SSov ■ Grove Hews Of tKe Past Week Ptc. Winiam U Howard, ion J'Ot Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Howard j^la atatloned at Manila. ^*‘*itrB. Laura Prevetto vtolted Mr. and Mn. J, P. Matlock of CSanimotiB during ThanksglTing Mr. and Mrs. Dean Jarvis, of ^ Hebtao, visited Mrs. Jarvis’ par- aj^ts,' Mr. and Mrs. Parks Weath- etman during the week-end Bom to Mr. and Mrs. M. P. CAROLINA Home & Auto Supply NORTH WILKESBORO. N. C. Rujpard recently at the Davis hos pital a daughter. Mrs. Rupard was the former Miss Lora Luns ford of this community. Mrs. Cpra Felts visited to this oommunlty during the week-«id. Rev. W. T. Comer, of Stony Point, spent part of last week with relatives in this community. Gardier Naned British Envoy Washington, Dec. 3.—North Carolina’s Oliver Mai Gardner of Shelby, who believes that a con tinued understanding between the English-speaking people Is essential to peace, will be Amer ica’s next amibassador to Eng- land. His nomination to succeed Av- erill Harriman, now secretary of commerce, as United States rep- res-.atatlve at the Court of St. James was revealed by President Truman personally today. The Chief Executive made the an nouncement as the first of sev eral important matters present ed at a White House press con ference. SUPPORT THE Y. M. C. A. a P. STORE AND MARKET -Where Yon Always Save On Grec«-1«« and Meats" 15-OZ. PKG. SEEDLESS- RAISINS 29t 1-LB. PKG. LARGE, TENDER- PRUNES 29« QUEEN OF THE WEST FLOUR-25 lbs. 51.65 STRICTLY FRESH—LARGE eggs in. 59c 4-OZ. PKG. GRATED-SWEETENED— COCOANUT 25« ORANGE AND GRAPEFRUIT BLENDED- JUICE-46 ozs. 33c NO. 2 CAN BUSH’S— PORK AND BEANS ..19c PKG. BOY-AR-DEE SPAGHETTI— DINNER 35« PINTO-NAVY— BEANS"' 20o BIRDS EYE BRAND FROSTED "^^^FOODS REG. U. S. PAT. OFF. FRUITS - VEGETABLES - FISH MEAT DEPT. - “A” Grade- Pork Chops, lb 60c Pure Pork Sausage, lb.— 50c Leal Stew Beef, lb. 35c Veal Cbmis, lb. 50c RmsI Beef, lb 38c Stedis, all cuts, lb. 55c Iredi Grouid Beef, lb.... 35c $91 Is Raised For Commuaity Hoise Pores Knob Party By MRS. i. M. BBN'TLBY An Interesting and successful community get-together was held Saturday evening, Nov. 30th, at the new home of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Anderson with over 100 guest registering awrand seven o’clock. The evening was started off with fortune telling, playing of bingo and sales girls and boys selling chances for large coconut cake and other scarce articles. Good music was produced at In tervals during the evening. To ward the close of the program Dep^gOa Relief Ittipiaeats Whether sugar supplies will be short In 1947 for North Wll- keaboro houaewlTea nnd maau- factnrera of soft/drinks, candy, bakery products,, lee dream and other •ndar oontMatoS products .will depend upoB whether Con gress insists that engar shipped to Htaropean countries from U. S. sources of supply be Hfnlted to genuine relief needs. Such Is the word brought back from Cl- aml by C. O. MdHel of the Coca- Cola Bottling Company, who at tended the annual meeting of the waru IUR7 wa - surprise boxes were auctioned American Bottlers of Carbonated .... #v*rAi.vrKr\s1v WAS D TAa TlfitliA.nAl tTAdfi &SSOCi~ off, after which everybody was invited to a large table to enjoy delicious refreshments free. The proceeds of the party a- mounted to ninety-one dollars and sixty cents and goes to the new community house 'being built for the Pores Knob community. The Pores Knob Home Demon stration cluib thanks everyone who took a part In this party. In order for everybody to know the purpose of our Community House we are having the resolu tions, as adopted by our com munity, puiblished as follows: XtMMls and Purpose of a Commun ity House and Youth Center for Pores Knob Cojnmunlt.v. Whereas, we have no suitable meeting place for rural recre ation or social gatherings and. whereas, we the citizens of the Pores Knob community do rea lize the need of an expanded and improved recreational procviUi; for our rural youth, and adii1t.