Horton January 7.?In an ln ceremony characterized beauty and lmpreasiveneaa, held at five-thirty o'clock on, Sat urday afternoon, January fourth, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrators the estate of S. V. Tomlinson, late of Wilkes connty, N. C., this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned, whose addresses are North Wilkeaboro, N. C., duly verified, on or before the 9th day of December, 1947, or this notice will be plead in bar of their right to recover. All per sons indebted-to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This 9th -*ay of Dec., 1944. W. S? W. E., AND J. R. TOMONSON. Administrators of estate of S. V. Tomlinson, dec'd. 1-13-dtM W. H. McElwee, Atty. T at the First Methodist Church, Miss Edith Greer of Lenoir be came the bride of Charles Dwight Horton of Asheville and North Wilkesboro. Rev. Frank C. Smathers, pastor of the church, officiated using the double ring service.: The vouts ^ere spoken amid an effective setting. Against' a background of greenery" were placed huge arrangements of white gladioli, interspersed with candelabra bearing lighted tap ers. Miss Ann Ingram, organist, and Miss Margaret Maynard, vo calist, presented a program of nuptial music preceding the cere mony. Mies Ingram played "Ave Maria" by Schubert, ''Clair de Lune" iby Debussy, and "0 Per fect Love" on the organ chimes. "I Love Thee" by Greig was sung by Miss Maynard. During, the ceremony "To A Wild Rose" by MacDowell was softly played, And the traditional wedding marches were used '<>r the processional and recessional. Ushers were Archie McNeil and Frank McNeil. The bride and groom entered the church together unattended. The bride wore a gown of gold nylon taffeta, made basque style with short sleeves and the full skirt fell from the waistline in a bustle effect. She word match ing mitts, and her shoulder length veil of pale green was caught to a tiara of gold colored flowers. She carried an arm bou quet of brandy wine and briar cliff roses with matching satin ribbon. Mrs. Greer, the er, wore a light blue brown accessories and a of pink roBes. Horton, mo ther of the groom, wore a black dress, black accessories, and a shoulder (bouquet of gardenias. Following the wedding an In formal reception was given at the home of the bride's parents on'West Harper Avenue for close friends and relatives and out-of town guests. The living room was attrac tively decorated with "pink and white gladioli. The dining table, covered with a handsome lace cloth, held a pretty centerpiece of narcissi and pink roses. Jce cream, Individual cakes decorated with pink icing, and nuts were served by Miss Ruby McGuire, Miss Evelyn; Clawson and Miss Margaret Shuford. After the reception the couple left for a wedding trip to Wash ington, D. O. For traveling the bride wore a light blue wool suit with brown accessories, and' the corsage taken from her bridal 'bouquet. Upon their return they will be at home in Ashevllle. The bride, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Greer of Le noir, is a graduate of Lenoir I?igh School and Queen's College in Charlotte. She has been em ployed in the office of Broyhill Furniture Factories. The groom, sen of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Horton of North Wilkesboro, served in the United States Army for'?ap proximately four years, spend ing several months in the Eur opean Theatre of Operations. He is now with the State Patrol, stationed in Ashevllle. Out-of-town guests attending the wedding included Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Horton and daughter, Alma, Mr. and Mrs. Don Melville, Mr. and Mrs. Frank McNeil, Mr. and Mrs. Archie McNeil, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Parker, Mrs. J. C. Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Wallace, Mrs. J. W. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Lillard, Harry Kerley, Miss Edna Bullis, Miss Lura Reynolds, Miss Marjorie Gahriel, George Wells, and Har ley Ellis of North Wilkeaboro; Mrs. Charles Rogers and sons, Mrs. Mary Hafer and children, Suzanne and Margaret, of Hick ory; Mrs. R. B. Crisp of Marion Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Greer of Boone; Mrs. Dora Smith of Win ston-Salem; and Sgt, and Mrs. Duncan of Mprganton. Cake Catting Following the rehearsal on Friday evening Miss Margaret Shuford entertained at a cake cutting at her home on Ridge Street. The hostess presented a eor sage or fed roses to the Wide elect. Arrangements of. white flow ers were used in the dining and living rooms, and lighted tapers placed at vantage points added a soft glow to the setting," J Favors were drawn from the ;hree-tiered wedding cake, which vas topped by a^ miniature iride and groom. After the first piece was cut ,by the bridal cou ple, Miss Ruby McGuire and Miss Evelyn Clawson presided. Cake, pinch and nuts were served to she thirty-five guests who were present. Mrs. Raymond McCor ile and Mrs. Ned Kiseff presided it the punch bowl. Out-of-town guests were Miss