lights ar« mponaible for many accidents, since the lights often blind oncoming drlTers. ‘‘Com- mom, ereryday courtesy demands that drlyers dim their lights,” Hatcher said. FaUnre to dim lights Is a mi^ demeanor, pnnlshable by a fine of up to $10 or op to 10 days in jail. V d: si |S MMtT MWNm S.’ts-- ■ Support the Y.M.C. A. ftniM !■' Club was held on Tuesday after noon. Not. 26, at the home of Mrs. Bob Church 'wlU» Mrs. B1 R. Eaier as associate hostess. The” president, Mrs. H- R- Bller preside during the usual business session. The group sang “Faith of Our Fatiera, Urlng Sttll," after which Mrs. D. H. Turner gare a ThanksiJlTlng d^, Totlon and Mrs. H. M. Wellmah led a prayer. The secretary, Mrs. Bob Church, called the roll and read the minutes. The club was hap py to Itare the f-^Uowlng new members: Mrs. Albert Vannoy, Mrs. Edward Bumgarner, Mrs. Archie Lee Osborne and Mrs. Claude Miller. The treasurer, Mrs. R. C. Goodwin and the building fund treasurer, Mrs. J. p. Crysel gave their reporta Plans were made for a Christ mas party tor the club members Bad their famUy which will be held on Friday evening. Dec. 20. The place will be decided on later. At this Ume offlcars for the coming year were elected. The president called tor the report of the nominating committee com posed of Mrs. Dick Thompson. Mrs. D. B. Turner and Mrs. J. P. Crysel. The following-report was submitted: President, Mrs. E. R. Eller; vice president, Mrs. J. M. Nichols: secretary, Mrs. Bob Church; treasurer, Mrs. Edward Bumgarner; reporter, Mrs. E-. W. Baker. These officers were unan imously elected by the club. Miss Margaret Morrison, as sistant home agent, had charge of the demonstration. She gave a very timely discussion anct demonstration on hpme-made Christmas gifts and attractive ways of wrapping them. She. al so gave a very helpful demon stration on “Braided and Hook ed Rugs." Mrs. E. W. Baker as sisted her in handing out litera ture. The club was delighted to have Mrs. L. W. Shumate, a sister of Mrs. Church, as a vUltor. She had a beautiful hand-made rug with her and showed the club the method used in making it. The club was also delighted to have the following other visi tors: Mrs. Wiley Brooks and Mrs. W. E. Snow from Fair- plains club, Mrs. T. G. Johnson, mother of Mrs. Church, from Abshers club, and Mrs. Glen An derson from Oakwoods. During the social hour the hostesses served delicious home made mince meat pie and hot coffee which helped to accent the Thanksgiving motif. o Absher Home Club Has Fine Meeting The Absjjer Home Demonstra tion club met on Monday after noon, November 23. with Mrs. D. I,. Holbrook and daughter. Miss Ava Holbrook as hostesses. After Mrs. J. C. Johnson, pres ident. called the meeting to order the group sang Hail, Club Wom en, Crowned Through Service, and then repeated together the Bub collect after which the regu lar routine of business was tak en up and disposed of. Mrs. W. M. Holbrook was our new mem ber for the month. Miss Margaret Morrison, As sistant Home Agent gave a dem onstration on braiding rugs and Christmas gifts suggestion which was thoroughly enjoyed by the club. As the December meeting, to be held at the home of Mrs. F. C. Holbrook the members of the club decided to exchange hand made gifts. At the conclusion of the meet ing the hostseses sc rved delicious refreshments. — o ^ MARJORIE REYNOLDS • BINNIE BARNES JOHN SHELTON JESS BARKER GALE SONDERGAARD ROBERT H. BARRAT )ripoilSeieflipbfbV«IB«ftie*WinefO«Uo»*Bi»«Of(IRo|i« MdiliO(OlDUIo|»thfJol»&«»l IKfrtld Ij CHWaiS BWTON Prodotx) tj VM. BUSTOS EutaSw PredKer: lOE BfBSWHSOH LETTER TO SANTA Dear Santa Claus: Bobby and I have tried to be good girls. Bobby wants a doll and a housecoat and bedroom shoes for Christmas. I want a doll and housecoat and bedroom shoes too. Will you bring us some candy? And we want a blackboard too. I will have to close now. Goodbye from Bobby Wells and Carolyn Wells and we have been good girls. • LAST-MINUJE news SHOW^N DAjLY • SANTA will be at PENNEY’S Soturdoy, Dec. 7 10 to 12 and 2 to 4 ' T^tog tha to 8e> Hint HON. WILLIAM G. PITTMAN, JUDGE PRESIDING Ml IFIRit WEEk Mondey, DsuMbdr 9 1—State tb. Tommie Atkina, Butardy. 