P^l^.v. 5.^ 5, 194« THE'JOURI wdm \ NORTH^ Itoms About Coiners end Goers .. • Frinn Here and There People You Know Wbo Move About Mx Bill Caa«y, Wake Forest , Miss Madge Jennings, of Pores College stuaent. spent the week-, Knob. , Is underwolng ^eetment end with his mother. Mrs. A. H. at IIstIs Hospital In SUtesvlUe. Casey. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Hines, of near Greensboro. spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Jennings. CONMCTE WORK No Job Toe Laqre er Tee SautB' FREE ESTIMATES J. S. MiNTON & SONS NORTH WILKESBOSO. N. C Hin^w Street Telephone 455M Mesdames C. G. Polndeicter, Frank Tomlinson, and W. E. Jones, visited with friends In El kin Sunday afternoon. Mr. William Cranor, of Wlns- ton-SaIem, spent last week in Wilkesborp with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cranor. Miss Helen Phillips, who teaches in the Ashebono schools, was here for the holidays with her parents. Dr. and Mrs. B. N. Phillips. .Mr. C. C. Wallace, prominent Gastonia citizen who has heen engaged in the lumber business here for the past few years, has recovered from a recent illness, friends are glad to learn. Mr. Wallace was a patient at the M'ilkes hospital for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Walter J, Fletch er, of New York City, spent sev eral days last week hero, the guest of Mrs. J. W. Fletcher and other relatives. Rev. Walter Whittington, of Damascus, Va., is visiting his mother, Mr. O. K. Whittington, in Wllkeeboro, and other rela tives la WUkee. Captain and Mrs. WU^m Hen ry Todd, of Long Beach, Calif., and Palaskl, Va., have been vis iting Captain Todd’s mother, Mrs. P. D. McGinnis. Miss Mary Elmore Finley, who is In school at Salem College at Winston-Salem, spent the holi days here with her parente, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon BTnley, Miss Elizabeth Pharr, a stu dent of A. S. T. C., at Boone, was home to spend the Thanks giving season with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Pharr. Mr. King Spalnhower and son. King, Jr., of Oak Ridge, Tenn., spent Thanksgiving here with Mr. Spainhower’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Spalnhower. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson Sanders and children, Frances aSid John ny. spent the week-end In John son City, Tenn. visiting Mr. and MTS. Homer Smith. Mrs. Smith Is Mrs. Sanders’ aunt. Now Is the Time To WATCH Your Pennies! MORE SAVING! MORE QUALITY! For Our Customers • At Your DIXIE-HOME STORE 46-OZ. CAN ORANGE— JUICE 33« 15-OZ. CAN COPA SNACKS SMOKED— SHAD 51‘ NO. 2 C.VN PRESTON— SHOE PEG CORN ...20c 14-OZ. CAN LIBBY’S DEEP— . BROWN BEANS ... 16c NO. 2 CAN— RED KIDNEY DEANS ] gc 3-LB. PACKAGE— RICE 34c NO. 2 CAN FANCY SMALL GREEN— LIMA DEANS .... 25c NO. 2H CAN 1 Fruit 3D ( ■ COCKTAIL JO 1 FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES CALIFORNIA BABY— 2 LBS. LIMA BEANS .....3 gc Premium jT n ■ CRACKERS. ...I 1—■ IN OUR MARKET • TODAY e FLORIDA— ORANGES, 8-lb. bag 37c SOFT SHELL— Package ALMONDS, lb 47c PURE PORK— SAUSAGE lb. 51c BEST CUT PORK— CHOPS lb. 65c THIN SHELI^ PECANS, lb 59c PORK SHOULDER— ROAST iip. 47« BOSO- PEARS, 2 lbs - 25e BONELESS— STEW IL 44« FRESH— C0C0ANUTS,ib.. ...15c ALL BEEF— HAMBURGER, lb... 39c GREEN— CABDAGE, 2 lbs. - 19c SHORT SHANKS SMOKED PICNIC— HAMib.- - -49c aWTPWT— POTATOES, 2 lbs. -15c "A” GRADE— • T-BONE lb 65c WHITE— POTATOES, 10 lbs. 33c CHUCK BEEF— ROASTib.- 41c TEXAS PINK— GRAPEFROIT, lb.. .. gc DIRECT FROM COAST ’TO YOU— OYSTERS, pint.... 63c li^EBERG—5 DOZ. SIZE LEnUCE, 2 heads 25c DRESSED AND DRAWN— FRYERS IL 67c inXIE'H0ME#5UPER MARKET Mr. and Mm. /Varo Irrlh jR?