A.lma Horton, Mr. and Mrs. Irchie McNeil, Bill and Jim >ews and Frank McNeil. Mrs. J. W. Hatehett Dies In Statesville Statesville, Jan. 6.?Mrs. j. W. Hatehett, 70, died last night it her home on the Fort Dobhs road after a long illness. Mrs. Hatehett was the former Misa Fannie Summers of Iredell coun ty. Surviving are three sons, five daughters, a brother and two sis ters. Her husband died in 1939. Funeral services will be held at her home Wednesday morning at 10:30 o'clock. Interment will be in Oakwoods cemetery. Mrs. Hatehett was the mother of Paul, A. Hatehett, of North Wilkesboro. NOTICE OP SALE Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Wilkes County, made in the special pro ceeding entitled Mrs. Addle John son (widow) vs. Glen Jojmson, Denver Johnson, et al, the sane being No. : on the special pro ceeding docket of said Court, the undersigned commissioner will, on the 20th day of January, 1947, at 12 o'clock Noon, at the courthouse door in Wilkesboro, North Caroli na, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, subject to the dow er right to Mrs. Addie Johnson, widow, that certain tract of land lying and being in New Castle towshi^, Wilkes county, North Carolina, and -more particularly described as follows, to-wit: Beginning on a red oak, then running west to a pine; then north with Honeycutt's line and McCar ter's line to a black guin; then west with Dr. Helrl line to the maple corner; then west with Eng len's line to a stake; then soutl) cobrse "with R. C. Johnson's line to a birch; then down the drain with said line to the creek; then down 8aid creek to G. J. Johnson's line and with said line to corner down ?he creek; then north to the beginning, containing 70 more or less. This 19th day of Dec., 1946. TOMMYE CARTEL., 11-13-4 tM Commissioner Now is your chance to save on Good Furniture . . . Not shopworn or war models .... at a real saving during our big CLEAN-SWEEP JANUARY SALE. Prices are drastically re duced to make room for new furniture. We are in business to sell furniture, not keep it, and a small profit on furniture sold is much better than no profit on furniture which remains on our floor. So take advantage of the amazing values now on sale, and beat the higher prices that will come on new furniture in the future. You'll save plenty! yoUi 25c Each J CAROLINA Home & Auto Supply NORTH WILKES BO RO, N. C. COLD WEATHER *?fc- , r ;.*V ? . Is Here! Prepare With Our Cdmplete RADIATOR SERVICE .Hose Replacement. . . Boiling Out. . . Re-coring . . . Flushing ENGINE BLOCK FLUSHING ? HEATER AND DEFROSTER SERVICE BARBER-SOMERS MOTOR CO. DESOTA-PLYMOUTH DEALER ) .Telephone 84 Wilkesboro, N. C. YOUR ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR KEY MAN AMONG THE EXPERTS The size and location of ^wiring and the number of outlets provided now will determine the fu ture usefulness of your appliances, the conven ience and effectiveness of your lighting, and your ability to take advantage of new uses of electricity. Wiring affects both the rental and re sale value of yohr home. Be sure 4t Satisfies your needs . . . Tomorrow M Well as Today. '-?? *? POWER COMPANY ^e, ffihdmmt yHUN ? ? GOOD STOCKS AT OLD PRICES DRASTICALLY REDUCED! Now Under Way I WE MUST MAKE WAY FOR NEW FURNITURE! BED ROOM SUITES Finest quality bed room suites in a choice of styles and finishes. Weil made formany, many years of lasting service. And youH like our low reduced prices! CHAIRS " ' * 4' Chairs galore in all kind$' and types. Don't fail to se lect before the best models are sold. Save! - Save! LAMPS Pretty lamps in table and -floor models. Choice of sev eral styles and types . ,#to brighten and beautify your home. ' Save! - Save! Fine Array Of TABLES Wide selection of nice tables in variety of sizes and styles. See them today. Save! - Save! BASE ROCKERS Big, luxurious base rockers in choice of coverings. Fine ly upholstered, and they are an amazing value! Save! - Save! SAVE! BUY NOW! LIVING ROOM SUI1 We have a very fine selection of living room suites, ? ered in mohair and velour. Nothing shoddy or cheap quality throughout. Finest spring construction. PRICES REDUCED! Table Model RADIOS We have a few table model radios in attractive cabinets. Ideal for bedroom or den. Priced Right Porcelain Enamel Breakfast Room Suites ' ? : In Choice Of * Styles - i! - Save! Good ELECTRIC IRONS See us for good electric irons, finely made for years of dependable service. Com plete with cord. A Real Value! Sh-h-h! We Have A Few INNER - SPRING MATTRESSES STUDIO COUCHES Select your new studio couch from our smart array. Wide choice of coverings. Best spring construction. handsome sofa by day, a comfortable bed by night. Save during our January Sale. Prices Slashed! NICE WARDROBES We have several styles and sizes in wardrobes and some with mirrors. Plenty of room to store clothing, hats, shoes, ! etc. Real values ... but act now before they're all so|d! SAVE! mt i - Main Street ? North Wilkesboro, N. C. Also BETTER HOMES FURNITURE CO ELKIN, NORTH CAROLINA sa&w