8—State TB. Walter (Tug) Dennjr, Bastardy. 4—State va. Paul Cleary, Non-aupport. (--State vk. Robert Horton, Baatardy. No- No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Nc. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 6—State tb. Raymond Cleary, Setting Out Fire. 12— State va. Raymond Cleary, Public Drunkenness. 13— Btate va. Raymond CSeary, Public Drunkenness. 7_State vs. Carl Hester, Vie. M. V. Laws. 8 State VI. Carl Calloway Heater, Vid. M. V. Laws. 9—St»te TB. Emeat T. Taylor and Phil Taylor, A. iW. D. W. and Robbery. 10 State vs. Robert Cardwell and Dora Cardwell, Keep ing Disorderly House. i 11—State va. Robert Cardwell, Assault. 14— State vs. Sam Cothren and Alice Lowe Blackburn, P. & A. and P. & A. « 15 state vs. Raymond Barlow, Manslaughter. 16 state vs. Fred Walker, 0. C. I. and Manslaughter. 17 State vs. Connie Guy Roberts, Manslaughter. 18 State vs. Connie Guy Roberts, 0. C. I. 103—Connie Guy Roberts, Vie. M. V. iUws. „ „ - 19—State vs. Don Holland and J . C. Higgms, BL B. & L. & R. ' 20 State vs. Howard Harris, Seduction and Bastardy. 21 State vs. Edward Kyle, L. & R. 22 State vs. Jonah Billings, A. W. D. W. 23 State vs. Gwyn A. Long, Non-support. 24 State vs. Howard Thomas Barlow, Reckless Driving. 25 State vs. Howard Thomas Barlow, 0. C. L 26— State vs. Hamp Wyatt, Abandonment. 27— State vs. R. C. Brown, Clyde Brown and Claude Casey, 23—State vs. Mack Carlton Craven, Alias Mack Gant, Pub lic Drunkenness. 30 State vs. Mack Carlton Craven, Alias Mack Gant, Pud- iic Drunkenness. , r> * v 81—State vs. Mack Carlton Craven, Alias Mack Gant, V. P. L. 29— State vs. Glenn Chambers, Bastardy. 30— State vs. Clyde Holleman, A. W. D. W. & C. C. W. 31 State vs. James Souther, Murder. T^ • • 32—State vs. Claude Bradford Kemp, Reckless Dnvmg. sJIstate vs. Claude Bradford Kemp, 0. C. I. 34—State vs. John Rufus Havener, 0. ^ 35 state vs. Charlie Johnson, 0. C. I. & C. C, W. 36—State vs. Heg Blankenship, Assault 37 State vs. Lonnie Parks, Abandonmen^t 38—State vs. Thomas Elmer Stanley, Non-support. 39 State vs. Raymond Cleary, 0. C. I. 40—State vs. Bob Grinton, False Pretense. „ . 41 state vs. Mon Wyatt & Dora Lane, F. & A. & P. « A. 424—State vs. Dora Lane, Keeping Disorderly House. 43—State vs. James Garwood, Forcible Trespass. 44 State vs. Hebert Ezra Billings, A. W. D. 46 State vs. James Edwin Ashley, Non-support. 46 State vs. Jess Miller & Maggie Dillard, F. & A. « P. & A. 47— State vs. A. Y. Williams, V. P. L. 48— State vs. William W. Eads, O. C. I. 49— State vs. (William W. Eads, Vie. M. V. Laws. BO—State vs. H. M. Briggs, Non-support. 61— State vs. Arthur Durham, Assault On Female. 62— Arthur Durham, Assault On Female. 63— State vs. Willard Bryant Faw, Vie. M. V. Laws. 54—State vs. Will Bauguess, 0. G. I. 6—State vs. Verta Anderson, 0. C. I. 56—State vs. Edward Cooper, Reckless Driving. 67—State vs. Gambill Jeropie Myers, Reckless Dnvmg. 58— State vs. Sid Anderson, A. W. D. W. 59— State vs. Sid Anderson, Public Drunkenness. 66—State vs. Fred A. Myers, Reckless Driving. 61— State vs. Fred A. Myers, Hit and Run. 62— State vs. Harry G. Bare, 0. C. I. 63— State vs. Dewey Turner, O. C. I. 64— State vs. Conrad Reeves, O. C. I. 66—State vs. Conrad Reeves, Vio. M. V. Laws. 66— State vs. Claude E. Elledge, Reckless Dnvmg. 67— State vs. R. J. Phillips, Vio. M. V. Laws. 68— 5tete vs. Ralph Barnes, 0. C. I. 69— State vs. Ralph Barnes,Vlo . M. V. Laws. 70 State vs. Floyd iWilson Randleman,. Manslaughter. 