* tended a hone, anle in , Oolde- boro ’Thumday. Mr. B. F. Hentley, tor 2o years manager of Moore’s Market, has awepted' a posltldn with the Day Electric Oo. Mr. J. C. Crltcher, Jr., of Ashe ville, visited his mother, Mrs. J. O. Crltcher, Br., ’ at Moravian Falls yesterday and today. Miss Della Snrratt, of^Jaffney, B. C„ spent the- Thanksgiving holidays at' -Moimtain' View as guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. 6. Pre- vetto. ‘ Mr, and Mre. W, C. F^tshugh and daughter of Rochester.N. Y„ and Mr. Wm. O. Meredith, of Annapolis, iMd., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Dave Rail. Mr. Gordon Miller, of Char lotte, a representative of the Pontiac Motor Division, was In Wllkesboro Tuesday visiting with the local Pontiac distributor, the Midway Pontiac, Inc. Miss Catherine Irvin has re turned to Bristol, Va., where she is a student of Virginia Inter- Mont College, after epending Thanksgiving in Wilkes with her father, Mr. J. T. Irvin. Attorney T. R. Bryan and fam ily have moved Into their beau tiful and modern new home which was recently completed, and which Is located In the south western part of Wllkesboro. Mr. Millard Ourry has return ed to Baltimore, Md., after spend ing the Thanksgiving holidays with Mr. Curry’s father and mo ther, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Curry, of North Wllkesboro Route 3. iMr. and Mrs. A. N. Blackburn and two daughters, Betty Jo and Mary Louise, ^ave returned to their home in Baltimore, Md., after spending a few days with friends and relatives in Wilkes and Yadkin counties. Rev. John L. Wells, of North Wllkesboro, has been called as pastor of Walnut Grove Baptist church at Pores Knob. He will preach in his first service there Sunday, 11 a. m. The public is cordially invited to attend. Miss Ruth Colvard returned this week from New Orleans, La., where she spent a week as guest of Miss Kathrln Sanford, a former secretary of the Wilkes chapter of the American Red Cross. Miss Elizabeth Alexander, an advanced student of the music department of Limestone College at Gaffney, S. C., spent the Thanksgiving season with her parento,sdMKr^HH^iljm Wf M. Alexander. " Mr. O. K. Whittington, Jr., Wake Forest College student, and Mr. Billie Whittington, who is In school at Boone, spent the Thanksgiving holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Whittington, in Wllkesboro. Private .Henry H. Taylor, of McGrady, has just graduated from the Track and Wheel Ve hicle Electrician course at the Ordnance School, Aberdeen Prov ing Ground, Maryland. Pvt. Tay lor is the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Taylor who reside at McGrady, N. C. S.Sgt. Boone Pennell, son of Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Pennell, of Boomer, was ' discharged from the Army on November 24 at Fort Bragg after serving four years, nineteen months of which were spent overseas. He had been stationed at Camp Campbell, Kentucky, since returning from overseas. S.Sgt. Pennell Is the husband of the former Miss Car mine Eller, of Moravian Palls. Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Eshelman have returned from New York City, where they spent Thanks giving. They were joined in New York by their son, Mr. Tom Esh elman, a freshman at Princeton university. Friends here will be interested to know that Tom was a member of the Princeton uni versity freshman football team. He was a Virginia All State play er at Woodberry Forest school last year. She used to pay $15 fora permanent— Mi» w. iedk^by her father stsfir.. Mr. R. W. Karfeee, and Mn. E. W. Griffin, of 'Kihi^ Mountain, left Wedneedior for Palm ’ Harbor, Fla., where Mr. Kurfees will epend the winter.' Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Griffln plan to be away for abont two weeks. Miss Emily MoCoy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. McCoy, of this city, has.ibeen engaged in Red Cross field work In Knrse for more than a year. TesttfAy her parents received a cablegram from her, which stated that she had been to Peiping, China, and that she expected to oome home soon. Mr. and Mrs. Walter ^ewton and their nephew, Mir. Poddy Horton, went to Boone last Wed nesday afternoon to attend the wedding of Miss Betty Ruth Winkler and Samuel A. Moir. Jr., which took place at five o’ clock In the Baptist church. They also were guests at the reception after the wedding giv en at the home of the bride’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wlik- ler. Millers Credi Ami Ronda Divide 2 “IT! Millers Creek and Ronda High divided two basketball games on the Millers Creek oo-urt Tuesday night. The Ronda girls won So il, and the Millers Creek boys a 31-21 victory. Key lead the scoring attack for Ronda girls with 15 points. Duane Church paced the attack for Millers Creek boys with 10 points, while both teams played good ball. Lineups were as follows: Girls M. Creek 14 Ronda 80 Brook 6 Hendren 11 Mitchel 1 Cockerham D. Cooper Walker Bumgarner Robins Riggs Barker Substitutes: Millers Creek, Canter 2, Crane, McGlamery, M. Cooper, McNeil; Ronda, Lank ford, Mathis 4. Boys M. Creek 81 Ctrl Beout troop Dumber S went to Elkin iby bus Friday for an out of town trip- 'HiRy want to the Y. M. C. A. for reeraaHon and were recelTed very oordially. No admission fee was charged tor the girls. Mrs. R. S. GIbbe, Mrs. Cland Donghton and Mn. bert Winkler acoompanied the ^oop. . - . Betsy BatW, Nonna Gabriel and Ftoy Fiorester were the Scouts who wOTe on the Klwanls prograon Iset-Friday. The Girl Scout leaders of the Wilkeaboaoe met in the Duke Power building Monday evening. Plans were made for Christmas parties among the sootft troops. Mrs. Edward Finley spoke to the leaders using as her theme “The True Spirit of Christmas.” She eliminated many of our cus toms, fine as some may .be from the true spirit. ’Then she summed up the Christmas spirit as the Christ-llke spirit we give to others through Christmas and every day of the year. Below Is a copy of the pro posed budget for the Girl Scout organization for 1947. 1. Little House Wllkesboro, Lit tle House North Wllkesboro. (stoves, fuel, repair), $300.00. 2. Mrs. R. S. Gibbs, Council Assistant (yearly basis including day camp salary), $600.00. 3. Day Camp running expense, $100.00. 4. Day Camp assistants, $200. 5. Postage and stationary, $25. 6. National Pees, $50.00. 7. $10.00 troop expenses (sup plies) 12 troops, $140.00. 8. Material for leaders, $25.00. 9. Training program (for leaders) $100.00. 10. Training program (council members) $100.00. 11. Transportation (Mrs. Gibbs), $100.00. 12. TUansportation (council members). $100.00. 