? FOP SALE FOR SALE: Good Piano, priced right. See Mrs. Alma Robbins] at Traphill Postoffice. It FOR SALE: Motor head for 84 Master Chevrolet, new valves; at Midway Pontlac Co. M. V. Robinson, Pores Knob. It-pd FOR BAIaB: 10 acres of land on Highway 268. fie* C. E. Brown, 5 miles east on 268. 7-10-pd Minimum Charge 50c Per Issue Seed. High purity and germi nation. Wilkes Farm Center, Purina Stqre. 7-10-3t FOR SALE: Corn, Rye, Barley and Milo at Wakefield Farm on highway 8 miles north of Elkin. 7-14-tt-pd DEEDS! Deeds! Warranty Deeds; Deeds of Trust; Mortgage Deeds, and Chattel Mortgages; State Warrants; Notes and all kinds of Legal Blanks. Car ter-Hubbard Publishing Co. Phone 7*. FOR SALE; Will have good can ning peaches last of July and in August. Place orders now. M. V. Robinson, Pores Knob. lt-pd FOR SALE: Rawlslgh's Insect Dust, Fly Killer, Repellent and D. D. T. Rawleigh Products Store, "D" Street (across from Goodwill). Phone 224-M. . ? 5-15-Ti ~ FOR 8AIJIB: -iww ? goat, will be fresh within thir ty days. $26.06 ror the two. C. F. Walker, Oakwoods. mi y i ? , a . _'i FOR SALE: PEACHES?Entire crop of peaches from 2300 tree ' orchard, Georgia Belles and El bertas?two and one-half miles from McConsville, S. C. Con tact S. K. Beal, Lincolnton, NJ C. 7-14-4t FOR SALE: 2 cows to bo fresh In a few days, one Jersey cow and one 1-2 Jersey and 1-2 Guern sey oow. L. O. Elledge, Hays, N. C. 7-4-2t-pd FOR SALE: Late model Home Comfort Range. Wihlte enamel finish. Reasonable. Call Mrs. Whrner Miller, Sr.,- 565-M, Wllkesboro. 7-10-2t-pd FOR SALE: A team of colts a bout 16 months old. A team of mules 6 years old. Good work ing team. See or write: Re* Jennings, Reddles River, Route 1, 8 miles north of North Wll kesboro on highway 18. 7-14-2t-pd '? 1 FOR SALE: A No. 2 Meadows Saw Mill with new 65 h. p. Continental power unit. See C. E. Brown, 5 miles east on highway 268. 7-10-2t-pd FOR SALE: Bine Front Cafe, do nig good business in West El kin. The reason for selling is other Interests. Reasonable price. Ray Cockerham, Elkin, N. C. ltwPd FOR SALE: 1946 Harley-David son Motorcycle, slae 46; 1935 Harley - Davidson Motorcycle, size 74; 1939 model Indian Motorcycle; 20-inch girl's bi cycle. See Everett Lyall at Fairplains. 7-17-3t-pd FOR SALE: 60 x 90 Canvas tent, complete with poles, with ex ception of one end section. See Rev. H. V. Brady, Sunset Tour ist Home, City. 7-14-2t-pd FOR SALE: Dr. F. H. Gilroath farm, located on the Yadkin river, six miles above Wllkes boro. Contains 300 acres, 100 acres are suitable for cultiva tion. Over 100 acres of timiber uncut for forty years. Two good dwellings! two barns and I many other buildings. For J terms see. Dr. and Mrs. F. H. Gilreath, Star Route, Wllkes boro. 7-17-4t-pd FOR SALE: 1041 Studebaker 2 ton truck with Hercules Motor, cab over Engine; In good con dition. See truck at Wilkes "G. I." Texaco Service Station, Wilkeaboro. 7-13-2t FOR SALE: 95 acres of land with 6-room house with base ment and running water. Barn and chicken house and other buildings. See J. G. Bll-' lings,' Roaring R'lver, N. C. Route 1. 