected, Federally Graded 5-LB. PKG. JIM DANDY— GRITS 46’ TALL CAN DIXIE HOME— 3 CANS MILK 38' NO. 2 CAN LARSON’S— VEG-ALL 17c BEN GEE— PKG. Chow Mein Dinqir . .48c OCEAN SBRAY— CRANBERRY SAUCE 25c PACKAGE— UNIT STARCH 15c 12-OZ. CAN DEL MAE— MEXICORN 17c ^p'“»"77n 6-BOX CARTON Diamond Matches ..30c 1-LB. PACKAGE j 1 SILVER CUP— ^ M f m COFFEE FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES IN OUR MARKET • TODAY • FLORIDA— ORANGES, 2 doz... 49c “A” GRADE CHUCK— ROAST iL-39’ NO. 1 DIAMOND ENGLISH— WALNUTS, Ige., lb.. 49c “A” GRADE ROUND— STEAKIL 61« THIN SHELL— PECANS, lb 59c “A” GRADE T-BONE— STEAKIL 6S» FRESH— CRANBERRIES, lb.. 39c "A” GRADE— HAMBURGER, lb... 39c FRESH— C0C0ANUTS,lb 15c HALF OR WHOLE SMOKED— HAMSIL 69« RED— GRAPES, 2 ibs.... 29c LOIN PORK— CHOPSIL-69 €lWiniPV*|C_^_ POTATOES, 2 lbs.-13c LOIN VEAL— CHOPSIL.63> WHITE- POTATOES, 10 lbs-33c VEAL RIB- CHOPS *. 55» TEXAS PINK— GRAPEFROIT, lb..... 8c DIRECT FROM COAST TO YODi- OYSTERS, pint.... 63c YELLOW— ONIONS, 3 lbs. 10c BOSTON BUTT— PORK ROAST, lb... 49c