Tables * -Pi Lamps - Smokers Mirrors Chairs High Chairs Kitchen Stools Kitchen Udders WhatBots Card Tables Robes Cabinets PiMows_ Strollers Record Players Bed Spreads Magazine Racks Hassocks Heaters Bed Springs Medicine Cabinets Baby Cribs Crib Pads Baby Swings X Baby Car Seats BASE ROCKERS AND CHAIRS Tapestry and Velour Covers; Spring Construction *9.95 to|jjL.___ *37.50 ? LESS: 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH 10 PER CENT FOR CREDIT Sofa Beds?In Velour and Tapestry Covers Spring Construction $79.50 and $89.50 * 20% Discount for CASH 10 PER CENT DISCOUNT FOR CREDIT Many Fine'Snites Bargain-Priced! Come See 'Em! 35 BEDROOM SUITES IN STOCK TO GO AT SALE PRICES! i:\ : - V . , ?'glk'V' '? 1 t - %''??" - . ;?* " " t 4-pc. Suite, blond finish, $159.50 SALE PRICE: (cash) .. $127.60 5-pc. Suite, mahogany, $210.00 SALE PRICE (cash) $168.00 5-pc. Suite, mahogany, $194.50 SALE PRICE (cash) .... $155.6C 3-pc. Suite, walnut finish, $119.95 SALE PRICE (cash) $95.95 4-pc. Suite, mahogany finish, $159.50 SALE PRICE (cash) ...... $127.60 MATTRESSES Innerspring Mattress *39.50 to *47.50 . Felt Mattress *24.05 to *41.50 Less: 20% br CASH 11% br CIEKr We WHI Have Some Linoleum Ir Stock To Go at Sale Prices! if - , ^v irw i M. F. RHOADES Main Street, North Wilkesboro, N. C. '' ?? 'M -, 51't ;%*??', fly-" *'.*!? ' %^y~ ; "?. * i ?' i-i' ?' <8 jrJiA'Jfa ??' * ? >-"??" "&? ~?1 - ^ ' ??- '" t v > ? ? i - - 'Mitii iii j (i i ' ? liirHBlir s HETiiPWI & ???&??&- '? ? W. M. ROOPE