7-10-2t-pd FORSALE: 1945 Indian Motor cycle. Can be seen at Forester's Nu-Way Service on Saturday, July 19 at 3 o'clck.. G. R. Wright, Route 3, North Wll kesboro, N. C. 3-17-pd FOR SALE: Two nice building lots In Winston-Salem on Gil mer Avenue one block from Patterson Avenue and bus line. Street and side walk as sessments paid. See H. Leo Anderson, 511 5th street, North Wllkesboro. lt-pd I T 1983 Plymouth ning condition, lag cheap. Call 485-J or see ftjobert L. Poster, Wilkesboro. I - 7-10-2t-pd FOR SALE; T-acres fenced and cross fenced, 2 houses, 6 and 4 rooms; outbuildings and good well, fair orchard. At a bargain for a Quick sale. T. A. Church, at Congo. lt-pd ? wanted WWMWWWHmtHHWWSWM WANTED To BUT: Small farm with buildings, five or six miles out. Must be on Gravel road or hardsurface. Write North-Wilkesboro, Box 602. lt-pd WANTED: To buy a Barley-Dav idson Motorcycle, 40 or later model. See C. G. Tates at the Journal-Patriot Office. Phone 70, North Wilkesboro, N. C. WANTED: To do your reuphol stering. We now have a new line of the latest samples in Vfelour and Tapestry uphol stery material. Our prices are reasonable and our work is guaranteed. We also taylor seat covers for any make, car. Greene Brothers Upholstery Co., 10 miles west of North Wilkesboro jon highway 421. 7-14-4t ? Lost and Found SMSMMSMIMWHtlMMWIfMMI LOST: Helbroe 17-Jewel Watch, on Tenth Street. See Rarvill Oornett, Summit, N. C. lt-pd LOST: 3 beagle hounds?female, white and black spotted?male white with brown ears. Both about 12 inches high. 225 re ward for dogs. See or write: G. W. Wyatt, Vannoy, N. C. 7-14>-2t-pd LOST: Black and white Beagle pup with brownish head, about 12 incheB high. Lost on Red dies River. Finder please noti fy Arthur Mc. Wyatt for liberal reward or phone 31-P-30. 7-10-2t-pd Check this list and supply your needs at The Goodwill Store: Mean's Dress Straw Hats, $1.00 and np; Men's sport Hats, $1.00 and up; Men's Holland-Racine, low priced Oxfords; Men's white handkerchiefs 12 l-2c. 7-10-2t jp? In un limited quantities. Wet mops and hairbrushes at present nn restricted. For Fuller Brush Service call 494, or write Mrs. Sue Sanders. North Wilkes boro. 4-28-tf TUXEDO Poultry Mashes. Scratch Grains, Dairy. Hog, Horse, Dog and Rabbit Feeds. Tuxedo Feed Company, North Wilke boro, Phone 94. ll-18-tf CALL 557-J for any electrical work or service. N. C. state license No. 458. Leo's Electric Shop, 611 Fifth street, North Wilkes boro. 7-14-pd Government Surplus, new and used work clothes, wearing ap parel, shoee and various goods now on sale at low prices.? Smlthey's Department Store, Wil kes boro, N. O. 7-10-Bt We are tarying to sell men's, worn ens', boy's and girl's every day Suss Hats. Gome in and see if we can trade.?Hie Goodwill Store. 7-10-2t NOTICE OF BIDS Notice is hereby given that bids will be received by the Register of Deeds of Wilkes county subject to approval by tie Board of Conh ty Commissioners for building ad ditional vaults in the office of the Register of Deeds and Cleric of the Superior Court of Wilkes County. For specifications for said build ings see Troy Foster, Register of Deeds of Wilkes County, who now has in his possession bine prints and specifications for said build ings. All bids are subject to be rejected or accepted by Wilkes