: liUhiil Si ? l Y. M. C. A. U rai* a building fund for the of a modern Y. M plant. Support ft. . Ig A 3 A U I fl 1 l /? H / h H H H H I . _g| ?ijb|| * The Journal-Patriot Has biaze^fi iot Has Blazed the Trail of Progress In the "State of Wilkes" For Over 40 Years rv-'. North j| Wilkeaboro 1 tradinf radio* of 50 ?erring 100,000 people m Northwestern Carolina. vol. 41, No. 92 ffip- Published Mondays and Thursdays NORTH WILKESBOBO, N. C., Thursday, March 2a 1947* lip Make North Wilkeebore Your Shopping Center itLEPHONE improvement, civic AND RECREATION PROJECTS AND MUNITY CHEST DISCUSSED Board of Directors of Wilkes Chamber of Commerce Hare Busy Session; Sparger Tells Of Telepfibne Company Plans t "Improvement of the telephone service in North Wilkeeboro and Wilkeeboro awaits only the 50 per cent additional office equip ment scheduled for shipment to the local telephone off lee," W. E. Sparser, district manager of the Central Telephone Company, told the Board of Directors of the Wilkes Chamber of Commerce at a meeting on Tuesday. "This shipment is scheduled for ship nrent from ninety to one hundred and twcurty jlays from now." Sparger pointed out that the shortage of copper and lead is one of the biggest drawbacks to ward getting telephone equip ment. He also reiterated to the Board of Directors of the Wilkes Chamber the fact that one can save time on long distance calls by simply giving the name of the city that one wishes to call to the first operator that answers your telephone. This will make it more convenient for the caller and the operator. The directors of the chamber received a report from a special sub-committee of the Civic Af fairs and Recreation Committees on needed improvements for the towns of North Wilkeeboro and Wilkesboro. This report was adopted by the board and will be presented to the city council as a recommendation of the chamber for improvements. The Board of Directors dis cussed the formation of a Com munity Chest and President J. B. Williams appointed a special committee to make an Investiga tion as to the possibility of or ganizing such a chest in Wilkes County. The manager of > the chamber has been in communi cation with a nuipber of differ ent community chests over the entire country, and the commit tee will study the material se cured by this method. The Board of Directors dis | cussed courtesy tags to put on visitors' cars. It was decided that 1 they should recommend to the city council the printing of such cards as a hospitality gesture to visitors. Present at this meeting 1 were: J. B. Williams, President; Richard Johnston, J. B. Carter, 1 D. V. Deal, W. O. Absher, R. G. Finley, C. J. Swofford, W. K. Sturdivant, J. R. Hix, Russell Gray, Jr., Paul Osborne, N. S. Forester, W. G. Gabriel, W. D. Halfacre, Eugene Trivette, Man ager Forrest Jones, and W. E. Sparger of Central Telephone Co. Recruiting; For Naval Reserve Unit Under Way Recruiting Officer A n nounces Four Hare En listed; May Get Unit ? Petro Kulynych, volunteer re for U. S. Neva nounces that the following named men were enlisted today in the U. S. Naval Rer prve V-6: Byrd, W. B. Rout*/"*, North Wllkesboro; Byrd, M7 E., Route 1, North Wllkesboro; Anderson, J. North Wilkeaboro; Jack son, J. R., North Wllkesboro. They were issued orders to inac tive duty. This is the beginning of a drive to enlist men in the Naval Reserve Inactive Duty. Men from 17 to 18 1-2 anulldlng sites must pay the pur :hase price by April 1. A beautiful tract of land con taining 13.41 acres and subdi vided into 89 building sites waa nade available to veterans when the Wilkes county board of com nlssloners decided to sell that portion of the county home farm property. Veterans made application for the lots, and in order that deeds may be delivered and construc tion of bomes can be started, those in charge have set April 1 is the deadline fcr payment for the lots. Veterans purchasing the lots may obtain their deeds and pos session of the property by full payment to Harry T. Keriey by April 1. Those who fail to pay by that date will forfeit all rights to purchase, Mr. Keriey said. Preliminary plans call for ex tending North Wilkeaboro water lines to the property and ulti mately to Include the housing project in the corporate limits of the town of North Wilkeaboro. rhe property is located on the east side of the county home (arm and north of highway 268. No Driver License For 15-Year-Olds Effective March 19, 1947, Is suance of drivers' license to 15 rear old applicants will be dis continued, aoording to J. C. Br. An emergency bill passed on March 19, 1945, by the State Legislature expired two years after Its ratification. The bill authorized license to 15-yeer >lds. Meeting Friday To Seek Opening Of Tubercular House A public meeting of citizens and groups interested in having the county tubercular hospital re-opened will be held Friday, 7:30 p. m., in the North Wilkes boro town hall. Civic, health and church or ganizations are behind a move ment to have the county commis sioners re-open the county tu bercular hospital as one means of halting the spread of tuberculosis in Wilkes county. A recent re port showed that Wilkes is the third highest county in the state in numiber of cases and that 30 from the county are in state san itoriums, which are filled and have many on the waiting lists. Health authorities said that the situation is alarming because cas es not isolated may spread the disease to many other people. All who are interested in tbe fight against tuberculosis are urged to attend the meeting. Square Dance Friday At Moravian Falls Another in a series of highly enjoyable square dances will be held Friday night, eight o'clock, at tbe Moravian Falls commun ity house. The Moravian Falls square dances have 'been well attended and many have enjoyed the en tertainment and recreation af forded. Wanderers of the Wasteland, popular local string band, will again furnish the music. Profits from the admission charge are for the Community House Im provement fund. All are cordially invited to attend. 'Teen Age Center To Have a Square Dance Wilkes Teen Age Center, which operates in the V. F. W. Hall on C street opposite the North Wilkesboro postoffice, will have a square dance Saturday uight, 7:80. Wanderers of the Wasteland will furnish the music. All boys and girls of 'teen age in Wilkes county are invited.