^ > ■*' vW'' MiNort Cf!Mk ItiiOdI ^liilffDits In M««fii% . ^ As IsterestiBK mesUng of par- . ikM aa4 was hold at ‘ HUlort Or«ak acbool ‘ idclit A large 'number of itar- p^- «(^ WflfO yceeent and wemed to a^ir. t&e >rQ#&itt« T|^ ^rogh^ tteliided a demonstration ti|w New Morle Injector recently purchased by the school. The Him shown was one which Illustrated how the MoTle can be tfsed to adrantage In classroom Instruc tion. After the showing of the film a brief discussion was lead by P. W. Greer, Principal of the school. During the discussion, It was suggested by several parents that a similar meeting be held once a month. After tlie discussion a wcW, hour was enjoyed by, a|J. games played ’fore nndbr the di rection .of Miss Anne ..McNeil, Mrs. Beatrice Eller, and Mar. Van Caudill, With Mrs. R. S. JohiB son playing ^e piano Those winning prises In the tJfsBssrAa 1 cohteita were Mra Tom Hayes and firs. M. F. Bumgarner. I At the conclusion of tte pro-1 gram ll?^t refresjlmentB were, seWed In the school lunchroom. Millers Cwk team Defeats Todd 4iJ-30 Millers Creek all star basket ball team opened the season at Todd Tuesday night by defeating Todd In a fast game by the score of 43 to 30. Bumgarner led Millers Creek scoring with 12 points wihlle W. Trivette was high for Todd with 8. Millers Creek has a splendid team and Is scheduling a num ber of top games for the season. Lineups and Individual scores of Tuesday night’s game follow: M. Creek 43 Clark 10 Bumgarner 12' McLean 4 Parsons M. Eller 7 H. Eller 2 Vannoy 8 Blakewood Todd 30 Michael 2 Graham 2 Ragan 6 Trivette 2 J. D. Ragan 5 Adams Norris W. Trivette 8 Holman The United States Navy added 70,000,000 horsepower to Its fleet during World War II, equal to the total horsepower of the entire United States light and power industry. Support the Y. M. C. A. Mrs. Grady Dlmmetto ahi fin J. B, 6ell, membe^ of Roi^ Home Demonstration cl^, tended a Sp^, “C^rlstinae OlHs from the deinonMrkiibn Jn E' v^nt chap^ In ' l^o^ Thursday' afternoon, 1 = *®- t Mrs. Va., spent a fow 4*^* cently with bw daughter. Robert i^dspr, ai»4. the borne of Mf*-,t. K. Windsor. Birs. Eobert Windsor has a new baby. , ,> Mr. and Mrs. Dan Butts .and daughter, Darva, arrived b«f* Nov. 10 to Bpend several . days visiting relatives and, friends here and In North WHkosboro. Mrs. Florence Bentley and eons, Jimmy, Billy and Charles Dean, and Mrs. S. A. Burchette were among the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gales Scroggs, at Roaring River on their silver wedding anniversary, Nov. 10. Mra Harvey Church returned home recently after a two weeks visit with relatives In Statesville, Charlotte and Salisbury. Miss Mary Jane Tharpe, who teaches In Morganton, visited her father. J. K. Tharpe, and other relatives and friends near Ronda recently. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Edwards and the former’s sister, Mrs. Harvey Church, were gueste of Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Edwards In Wlnston^alem, Sunday. Nov. 10. Mr. and Mrs. Nelhon Parks of Forest City, visited relatives near Ronda recently. .^latlerfn dojojvd 4«yd» and llr. ksdiflirp. M. & jRir fds, and,,.^My Hmffiei bv.lb. ,The fltonjja' ^me iion clnb met with^fir% Hanks and ber motbiy-%»iy,. Mra. H. A. Hanks, Tuesdatfiib®. If, tt l:W b. ». Tber«| irore twelve Women preebnt tor tin mabtlnf. A d^tlohgL. abrvlift widr codduetad MM. A., T. WhltUngton. ’ T During tbe business session stt new mentbera weiw adde4 tp the roll making a tP.til pf tblrty-one members od rolj. Mrs. .Gnw Dimmette ,wpg d^ted preeids^t and Mrs. T,. Hanks, vice pres ident of. the club.,, J, - . The demonstrations on “Rug idiklni’’ and “Oirlstmaa Glfta Fh-om ThS Earin’’ werS glv«» by Hrs. Or*4y Dimmette and Mri. J. B. Bell.-MahE sulreestlons for making Obrlstmas gifts were glv- ■ The December meeting Is to be held at the home of the new president. During a pleasant social hour delicious refreshments were serv ed. h -JLilifji, \M I AM iMItALUNO ANOTHER SARSER CHAIR Wk QUICKER AND MORE prompt service Woman Boon 20Hi Berwick, Pa. — When Mrs. James Camoloccl, 49, gave birth to a hahy girl she told hospital attendants 11 was her nineteenth child. Later, after taking a Bus, she discovered it was her twentieth. Nineteen children in cluding two sets of twins, are still living. Support the Y. M. C. A. My shop is located near water tank oh Highway 18, between Highways 268 and 18 SOAPSTONE HILL BARBER SHOP J. E. Knox, The Old Reliable North Wilkesboro, N. C. Christmas Gifts For TTie Children Gih-Ttp For An Activo Youngstor SKOO-TY SCOOTER. JR. 3.75 • Spoody • Height—28 inches A dandy scooter with rubber tires . . . tubular steel handle bars with rubber ^ips. Hand some enamel finlsb. ELECTRIC IRON »1.75 Each Let Him Atsemhh His Own Radio a: AIR CHAMP RADIO KIT 3.40 l • d screws assemble It 0 Gets standard broadcasts Parts for assembling a real crystal set. No batteries . . . no electric plug-in . . . no soldering. Masonite mounting base. Complete instructions. Genuine shockproof ear phones. All metal parts. Look What We Foundl PI^Y BOOK 1.19 All the farmyard animals, colorfully die cut. Pages hinged together. Can bo spread on floor. OTHER GIFTS ALL METAL DUMP Truck97c ALL METAL STA’TE Truck — M.48 and $1.95 METAL Drums —. 97c AND $1.29 UNION MADE ROLLER Skates,. *4.95 16-MM MOVIE Projector 22.50 Dolls! Dolls! 69c to $8.00 MECHANICAL Airplane. *1.50 Books and Gomes Of All Kinds All Metal airplanes 79c and $1.79 Tok-A-Way Baby Chair 6.95 • Solid hardwood • Antique maple finish •a-"! >1fTir -’-II - -I