County Board of Commissioners.' Bids will be open from the 11th day of July, 1947, to the 2nd day of August, 1947. This 9th day of iuly, 1947. TROY C. FOSTER, Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners. 7-17-3t Support the Y. M. C. A. I I II Finest styled rayon and cot ton Dress Prnit*.?The Goodwill Store.I ~ 7-10-3St CAIN'S WORM ANU FIT MEDICINE (FOR DOGS) 5tc and $1.00 Per Tranfent RESULTS GUARANTEED T. E. Cain, at City Barter they North Wilkesboro > 8-21T ATHLETES FOOT ITCH HOW TO STOP IT MAKE S MINUTE TEST Cf? TE-OL at any drug store. App'y this POWERFUL PENETRATING fungi, dde FULL STRENGTH. Reacfaee MORI germs to KILL the Itch. Get NEW foot comfort or your 35c back. Today at Today at Braaa Drag Ca. CJNKLE HAN K 5E2 SOUND REASONING HAS CONQUERED MORE MEN tuah mm or guns y EVER OtO.^y*" ? Sound reasoning will tell you that it's important to keep your car or truck on the job. If it's a Chevrolet or Buick, then bring it to the Gaddy Motor Co. for service by mechanics who know it inside and out. Your car is really at home in our shop. So, at the first sign of trouble, drive in for an !>? spection. Call us for fast? WRECKER SERVICE GA DDY MOTOR CO. ^tLuulIn Service ?ecaule We. Put &?icettrst ' UKtJo? Itrm? wSfiWWUoiMiA YES, IT'S ? FRIGIDAIRE Made Only By General Motors ? Beverage Boxes ? Milk Coolers ? Beverage Coolers ? Drinking Fountains ? Hot Water Heaters ? Reach-In Cafe and Grocery Boxes All Electrically Cooled By Frigidaire ? i:V;' r ? ? For Sale By ? HORTON'S DRUG STORE ? See Us For Essotane Bottled Gas, Stoves, Water Heaters, and Hot Plates ' A CRAVEN Klt-LER lurks W THE ^MMcCUHKnCXCKMM.^ anw . SESsSSSs?.. *'"'. ?;?? " 1 PICTURE FRIDAY Shows At ONLY 1 ? 3 ? 7 ? and ? 9 WHERE 1 THE... A BREEZES BLOWJ BIG SPECIALS DICKS Electric Store TABLE and VANITY LAMPS In order to make room for new merchandise we are closing out our entire stock of Lamps at Half Price and Less $10 Lamps as low as $4.00 (We Also Have the Launderall Washer in stock now ?Cabinet Sinks ? Pressure Cookers Filter Queen? ?Vacuum Cleaner Combination Cora? ?Coffee Maker and Hot Plate Portable? ?Naxon Washer Combination? ?Record Player And Ppblic Address System DECK'S Electric Store 'Phone 656-M J For Sale By S. V. TomlnsM Wholesale Grocery North WHkesboro, N. C. Support the Y.M.C.A. STOCK CAR RACES! ? MT. AIRY SPEEDWAY On Highway No. 89 / . ? * ' . r , ... \ .. 4 SUNDAY JULY 13 ? f ) 1 Time Trials 1 P. M. ? Races 2 P. M. 70 Laps of Driving Madness! 50 Laps-Main Event- 50 Laps LIN BUMGARNER J Miles West On Highway 4S1 'hone 25-F-21 North Wflkesboro The FIGHTING, LOVING, SON of GLORY! Edward Small pristnh Mill! v BLAZING A THRILLING NEW TRAIL. ACROSS THE UNTAMED WEST! 1111 < i SHOWING One Day MONDAY only 1-3-5-7-9 LIBERTY mmgm When your breathing gets short and you carit talk straight... When your watch runs fast when it used to run Is When you used to comma! but now you beg.:. ijgl Whe^you caii*'?"*" at a gorgeous "The Trouble With Women A Paramount Pioture starring S6B? I-' \ ' nit i i.i.ani II ? Ray Teresa WRIGHT . Brian DONLEVY with ROSE HOBART."CHARLES SMITH-LEWIS RUSSELL? IRIS ADRIAN - FRANK FAYLEN TOP COMEDY Of the Season! TODAY aid FRtlAY At l-3-5-7-and-9