«. as well, because of the radio, a't- tomobile, moving pictures, news papers, etc. they know as we’i as the city person what is going on today, and therefore we miisr supply the right kind of p'^ter- tainment for them; wholesome recreation for fathers and m>>- thers, as well as their sons and daughters. Youth needs some outlet for energy that's whole some. Whereas, we want to take it on ourselves to help with this prob lem we ask for the cooperation of every individual to help fi nance and build a oonunuiiity center where our people, old and young, can meet together for games, music, literary programs, picnics, etc and have a supervis ed playground for the children; where different dabs can bold any or all their meetings, both business and social; where in dividuals or groups can entertain in a social way. i!e it agreed upon that if an individual entertain, or if a club from out of the community use the building and grounds, a set rental fee be charged to help bear expenses, such as lights, fuel, and repairs. Be it resolved that all minor youth gatherings here shall be properly chaperoned, and all ac tivities shall be such as would be approved by the parents and the pastor of our church. .\ny donations from people in terested in this project will be greatly appreciated by the com munity and they may ho sent to the treasurer, Mrs. Roy Parleir, Pores Knob '—o Beverages, national trade aseocl- stion of the soft drink Industry. "Speakers at the Miami meet ing stressed the fact that sugar will be short again In 1947 un less Government officials are di rected to stop shipping sugar from our sources of supply to Europe for other than actual nu tritional needs to war - torn areas,” said Mr. McNlel. "We were told that some Increase In sugar allotments to individuals and commercial users la possible during 1947. but only If Wash ington bureaus controlling sugar dlstrlbntlon are restrained cutting Into our normal anp* plies unnecessarily. "Aipparentlr the only,' method of accomplishing this la tor oiir . marm If eBrnmunlt^r' wants more sugar next year, now is the time to MU legislators V»n VUA9 Ul bUA WIU bU9 VAUIV VW »VU ....... I .. -M.. elected repreeentatlves in Wash- about it Recommendations tor ISUPPOIT THE Y. M. C. Marriage License During the past week license to wed were issued by Wilkes Register of Deeds Troy C. Foster to the following: Clifton Gam- bill, Springfield, and Wills Jean Hayes, North Wllkesboro; Fred erick Rycroft and Ruby Holcomb, both of Elkin; Walter Bryce Cleary and Lora Mae .Johnson, both of Hays; Eugene Prevette and Belle Cleary, both of Hays; Olin Groce. Cycle, and Frances Bryant, Jonesville; Homer Fl- ledge and Velma Harrold, both of Hays; Smith Roten, Glendale Springs, and Zola Sheets, Van- noy. Men’s and boys' Sport Coats, Men’s Mackinaw Coats, and army rain coats, all good values. Yon should see them.—The Goodwill Store, The Place for values. l2-»-2t Men’s weather-proof lined jack ets for tough wear. Most all sizes on liand.—^The Goodwill Store. 12-9-2t SANTA will be at PEN KEY’S /> Soturday, Dec. 7 10 to 12 and 2 to 4 Bring the Kids to Sm Hiail These men are receiving afternoon as signments . . . This day and night Vigilance U part of your oloctric serv ice. We do all that thorough organization, modern equipment, and trained men can do to moke your electric service con tinuous. We want you always to have lights . . . never to be without gas or electricity for cooking, or to experience any other inconveniences or interruption that we con prevent, in your business or your home. Nevertheless, there is sometimes trouble beyond our' con trol . . . stormy weoth-r or o failure of your electric ap pliances and machines. Then your "trouble coll" brings oct'on from our stoff of trusted men . . . most with a mini- rnum of five years training . . . some with service records numbering o score of years or more. Your service Is their business .... To moke eleetrie power continuous in every shop, mill, bakery, hospital, store, and homo through the Piedmont Corolinos. i DUKE POWER fER COMPANY ^juulmontr C2uu}iuuu. i

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