13. Miscellaneous, $160.00. Total $2,000.00. o mote Toys., W. Church 4 D. Church 10 Watkins 6 Eller 4 Oliver 4 Caudill 3 Vannoy Ronda 21 Hoots Key 3 Jordon 5 Durham 8 Blackburn 4 McCann 1 Mist Gregory, 16, Claimed By Death Miss Electa Gregory, 16-year- old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Gregory, of Union Grove, died Wednesday afternoon in a Statesville hospital. Funeral service will be held Friday, two p. m., at Shady Grove Baptist church. • Miss Gregory Is survived by her father and mother, three bro thers and six sisters. Extra Large Turnip R. C. Goodwin today broiigh to The .Journal-Patriot office a turnip with a weight of four and one-half pounds. The giant tur nip, which grew in Mr. Good win’s garden, measured 42 inch es from the tip of the root to the top of the leaves and was over 6 Inches In diameter. o — Those wl^D wait for opportune Ity to knock pnobably kmock themselves out of a lot of op portunity. CARLTON'Stl^ CHmSTMAS . COLUMN SHOP OUR HARDWARE S’TOHjS FOR YOUR EVERT NEED • FOR CHRIHTMAfl Chenille Bed Spreads In colors of blue, green, rose, orchid, tea- rose and white. Double-bed size, attractive useful Christmas pres ents. Prices are in line or less.— The Goodwill Store. 12-9-2t Children’s Shoes and Slippers. Thousands of pairs on band now. —The Goodwill Store. 12.9-2t SANTA will be at PENNEY’S '*9 Saturday, Dec. 7 10 to 12 and 2 to 4 Bring the Kids to See Him I IF YOU FEEL W hen a cold makes you feel all stuffed up, just melt a spoonful of Vicks VapoRub in a bowl of boiling water. Then enjoy the grand relief that comes as you breathe in the steanffng medicated vapors, which penetrate to cold-con gested upper breathing pas sages, soothe irritation, ease coughing, help clear stuffy head. x/icks W VapoRub Beautiful Tea Sets, 69c-$1.2» Books, all kinds, 10c Modeling Clay Sets 2Sc, 50c, $1.19 •Picture Projector _ $4.98 Small Projector $1UM Extra Films S—39c Maroon and Gold Service Plate .... $2.00 Blue and Gold Service Plate $2.00 32-Piece Dinner Ware Set $9.95 20-Piece Dinner Set $5.95 Odd Piece Blue Ridge Painted Ware— Plates 25c-35c; Cups and Saucer 35c Richly colored Hull Pottery Vase $1.25 Large Coaster, all met al Wagon $13.50 Large Farm Wagon 26.50 Medium Farm Wagon $21.50 Large Metal Wheel Coaster $18.50 Tricycle, extra large rubber tires, .... $27.50 Tricycle, smaller $9.75 Scooters .... $4.7S-$12.75 Roller Skates $2.50 up Pyrex Gift Sets, 11-piece , $2.50 Pyrex Percolator $2.50 Pyrex Casserole and Holder $2.50 7-Piece Revere Cop- perware Set $46.50 Automatic Electric Irons ... $7.75 up 'High Grade Carvmg ' Set — $6.95 up Odd End Table ... $5.75 Table Lamps $5.98 Toy Banjo 98c Toy like 98c French Harp $1.25 Flash Light $1.85 Pocket Knife $1.50 Scout Knife and Sheath $4.00 Rubber Balls 10c 25c 35c Pictme Puzzles 59c-$1.00 Gillette Razor Set .. 49c Hot Plate— $2.98 $3.50 $4.50 2-Bumer Plate, high grade .... $14.50 24-Piece Silverware with chest .. .. $16.50 30-piece Silverware with chest $18.50 40-piece Silverware with chest .... $23.98 24-piece Stainless Steel Set .. .. $9.90 Electric Heater .. $7.50 Electric Water ^ rOR THI NIW / .Aim Jigbr ejCpwnBcficul now sho givos horsoH m Zhti w«vo ol homo CKto toutmU * TocU ia f to % hoon LomI loro* ly, loac-lMtiiii, omt $o oo. The new telephone directory goes to press very soon. If yon have a tele phone, please check your listing in the present directory to make sore it is correct Please notify ns at once if you desire any change. Rem^ber, too, that additional list ings for others in your home or place of business are nsefui an ! rost very little. Heater $1>75 Toy Iron 50c Toy Electric Iron .. $1.55 Toy Sweeper Clean ing Set $1.98 Model Air Plane— 25c 50c 75c Metal Cars, Trucks. Tractors 25c-50c Desk smd Chair— Sturdy Set $9.95 Table and 2 Chair Set $iaoo Bow and Arrow Set $3.75 Book Ends _ $2.50-13.98 Card Table $8.78 Brass Andirons .... $11.80 Brass Fireplace Sets $124» Brass Fire Screan $11.80 Candy Jan 39e Sngmr and Cream Set $2. Carrom Board $8JK> Croq—t S«t $13JM> Bladbosurd $1.19 - $3JO Chocher Board _ 28c4M)to Chedters . 38o

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