? if/'v. * ? tr V" j 6roi. Mr. Henry Landon,' III, has returned to Charlottesville, Va., where he is attending the Uni-. versity of Virginia, alter a visit here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Landon. j Mr. and Mrs. Heraobel Saxon, of t Staunton, Va., were here for" the week-end visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Hin shaw. Mr. Saxon is a sen of Mrs. Hinehaw. . i - Mr. and Mrs. Johnson Sanders,; Mrs. Edna Parlier, Mr. Bruce Phillips, and Mr. Nat Sosnik went to Charlotte Thursday to attend a Shriners Ceremonial meeting held that evening. Mr. and Mrs. "J. A. Buroham and Mr. and Mrs. PerVis Burch-; am, of Aberdeen, Md., arrived last week. They spent a few days with Mrs. J. A. Buroham's sis ter, Mrs. T>. G. Wiles; then, .went to Roaring River to attend a birthday dinner for Mr. W. G? Burcham on his 80th birthday Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. ^ervji Burcham returned to Maryland this morning, while V Mr. and* Mrs. J. A. Burcham remained, for a more extended visit with relatives in Wilkes- This was their first trip to Wilkes in nine meeting 'of Committee of th^ North Carolina Society of the Colonial Dames of America which was held at the home of Mrs. James A. Gray. Five Wilkes students wears list ed on .the Appalachian State teachers College honor roll for the fall term. They were: Mrs. rWayne Caudill, Mr. Lewis Hill Jenkins, Mr. Harley Jolly, Mr. Edward Pendry -and. Mis* Eliza beth Pharr. Messrs. Caudill and Jenkins' were mid-term graduates at A. S. T. C. Mr. Harry L. Dula, who ^tias been employed for several years as an Engineer in High Point, is spending a few days in Wilkee boro with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Dula. He leaves Sat urday for Atlanta, Ga., to report to the "War Department, having been assigned Inspection Engi neer on. Reoonstruction Project in Heidleberg, Gerntany. He will leave by ocean liner from New York at an early date. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mathis and son, of Wilkesboro, Route 2, Mrs. Mat Childress and chil dren, and Edward Childress, of Oakwoode, Mrs. Johi} Johnson and daughter, Alma/of North Wilkesboro, Route 2, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brooks of North Wil kesboro Route 1, and other rela tives visited Mr. and Mrs, James A. Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Newman, of North Wil kesboro, Route 1, Sunday. Mr. James A. Johnson has been ser iously ill for some time. Miss Jo Lassiter attended a Retreat for Religious Education Directors of the Western North Carolina Conference held at Sun ny Acres near Winston-Salem' last Monday and Tuesday. Direct ing 'the Retreat were Mr. Carl King, executive secretary; Miss Elizabeth Oliver, director of Children's work; ""and Miss Nell Webb, director of Youth work, all three conference workers. Miss Lassiter is choir and relig ious education director for the First Methodist church in North Wilkesboro. Soldier Bonus Bills Introduced Washington.'?Two Democratic Representatives introduced bills yesterday to provide a soldfer bonus despite President Tru man's contention that no addi tional 'veterans' benefits are Representative Stephen Pace (D-Ga) proposed that veterans receive S5 for each day of over Seas duty and 04 for each day of domestic service. No ceiling on the ibonus was proposed. The bonus would be paid immediate ly. , Representative Donald L. O' Toole (D-NY) would give $4 a day for each day of overseas ser vice and $3 for domestic duty. However, O'Toole's 'bill provides for bonus certificates wihlch could not be cashed for five years. v Despite President Truman's statement that the veterans' pro gram is about in final shape, veterans groups planned renew ed' pressure on Congress for more liberal Government benefits. ?