74 State vs. Mack Carlton Craven, Alias Mack Gant ^blic Drunkenness. Tuesday, December 10 71—State vs. Archie Seagraves, Manslaughter. 72 State vs. Archie Seagraves, Reckless Dnvmg. 73—Archie Seagraves, Vio. M. V. Laws. 7B—State vs. David S. Russell, Drunkenness. 76—State vs. Junior Russell Parsons, 0. C. L 77 State vs. Junior Russell Parsons, Op. Car After Rev ocation of License. TTT-i.v ^ r: 78 State vs. Junior Russell Parsons, Op. Car Without Li- C6ns@» 79 State vs. Will McGlamery, O. C. I. 82 State vs. Mrs. Carl Drake, L. & IL BO Qtate vs Paige Havener, Assault On Female. 83-State vs. Fa ge ^ ^ ^ & A. vs. 84—State vs. 86-State vs. Claude Leslie Spears, Tviurden 86—State vs. Paul Shatley, Resisting 87 State vs. Paul Shatley, Resisting An Officer. 88— State vs. Lawson Eller, V. P. L. 89— State vs. Taft Brannock and Mane Bauguess, i. 90— State vs. Grady Carter, Resisting & Pubhc Drunken- 91 Charlie Anderson, Assault With Intent to Rape. 92— Mrs. Elsie Burchette Bell, V. F L. ^ 93— State vs. David McBride, A. ,W. D. ^ v 94— State vs. Lee Dock Bumgarner and Wade Coffey, V 96 state vs. Ralph Brewer, Wm, Dowell, Graison Dowell, Assault, n T 96 State vs. Graison Dowell, O. L. L 97— State vs. Harvey B^d, V. P.^ . 98— State vs. Rich Matthews, A. W. D. W. _ 99— State vs. Oscar Hincher, Damage to Prop^. 100—State vs. Olin Reeves, Selling Diseased Hogs. Wednesday, December 11 No. 101—State vs. Con Wyatt, V. _ No. 102—State vs. W. 0. Wyatt, ^ No. 104—State vs. Wade Taylor, Bastardy. No lO^tate vs. CharUe Tidline and Florence Baugues, P. & A. & P. & A. Ko. iJj t. No. 0. No! No. No. No. Ko. NV). No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. lO^tate VB. Revis WUtley, A. W. D. W. 101—49Ut$ V8. Bofste Warren & Odell Brown, L. ft B. l5i-|tate Tj. Se^Pitdtt, A. W, D, W. 1^8—B»t$ va. Pmtt, M. V. latwa. lit—irate VI. Beece Praiit, Iw and * 109— State Vi. Grad^ Walls, A. W. D. W. 110— Stfte vs. Fred Hamby, Publie Dronkenneea. 111— State va. King Billinga, Larceny of Timber. 112— State va. Larry Minton, Bastardy. 114—Stata va. Loeiae Wyatt, A. W. D. W. IIB—State va. Willard Winfield Feijraaon, Jr., Bastardy. 116r-State va. Hubert Cooper, 0. C. I. 117— Stfite va. Jeff Laws, V. P. L. 118— State vs. James T. Foster, Dobe Powell, C5iariie Cembe, Joe Holland and Calvin U. Spillman, Gambling. 119— State vs. Cola Madison Keaton, Carl Keaton and Cal vin Monroe Spillman, Robbery with FIrearma. 120— State va. Howard Church, /Wayne Watson, Otha J(4m- son, S. W. Queen and Queen Trucking Co., V. P. L. 121— Kenneth Anderson, Junior Anderson, Gail Anderson, Oliver Grimes and Arley Sloop, Trespaas. 122— State vs. Alack Jolly, V. P. L. 123— State vs. Roscoe H. Wyatt, L. & R. 124— State vs. Turner Shew, Assault On Female. 126—State vs. Turner Shew, Trespass. 126— State vs. Ed Marley, A. W. D. W. 127— State vs. Fred Lovette and Airs. Fred Lovette, A. W. D. W. & Trespass. 128— State vs. J. C. Higgins, Jr., Seduction. 129— State vs. Lester Marley, Non-support 130— State vs. Gipson Nichols, A. W. D. W. With Intent to Kill. 131— State vs. George Price, Abandonment. 132— State vs. Dow Hawkins, Non-support and Assault On Female. 133— State vs. Sol Minton, L. & R. 134— State vs. Clarence Sebastian, A. W. D. W. 135— State vs. Roscoe (Dude) Hayes, Trespass and Assault 136— State vs. Pat Hayes, Trespass and Assault. 137— State vs. Walter Yale, C. C. W. 139— State vs. Leonard Kerley, Abandonment 140— State vs Wiley Greene, Abandonment. 141— State vs Wiltop Beshears and Ed Beshears, Reckless Driving. 142— State vs. Oliver H. Absher, Vio. M. V. Laws and Reck less Driving. 143— State vs. James William Gryder, 0. C. L 144— State vs. James L. Law, Vio. M. V. Laws and Reckless Driving. 