>' Also Introduced yesterday was a bill by Representative Jack Z. Anderson (R-Callf) to exempt from income taxes all compensa tion received by members of the armed forces during* the war, dat ing back to Pearl Harbor. Taxes already paid would be refunded. Corn growers, attention! Yon have something here. No. 10 Hy brid White Seed Corn. 'Will in crease your production. Orders filled as received. Delivery a bout one week.?The Goodwill Store. * onstration met January 6, 1947 at 1:10 o'clock In the Town Hall in Worth Wllkeaboro with 41 council members present. All clubs were represented except Abshers and Mountain View;! Mountain View,is having a course to Home Nursing, Abshers* roads were extremely muddy. Plans were made tor a delay ed Pall Achievement Day. This program will be held in the Ma sonic Hall on Thursday, Febru ary 6 at 1:30 p. m. Each club selected some pibject, that had been carried out during the year of 1946 which will be displayed at the Achievement Day Pro gram. The following committees were appointed: Refreshment, Mrs. John Andrews and Mrs. Earle German; decoration, Mrs. W. E. Snow; program, Mrs. T. W. Ferguson and Mrs. M. F. Bumgairner; courtesy, Mrs. B. R. Eller; serving, Mrs. E. E. Vaught. Mrs. Claude. Johnson, Mrs. Clate Bumgarner, and Mrs. Haggle Faw, corsage, Mrs./Vftley Brooks. - ' The program of Work for 1947 was presented to the group by the Home Agent. Ways and means pf raising money for the council were dis cussed and the following com mittee was appointed: chairman, Mrs. G. W. Scroggs, Mrs. M. F. - prayer J* Hickory Cob Driver ; Is Shot By Ex-Sailor -Hickory.?Roy Dotson, 87, lo cal taxi driver, suffered serious shotgun wnnde in the face early yesterday morning, and Police Chief B. W. Lents ordered ard Young, 18, ex-sailor of otj, held on an assault charge, frotson was in his cab when shot, police reported. ?' im Overcoats. Some extra loog, others broadcloth la dark bines. No f*ir ? offer refused. If it*s f 15.00 or mora The Goodwill Store. TO NEGLECT SNIFFLES, A bottle of Vlcks V?-tro-nol is mighty handy to have around the house be cause this double-duty nose drops... qscqi ndifftt head colds. Makes at the first This: save you much Follow directions In VICKS VA-TBO-MOL Support the Y. M. C. A. NEW Victor Records mry: ? at - i STAFFORD'S ESSL Corner Main and 10th Streets Upstairs 'Phone 677 JUST 6.00x16 and 6.50x16 TIRE ? ALSO? BATTERIES For Chevrolet's and Late Model Fords C E NT SERVICE STATION BIm - * '.*? -? ' v "Your Firestone Dealer'' Sv STARTING THURSDAY ? r . I Maggie at Her Best?,-u. ? ? an Irish Lass With a Heart ? of Gold?And Three ! Gold-Digging God . fathers! Tis the Screen's First Little Lady? ?> In The Finest Role of Her Career! / - MGM { FtlSINTS V=^' ' VN \S LIONEL BARRYMORE LEWIS EDWARD STQNE- ARNOLD RAY COLLINS - JANE DARWEU. CffARLES DINGLE-CYD CHARISSE HARRY DAVENPORT and I /C THOMAS MITCHELL Tom and Jerry Cartoon Pete Smith Special ( "TREASURES PROM TRASH" ^ADVANCENEWS . '?v ? "Good Food Is Good Health'* r ; vT-iv* . ?. v %:'yX ' S * ' ? ' ' -v CHOICE WESTERN STEAKS The finest cuts of meat obtainable are served to our -?5 :i customers ,'- '4 - .-*% V - ? V ' : -V '? ' ? Fresh si?rooi> U Highway 115 (Formerly Parkway Cafe) WE MAKE NO BONES ABOUT IT WE'RE OVERSTOCKED? ON FINE-FURNITURE, SO WE'RE SELLIING TO YOU AT UNPRECEDENTED PRICES. 'EVERY PIECE OF FURNITURE IN STOCK IS BEAUTIFULLY STYLED? AND OF THE finest workmanship, these beautiful pieces of furni ture WERE BARGAINS BEFORE THIS SALE. ARE YOU A DOUBTING THOMAS? THEN COME IN AND LOOK AT THESE REAL FORESTER VALUES AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. This January Furniture ? Clearance includes all of , ?v_ .--5"' ? ' ?. our12- and 3-pieee Iiving room Suites, Studio Conch es (with chairs to match); 9-piece DiningVoom Suites; Innerspring Mattresses, Ceil . Springs; Wardrobes, Kitch en Cabinets, Utility Cabi nets, Base Rockers, Chairs, Lamps, Tables, Book Cases, and many other items too numerous to mention. For Your Furniture Needs ... Forester Leods" Corner B and 10th, Street*. ? North Wilkesboro, N. C m ^ ' '