205—State vs. Ralph Vernon Litteral and Claude Marvin Bell, Rape. Thursday, December 12 146—Marshall Childress, 0. C. I. & Reckless Driving. 146— State vs. William C. Byrd, Reckless Driving. 147— State vs. C. M. Ashley, 0. C. I. 148— State vs. Frank Millard Adams, 0. C. L 149— State vs. Thomas H. Williams, 0. C. I. X50—State vs. John F. Parsons, Ancel Sheets and Hoy Dan cy, H. B. & L. & R. 151—State vs. Gilbert Lee Johnson, 0. C. I. 162— State vs. Robert Martin, 0. C. I. 163— State vs. Commie Bratt Holbrook, V. P. L. 164— Ralph Milton Biship, 0. C. I. 165— State vs. Clyde S. Vannoy, O. C. I. 166— State vs. Ralph Henry Hayes, Reckless Driving. 167— State vs. Silas Owens, 0. C. I. 168— State vs. Woodrow W. Neely, 0. C. I. 169— state vs. Joe Cockerham, A. W. D. W. & C. C. W. 160— State vs. Zeb P. March, 0. C. I. 161— State vs. Howard Call, Reckless Driving. 162— State vs. Bennie Cross, Hit and Run. 163— State vs. Bennie Cross, Reckless Driving. 164— State vs. Cleveland Nesmith, Reckless Driving and Op. Car Without License. 166—State vs. Charles Chilton Stone, O. C. I. 168— State vs. Walter Howell, Reckless Driving. 169— State vs. Edward Barnes, Reckless Driving. 170— State vs. Sewell Eugene Robertson, 0. C. I. 172— State vs. Lewis B. Farley, Vio. Photography Laws. 171— State vs. Earl Werd, O. C. I. 173— State vs. Earl Ward, Reckless Driving. 174— State vs. Earl Ward, Op. Car Without Driver’s License. 176—State vs. Earl Ward, Failure to Stop at Sound of Siren. 176—State VS. Robert McDowell ,Earl Ward and Lula Mc- Connihead, V. P. L. 179—State vs. Elwell W. Ramsey, Public Drunkenness. 150— State vs. Ewell W. Ramsey, Public Drunkenness. 181— State vs. Ernest Linney, Public Drunkenness. 182— State vs. Ernest Linney, Public Drunkenness. 183—State vs Ernest Linney, Public Drunkenness. 184—State vs. Ernest Linney, V. P. L. 186— State vs. Walter Stone, 0. C. I. 187— State vs. Vernon Porter, 0. C. I. „ „ , 188— State vs. Ewell W. Ramsey & Vernon Porter, V. P. L 189— State vs. Robert Clyde Church, 0. C. I. 190— State vs. James Dowell, 0. C. I. 191— State vs. Thomas H. Duncan, 0. C. I. 192— State vs. Tyre G. Taylor, Embezzlement 193— State vs. Parks Lee Estep, O. C. I. 194— state vs Mrs. Georgia Williams Satterwhite, Public Drunkenness. 196— State vs. Joseph J. Darlington, O. G. I. 197— State vs Roy William Church, Reckless Driving. 198— State vs. Charles E. Benfield, Reckless Driving. 199— State vs. James Floyd Saner, Reckless Driving^ 200— State vs. Warren Hardin Seivert, 0. C. I. 201— State vs. Claude Elledge, 0. C. I. 202— State vs. Weldon Brown, A. W. D. iW. 203— State vs. Raymond Presnell, Reckless Driving. 204— State vs. 'Harrison Faw, Vio. M. V. Laws. Friday, December 13 No. 177—State vs. J. Walter Sparks, L. & R. No. 178—State vs. J. Walter Sparks, Op. Car Without Driver's License. No. 206—State vs. Lwinie Alexander Wolfe, 0. C. L SECOND WEEK Monday, December 16 No. 113—State vs. Claude Absher, Murder. No. 186—State vs. Roy Estel Mabe, Reckless Driving. No. 196—State vs. Roy Estel Mabe, Manslaughter. No. 138—State vs. Richard Horton, Murder. wjfnoMPs subnoenaed to appear before the Grand Jury will do so on the day they are subpoenaed, Md after they mp«v before the Grand Jury .they will appear back on the day the case is calendered for trial. ^ Witnesses in cases not reached on the day they are calendared for trial are requested to remain in Court until the care la dis posed of or unta they are dismissed. All cases in which defendants have been bound to this term of Court and which do not appear on the calendar are anbjoet to be caUed at any time for trial. All will take notice that a revised calendar for the second week will be ,mode on Friday ^tomooQ, December 18th, A in the lobby of the Courthonae. Witnosaes end defendants wUl be required to attend Co^ the eeeead.week SScording to the revised calendar. . ' ‘ ^ a.